单词 | 好去 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好去 —god speedless common: bon voyage
另外32个孩子本该在这所学校上学,但因为没有空间容纳他们, 只 好去 另 一个村庄的学校上学,这使他们在途中可能遇到定居者的暴力行为。 unicef.org | Because there is no space for the 32 additional [...] children that should be attending this [...] school, they commute to another village’s [...]school, and this puts them at risk of settler violence along the way. unicef.org |
这些地方中的每一个都对游人有着 很强的吸引力,是休闲和娱乐的好去 处。 paiz.gov.pl | Each of these places are highly attractive for tourists and are places of both relaxation and interest. paiz.gov.pl |
这里的海滩是游览当地景点,聆听当地声音的好地方,更是在孟买体验星期天美好晚上 的 好去 处。 shangri-la.com | Beaches are a great place to absorb local sights and sounds, and experience how Sunday evenings are generally spent in Mumbai. shangri-la.com |
集市是购物的好去处, 特别是可以讨价还价,大多数城市都至少有一个常设集市,如霍巴特的 Salamanca 集市。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Markets are a great place to shop, especially for a bargain, and most cities have at least one permanent bazaar, such as Hobart's Salamanca Market. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
莫塞尔湾外的“朱卡尼野生动物保护区”是孩子们的度过时光 的 好去 处 , 在那里能够看到美洲虎、狮子、美洲豹等大型猫科动物。 msccruises.com.cn | Treat the children to great days out at the Jukani Wildlife Ranch, home to the big cats (jaguars, lions, leopards), just outside Mossel Bay or the local aquarium. msccruises.com.au |
如今的阿玛城(Armagh City)为游客们准备了大量旅游观光的 好去 处 ,既有历史景点又有充满生机、极富现代感的酒馆。 discoverireland.com | Modern Armagh City now offers the visitor a whole host of attractions from historical sites to contemporary and very lively pubs. discoverireland.com |
各界人士當然可以各施各法,用民意調查也好、簽名運動也好、民間投票 也 好 , 去 蒐 集 巿民的意見。 hkupop.hku.hk | Of course, different people can use different means, like opinion polling, petitions, civil referendums, and so on to collect opinion. hkupop.hku.hk |
在冬天桑拿健 身中心是休闲娱乐的好去处, 遍及全城的 咖啡屋和茶室则是学习、阅读和聊天的 好地方。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | In winter you can unwind in one of the saunas or wellness oases, or you can acquaint yourself with the umpteen cafes and tea shops, that are ideal for learning, reading or just chatting. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
春夏的時候,這裡綠油油的草地及溫暖太陽是野餐 的 好去 處。 4tern.com | During spring and summer, the green grass and the warm sun, make it an ideal place for outdoor activities and picnics. 4tern.com |
总是准备好去冒险与他的父亲下垂。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | And is always ready to go on adventures [...] with his dad Droopy. seekcartoon.com |
泖塔广场绿化覆盖率极高,并拥有深厚的历史文化,成为举办具有东方色彩或古朴典雅的主题晚宴 的 好去 处。 sunislandclub.com | With the lush greenery and rich heritage of Chinese history, the venue is suitable for oriental theme events or a simple elegant dinner. sunislandclub.com |
而在市区,您则可以到贝尔法斯特的拉甘峡谷地区公园里走走看看,这里集公园,野餐地和野生动物栖息地于一身,还拥有一座史前纪念碑,是放松身心 的 好去 处。 discoverireland.com | In the city, you can lose yourself in Belfast’s Lagan Valley Regional Park, a mixture of public parks, picnic areas and wildlife sanctuaries, as well as a pre-historic monument. discoverireland.com |
如您在購物旅程後需要稍事休息,倫敦的女皇御用雜貨商 Fortnum and Mason 是享用香茶糕點的好去處,至於豪華的 Harvey Nichols 亦不遑多讓。 visitbritain.com | If you're in need of refreshment after a shopping trip, the Queen's grocer Fortnum and Mason in London is a lovely setting for tea and cakes as is the luxurious store, Harvey Nichols. visitbritain.com |
Braga City Walk位于Bandung市的历史最悠久的中心地带,目前已发展为占地10000平方米,集商店,酒店,名胜地为一体的休 闲 好去 处。 krugerfan.com | Developed on 10000 sq m land by Agung Podomoro Group, encompassing shops, hotel and apartment, Braga City Walk is a beautiful place and interesting place in Bandung. krugerfan.com |
每年为超过半数的美国家庭服务,J. C. Penney 品牌提供了大量的私有、专营民族品牌,这反映了该公司的愿景,那就是希望以具有竞争力的价格发现好的风格,成为美国购物 的 好去 处。 china.blackstone.com | Serving more than half of America's families each year, the jcpenney brand offers a wide array of private, exclusive and national brands which reflect the Company's vision to be America's shopping destination for discovering great styles at compelling prices. blackstone.com |
旺格雷的城市湾(Town Basin)是欣赏艺术作品和手工艺品的 好去 处 , 也是品尝一顿美味餐点的理想地点。 cn.yha.co.nz | Whangarei’s colourful Town Basin is great for browsing arts and crafts and having a tasty meal. yha.co.nz |
Andrea在许多儿童癌症医院担任志愿者之后,决心要为儿童设立专属空间,让他们和其他患有类似疾病的儿童共同对抗病魔,这里将成为儿童们离开医院 的 好去 处 , 也将是儿童们的期待之旅。 clarinsusa.com | After volunteering in a number of paediatric cancer hospitals, Andrea wanted to create a place for the children where they could get away from hospitals and be with others who were going through similar ordeals. clarinsusa.com |
你會發現揚帆、船隻、穿梭在這個曾是很忙碌的海港,如今卻是個休閒 的 好去 處。 4tern.com | Akaroa was once a busy port, but now, it has been a fun and relaxing spot during the weekends. 4tern.com |
这样,学习人员就会理解新真理一些方面,并准 备 好去 明 白 其他方面。 sallee.info | The learner will then understand some aspect of the new truth and be ready to appreciate other aspects. sallee.info |
延绵17公里的公路旁有保存完好的马尔代夫村落和星罗棋布的当地咖啡店,呈现一派纯朴自然之象,是探寻别样生活方式和了解真正马尔代夫文化 的 好去 处。 shangri-la.com | Unspoiled Maldivian villages and local coffee shops along this route provide an authentic setting in which to explore the fascinating lifestyle and culture of the real Maldives. shangri-la.com |
MEROS不仅是一个可以了解日本的地方,还是一个可以通过同学们了解不大同国家的文化和习惯 的 好去 处。 meros.jp | In Meros, you can understand Japan and also know culture and customs though students from different countries. meros.jp |
深圳有很多休閒娛樂的好去處 ( 例如:購物商城),以及其他觀光景點。 seagate.com | Shenzhen has plenty of entertainment options such as shopping centres and other tourist attractions. seagate.com |
信不信由您,芬兰是一个节日的好去 处。 visitfinland.com | Believe it or not, Finland is [...] the place to go for festivals. visitfinland.com |
这些全新的绿色空间对这座过度都会化的城市弥足珍贵,它们除了是轻松休闲 的 好去 处 外 ,同时也让孩子能看着一座绿意盎然的公园逐渐枝繁叶茂,生生不息。 audemarspiguet.com | These new green spaces, which are highly precious in this over-urbanised city, have become areas of relaxation and allow the children to observe the growth of a wooded park. audemarspiguet.com |
从遮天蔽日的森林小径到能纵揽全景的山路,或是冰冻湖面和海面的雪道,都是越野滑雪 的 好去 处。 visitfinland.com | Anything from sheltered forests and panoramic fell routes to tracks on lakes and seas are there for the exploring. visitfinland.com |
MEGA 商場(www.megamall.ru) 現時有三間,都位於Moscow Circle [...] Road,而每個商場內都有超過250間不同的商舖,包括各式的商店、食肆、影院,和溜冰場,是值得逛一逛 的 好去 處。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | MEGA shopping malls (www.megamall.ru) (currently three in Moscow, all situated on the Moscow Circle Road – MKAD - to the north and [...] south of Moscow) are a good place to browse [...] with more than 250 outlets in each, including [...]shops, restaurants, cinemas and an ice rink. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
這裏您可以享受到購物樂趣,交通便利,還有許多品嚐美食美酒 的 好去 處。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The dynamic city offers great shopping, convenient transportation and an abundance of places to wine and dine. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
澳門特別行政區行政長官何厚鏵於2001年11月20日發表的2002年度施政報告中表示:「政府多個部門正共同策劃和覓地興建一個寓學習於活動的青少年科技館,讓廣大青少年在輕鬆愉快的環境下開拓視野,領略不可思議的科學奧秘」,並發展成一個「集求知、休閒和娛樂於一體的區域,成為學生、市民度過閒暇 的 好去 處 」。 msc.org.mo | In his Policy Address 2002 published on November 20, 2001, the Chief Executive, Mr. Edmund Ho, disclosed: “Several departments of the government are planning and search for a place to build a new youth technology museum with the objective to provide a facility where youngsters will be able to broaden their minds in a friendly, happy environment, while gaining more knowledge of the cutting edge technologies that drive our world today”, and it will be a “place with [...] integrated function for learning, rest and [...] amusement, and a good place for students [...]and citizens to spend their leisure time”. msc.org.mo |
除了首都地點如位於格林威治 (Greenwich) 的Royal Naval College,以及南岸 (South Bank) 的英國國家電影院 (National Film Theatre),這齣電影展示了多個英格蘭鮮為人知的旅 遊 好去 處 , 特別是位於史密斯菲爾 (Smithfields) 令人讚嘆的St Bartholomew the Great中世紀教堂。 visitbritain.com | As well as capital locations like the Royal Naval College at Greenwich and the National Film Theatre on South Bank, the film shows off some of England's hidden gems, especially the jaw-dropping medieval church of St Bartholomew the Great in Smithfields. visitbritain.com |