单词 | 奶粉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 奶粉 noun —milk powder ninfant formula nless common: formula milk n 奶粉 —powdered milk奶奶 noun —grandmother n • grandma n Examples:毒奶粉—poisoned milk powder See also:奶 n—milk n • breast n 奶—breastfeed 粉 n—powder n • powders pl 粉—whitewash • noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour • food prepared from starch • cosmetic face powder 粉 adj—pink adj
2007 年中期,政府保证对 [...] 牛奶生产者支付的价格增加 250%,以刺激国内生产,减少进口奶粉 的 昂 贵费用(约 每年 3 亿美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In mid-2007, the Government assured a 250 per cent increase in prices paid to milk producers in [...] order to stimulate domestic production and reduce the [...] high bills for milk powder imports (about $300 [...]million annually). daccess-ods.un.org |
以冷水悬浮(CWS)形式存在的单一维生素,如维生素D2 和D3、维生素E-50、KI 5%、K1 5%等,这些新配方都是干混饮料和婴儿配 方 奶粉 的 理 想原料。 ipress.com.hk | Single Vitamins in CWS ( cold water suspension) forms such as Vitamin D2 & D3, E acetate 50, KI 5%, K1 5% these new formulations are ideal for dry blend beverage and infant formula. ipress.com.hk |
乳品样品: 多种应用,包括全脂奶粉、脱脂奶粉 、 冰 淇淋、浓缩乳清、乳清粉、全脂牛奶等。 foss.cn | Samples for dairy: Multiple applications [...] including butter milk powder, skim milk powder, ice cream, whey concentrate, whey powder, whole milk etc. foss.nl |
調查的主要目的為瞭解本港父母對「香港守則」草擬本的意見,特別是有關對監管嬰幼 兒 奶粉 銷 售 推廣的意見。 hkupop.hku.hk | The survey was specifically designed to understand Hong Kong parents’ views on the [...] draft HK Code, especially the view on the regulation of the advertisements, sales and [...] marketing activities of formula milk. hkupop.hku.hk |
2000/01 年度从美国进口食品的一些限制有所放松,偶尔 有 奶粉 运 往 古巴。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the easing of some restrictions regarding food imports from the United States in 2000/01, there were [...] occasional shipments of milk powder to Cuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以 及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏野味、肉類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有關食物的輻射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員會的標準。 cfs.gov.hk | Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex. cfs.gov.hk |
有研究證實,以H.A.奶粉餵哺能預防BB未成熟的免疫系統產生過敏反應。 hkupop.hku.hk | Studies show that H.A. formula can prevent the risk of developing allergies during infancy when their immune system is immature. hkupop.hku.hk |
委員雖贊成政府當局應採取措施,確保本地家 長能夠購得嬰兒奶粉,但委員普遍認為,政府 當局應在《修訂規例》實施一段時間後,檢討 本港嬰兒奶粉市場 的供應情況,以評估是否有 需要修訂或廢除《修訂規例》。 legco.gov.hk | While members agreed that the Administration should take measures to ensure that local parents could purchase infant formula, they [...] generally considered [...] that the Administration should review the supply of infant formula in the local market after the Amendment Regulation had been implemented for some time, [...]so as to assess [...]the need to amend or repeal the Amendment Regulation. legco.gov.hk |
船上还载有一些 基本物品,例如治疗癌症的药品和能够在没有鲜奶的 情况下用于增进儿童的生长和健康的 奶粉。 daccess-ods.un.org | They carried very basic goods, such as [...] cancer medication and milk powder to enhance child [...]growth and health in the absence of milk proper. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 自熱線開始運作至今,每日的查詢電話數目、需要協助訂 購 奶粉 的 個 案數 目、熱線的運作時數及工作人員數目是甚麼? legco.gov.hk | (a) since the hotline has commenced operation, what are the number of telephone enquiries, the number of cases requesting assistance in purchasing formula products, the number of operating hours of the hotline and the number of staff deployed to handle the workload every day? legco.gov.hk |
她說, [...] 風險評估研究旨在檢測各種據報由於使用了含鋁食物添加劑以致鋁含量偏高的食品的 鋁含量,評估香港市民可能從食物攝入鋁的情況,並探討本地 豆 奶粉 包 括 嬰兒豆奶配方 奶粉含鋁的情形。 cfs.gov.hk | said that the RA study aimed at examining the levels of Al in various food products which had been reported to contain high level of Al due to the use of Al-containing food additives, estimating the potential dietary exposure to Al of the [...] population in Hong Kong and examining the local [...] situation of Al content in soya milk powder including soya-based formula. cfs.gov.hk |
因此,利乐公司预测越南的父母们会逐步从助 长 奶粉 ,转 而购买即开即饮的白奶与风味奶。 tetrapak.com | One trend Tetra Pak expects to see as a result [...] of rising demand for convenience is [...] parents switching from powdered GUM to ready-to-drink [...]RTD white and flavoured milk. tetrapak.com |
该观察员指出,标准化组织正与美国官方分析化学家协会就有关婴儿配 方 奶粉和 幼 儿和儿童食品分析方法的工作开展合作。 codexalimentarius.org | The Observer indicated that ISO was cooperating with AOAC concerning work on methods of analysis for infant formula and foods for infant and children. codexalimentarius.org |
這是優化空氣動力學和耐磨損,並能承受的流動的磨料的固體,如片劑 或 奶粉。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | It is optimized aerodynamically and abrasion resistant and can withstand the flow of abrasive solids [...] such as tablets or milk powder was. en.developmentscout.com |
如果有人不遵守乳品原料出口条例,从新西兰邮寄或装运婴儿配 方 奶粉 , 那 么他们是 在受管控的出口供应链之外从事非法经营。 foodsafety.govt.nz | If anyone posts or ships infant formula from New Zealand without following the regulations for exporting dairy material, then they are operating unlawfully and outside the regulated export supply chain. foodsafety.govt.nz |
如果是使⽤奶粉來做奶粥,那就⼀ 定要新鮮沖製。 holle.co.uk | If a bottle is prepared [...] using infant formula milk, then it should always [...]be freshly prepared. holle.co.uk |
2011 年 1 月 25 日、27 日和 28 日以及 2011 年 2 月 1 [...] 日,肯尼亚警察局 (Dadaab 分局)查到从基斯马尤港走私的 450 麻袋食糖和 129 箱奶粉。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 25, 27 and 28 January 2011 and on 1 February [...] 2011, the Kenya police (Dadaab Unit) captured 450 sacks of sugar [...] and 129 cartons of milk powder smuggled from Kismaayo. daccess-ods.un.org |
印涂马口铁生产线配置英国CRABTREE酒精润版系统双色印铁机、德国LTG自动连续烘房系统 ; 奶粉 罐 生 产线配备瑞士苏德罗尼克AFB108无汞环保型焊机、全自动焊线喷涂烘干系统、法国萨巴帝尔(SABATIER)罐身组合机及空气洁净度可达十万级标准的制造环境系统;化工罐生产线配备罐底7层卷封技术,拥有自配的模具加工中心,能够满足客户多样化的需求。 cofco-pack.com | Printed and coated tinplates production line using UK CRABTREE alcohol dampening system color printing [...] machine, Germany LTG automatic [...] continuous drying system; milk powder cans production line [...]is equipped with Swiss Soudronic AFB108 [...]environmentally friendly mercury-free welding machine, automatic wire spray drying system, France SABATIER Can body composition machine and air cleanliness standards up to 100,000 manufacturing environment systems; chemical cans production line is equipped with can bottom 7 layers seal technology, equipped with self-mold machining center to meet customer diversified needs. cofco-pack.com |
優美、綠色的自然環境及優質的土壤成就了最佳的奶源,也使荷蘭可以生產出世界第一流的高品 質 奶粉。 bnm.com.hk | After World War II develops Nutricia is increasingly becoming a manufacturer of knowledge-intensive foods, with its own research department and a pilot plant. bnm.com.hk |
自2007 年以来,全国防治艾滋病方案(PNLS) 对艾滋病毒呈阳性的孕妇进 行监测;这是粮食计划署( 以食品形式) [...] 和全球基金支持下的防治艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、结核和疟疾的活动,资助婴儿配 方 奶粉 分 配。 daccess-ods.un.org | HIV-positive pregnant women have been monitored by the National Programme for Combating AIDS (PNLS) since 2007, an activity carried out with the support of WFP in the form of [...] food and the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, [...] which finances the distribution [...]of infant formulas. daccess-ods.un.org |
勿讓顧客自行揀取高危害性食物(包括花生醬、乾酪(芝士)、蜂蜜 、 奶粉 、 餡 餅的餡料、 果醬、奶、奶類產品、肉食、熟食、家禽肉、糕點)。 bccdc.ca | Do not allow customers to serve themselves any high [...] hazard food (including peanut butter, [...] cheese, honey, milk powder, pie fillings, jam, [...]milk, dairy products, meat, deli items, poultry, cakes and pies). bccdc.ca |
这项决议敦 促成员国政府确保使护理者了解婴幼儿配 方 奶粉 可 能 包含致病微生物,必须适当制 作和使用婴幼儿配方奶粉以便 尽量减少危险性;如有可能通过在包装上明确警告来 传达这一信息。 codexalimentarius.org | The Resolution urged Member Governments to [...] ensure that caregivers [...] were informed that powdered infant formula may contain pathogenic microorganisms and that powdered infant formula must [...]be prepared and used [...]appropriately so as to minimize risks; and, where applicable that this information is conveyed through an explicit warning on the packaging. codexalimentarius.org |
无论您生产脱脂奶粉、全脂奶粉、乳 清粉、乳清浓缩蛋白或酪蛋白粉,FOSS提供的分析解决方案能让您得到恰到好处的组分。 foss.cn | Whether you are [...] producing skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, whey powder, WPC [...]or caseinate powder, FOSS provides analytical [...]solutions that allow you to get the composition just right. foss.us |
乳清蛋白被广泛应用于各种食品中,包括冰淇淋,面包和婴幼儿配 方 奶粉。 cn.iherb.com | Whey protein is used in a variety of foods, including ice cream, bread and infant formula. iherb.com |
醫院最主要的問題仍然是接受免 費配方奶粉,因 為這給母親一個錯誤訊息,誤以 為 奶粉 餵 養嬰兒的做法及醫院 使用的某品牌的奶粉得到專家認可。 babyfriendly.org.hk | The major problem is still the acceptance of free supplies of formula which gives the wrong message to mothers that there is professional endorsement of the products and the practice of formula feeding. babyfriendly.org.hk |
婴儿食品、谷类食物、奶粉、含 有适合儿童的蛋白质成分的罐头以及蔬菜能够迅速改善遭受饥饿的婴幼儿的生活。 marvell.com.cn | Baby food, cereals, powdered milk, cans of child-friendly [...] proteins, and vegetables are foods that can make an immediate [...]difference in the lives of hungry young ones. marvell.com |
加工奶粉,儿童奶,速溶可可,巧克 力,早餐食品。 gruposodercan.es | It manufactures dried milk, milk and baby flours, soluble [...] cocoa, cakes and breakfast cereals. gruposodercan.es |
2002年3月,飞鹤加盟美国乳业有限公司(ADY),成为其在中国的第一家独资企业,专业从事营养乳品的科研开发与生产销售;2003年5月,飞鹤乳业在美国纳斯达克成功上市,成为中国乳品行业第一家在美国上市企业;2005年4月,飞鹤乳业成功登陆美国纽约证券交易所;2007年7月,飞鹤乳业总投资近6亿元的欧美国际示范牧场项目开建;2007年底,飞鹤仅原料粉销售收入就突破3亿元大关,并远销亚非、中东、欧洲等几十个国家和地区;2008年初,飞 鹤 奶粉 销 售实现单月过亿元 , 奶粉 及 三 粉业务呈现出快速增长势头。 vgtech.com.cn | In March 2002, Feihe Diary joined in ADY, and became its first solely-owned enterprise, and specialized in R & D, production and sales of nutritious dairy products; in May 2003, Feihe was successfully listed in American NASDAQ, and became the first Chinese dairy enterprise listed in American market; in April 2005, Feihe entered American New York Stock Exchange; in July 2007, Heihe Dairy’s 600 million investment project of Western pilot farm was started; by the end of 2007, Feihe’s sales of raw material already reached 300 million Yuan, which was sold to dozens of countries and regions in Asia and Africa, Middle East, and Europe; at the beginning of 2008, its monthly turnover has already [...] reached 100 million Yuan, [...] and business of milk powder, soy-bean milk powder, rice flour and walnut meat powder develops very fast. en.vgtech.com.cn |
除了母乳和配方奶粉之外 的其他任何食物我们都强烈不推荐给婴儿食用,因为这些食物可能并不含有婴儿快速成长初期需要的足量卡路里和其它营养物质。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Anything [...] other than breast milk or formula is strongly [...]discouraged for infants because other foods will most likely displace [...]the much-needed calories and nutrients during an infant’s primary phase of active growth. beijing.ufh.com.cn |