

单词 奴工

See also:


work n
laborAE n
worker n
craft n

External sources (not reviewed)

部长着重介绍了其他一些具体措施,例如,通过批准修宪强化了2008年国 家消奴工计划的目标。
The Minister highlighted other concrete measures, such as the strengthening of
the goals of the 2008 National Plan for the
[...] Eradication of Slave Labor, through [...]
the approval of a Constitutional Amendment.
这项计划包含一些措施以打击性剥 削奴工和虐待妇女和儿童行为。
The Plan includes measures to combat
[...] sexual exploitation, slave labour and the [...]
abuse of women and children.
它承认政府做出努力以消奴工和童工以及防止暴力侵 害妇女。
It recognized the Government’s
[...] efforts to eliminate slave labour and child [...]
labour as well as to prevent violence against women.
它赞赏巴西对消除工和奴工 以及打击家庭暴力的承诺。
It recognized its commitment to
[...] eradicating child and slave labour and to counter [...]
domestic violence.
伊朗承认巴西努力提高其人民的生活水平,但对关 奴工 和 歧 视妇女的报 道表示关切。
Iran acknowledged the efforts by Brazil to
improve the standard of living of its people but voiced concern
[...] over reports of slave labour and discrimination [...]
against women.
香港并没有使奴工、奴隶或 强迫劳役。
There is no slavery, servitude, forced or [...]
compulsory labour in Hong Kong.
7月,河南省当局起初封锁了一篇披露河南和山西省的砖窑非法雇用10 00 名 奴工 的 报 道,这10 00 名 奴工 大 部分是被绑架的儿童或智障人士。
In July local authorities from Henan Province
initially blocked a story that
[...] uncovered more than 1,000 illegal slave laborers in the brick kilns [...]
in Henan and Shanxi provinces,
most of whom were kidnapped children or persons with mental disabilities.
采取有效的立法措施奴工受害 者提供特别保护和重返社会的机 制
Take effective legislative measures for special protection and integration mechanisms
[...] for victims of slave labour (Iran)
Domingos Dutra 议员介绍了在立法领域的重大进
[...] 展,提到的例子包括:设立全国真相委员会的法律;确保知情权的法律;关于没 收涉及实奴工的财产的第
Congressman Domingos Dutra, President of the Human Rights Commission of the House of Representatives, presented significant progress in the legislative sphere, mentioning examples such as the law creating the National Truth Commission; the law ensuring Access
to Information; and Draft Constitution Amendment 438, on the expropriation
[...] of properties where slave labour is practised.
几个索马里海盗即可劫持油 轮;偷猎者配备夜视器和消音器猎杀非洲稀有动物;
[...] 武装抢牛犯抢走全村的牲畜;土匪劫持援助物资;恶 棍身着战斗服装强迫年奴工挖掘 稀有矿物;犯罪团 伙打家劫舍和在旅游胜地抢劫和绑架本国国民和外 [...]
A handful of Somali pirates can hijack oil tankers; poachers with rifles equipped with night-sights and silencers plunder Africa’s rare species; cattle raiders steal the livestock of entire villages; bandits
hijack aid shipments; thugs in combat
[...] uniform compel young slaves to mine rare minerals; [...]
gangs assault, rob and kidnap nationals
and tourists alike, in homes and at resorts.
[...] 有时限的行动计划,以便就采矿和家庭奴役中的强迫和抵押 工 、 奴 役 儿 童的现 象采取后续行动。
They developed time-bound action plans to follow up on forced and bonded
[...] labour, child slavery in mining and [...]
domestic servitude.
世界许多地区继续存在 现代形式的奴隶制——例如贩运人口和人类器官、奴役、童工、强迫婚姻和买卖儿童。
Modern forms of slavery — such as trafficking
in persons and human
[...] organs, sexual slavery, child labour, forced marriage and the sale of children — continue to persist [...]
in many parts of the world.
教科文组织应该在其全球和地区历史 奴 隶 之 路 工 作的基础上,鼓励个人和社群探索自身与他人的文化。
Building on its work on global and regional histories or the slave route, UNESCO should encourage individuals and communities to explore their cultures as well as the cultures of other nations.
此外,还有一个专家讨论小组在 3 月 25 日审议了“文化 表达作为一种反抗跨大西洋贩奴隶 的 工 具 带 来的影响”。
In addition, on 25 March, a panel discussion considered the topic “The impact of cultural expression as a means of resistance to the transatlantic slave trade”.
这些新委员的选择依据是,性别、学科、区域平衡以及参与地区从 奴 隶 制工作的网络和(或)机构的情况。
These new members were selected on the basis of
gender, discipline, regional balance, and involvement in regional networks
[...] and/or institutions active in the field of slavery.
(d) 债役、农奴制、强迫劳动、工和奴 役 、 贩卖人口和人体器官、性 奴役、征募儿童兵、买卖儿童、强迫婚姻、买卖妻子和卖淫剥削侵犯了我们 所有人不论性别、民族、社会地位、职业或其他差异都应享有的最基本人权。
(d) Debt bondage, serfdom, forced
[...] labour, child labour and servitude, trafficking in persons and in human organs, sexual slavery, the use [...]
of child soldiers, the
sale of children, forced marriage and the sale of wives, and the exploitation of prostitution violate the most fundamental human rights, rights that we all possess, irrespective of sex, nationality, social status, occupation or other difference.
第 29802 号最高法令第 2 条指出,凡在农业活动中,庄园主或地主通过胁迫、 未经工人们完全同意、或未履行支付工资义务(以实物替代工资或支付的工资低 于国家最低工资标准),从而以侵犯基本权利的形式利用社区、家庭或个人提供 劳力或服务的地方,便存在着奴役、强迫劳动、债务 工 和 (或 ) 奴 役 家 庭或个人 的制度或类似做法。
Article 2 of Supreme Decree No. 29802 states that a system of servitude, forced labour, debt servitude and/or enslavement of captive families or persons or similar practices exists where farming activities are conducted using communities, families or persons whose labour or service is provided to the owner or holder of the farmed land in violation of fundamental rights, through coercion and without the full consent of the workers, or when the obligation to pay wages is not met, either because payment is made in kind or because it is lower than the established national minimum wage.
不过,委员会仍 然关切的是,许多年幼儿童仍然从事有 工 作 , 如带 奴 役 特 征的家庭 工 ,以 及在垃圾场、香蕉种植园和采矿业从事危险工作,包括强迫劳动,其中许多儿童 [...]
It is, however, concerned that many young
children still perform harmful work, such
[...] as domestic work with characteristics of slavery, and hazardous work in garbage [...]
dumps, banana
plantations and the mining industry, including forced labour, and that many of these children do not attend school.
我们不能容忍在我们的工厂或供应链中出现 工 、 贩 卖人口奴役或其他强迫劳动的行为。
We do not tolerate
[...] child labor, human trafficking, slavery or other forced [...]
labor in our facilities or in our supply chain.
该委员会应对该国殖民期间奴隶制 和契约 工 问 题 进行 调查,并确定要奴隶和契约工后 裔 采取的适当措施,对声称有利益关系的任 何土地被剥夺或被征用的受冤屈者提出的申述进行调查,并编写一份全面报告, 说明其开展的各项活动以及根据实际客观资料和证据得出的结论。
The Commission shall conduct inquiries into
[...] issues related to slavery and indentured labour during the colonial period in the country, and determine appropriate measures to be taken with respect to descendants of slaves and indentured [...]
labourers, enquire
into complaints made by persons aggrieved by dispossession or prescription with regard to any land in which they claim to have an interest, and prepare a comprehensive report on its activities and findings based on factual and objective information and evidence.
当代形式奴隶制问题自愿信托基金是根据大会第 46/122 号决议成立的,其 宗旨是向各个区域处理当代形式奴隶制问题的非政府组织代表提供财政援助,协 助他们参与当代形奴隶制问题工作 组 的审议,并通过现有的援助渠道,向因当 代形式奴隶制而人权遭到严重侵犯的人提供人道主义、法律和财政援助。
The Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery was established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 46/122 for the purposes of assisting representatives of non-governmental organizations from different regions,
dealing with issues of
[...] contemporary forms of slavery, to participate in the deliberations of the Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery by providing [...]
them with financial
assistance, and of extending, through established channels of assistance, humanitarian, legal and financial aid to individuals whose human rights had been severely violated as a result of contemporary forms of slavery.
举行的四次研讨会涉及各类主题(儿童在饥饿和教育方面的 权利、保护儿童免受一切形式的暴力、 工 、 性 奴 役 和强迫服兵役)。
Four workshops covering a wide range of subjects (the rights of the child concerning hunger and education, the
protection of children from all forms of
[...] violence, child labour, sexual slavery and enforced military [...]
service) were held.
主席女士,除 了 工 作 時 數及工 作 條件外 ,國際 勞工標準第182
號公約 亦 規定成員國須 保 護 兒童不
[...] 會 受 僱 於一些被公 約 訂 為 最差勁 的 兒工 作 情況 (worst forms of child labour), 包奴隸形工作、販 運 兒童、 強 制 兒童參 與 武 裝 衝 突 [...]
、利用兒童賣 淫 、利用兒童參 與進行色
情 表 演 或 充 當 淫褻題 材 , 以及利用兒童參 與 販 賣 毒 品及會 損 害兒童健 康、安 全 和 道 德的其他工 作。
Madam President, in addition to working hours and conditions, Convention 182 of the International Labour Standards also requires that State parties should protect children from employment in the worst forms of child labour as defined by
the Convention. Such
[...] labour includes all forms of slavery, the sale and trafficking of children, forced or compulsory recruitment [...]
of children for
use in armed conflict, the use of children for prostitution and for the production of pornography or pornographic performances, the use of children for the trafficking of drugs and work which is likely to harm the health, safety and morals of children.
先生工作组通报,“奴路线项目”的教育 部分内容,旨在加深认识世界奴役制的根源、运作形式、问题及其影响后果。
Mr. Iye informed the Working Group on the
[...] educational part of the Slave Route Project, which aimed [...]
to contribute to a better
understanding of the causes, forms of operation, issues and consequences of slavery in the world.
当代形奴隶制问题工作组 是根据经济及社会理事会第16(LVI) 号决定设立的,任务是监督奴隶制和奴隶贩 卖的所有做法和表现形式的存在,其中包括质役婚姻等类似奴隶制的做法。
The Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery was established [...]
by the Economic and Social Council in its decision 16
(LVI) to monitor the existence of slavery and the slave trade in all their practices and manifestations, including slavery-like practices such as servile marriage.
废除卖淫、色情及各种性暴力和性别歧视运动组织也参加 了日内瓦的人权委员会,被贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童受害人基本权利问题特别
[...] 报告员 Sigma Huda 女士接纳进了当奴役形式工作组 和促进和保护人权小组委 员会。
MAPP also participated in the work of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva and was received by Ms. Sigma Huda, the Special Rapporteur on the fundamental rights of victims of human trafficking, especially women
and children, the Working Group on
[...] Contemporary Forms of Slavery, and the Sub-Commission [...]
on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.
该法规设立了真相和正义委员会,该委员会的任务是调查毛里求斯殖民时 期奴隶和契约工制度,决定应 奴 隶 和 契约 工 的 后 代提供何种适当措施, 调查因其拥有权益的任何土地被剥夺或征用而遭受损害者提出的控诉,并根据事 实和客观资料和证据编写关于其活动和调查结果的全面报告。
It established the Truth and Justice Commission,
which shall conduct
[...] inquiries into slavery and indentured labour during the colonial period in Mauritius, determine appropriate measures to be extended to descendants of slaves and indentured [...]
labourers, make inquiries
into complaints made by persons aggrieved by dispossession or prescription of any land in which they claim to have an interest and prepare a comprehensive report of its activities and findings based on factual and objective information and evidence.
为了在玻利维亚消除奴役现象,玻利维亚政府颁布了废除第 25763 号最高法 令的第 29215 号最高法令第 157
[...] 条,其中明确指出,农村地区奴役制度、强迫劳 动、债务工和(或)奴役家 庭或个人的存在危害社会,与集体利益背道而驰,从 [...]
In order to eliminate slavery in Bolivia, the Government promulgated article 157 of Supreme Decree No. 29215 repealing Supreme Decree No. 25763; it establishes that the existence of a
system of servitude, forced labour, debt
[...] servitude and/or enslavement of captive families [...]
or persons in rural areas is detrimental
to society and against the collective interest and is therefore an obstacle to performance of the social and economic function.
他建议大力支持儿童基金 会和其他专业组织工作,并在反对 奴 仆 ” 现象的斗争框架下,建议使用当代形 式奴(A/HRC/12/21/Add.1)隶制特别报告员的报告中所载的建议,以及其在关于在 [...]
家的上一份报告(A/HRC/11/5 号文件)。
He recommends that the work of UNICEF and other specialized agencies should receive broad
support and that, in the context of
[...] the efforts to combat the restavek phenomenon, use should [...]
be made of the recommendations contained
in the report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, concerning her mission to Haiti (A/HRC/12/21/Add.1) and in his own previous report (A/HRC/11/5).
对有关《非洲通史》(GHA)目前工 作 计 划和 奴 隶 之路》项目的协调进行检 查,以寻求让其他计划部门更多地参与这些具有高度可视度项目并从中得到增值 效益的途径。
reviewing the current arrangements concerning the General History of Africa (GHA) and coordination of the Slave Route project in order to increase and capitalize on the involvement of other programme sectors, in these high visibility projects.




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