单词 | 好兵帅克 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好兵帅克 —The Good Soldier Švejk (Schweik), satirical novel by Czech |
希特勒——不请自来,他统帅的德 国部队也是只为一个目的而来 :坦克、飞机和运兵舰需 要用油。 volvospiritmagazine.com | Again, his German armies had only one thing on their mind – oil for their tanks, planes and troop carriers. volvospiritmagazine.com |
那队士兵由俄罗斯帝国陆军元帅巴克 莱 •德托利 (Barclay de Tolly) 率领,于1809年突袭瑞典成功,回程却葬身冰海。 visitfinland.com | A mound of stones on Valsörarna’s main island commemorates [...] the death of at least 400 soldiers, led by Russian General Barclay [...]de Tolly, who perished on [...]the frozen sea returning from an assault on Sweden in 1809 during the so-called Finnish War. visitfinland.com |
54由 于这些恐怖分子距离坦克兵 1 50 0 米左右,使用机关枪不奏效,坦克指挥官便决 定使用“冰雹”火箭弹,因为火箭弹在开阔地效果 最 好。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tank commander therefore decided to use flechette shells, based on an assessment that they would be the most effective in open terrain. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一行动,加上科威特 2010 年归还 的 55 具伊拉克士兵遗骸 ,表明虽然已过去多年,但寻找失踪人员的持续专业工 [...] 作还是有效的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Together with the return by Kuwait of the [...] remains of 55 Iraqi soldiers in 2010, this illustrates [...]the effectiveness of sustained [...]professional efforts in finding missing people despite the passage of years. daccess-ods.un.org |
这让我们疑问,什么样的主帅能处理 好 这 样 的事情呢--本来有很好的机会赢得比赛,却输给了实力明显弱的一方? sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | This leaves us with the question as to what kind of manager fields a decidedly weakened side for the only competition they had a good chance of winning? sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
我 们 理解手头任务的困难,但我们能够做些什么使驻地士 兵受到更好的保护? daccess-ods.un.org | We understand the difficulty of the task at hand, but what can we do to [...] ensure that the soldiers in the field are better protected? daccess-ods.un.org |
近日,主帅哈里•雷德克纳普 抨击他的球员们似乎缺乏赢得比赛的动力,甚至暗示某些“明星球员”被高估啦。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Recently, [...] manager Harry Redknapp slammed his players for seemingly [...]lacking the motivation to win and even suggested that [...]some of the “stars” are overrated. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
报告中载有十二项建议,其中三项是对大会的,四项是对秘书长的,五项是 对联合国系统各组织行政首长的;这些建议的落实将有助于联合国系统在其内部 环境管理方面更好地发挥表帅作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report contains twelve recommendations, three addressed to the General Assembly, four to the Secretary-General, and five to executive heads of United Nations system organizations, the implementation of which should contribute to an enhanced role for the United Nations system to lead by example in improving its internal in-house environmental management. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,为方便起见,我们ubicated在8分钟从 苏 克 雷 元 帅 国 际 机场。 instantworldbooking.com | And, for your convenience we are ubicated at 8 min from the Mariscal Sucre International Airport. instantworldbooking.com |
以色列占领部队有时还动用坦克、 装甲 运 兵 车 和 全副武装的步兵对加沙 地带进行短暂的地面攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli occupation forces also [...] occasionally made brief land forays against [...] the Gaza Strip using tanks, armoured personnel [...]carriers and heavily armed infantry. daccess-ods.un.org |
旅舍位于中心的新城区,香格里拉元 帅 , 近 的一切,如 很 好 的 餐 馆,博物馆,酒吧和机场,但旅馆位于安静的区域,使客人留在我们的旅馆冷静,安全。 instantworldbooking.com | The hostel is conveniently located in the center of the [...] new town, La Mariscal, near to everything such as very good restaurants, [...]museums, bars, and airport, [...]but the hostel is located at quiet area so that the guests stay at our hostel calmly and safely. instantworldbooking.com |
首先,他们认为,帅哥除了长的好看 还 要白。 chinesestoryonline.com | First, in their eyes, besides being good looking, a handsome man should be white, which explained why they often called a handsome man "white jade man (玉人, Yu Ren)". chinesestoryonline.com |
乌克兰拥有大量武器库存,其枪支数量与 乌 克兰 士兵的比例为 54:1,而世界接受的比例为 2:1 左右; 而且乌克兰拥有大量多余的大型飞机,包括超大型的 安东诺夫和伊留申飞机。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has huge stocks — there are 54 firearms for every Ukrainian soldier, as against the accepted world ratio of around 2:1 — and a large surplus of large planes, including oversized Antonov and Ilyushin models. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于上述关切,并且由于黎巴嫩仍有 民 兵 和 民 兵 活 动, 更 好 地 管理和控制黎 巴嫩的陆地边界,对于防止非法武器流向武装团体至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the above-mentioned concerns and the continuing [...] existence and activities of militias in Lebanon, improving the [...]management and control of Lebanon’s [...]land borders is critical to prevent the illegal flow of weapons to armed groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
良知与和平税国际(CPTI) 指出,替代性服役的时间已经缩短为12 个月,正 好与兵役时间相同。 daccess-ods.un.org | Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI) noted [...] the positive development of shortening [...]of the alternative service to 12 months, [...]which became equal to the duration of the military service. daccess-ods.un.org |
驻伊拉克多国部队由 40 [...] 个国家的军队组成, 美利坚合众国是最大的部队派遣国;2007 年冲突高峰时,美国在伊拉克部署了 165 000 名士兵。 daccess-ods.un.org | Troops from 40 countries were part of MNF-I, with the single largest troop-contributing [...] nation being the United States of America, [...] which had 165,000 soldiers deployed in Iraq at the peak [...]of the conflict in 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多情况中,黎巴嫩一方提出,联黎部队士兵 [...] 拍照或意外进入私人宅地,被认为是侵犯了个人或当 地社区的隐私,并把它作为对我们士 兵 采 取不 友 好举 动的理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | In many instances, the Lebanese side cites a perceived infringement of the individual’s or local community’s privacy by the UNIFIL troops [...] taking photos or inadvertently entering private property as [...] the reason for the unfriendly behaviour towards [...]our troops. daccess-ods.un.org |
截至 2010 年 11 月,美国驻伊拉克部队中仍有大约 50 000 名士兵留在伊拉克。 daccess-ods.un.org | By November 2010, the remaining USF-I troop strength in Iraq was approximately 50,000 troops. daccess-ods.un.org |
加州大学洛杉矶分校医学和生化系教 授 帅克 博 士 来访,并作题为:“Regulation [...] of Cell Signaling Pathways by Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT (PIAS)”的学术报告。 nutrition.ac.cn | Dr. Ke Shuai, Professor of Department [...] of Medicine & Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, [...]visited INS and gave a lecture entitled "Regulation of Cell Signaling Pathways by Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT (PIAS)". nutrition.ac.cn |
三名士兵处于休克状 态,身上有伤口、青肿和钝挫伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | All three soldiers were in a state of [...] shock and were suffering from cuts, bruises and blunt force trauma. daccess-ods.un.org |
小組委員會從這個角度出發建議作進一步澄清、更多 的 克 制 、 實現 更好 的平 衡、更大的實用性;並確保執業者、廣大市民,特別是很多對市民提供 [...] 意見但沒有就初稿進行深入討論的非政府組織,有足夠的時間就這些巨大的 改變來對自己進行教育。 legco.gov.hk | From this angle, the Subcommittee had [...] made suggestions for greater [...] clarification, for more restraint, for better balance, for [...]greater practicability, and to ensure [...]that practitioners, the wider public and particularly the numerous NGOs advising them who have not had the benefit of in-depth discussion of earlier drafts, will have sufficient time to educate themselves on this mammoth change. legco.gov.hk |
坦克、装甲车和士兵,应当被推土 机、工程师和支助司法和刑事系统的更多的警察教官 和专家所取代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tanks, armoured vehicles and soldiers should have given [...] way to bulldozers, engineers, and more police instructors and experts [...]in support of the judicial and penal systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们感到鼓舞 [...] 的是,正在制定一项支助计划,它将不仅使非索特派 团得以继续开展行动,而且也得以充分达到其授 权兵 力,从而更好地完成任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are therefore encouraged that a support package is being put in place that will enable AMISOM not [...] only to sustain its operations but also to attain its full [...] authorized strength so that it can better fulfil its mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
其次是以色列雇佣兵亚伊尔·克莱因被哥伦比亚一家法院定罪,罪 名是 1980 年代和 1990 年代期间培训了哥伦比亚准军事团体的若干成员和贩毒分 子的民兵。 daccess-ods.un.org | The second was the conviction of the Israeli mercenary Yair Klein by a court in Colombia for training several members of Colombian paramilitary groups and militias of drug traffickers during the 1980s and 1990s. daccess-ods.un.org |
y 是土库曼斯坦武装力量最高统帅,做 出总动员或局部动员指示,动 用武装力量并使其进入战斗状态,任命土库曼斯坦武装力量的最高 指挥官 daccess-ods.un.org | Serves as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan; issues orders for general or partial mobilization, use and deployment of the Armed Forces; appoints the Armed Forces High Command. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是,苏丹解放军和一些 叛军及民兵,包括忠于乔治·阿托尔中将(前苏丹解放军)、Olonyi 上尉(希鲁克 民兵)和戴 维·亚乌-亚乌(穆尔勒民兵)的部队之间的再次爆发冲突,对琼莱州、 上尼罗州和联合州的平民造成严重威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, conflicts between SPLA and a number of insurgents and militia, including forces loyal to Lieutenant-General George Athor (former SPLA), Captain Olonyi (Shilluk milita) and David Yau Yau (Murle milita), resumed, posing a significant threat to civilians in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity States. daccess-ods.un.org |
你永远无法知道教练的脑子里在想些什么, 就 好 像 利 物浦 主 帅 布 伦 丹 - 罗杰斯的决定,他用3名中场球员对抗曼联队,却让新收购的王牌丹尼尔斯图里奇坐在板凳上。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | You can never know what goes on in a [...] manager’s mind, like when Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers decided to start with 3 midfielders [...]against Manchester [...]United and leave newly acquired ace Daniel Sturridge on the bench. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
今天在展开的政治斗争显然表明,正如菲德 尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯统帅昨天 在有关北约的灭绝种族 作用的文章中写的那样,“不仅必需结束封锁,而且 [...] 还必需结束我们星球上制造不公正、破坏自然资源和 危害人类生存的制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The political battle being waged [...] today clearly shows, as Commander-in-Chief [...] Fidel Castro Ruz wrote yesterday in [...]an article on the genocidal role of NATO, “the [...]need to put an end not just to the blockade but also to the system that engenders injustice on our planet, degrades its natural resources and jeopardizes human survival. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年 5 月,我的儿童 与武装冲突问题特别代表访问乌干达,在此期间会晤了乌干达国防军 统帅 Aronda Nyakayrima 将军,重申这些关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | These concerns were reiterated by my Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict during her meeting with the Uganda Chief of Defence Forces, General Aronda Nyakayrima, during her visit to Uganda in May 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |