单词 | 好像 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好像 conjunction —as if conj好像 —seem like
但是,如果有条件解释性声明实际上 的“行为好像”一 保 留,是否符合保留允许性条件的问题对于条约关系的内容和(甚至存在)并没有实 [...] 际的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in the event that the [...] conditional interpretative declaration [...] actually “behaves like” a reservation, [...]the question of whether it meets the conditions [...]for the permissibility of reservations does have a real impact on the content (and even the existence) of treaty relations. daccess-ods.un.org |
每个商店完全可以自主管理好像是独立于该电子商场。 javakaiyuan.com | Every store seems to be completely self-management independent of the electronic store . javakaiyuan.com |
您可試試此處所有 的瀏覽控制,就好像使用家用型 DVD 播放機的標準 遙控器一樣。 site.theimportsworld.com | Use the navigation controls here as you would on a standard remote control of a home DVD player. site.theimportsworld.com |
民 建 聯 建 議 特區政 府 : (一 )研究建 立一套 國 際 認 可 的 標 準 , 評 估 企 業的 社 會及環境責任;事 實上, 好 像剛才所提 SA 8000 等 , 已有很 多 準 則 可以給 我們作為參 考 , 而令政 府 很 快 能 夠 定 出標準 ( 如果政 府 願 意這樣做的 話 ) ; (二 )考 慮 制訂指引,規定上 市 公司每 年公布其落實社 會及環境責任的工作 , 事 實上, 在 西 方 國家,基本上都 有 指引要求上 市 公司做 這些報告,當 然 是 自 願 性 質 , 但 我們連 這個指引也沒有;(三 )鼓勵在港的 上 市 公司,每 年 預留一 筆 款 項 ,專門 用於研究和開 發的基金 , 以落實其社 會及環境責任。 legco.gov.hk | The DAB suggests the SAR Government to, firstly, study the formulation of a set of internationally recognized standards for assessing corporations' social and environmental responsibility; in fact, there are already many criteria to which we can make reference, such as the SA 8000 mentioned earlier and so, the Government can set such standards very quickly (as long as the Government is willing to do so). legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,關於我提出的修正案,為免延續將議案變 成 好像 掛 聖誕 樹飾物,或掛新年願望般的做法,令議案內容因而變得冗長,使公眾和 [...] 傳媒難以理解,所以我的修正案只點出政府要盡快落實上一屆立法會的 “有關長者貧窮報告”和扶貧委員會報告的相關內容。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, concerning my [...] amendment, in order to avoid adding details [...] to the motion as if hanging decorations to a Christmas [...]tree or a New Year wishing tree, [...]thus rendering the motion cumbersome and incomprehensible to the public and media, my amendment only asks the Government to expeditiously implement the recommendations on the related issues made in the last term of the Legislative Council in the Report on Elderly in Poverty and the Report of the Commission on Poverty. legco.gov.hk |
保留一旦成立,保留者与保留对之成立的当事方之间发生的一切条约关系 就好像条约中没有保留所提到的条款。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once the reservation is established, everything in the treaty relations between the author of the reservation and the parties with regard to which the reservation is established takes place as if the treaty did not include the provision referred to in the reservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
i. 個別政府部門的電子服務相當出色, 好像 稅 務局的「稅務易」及「物業電子 印花」服務透過一個網站,讓已登記用戶使用一系列的電子服務辦理薪俸稅 [...] 及印花稅的相關事宜,包括填寫報稅表、繳交稅款、查閱繳稅紀錄及所需 繳付的稅款、計算稅款等(參看 www.gov.hk/etax)。稅務局的例子可供改革 [...]其他政府服務時參考。 procommons.org.hk | They have provided registered users a wide range of [...] electronic services and transactions in [...] relation with their salaries tax and stamp [...]duties account in one single portal, including [...]filling tax returns, payments, checking records of payments and tax returns, and the calculation of an estimated tax return (see www.gov.hk/etax). The examples from the Inland Revenue Department could serve as a model for the Government services. procommons.org.hk |
我在使用 Jabra GO 6400 和 IBM Sametime Softphone 时好像遇到了远程呼叫控制问题。 jabra.cn | I seem to have remote call control issues while using my Jabra GO 6400 with an IBM Sametime Softphone. jabra.com |
在特别委员会通过决议必须提醒和告诫美利坚 合众国政府,近期由众议院通过的第 2499 号法案是 一场闹剧,因为其中的自决权方案之一仍然属于殖 民主义,这些方案的立足点好像与国 家法承认的去 殖民化方案一样。 daccess-ods.un.org | The adoption of the resolution before the Special Committee must remind and warn the Government of the United States of America that Bill 2499, recently adopted by the House of Representatives, was a farce because one of the self-determination options it offered was continued colonialism, as though that were on an equal footing with the decolonization options recognized in international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
只要初级情绪大体上被控制住,游戏就提供了表达初级情绪的机会;初级情绪通过 “好像”因 素而被“拙劣地模仿”(在这个游戏中呈现的情绪 “ 好像 ” 是 “真的”),而这样 做没有真实的后果。 ipaworld.org | It offers the opportunity to express primary emotions as long as they are substantially controlled; primary emotions are ‘parodied’ in play by the ‘as if ’ element (‘as if ’ the emotions being presented in this play are ‘real’) yet without the real consequences. ipaworld.org |
教師若只是指導學生採用固定的傳統運算方法來學習,學 生 好像 沒有經歷旅程而到達目的地。 3890.com.hk | Merely directing them to follow [...] the traditional rules or algorithms in a [...] fixed fashion is like expecting them [...]to arrive without having made the journey. 3890.com.hk |
如果不能把握这些机遇,那么城市就失去了可持续性和宜居性, 就 好像 对 城 市 开发不当和不合时宜会导致遗产损毁,给后世子孙造成不可挽回的损失一样。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Failing to capture these opportunities leads to unsustainable and [...] unviable cities, just as implementing [...]them in an inadequate and inappropriate manner [...]results in the destruction of heritage assets and irreplaceable losses for future generations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不過,如果候選人的數目好像1996年 時超過一名,巿民應該會更加關注各候選人的政綱和能力,民調的參考價值亦會相應提高。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, if there is more [...] than one candidate like in 1996, people [...]will definitely pay more attention to the candidates' [...]platform and ability, thereby increasing the reference value of opinion surveys. hkupop.hku.hk |
好像这一 报告还不算太糟糕,另一媒体报告披露,在中兴为伊朗政府建造了复杂的电信网络之后,美国网络设备巨头思科(Nasdaq: CSCO)也切断了向中兴供应其路由器和交换机的长期合作关系。 youngchinabiz.com | As if the report wasn’t bad enough, another media report disclosed that US networking equipment giant Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO) has also severed a long-standing relationship to supply its routers and switches to ZTE after the Chinese company constructed a sophisticated telecoms network for the Iranian government. youngchinabiz.com |
但是这好像没有 意识到这种安排可能会带来 的其他风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | There however seemed to be a lack of awareness of other potential risks that could arise from such arrangements. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个问题确实是一个重要问题,并受到联合国和其他 国际组织的极大重视;顺便提到这个问题, 并 好像 在 这 方面就承诺和保证不重复 的要求提出“适当不过”的标准,可能没有反映出问题的复杂性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The subject is indeed an important one that has received substantial attention by the United Nations and other international organizations, and an off-hand reference to the subject that seems to suggest a “hardly out of place” standard for the requirement of assurance and guarantees of non-repetition in this context may not reflect the complexity of the issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
还建议进一步采取 3 个步骤:使工具箱具有 更大的互动性,好像维基百科那样;把它改造成一个准网络,每个实例至少提供 一个亲身参与其事的人,以便人们可以直接就其经验进行通信;和对走过这些过 程的人进行在线调查,了解他们的主要相关问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Three additional steps were recommended: make the toolkit more interactive, such as a Wikipedia; convert it into a quasi-network by identifying at least one person personally involved in each case study with whom people can communicate directly about the experience; and do an online survey with those who have gone through these processes for their key pertinent questions. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列的行事作法使其好像是一个凌驾于法律之上的国家, 它对法律以及遵守法律和呼吁尊重法律者表现出蔑视。它的继续有罪不受惩罚必 须受到国际社会的抵制,因为这有可能进一步破坏当地局势的稳定,损害为实现 将给巴勒斯坦和以色列两方面的公民都带来和平与安全的和平、公正解决办法而 恢复可信的谈判的任何机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel’s continued impunity, acting as a State above the law and demonstrating contempt for the law and for those who adhere to it and call for its respect, must be completely rejected by the international community for it threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and undermines any chance for credible negotiations to be resumed towards the achievement of a peaceful and just solution that will bring peace and security for both Palestinian and Israeli citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于全纳教育与整合问题的辩论,涉及的并不是整合与全纳政策、模式之 间的二分问题——好像我们 无须全纳就可以整合,或者在不整合的情况下就能 做到全纳一样,而是在认识到每一所学校都负有把所有人全部纳入的道德责任 这一前提下,了解能在多大程度上取得进展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The debate on inclusive education and integration is not about a dichotomy between integration and inclusion policies and models—as if we could integrate without including, or include without integrating—but rather about identifying to what extent there is progress in the understanding that each school has the moral responsibility to include everyone. unesdoc.unesco.org |
粗看一下这三个36X14米 的平面,它们好像都是 由传统的房间与走廊组成。 chinese-architects.com | The three 36-by-14 meters building plans seem to be composed of conventional rooms and corridors. chinese-architects.com |
如 果 ‚ 關 係 ‛ 這 個 概 念 作 為 防 上 強 迫 入 罪 的 一 種 方 法 是 正 確 的 話,在 邏 輯 上 則 應 將 反 對 可 強 制 作 證 的 原 則 擴 大 至 包 括 其 他 關 係,好 像 在 維 多 利 亞 州 及 南 澳 大 利 亞 州 一 樣 , 而 不 是 把 這 個 關 於 配 偶 的 原 則 廢 除 。 hkreform.gov.hk | If the concept of relationship as a bar to compulsory incrimination is itself a valid one, then logic would be on the side of extending the rule against compellability to other relationships, as has been done in Victoria and South Australia, rather than abolishing the rule for spouses. hkreform.gov.hk |
就好像您的 耳朵里有一个私人助理,但感觉会舒适得多。 jabra.cn | It’s like having a personal [...] assistant in your ear, only more comfortable. jabra.com |
請注意 請注意 請注意 請注意:在兩團隊中保持領導人等級,意味著即便一個品牌合作夥伴可能會達到合格的小要求,如果在每月的基礎上合格的層級不能保持 保持 保持 保持的話, 品牌合作夥伴將被視為,好像沒有達到層級並喪失循環獎金收入的相對部分,直到它又變成合格為止。 vemmaasia.com | PLEASE NOTE: Maintaining the leader ranks in both teams means that although a Brand Partner may meet the highest achieved pin rank requirement, if the qualified “Paid As” rank is not MAINTAINED on a monthly basis, the Brand Partner will be treated as if the level was not attained and forfeit the corresponding portion of their cycle bonus income until it becomes qualified again. vemmaasia.com |
一些用剩小半瓶的lotion我用小瓶裝起來可以嗎 , 好像 有 不明物品的嫌疑? 4tern.com | I have some left over lotion, can I use a smaller bottle to repack it? 4tern.com |
塞尔维亚将建设性地、真诚地寻求同普里什蒂纳 达成妥协,就好像它从未选择单方面宣布独立一样。 daccess-ods.un.org | Serbia will pursue a compromise with Pristina [...] constructively and in good faith, as if they [...]had never opted for UDI. daccess-ods.un.org |
多年以来,人们把太多的注意力放在所谓“贵族”社区 , 好像 温 西 ,西温哥华还有列治文和本拿比的一些地区;导致那里的物业价格不断攀升。 homewithtyra.com | For years and years, people put way too much attention on the so call “prestigous” areas such as Vancouver Westside, West Vancouver and some parts in Richmond and Burnaby, as a result that, the market value of the properties in those areas flies dramatically. homewithtyra.com |
例如,他們的電郵伺服器或會拒絕傳輸那些並非由寄件者撰寫的電子郵件 ( 好像 拒 絕把服務訂戶所收到的電郵轉寄給第三者);又或整理出一份電郵伺服器黑名單(即拒絕接收從黑名單上伺服器所發出的電子郵件);又或限制那些預先繳費戶口發送電郵的數量。 hkcert.org | For example, their email servers may refuse the transmission of emails not composed by the sender (such as rejecting to forward an email received by the subscriber to the third party); or they may maintain a blacklist of email servers (i.e. reject to take in emails sent from blacklisted servers); or they may limit the quantity of emails sent from prepaid accounts. hkcert.org |
c. 执行上面的步骤后,如果喷嘴或软管 好像 仍完 全堵塞,请极为缓慢地松开喷嘴护罩锁紧螺母 或软管端部的联接,并逐渐释放压力,然后完全 松开。 graco.com | c. After following the steps above, if the spray tip or hose still seems completely clogged, very slowly loosen the tip guard retaining nut or hose end coupling and relieve pressure gradually, then loosen completely. graco.com |
他的很多作品都受到纸张使用和再利用的启发, 就 好像 使 用 和再利用其他材料及各种思想与文化的融合。 ycis-bj.com | The common thread through much of his personal work is his observation of paper as a metaphor for the use and reuse of materials and ideas, the mixing of thoughts, cultures and intentions which creates the depth of human experience. ycis-bj.com |
不管用户是在上网冲浪、网络聊天或撰写论文,Chatterbot配件将通过滑稽事实、俏皮话和肢体反应对他/她的虚拟生活进行评论 , 好像 是 用户潜意识的表现。 tipschina.gov.cn | Whether surfing the web, chatting online, or typing a term paper, the Chatterbot accessories will comment on the user's virtual life with comical facts, quips, and physical reactions, serving as an outlet to the subliminal. tipschina.gov.cn |