

单词 契据

See also:

a contract
carved words

External sources (not reviewed)

这些人由于不再持有其财产契据, 被 剥夺了对其资 产的经济控制权,这种情形造成令人不安的持续惩罚,甚至延续到案件终结之后。
Since these parties no
[...] longer possess the deeds to their properties, [...]
they are deprived of financial control of their assets,
which produces a disturbing level of persistent punishment, even beyond the conclusion of the cases.
一张贴在前封面上的1408年契据和在 页边多处留下的15世纪笔迹都表明,该手稿在成书后一直留在巴伐利亚。
A charter from 1408 attached to the front cover and several 15th century manuscript entries in the margins of the leaves both indicate that the codex remained in Bavaria after its composition.
如经本公司盖章授权,该位或该等受托代表人可以其个 人印章签立任契据或文 书而与加盖本公司印章具有同等效力。
Such attorney or attorneys may, if
so authorised under the Seal of the
[...] Company, execute any deed or instrument [...]
under their personal seal with the same effect
as the affixation of the Company’s Seal.
1640平方米的路易斯港地区是现代 契据 的 劳 动力移民的起源地。
In the district of Port Louis, lies the 1,640 m2 site
[...] where the modern indentured labour diaspora began.
被 告及/或其担保人通常必须出契据或 签 署之后用于扣押担保人工资的期票。
Defendants and/or their guarantors must
[...] often furnish deeds or sign promissory [...]
notes that are later used to garnish the wages of guarantors.
所 有报告都表示,用于担保出庭契据 从 未 退还给担保人,即便在被拘押者无罪释 [...]
All reports
[...] maintain that deeds used to guarantee [...]
appearances were never returned to the guarantors, even after acquittals or final convictions.
申请人签署转按同意书副本,再交给新银行签署及安排签订新按 契据
Applicant should sign the duplicate copy of the consent letter, then
forward the duplicate copy of the consent letter to the new bank for signature and
[...] arrange the execution of the new [...]
完成后的天房克尔白​​Tawaf的,他在木卡姆易卜拉欣提供两个Rakat祈祷,并完成祷告后,他到萨和Marwa和进行七轮的Tawaf它们之间并没有因为Ihram禁止任 契据 , 直到他完成了他的朝觐仪式和牺牲的当天(Dhul [...]
- Hijja 10日)在Nahr他哈迪。
After finishing Tawaf of the Ka'ba, he offered a two Rakat prayer at Maqam Ibrahim, and after finishing the prayer he went to Safa and Marwa and
performed seven rounds of Tawaf between them
[...] and did not do any deed forbidden because [...]
of Ihram, till he finished all the ceremonies
of his Hajj and sacrificed his Hadi on the day of Nahr (10th day of Dhul-Hijja).
任何上述委托授权书中 可载有董事会认为合适的规定以用作保障及方便与任何上述受托代表人有事务往来的 人士,并可授权任何上述受托代表人再转授其获赋予的所有或任何权力、授权及酌情 权。如经本公司盖章授权,该位或该等受托代表人可以其个人印章签立任 契据 或文 书而与加盖本公司印章具有同等效力。
Such attorney or attorneys may, if so authorised under the Seal of the Company, execute any deed or instrument under their personal seal with the same effect as the affixation of the Company’s Seal.
在签订新按契据日期 前最少14个工作天,申请人须将已签妥转按同意书、证明书和确认书传真至置业资助贷款小组,以进行资料审核。
At least 14 working days prior to the execution date of the new mortgage, applicant should send by fax the completed Consent Letter, Certification Letter, and Confirmation Letter to the HALU for vetting.
每个国家将需要发展本国的三方 进程,同时恪守《全球就契约》依 据 的 原 则。
Each country will need to develop its own national tripartite process, while maintaining the principles that underpin the Global Jobs Pact.
在 努里·马利基总理的领导下,要求进行全面审查并重新确定《契约》基准的优先 次序,从而阐明政府据《契约》 应有的发展优先事项。
Prime Minister Al-Maliki has led efforts to clarify Government development priorities under the Compact by requesting a full review and re-prioritization of Compact benchmarks.
鉴于大会是决定两个法庭法 官及国际法院法官服务条件和养恤金福利的唯一权力机构,因此利用在第六十一 届会议期间进行审查契机,根据前 南问题国际刑事法庭庭长和书记官长及卢旺 达问题国际刑事法庭庭长和书记官长提出的意见和建议,再次提请大会审议此 事。
As the General Assembly is the sole authority for determining the conditions of service and the pension benefits of the judges of the Tribunals and of the judges of the Court, the matter was brought once again to the attention of the Assembly for its consideration, in the light of the arguments and proposals put forward by the President and the Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the President and Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on the occasion of the review undertaken at the sixty-first session.
教科文组织的援助不得影响政府接受联合国其他机构、教科文组织会员国(不管是据单边契约还是依据与政 府签订的双边协定)另外提供的援助,或是接收私人基金会另外 提供的援助。
Assistance by the Organization shall not preclude the Government from receiving additional assistance from other United Nations agencies or Member States of the Organization, whether under unilateral action or bilateral agreements with the Government, or from private foundations.
提交人尤其驳斥了必须遵照规定与 某家报刊编辑部或出版社事先签订契约协议,然后才可分发某报刊所发表文章影 印件的说法;第二,委员会注意到,从案卷载述的材料来看,戈梅利区霍伊尼基 地方法庭仅以未与《人民意愿报》编辑部或出版社达 契 约 协议 为 据 得 出 的调查 结论。
Secondly, the Committee notes that from the material on file, it transpires that the Khoyniki District Court of the Gomel region based its findings only on the absence of the said contractual agreement with the editor or publisher of the newspaper People’s Will.
我 高 兴 地注意到,该国政府已 经 认 定该 股的建立是据《契约》 在人权方面履行承诺的一个关键步骤。
I am glad to note that the Government has identified the creation of this unit as a key step towards delivering on its commitments under the Compact with respect to human rights.
在这方面我们注意 到联合国全球契约所做的工作。公司 据 这 一 契 约 , 承诺履行公司的社会责任, 并采取行动支持千年发展目标。
In this connection we note the work of the United Nations Global Compact, in which companies have committed to corporate social responsibility and action in support of the Millennium Development Goals.
他们创造了在美国全国福音派协会(1942年)和世界福音 契 ( 1951),后者 据 一 个 国际机构恢复英国的福音联盟成立(成立于1846年)。
They created the National Association of Evangelicals in the US (1942) and the World Evangelical Fellowship (1951), the latter reviving an international body formed under Britain's Evangelical Alliance (founded 1846).
作为要约的一部分,OGIL需征求票据持有人同意在票据发行方面对 据契 约 进 行某些拟议的修订(“拟议的修订”)。
As part of the Offer, OGIL solicited consents from the holders
of the Notes for certain proposed
[...] amendments to the indenture pursuant to which the [...]
Notes were issued (the "Proposed Amendments").
[...] 人和家庭的信息,包括未成年人的家长和教师;教育残疾人的个人;执行公务的官员;私营 公司的员工和那些据合法契约在 教育、卫生、文化领域从事这些服务的个人。
Furthermore, a wide range of individuals are permitted to access private and family information, including the parents and teachers of minors, those teaching disabled persons, officials as required for official duties, and
employees of private companies and those
[...] working under legal contracts in the areas of [...]
education, health, culture to the extent
required to perform these services.
[...] 为,高级管理人员契约制度可以发展成为强有力的问责制工具,但认为,迄今为 止,没有什么据表明契约制 度的实施对加强问责制产生了实际影响(见 [...]
A/66/738,第 28 和 29 段)。
While the Advisory Committee is of the view that senior managers’ compacts could develop into a powerful instrument of the
accountability system, it considers that, to date,
[...] there is little evidence that their introduction [...]
has had any real impact on enhancing
accountability (see A/66/738, paras. 28 and 29).
敦促国际社会据《阿富汗契约》 ,按照阿富汗政府与每个捐助方通过 双边途径商定的意见,增加捐助方直接为核心预算提供的援助比例,并通过阿富 [...]
汗政府参加的其他更可预测的核心预算经费筹供途径,例如阿富汗重建信托基金 及阿富汗法律和秩序信托基金,增加这一比例
Urges the
[...] international community, in accordance with the Afghanistan Compact, to increase [...]
the proportion of donor assistance
channelled directly to the core budget, as agreed bilaterally between the Government of Afghanistan and each donor, as well as through other more predictable core budget funding modalities in which the Government participates, such as the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund and the Law and Order Trust Fund
在每个评估周期结束时,管理业绩委员会 据契 约 和 人力资源行动计划中设 定的具体目标评估每位高级管理人员的业绩,并向秘书长通报其评估结果。
At the end of each assessment cycle, the Management Performance Board assesses each senior manager’s performance against the targets set in the compact and the human resources action plan and advises the Secretary-General of its findings.
在这一方面,OLA 于 2005 年向 GCO
[...] 提出建议:虽然全球契约可 以向有关企业提供指导和协助,要求它们 据 自 己 就全 契 约 原则作出的承诺开 展行动,但是还是应当由有关各方自行解决参与企业遭到投诉的问题。
In this respect, OLA advised the GCO in 2005 that the resolution of complaints against participating companies should be
left solely to the parties involved,
[...] although the Global Compact could provide guidance [...]
and assistance to the companies concerned
in aligning their actions with the commitment they have undertaken with regard to the Global Compact principles.
[...] 验教训是一种宝贵的资源,可用于帮助各国 据 《 全 球就 契 约 》 加强本国就业 和社会政策,并调整措施以适应其本国国情(见方框 2)。
The preliminary set of lessons deriving from those conclusions is a valuable source to assist countries strengthen
their employment and social
[...] policies in line with the Global Jobs Pact and adapt measures [...]
to fit their national circumstances (see box 2).
瓦克制定合规计划的目的在于防范不正当行为的发生,最大程度地降低不正当行为所造成的不良影响,并 据 联 合 国“全 契 约 ” 对腐败行为和其他违法行为进行检举揭发。
Our compliance programs are designed to prevent misconduct, minimize
the repercussions of
[...] misconduct, and – in accordance with the UN’s Global Compact – identify [...]
any cases of corruption or other legal infringements.
(B) 本公司可以加蓋印章之書面文件,一般地或就任何特定事項授權任 何人士為其受權人代其簽契據及 文件,以及代其訂立及簽署合約,而該受權人 代本公司簽署及加蓋其印章之所契 據 均 對本公司具約束力,並如同 契 據 已加 蓋本公司印章之相同效力。
(B) The Company may, by writing under its seal, empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified
matter, as its attorney
[...] to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf and to enter into contracts and sign the same on its behalf and every deed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as if it were under the [...]
seal of the Company.
1.47 维持和平行动支助账户资源和预算外资源将用于:(a) 支持全契约倡 议推动主要利益攸关方 之间的合作并促进伙伴关系以支持联合国的各项目标;(b) [...]
在维持和平问题上辅助政治、维持 和平和人道主义事务厅的工作;(c) 协助秘书长展开斡旋以及在世界各地区展开建立和平活
动;(d) 用于秘书长办公厅的特别项目;(e) 支持联合国不同文明联盟事务高级代表的活动; (f) 支持秘书长关于气候变化的优先议程以及全球可持续性问题高级别小组的工作。
1.47 Resources from the support account for peacekeeping operations
and extrabudgetary resources would: (a)
[...] support the Global Compact initiative in [...]
facilitating cooperation among key stakeholders
and promoting partnerships in support of United Nations goals; (b) supplement the work of the Office of Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs on issues relating to peacekeeping; (c) assist the Secretary-General in the exercise of his good offices and peacemaking activities in all regions of the world; (d) be used for special projects to be undertaken by the Office of the Secretary-General; (e) support the activities of the United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations; and (f) support the Secretary-General’s priority agenda relating to climate change and the work of the High-level Panel on Global Sustainability.




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