

单词 奠基者

See also:

a libation the dead



External sources (not reviewed)

两法庭是判例法和法学发展的先驱奠基者 国际 人道主义法和国际刑法做出了宝贵贡献。
The Tribunals have been forerunners and groundbreakers [...]
in their development of case law and jurisprudence, making invaluable
contributions to international humanitarian law and international criminal law.
网站首次向公众开放了BCG近50年来积累的庞大思想宝库,可追溯至现代管理咨询奠基者、BCG创始人Bruce Henderson的时代。
It also provides unprecedented access to BCG’s extensive archive of thought
leadership stretching back almost 50 years to the
[...] days of Bruce Henderson, the firm’s [...]
founder and one of the architects of modern management consulting.
他说,尽管预防冲突是本组奠基者的首要使命, 但实现这一目标的首要责任落在会员国身上。
While preventing conflict is the cardinal mission setout bythe founders of the Organization, the primary responsibility for achieving that goal lies with the Member States, he said.
[...] Francine),本名托马索·弗朗西尼,1599年被亨利四世召至法国修建安置在圣日耳曼昂莱大平台上的花园岩洞中的喷泉自动装置,他是这个水世界奠基者
Summoned to France in 1599 by Henri IV to install the fountains for the automata in the grottoes of the terraced
garden in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Thomas Francine – gallicised from Tommaso Francini
[...] – was the founding father of the dynasty.
If there isanyoneout therewho still [...]
doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if
the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
[...] 编和撤出过程,并为具体任务顺利移交给联合国国家 工作队和其他发展行者奠坚实
Secondly, we need to better manage the process of drawdown and withdrawal of Security Councilmandated
operations, and provide a stronger basis for seamless transitions of specific tasks to the United
[...] Nations country team and other development actors.
目前还正在努力制定一个全面性文化战略,以将文化纳入其他发展领 域的主流,并为国家文化统计框
Efforts are also being made towards the development of an overall culture strategy
to mainstream culture in other development areas and to
[...] establish thebasis for anational [...]
cultural statistics framework.
执行主任 Ruth Moy 分享她在 1971 年创立耆英会的灵感、她
[...] 致力於满足大波士顿地区华裔及 亚裔不断增加的需求的使命及她 为不久将奠基计 划感到兴奋。
Executive Director Ruth Moy shared her inspiration of creating the Golden Age Center in 1971, her commitment to address the growing needs of Chinese American and Asian American seniors in
the greater Boston area, and her excitement about the
[...] upcoming plans to break ground on the new senior [...]
housing facility.
最近有人回顾说,在以广义人道原则为灵感的万国法的 奠基的概念中 (在我们这个时代似乎有点被遗忘),法律秩序约束每个人(统 被统)国法规范的对象是由从社会角度来看组成国家的人构成的国际社会,而国际社 会与人类同义(F·Vitoria);如此产生的万国法是调节人类社会成员关系的唯一 法律(A·Gentili)。
As recently
[...] recalled, in the conception of the founding fathers” of the jusgentium inspired by theprinciple of humanity lato sensu (which seems somewhat forgotten in [...]
our days), the legal order binds everyone (the ones ruled as well as the rulers);the droit des gens regulates
an international community constituted by human beings socially organized in States and co-extensive with humankind (F. Vitoria); thus conceived, it is solely Law which regulates the relations among members of the universal societas gentium (A. Gentili).
[...] 待着采用以太网进行创新将变成可能;我们很快就能够 取消对附加的I/O卡作为以太网的需要,这对我们未来的 发敦实
I also look forward to the innovations that adopting Ethernet will make possible; we will
soon be able to remove the need for additional I/O cards as Ethernet
[...] givesus a solid foundation for future developments.
有 关大 湖区 问题国际会议的国家协调 和监 控机制为国家制定关 于国内流PDI)的法
In this context the national body for coordination and follow-up to the
International Conference on the Great Lakes Region is currently preparing
[...] domestic legislation on internally displaced persons.
经过过去几个月在纽约、日内瓦、基加利、悉尼和利马举行广泛磋商并出席 与各国、国际及区域组织,以及民间社会和学术界代表的几次会议和磋商会之后, 我满意地注意到,大多数相关行需要在第三次双年度会议期间取得的成 就基础上产生具体成果,从而为 2012 年审查会议的成
After holding extensive consultations during the past months in New York, Geneva, Kigali, Sydney and Lima, and attending several meetings and consultations with States, international and regional organizations, and representatives of the civil society and academia, I
note with satisfaction
[...] that mostof the actorsinvolved are convinced of the need to produce concrete results, building upon the achievements reached during the Third Biennial Meeting, laying the foundationfora successful [...]
Review Conference in 2012.
虽然认识到健康充实的老年生奠基年,《计划》旨 在作为一个实际工具,来 协助决 同个人和人口老龄化相关的主要优先问 题。
While recognizing that thefoundation fora healthyand enriching old age is laidearly in life, the Plan is intended to be a practical tool to assist policy makers to focus on [...]
the key priorities associated
with individual and population ageing.
联伊援助团同巴格达以及有争议地区的主要对作,仍然是 援助团的优先事项。
Thegroundwork being undertaken by UNAMI with key interlocutorsin Baghdad [...]
and in the disputed areas remains a priority for the mission.
教科文组织的国际信誉,在联合国系统内的特殊科学职责,在知识界的声 望,在全球的号召力和影响力为其发挥促进者和能力建 要作 坚实
UNESCO’s international credibility, special mandate for science within the United Nations system, intellectual reputation,
convening power and
[...] global presence provide a solidfoundation forits crucial roles [...]
asfacilitator and capacity-builder.
[...] 性、保护和繁荣世界文化遗产,在白俄罗斯杰出科学家、启蒙运动倡刷 事业奠基Skaryn Francisco 诞辰 525 周年之际,白俄罗斯共和国建议宣布 [...]
2015 年为 Skaryn Francisco 年。
In order to attract the attention of the world community to the ideals of enlightenment that constitute the foundation for awareness of the leading role of education, the development of human potential and the maintenance and multiplication of the world cultural heritage, and in connection with the 525th
anniversary of the
[...] Belarusianscholar, educatorandprinter of the first book in [...]
the Belarusian language Francisk Skorina, Belarus proposes to proclaim
2015 as Francisk Skorina Year.
(a) 采取了哪些措施,确保充分依照《公约》,在羁押期间给予与上述事 件相关的被拘者基法律保障和保证人道待遇。
(a) The measures taken to ensure that those detained
in connection with aforementioned
[...] events areafforded fundamentallegal safeguards [...]
and guaranteed humane treatment while
in custody, in full conformity with the Convention.
取得的成果包括:从制度规范角度巩固了对法案进行性别鉴定的程序和机 制;为其实方法对《宪法》,一系列法典、法律和法案进行性 [...]
别鉴定;设立了总统下属的国家妇女、家庭和性别发展问题委员会;在吉尔吉斯 共和国议会形成了必须获得《法律草案性别鉴定结论》的惯例;推广了使用按性
别划分的统计信息的惯例;建立了监测和评估妇女地位的国家体系;根据《北京 行动纲要》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《千年发展目标》制订了相应 的性别指标。
The results: there has been an institutional and normative strengthening of procedures and mechanisms for the assessment of draft laws
and regulations from a gender
[...] perspective; a methodological basis for such assessments [...]
has been created; the Constitution,
a number of codes, laws and legislation are now subject to assessment from a gender perspective; the President’s national council on questions relating to women, the family and gender mainstreaming is now functioning; it has become the practice of the Parliament to receive an assessment of proposed legislation from a gender perspective; the use of gender-disaggregated statistics has grown; a system of national mechanisms has been set up to monitor and evaluate the status of women; and standardized gender indicators have been produced on the basis of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Millennium Development Goals.
电视台播放的最获成功的录像片涉及以下方面:在文化方面有关于新列入《世界遗产名录》 的遗址,《保护世界遗产公约》三十周年,水下遗产,重建莫斯塔尔桥 奠基;在教育 方面有国际劳工局/教科文组织共同开展的关于世界教师匮乏问题研究的录像片。
The sequences that proved most successful with the television programmes concerned were, in the field of culture, those on the new sites placed on the World Heritage List, the thirtieth anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, the underwater heritage and the layingof the first stone in the reconstruction of Mostar Bridge, and, in the field of education, the sequence produced on the occasion of the joint UNESCO-ILO study on the shortage of teachers.
环境监测及信息公开为可持续发展的制度建帮助实现 上述政策目标,满足公众对清洁环境日益增长的需求。
Environmental monitoring and public
[...] reporting formsthe basis for institutions [...]
for sustainable development that will be
able to realize those policy ambitions and meet the rising public demand for a cleaner environment.
越南还将此 看作一次经验交流,为有关当局更好地保护和增进人
Viet Nam also saw this as an experience-sharing exercise, laying the ground for a better protection and promotion of human rightsby the authorities.
尤其是,委员会决定建议经社会就以下事项供采取行 动:(a) 经社会第六十八届会议宣布 2013-2022 为一个新的十年,推
[...] 动残疾人的权利;(b) 设立一个区域多边捐者基以扩大对实施 新的十年的支助;以及(c) [...]
审议关于在亚太经社会内改进残疾人无障 碍环境的一项决议草案。
In particular, the Committee decided to recommend the following matters for action by the Commission: (a) proclamation by the Commission at its sixth-eighth session of a new decade to promote the rights of persons with
disabilities, 2013-2022; (b) establishment of a
[...] regional multi-donor fund to broaden support [...]
for the implementation of a new decade;
and (c) consideration of a draft resolution on enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities at ESCAP.
该报告载有八项建议,要求人权高专办采用成果 管理制办法处理预算和规划进程;在筹备所提议的战
略框架和有关所需资金方面,征求人权理事会的观 点;在人权高专办经常预算和自愿捐款之间保持合理 的平衡;设立支持人权事务中心活动信托基金董事会 (2006
[...] 年,该基金占人权高专办预算外资源的 80%); 进一步努力扩大捐者基减少指定专门用途的 资金。
The report contained eight recommendations requesting OHCHR to adopt a results-based management approach to the budget and planning process; to seek the views of the Human Rights Council in preparing the proposed strategic framework and associated financial requirements for human rights activities; to establish a reasonable balance between the regular budget of OHCHR and voluntary contributions; to set up a board of trustees for the Trust Fund for Support of the Activities of the Centre for Human Rights (which had accounted for 80 per cent of the
Office’s extrabudgetary resources in 2006); and to increase efforts to
[...] broaden the donor baseand reduce earmarked funds.
认识到本组织利用其在智力方面的声誉、举办会议的能力和在世界各地的网络, 有可能成为联合国系统内促进科学知识这一变革力量发展的牵头机构,本组织的 上述优势为其在全球、地区和国家一级的活动中发挥政策推动者和能力建要作了坚
Recognizes the potential of the Organization to become the leading promoter within the United Nations system of the transformative power of scientific knowledge, building on its intellectual reputation, convening ability and global presence, which provide a solid
foundation for its crucial roles
[...] as policy facilitator and capacity-builder in global, regionaland country-level endeavours
[...] 到承认的难民创造融入社会的条件,并为难民融入社会和获得财政支法律为被驱逐出摩尔多瓦共和国的外国人(在利用了所有可能的上诉渠道之后 [...]
15 日内离开摩 尔多瓦共和国)建立安置中心。
The problems that must be solved are: document registration of refugees (absence of identity documents hampers the right to employment); creation of conditions for social integration of
recognised refugees, establishment
[...] of a legal background that would regulatethe integration and its financial [...]
support; absence of
a placement centre for foreigners that are to be expelled from the Republic of Moldova (the person which was refused the status of refugee, after using all possibilities of appeal, must leave the territory of the Republic of Moldova during 15 days after the final decision on the refusal of the application).
目前,该司仅凭非常有限的能力(位于布鲁塞尔的 1 个 P-5 员额和 1 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,位于总部的 1 个 P-4 员额和 3
[...] 个一般临时人员职位), 已开始同联合国内外合作伙伴建立战略伙伴关系,为实地业务关系的改
Currently, with a very modest capacity (1 P-5 and 1 GS (OL) posts located in Brussels and 1 P-4 post and 3 general temporary assistance positions located at Headquarters), the Division, on behalf of DPKO and DFS, builds and maintains
partnerships, both within and outside the United
[...] Nations,to lay the foundationfor improved operational [...]
relationships in the field.




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