

单词 她本人

See also:

本人 n

himself n
oneself n


in person
the person himself
I (humble form used in speeches)

人本 adj

humanistic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

內務委員會主席表示,上述議案分別 由李卓人議員她本人動議 ,而議案措辭已送 交議員。
The Chairman said that the above motions would be moved by Mr LEE
[...] Cheuk-yan and herself respectively, [...]
and the wording of the motions had been issued to Members.
全委會主席 全委會主席 全委會主席
[...] 全委會主席:我會請吳靄儀議員就保安局局長所動議的修正案 她本人 的修 正案發言。
CHAIRMAN (in Cantonese): I will call upon Miss NG to speak on the amendment moved by the Secretary for
[...] Security as well as her own amendment.
[...] 展有意見的議員可向立法會行政管理委員會提出有 關意見,而范徐麗泰議員她本人樂 意 將議員的意 見轉達評審委員會。
Members who had views on the development of the new LegCo Complex were welcomed to forward such views
to The Legislative Council Commission, and both
[...] Mrs Rita FAN and herself would be happy [...]
to convey Members’ views to SSB.
[...] 2011 年执行局主席在开幕词中说,担任这一职务对她的国家她 本人都是一个巨大的荣誉。
In her opening remarks, the newly elected President of
the Executive Board for 2011 said that serving in this office was a great
[...] honour for her country and for her personally.
[...] 政治行为足以引起埃塞俄比亚当局的兴趣,她也未提出任何其他具体证据,表明 埃塞俄比亚当局正在找她,或如果被遣返回埃塞俄比亚 她本人 会 有 遭受酷刑的 风险。
In the Committee's view, the complainant has failed to adduce sufficient evidence about the conduct of any political activity of such significance that would attract the interest of the Ethiopian authorities, nor has she submitted any other tangible evidence to demonstrate that
the authorities in her home country are
[...] looking for her or that she would face a personal [...]
risk of being tortured if returned to Ethiopia.
[...] 心理学和社会变化中心是否不复存在,特别是科斯莫斯伙伴的主席在以往答复委 员会问题时表她本人仍代表心理学和社会变化中心。
The Committee requested the Secretariat to investigate the issue and verify whether the Center for Psychology and Social Change had ceased to exist, especially since the President of Kosmos Associates, in her
responses to previous questions posed by the Committee,
[...] had indicated that she still represented [...]
the Center for Psychology and Social Change.
政務司司長回應時表示,在此等情況下 ,議 員 可繼續與有關的
[...] 部門跟進有關個案, 甚或向 行 政 署 長她 本 人提出 有關事 宜。
CS had responded that in such circumstances, Members could continue to pursue
the case concerned with the relevant department or even take up the matter with the
[...] Director of Administration or herself.
最为重要的是,提交人未能证 她本人 或 其 他为她行事或代表她的人没有参 与这些欺骗行为, 她曾利用这些欺骗行为作出结论说,由于离婚判决中未提及 [...]
监护权问题,根据《几内亚民法》第359 条,女儿的监护权将不归她而归父亲。
The most important consideration is that the author was unable
[...] to prove that she or the persons acting on her behalf [...]
or representing her
were not aware of the fraud from which she had intended to benefit by concluding that she had been denied custody of her daughter and, given that the custody issue was not mentioned in the decree and in accordance with section 359 of the Civil Code of Guinea, that custody had been granted to her daughter’s father.
彌償人聲明,在簽立本彌償契據時,他/她並非未獲解除破產人身份的人士;本身沒有提出亦不知悉有任何人提出與其有關 的破產呈請;並非已經/正在申請個人自願安排;沒有任何人就其任何或全部資產被委任為接管人、管理人、行政接管人、受託人 或其他同類人員;現時並未牽涉於任何在香港或其他地方進行的訴訟、仲裁或行政法律程序之中;以及沒有任何針對他 她本人或 其 任何資產的申索正在香港或其他地方進行或待決或可能提出。
The Indemnifier declares that as at the date of this Deed of Indemnity, he/she is not an undischarged bankrupt, is not aware that there is any bankruptcy petition filed by him/her or presented against him/her and he/she has not applied/is not applying for any Individual Voluntary Arrangement, and no receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer has been appointed over any or all of his/her assets, and he/she is not involved in any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) and no claim (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) is presently in progress or pending or threatened against him/her or any of his/her assets.
經公署調查後,該旅行社代理人確 認(i)除了訂飛機票及相關事情外,她不會利用投訴人的個人資
[...] 料作其他用途;(ii)於訂位時收集的資料屬內部文件的一部份, 並由該旅行社代理人的僱主保管 她本人 並 未保留有關投訴人 個人資料的副本。
Upon investigation by the PCPD, the travel agent confirmed that (i) she would not use the complainant’s personal data for any purpose other than air flight booking and related matters; (ii) the information collected during booking transaction had formed part of
internal document retained by employer of
[...] the travel agent and she had not retained a [...]
copy of the complainant’s personal data.
她補充,行政長官答問會改期的決定是由立法會 主席作出,內務委員會她本人均沒 有就此事獲 得諮詢。
She added that the decision to re-schedule the
CE Q&A Session was made by the President, and neither the House
[...] Committee nor herself had been consulted [...]
on the matter.
依照联合检查组章程第 11 条以及第 169 EX/7.2 号决定的规定,总干事
[...] 谨此向执行局转交联检组关于对教科文组织的管理和行政工作的审查的报 告以她本人的有关意见。
In accordance with Article 11 of the Statute of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), and recalling 169 EX/Decision 7.2, the
Director-General transmits the JIU’s
[...] report, together with her own comments and [...]
observations, on the Review of Management
and Administration in UNESCO to the Executive Board.
上述聲明並不適用於投保 人只為他/她本人申請保險。
(The above declaration is not applicable to a Proposer
[...] applying for his/ her own insurance only.
勸諭每 名 候 選人在選舉結束後 ,就他 / 她 本 人或代表他 / 她招致的所有選舉開支,向選 舉事務處提交聲 明 書及申 報書。
advising each candidate to declare and return all election expenses incurred by him or her or on his or her behalf to REO after an election.
要求任何暴力侵害妇女案件的主审法官告知陪审团、陪审员或 他 / 她本人, 申诉人的 举报时间不得有延误。
Require that the presiding judicial officer in any case of violence against
women inform the jury,
[...] assessors or himself/herself that a delay in reporting should not be held against the complainant.
她指出她本人了解 有一些回归刚果民主共和国的人,一入境便在 无任何程序情况下被刚果民主共和国保安部队拘禁,不得不行贿以获得释放。
She notes that she personally knows of several [...]
persons returned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who were detained
without process upon arrival by Democratic Republic of the Congo security forces and were forced to bribe their way out of prison.
工作组欢迎人权事务高级专员参加工作组开幕式,这证 她本人 和 人权高 专办承诺根据大会第48/141 号决议促进和保护发展权的落实以及为此目的增强 联合国系统各有关机构的支助。
The Working Group welcomed the participation
[...] of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at its opening session, which attested to her commitment and that of her Office to promoting [...]
and protecting
the realization of the right to development and to enhancing support from relevant bodies of the United Nations system for that purpose, consistent with General Assembly resolution 48/141.
她 本 人 也 曾 說 過可以研究公 共 交通工具 [...]
的 收費是 否 有調減 的 空 間。
She also said that studies [...]
could be conducted to ascertain whether there was room for a downward adjustment in public transport fares.
Fatima Andersen
[...] 可以被视为由于《行政司法法》第749条第3 款而受害的人,因为不能她本人与 本 案的结果具有实质、直接和合法的利害关 系。
There did not seem to be any information that would prove that Fatima Andersen, the author, could be regarded as an injured person under section 749,
paragraph 3, of the Administration of
[...] Justice Act, because she could not be said to [...]
have such a substantial, direct, personal
and legal interest in the outcome of the case.
吳靄儀透過一個不 公平的選舉制度進入議會,以便爭取一個公平的制度,這是在憲制秩序
[...] 中所容許的,我亦看不到有何事情令任何人覺得她這種做法,或 她本 人,有 任何負面的看法,更遑論“又食又拎”。
This is allowed under the constitutional order, and I do not see
anything which would cause people to take any negative view on
[...] this approach or on her, let alone "gaining [...]
double benefits".
梁美芬議員表示,在2012年 3 月 1 日的 特別答問會上,行政長官在回答議員質詢時並 無提供所有相關的資料,包她本人 提 出 的質 詢。
Dr Priscilla LEUNG said that at the Special Q&A Session held on 1 March
2012, CE had not provided all
[...] relevant information in answering Members' questions, including the question raised by her.
她同时感谢管理当局对两性平等评价政策及其后续工作表现出强烈兴趣,执 行主任强调她本人正努 力推进两性平等,并将两性平等观点纳入儿童基金会支 [...]
Saying that she appreciated the strong interest shown in the gender evaluation and the
followup by management, the Executive
[...] Director emphasized that she was personally committed [...]
to advancing gender equality and
to incorporating a gender perspective into UNICEF-supported programmes so that they could be more effective for girls and women.
商務及經濟發展局副秘書長( 工商) 解
[...] 釋,按照現行的做法,由於條例草案的審議工作已 進入逐項審議條例草案條文的階段 她本人 會 出 席 法案委員會的會議,以助委員審議有關條文。
The Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Commerce and Industry) explained that in line with the existing practice, as the scrutiny of the
Bill had entered the stage of
[...] clause-by-clause examination, she would attend the Bills [...]
Committee meetings to assist members in examining the clauses.
主席,吳靄儀議員剛才說,不要緊,我們可以......對不起,或許 我應該更小心地發言,因為可能未必 她本人 說 的
Chairman, Dr Margaret NG said just now that it does not matter and we can
…… sorry, perhaps I should exercise greater prudence in giving remarks because this may
[...] not necessarily be her own words.
9 但是委员会回顾指出,这种情况 本身并不是确定申诉人在回国后面临遭受酷刑风险的充分理由;还必须有其它理 由才能认她本人面临这种风险。
9.4 The Committee is aware of the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of the many violations which continue to be reported in the country, including torture, arbitrary arrests and violence against women.9 The Committee recalls, however, that this situation in itself is not a sufficient reason to establish that the complainant is at risk
of being subjected to torture on her
[...] return to the country; there have to be other reasons for believing that she personally runs such a risk.
2006年10月28 日,他提出的移送前危险评估请求被驳回,理由是他未 能证明“一旦被遣送回他她本人的 原籍国或惯常居住国,即会面临遭受酷刑或 不应有待遇或惩罚,或威胁生命”的危险,而且未提供“新证据来佐证他的请 求”。
He was not called to appear and his PRRA application was rejected on 28 October 2006 on the grounds that he had not established that he risked “torture or cruel or untoward treatment or punishment or a threat to [his] life upon deportation to [his] country of nationality or habitual residence” and that no “new items of evidence had been submitted to support [his] application”.
还请总干事将会员国关于为实施 1970 年《公约》而采取措施的报告摘要,连同 执行局的意见以她本人希望 提出的任何意见,一并转呈大会第三十六届会议。
Also invites the Director-General to transmit to the General Conference at its 36th session the summary of the reports received from Member States on the measures taken for the implementation of the 1970 Convention, together with the Executive Board's comments and any comments that the Director-General may wish to make.
结论的依据她本人陈述 的不具可能性和相互 矛盾之处,涉及她声称向卢旺达叛军传递的秘密情报,她与她哥哥的联系,据说 国家情报总局官员发出的警告,她的逃亡之旅以及关于她家里人的详细情况。
The conclusions are based on the unlikelihood and inconsistencies of her account, particularly [...]
with regard to the secret
information she allegedly passed to the Rwandan rebel forces, the contacts with her brothers, the supposed warning by the National Intelligence Agency official, her flight from the country and the details regarding the members of her family.




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