

单词 奥林匹克精神

See also:

奥林匹克 adj

olympic adj

精神 n

spirit n
mind n
drive n

精神 adj

spiritual adj
mental adj
psychiatric adj
moral adj
psychotropic adj
psychological adj



External sources (not reviewed)

刚刚在加勒比海英语地区的六个国家内实施了一个关 奥林匹 克精神教育 的试点项目,并确定了评估基准。
An initial experimental
[...] project on education in Olympic values has just been [...]
established, with benchmarks, in six countries
in the English-speaking Caribbean subregion.
中国青岛海洋节创始于1999年,旨在传奥林匹克精神 , 现 已成为促进全球海洋科技、滨海旅游、海洋文化、水上运动等领域沟通合作的平台。
It aims at spreading the Olympic spirit, and it now also [...]
serves as a platform for promoting the communication and cooperation
among global marine science and technology, ocean tourism
欢迎将于 2010 年 7 月 31 日至 8 月 13 日在“2010 年欧洲文化之都”土耳其 伊斯坦布尔举行第五次世界青年代表大会,欢迎墨西哥政府主动提出于 2010 年 8 月 24 日至 27
日在墨西哥城主办一次世界青年会议,这两次会议都将重点讨论与 实现千年发展目标有关的青年与发展问题,此外还欢迎将于 2010 年 8 月 14 日至 26
[...] 日在新加坡举办首届青年奥林匹克运动会,其宗旨是激励全世界青年人接纳、 体现和表达卓越、友谊和互敬这 奥林匹克精神。
Welcoming the fifth World Youth Congress, to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, European Capital of Culture 2010, from 31 July to 13 August 2010, and the initiative of the Government of Mexico to host a World Youth Conference, in Mexico City from 24 to 27 August 2010, both of which will focus on the issue of youth and development in the context of the Millennium Development Goals, as well as the inaugural Youth Olympic Games, to be held in Singapore from 14 to 26 August 2010, the aim of which is to
inspire young people around the world to embrace, embody
[...] and express the Olympic values of excellence, [...]
friendship and respect
[...] 世界青少年并通过无种族主义、种族歧视和仇外心理及相关不容忍现象的体育锻 练,以及本着人类相互理解、包容、公平竞争和团结奥林匹克精神 , 增 强青少 年的包容性。
The Working Group encourages States and relevant stakeholders to use the potential of sport and mass sport events to educate the youth of the world and to promote their inclusion through sport practices without racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related
[...] intolerance and in the Olympic spirit, which requires [...]
human understanding, tolerance, fair play and solidarity
在充分领会奥林匹克精神和具备奥 林 匹 克热情的场馆、城镇和乡村同时推出品牌活动,同时严格遵守品牌和质量管理指南。
To simultaneously deliver a branding
[...] programme across Olympic venues, cities, towns and villages that captured the spirit and passion of [...]
the Games whilst maintaining
the strict brand and quality control guidelines
218 段敦促各国与各政府间组织、国际 奥林匹克委员会以及国际和区域体育协会合作,通过无任何歧视的体育运动,并奥林匹克精神教育 世界青年,加强在体育运动中反对种族主义 奥林匹克精神 要求 人们谅解、容忍、公平竞争和团结。
Moreover paragraph 218 of the Durban Programme of Action also urges States, in cooperation with intergovernmental organizations, the International Olympic Committee and international and regional sports federations, to intensify the fight against
racism in sport by,
[...] among other things, educating the youth of the world through sport practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires [...]
human understanding, tolerance, fair play and solidarity.
承认反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象世界会议在 《德班宣言和行动纲领》第218 段中,敦促各国与各国际组织、国际奥林匹克委 员会及国际和区域体育协会合作,通过无歧视的体育运动并奥林匹克精神 教育 世界青年,加强在体育运动中反对种族主义奥林匹克精神 要 求 人们谅解、容 忍、公平竞争和团结, 还承认德班审查会议在其结果文件第128 段中,敦促所有国际体育机构通过 其国家、区域和国际联合会,促进实现一个没有种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理 和相关不容忍现象的体育运动世界
Acknowledging that, in paragraph 218 of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance urged States, in cooperation with intergovernmental organizations, the International Olympic Committee and international and regional sports federations to intensify the fight against racism in sport by, among other things, educating the youth of the world through sport practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires human understanding, tolerance, fair play and solidarity
承认体育和重大体育赛事有可能通过没有任何形式的歧视和本着要求人们谅 解、宽容、公平竞争和团结 奥林匹克精神 开 展的体育运动,教育世界青年并增 进对他们的包容度
Acknowledging the potential of sport and major sporting events to educate the youth of the world and to promote their inclusion through sport
practised without discrimination of any
[...] kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires human [...]
understanding, tolerance, fair play and solidarity
2010年6月24日,经国际奥委会同意,中国奥委会与奥林匹克博物馆以及雕塑艺术大师Rosa Serra 共同特许华江公司将承载 奥林匹克精神 和 文化 的 奥 林 匹克博物馆的镇馆之宝全套38尊运动雕塑进行原模再造,向全球限量发行99套。
June 24, 2010, Following considerable effort and negotiation, Honav eventually managed to organize a contract between the International Olympic Committee, the Chinese Olympic Committee, and the original artist Ms. Rosa Serra, allowing Honav the development rights to the 38 sports sculptures, and limited edition of 99 sets to the world.
确认奥林匹克运动的目的是本着基于相互了解、 友谊、团结和公平竞争 奥林匹克精神 , 不 加任何歧 视地开展体育活动,通过体育来教育青年,从而建设 一个和平的更美好的世界
[...] that the goal of the Olympic movement is to build a peaceful and better world by educating the youth of the world through sport, practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which is [...]
based on mutual understanding,
friendship, solidarity and fair play
洛桑,日内瓦湖区(沃州)的首府,也奥林匹克精神 和 体 育之都:自1915年以来,它一直是国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)的总部,以及25个国际单项体育联合会和21个与体育相关的国际机构——如国际体育仲裁院——的总部。
Lausanne, the capital of the Lake Geneva Region (Vaud), is also the capital of Olympism and sports: since 1915, it has been the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as well as of 25 international sport federations and 21 international sport-related organisms, such as the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
在Youtube上,伦敦2012有自己的频道,展示了包括运动员 奥林匹克 公 园 地标和火炬传递在内 精 彩 内 容。
London 2012 also boasts a rich Youtube channel with
[...] videos about athletes, landmarks of the Olympic park, the torch relay and much more.
当一个以色列女孩奥林匹克火炬 传给了一个巴勒斯坦男孩时,总干事和他 (她)们一起手握火炬。
He joined hands with an Israeli girl and a Palestinian boy
[...] as she passed the Olympic flame on to the [...]
young Palestinian.
當局亦透過學校體育 推廣計劃,在學校展開宣傳工作,加深學生對二零零九年東亞運動 會及林匹克精神的認 識及提高他們的興趣。
There is also promotion work carried out in schools through our School Sports Programme to enhance students’ understanding and interest about the 2009 EAG as well as Olympism.
[...] 会员国的国家奥林匹克委员会和国家残奥委员会,在地方、国家、区域和国际各 级采取具体行动,弘扬和加强建立 奥林匹克 休 战 精神 基 础上的和平文化,并邀 请这些组织和国家委员会酌情交流信息和最佳做法
the work of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee to mobilize international sports organizations and the National Olympic Committees and National Paralympic Committees of Member States to undertake concrete actions at the local, national, regional and international levels to
promote and strengthen a culture of
[...] peace based on the spirit of the Olympic Truce, and invites [...]
those organizations and national
committees to share information and best practices, as appropriate
奥林匹克运动 会是全世界人民的共同节日,追求更快、更高、更强的奥 精神 体 现的是人类自强不息、追求卓越的崇高价值观念。
The Olympic Games is an international event which upholds the ideals of people around the world; embodied in the Olympic spirit of mastering physical [...]
challenges is the
inspiration to all mankind of the pursuit of excellence and an indomitable approach to life.
对国际奥委会决定动员各国际体育机构,对各会员国国家奥委会决定在地方、国 家、地区和国际各级采取具体措施,本 奥林匹克 休 战 的 精神 宣 传 和加强和平文 化感到高兴
Welcomes the fact that the IOC has decided to mobilize all international sports bodies, and that the National Olympic Committees of Member States have decided to take concrete measures at the
local, national, regional and global levels to promote and
[...] strengthen a culture of peace in the spirit of the Olympic Truce
[...] 的民间社会建立新的、更牢固的伙伴关系。本着这精神,国际奥林匹克委员 会热切希望,将体育运动在 预防非传染性疾病方面的重要作用写入本次高级别 [...]
In that spirit, it is the fervent
[...] hope of the International Olympic Committee that the critical [...]
role of the sports movement
in the prevention of NCDs will be enshrined in the outcome document of this High-level Meeting (A/66/L.1).
2.3 根据公约第 29 条,国奥林匹克委员会、国际残疾 奥林匹克 委 员会、欧洲委员会、政 府间体育运动委员会(CIGEPS)及大会邀请的其他相关组织的代表可作为观察员参加大 [...]
2.3 In accordance with Article 29 of the
Convention, representatives
[...] of the International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, Council [...]
of Europe and Intergovernmental
Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS) as well as other relevant organizations invited by the Conference may participate in the work thereof as observers, without the right to vote.
[...] 2014 年 FIFA 世界杯和 2016 年奥林匹克运动 会的来临做准备,巴西经济增长必将加速。
Brazil’s economic ramp-up will only accelerate as it prepares for the 2014
[...] FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games.
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事务大臣一致同意合力促进和支奥 林匹克休战 的理想,以建立一个更美好的世界并使来自不同国家的多样化的人们 [...]
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed
to work together to promote and support
[...] the ideals of the Olympic Truce to build a [...]
better world and bring people from different
nations and diversities together to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful environment.
政府还支持残疾奥林匹克委员 会,以保障东帝汶运动员能够参加 国际竞赛。
The Government
[...] also supports the Paralympic Committee in order [...]
to guarantee the participation of Timorese athletes in international competitions.
為了發揚林匹克精神,以 及培養巿民的民族自豪感, 並向他們介紹馬術運動,我們制訂了全面的文化、教育和社區 參與計劃,由現在至二零零八年年底,與大約20家伙伴機構合 辦 70多項文化和社區參與活動,以推廣馬術項目。
To cultivate Olympism and instil a sense of national pride into the community and educate the public about the equestrian sports, we have drawn up a comprehensive cultural, education and community involvement programme which will last until late 2008.
美国奥委会正式批准特奥会成为美国可以使用 奥林匹克 ” 冠 名的两个组织之一。
The U.S. Olympic Committee
[...] gives Special Olympics official approval as one of only two organizations authorized to use the name “Olympics” in the United States.
在完满执行了以前的一些项目、协助各国确保重大公共活动的核安全后,原 子能机构继续讨论未来一些重大公共活动的核安全问题:2010 年在中国上海举行 的世博;2010
[...] 年南非举行的世界杯赛;2012 年在大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 举行奥林匹克运动会和在 2012 年在波兰和乌克兰举行的欧洲杯赛。
Following the successful implementation of previous projects to assist States in ensuring the nuclear security of major public events, the Agency continued discussions on nuclear security for future major public events to take place in China (2010 Shanghai EXPO), South Africa (2010
World Cup), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
[...] Ireland (2012 Olympics) and Poland and Ukraine (2012 Eurocup).
[...] 以及全面推動公眾參與和推廣 林匹克精神 , 我 們在 2007-08 年度預留了 1,800 [...]
To handle the increasing co-ordination work with the advent of the Test Event in August 2007 and the Main Events in
August 2008, and to promote public
[...] participation and Olympism in general, we have earmarked [...]
$18 million in 2007-08 and will
create two additional time-limited non-directorate posts for the work.
又欢迎不同文明联盟的各种与青年有关的举措,例如卡塔尔发起的青年就业 计划“青年联系网”;阿拉伯联盟的一年一度国际青年论坛,主题为“青年与移 民:基于人权的做法”的第三次论坛会将于 2009 年 11 月 14 日至 20 日举行;首 届青奥林匹克运动 会将于 2010 年 8 月 14 日至 26 日在新加坡举行,其宗旨是 激励全世界青年人接受、体现和表达崇尚卓越、友谊和尊重 奥林匹克 价 值 ;此 外还欢迎指定 2010 年为国际文化和睦年,在这方面强调增进各国青年之间互动 的重要性
Welcoming also the youth-related initiatives of the Alliance of Civilizations, such as Silatech, a youth employment initiative launched by Qatar, the annual League of Arab States Youth Forum, whose third forum, on the theme “Youth and migration: a
human-rights based
[...] approach”, was held in Assilah, Morocco, from 14 to 20 November 2009, and the inaugural Youth Olympic Games, to be held in Singapore from 14 to 26 August 2010, the aim of which is to inspire young people around the world to embrace, embody and express the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect, welcoming further the declaration of 2010 as [...]
the International Year
for the Rapprochement of Cultures, and in this regard stressing the importance of increasing international youth interaction
工作组还请高级专员与秘书长体育促进发展与和平事务特别顾问、联合国 各相关的部门、国奥林匹克委员 会、国际足球协会联盟,及其它相关国际、区 域和国家体育协会,以及非政府组织和民间社会合作,制订各方案,防止和铲除 [...]
The Working Group also invites the High Commissioner to cooperate with the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace, relevant
parts of the United Nations, the
[...] International Olympic Committee, the International Federation of [...]
Association Football and other
relevant international, regional and national sports associations and federations, as well as non-governmental organizations and civil society, in the development of programmes to prevent and eradicate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in sports and to use sports as a tool to eliminate all forms of discrimination
为庆祝伦敦 2012 年奥林匹克运动会及残疾奥林匹克 运动 会,对于 2011 年及 2012 年和平日,Peace One Day 将 One Day One Goal 美式足球/英式足球赛活动范围扩展为包括全 部的 One Day One Goal 奥林匹克运动会体育运动—— 运动 会停战活动。
In honour of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, for Peace Day 2011 and 2012, Peace One Day is broadening the scope of the One Day One Goal football.soccer campaign to include all Olympic sports with the One Day One Goal - Sport for Truce campaign.




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