单词 | 契 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:契据n—deedn 团契n—fellowshipn
(5)选择法院之协议,构成某契约之一部分者,应与该契约之其他条款切割,视 为独立之协议。 cl-ip.eu | (5) A choice of court agreement that forms part of a contract shall be treated as an agreement independent of the other terms of the contract. cl-ip.eu |
(2) 本条仅适用於有关周年系在本条生效之日後之情 [...] 况,其效力须受有关之任何法令、契据、遗嘱及其 他法律文件所载任何规定所限制。 hkreform.gov.hk | (2) This section applies only where the relevant anniversary falls on a date after that on which this [...] section comes into force, and, in relation to [...] any enactment, deed, will or other [...]instrument, has effect subject to any provision therein. hkreform.gov.hk |
4.4 倘若一名或多名或所有账户持有人去世,本行在有关人士去世後及实际收到有关的书面通 4 知前,根据授权人员或其中任何一位的要求、指示或指令所作出的任何作为、事情、契据或事项,将对账户持有人、其遗产及遗产代理人及透过账户持有人或其中任何一名或多名 人士进行申索的任何人等具绝对及终局性约束力。 hncb.com.hk | 4.4 When any one or more or all of the account holders or the users of the service die(s), any act, thing, deed or matter made or done by us pursuant to the requests, instructions or directions of the Authorized Signatory or any of them after such death but before the actual receipt of notice in writing thereof by us shall be absolutely and conclusively binding on the account holder or the user of the service, his estate and personal representative and any party or parties claiming through or under the account holder or the user of the service or any one or more of them. hncb.com.hk |
(B) 本公司可以经盖印之书面文据授权任何人士就一般事务或任何特定 事务出任其代理人,代其签署契据及文据以及订立并代其签署合约,而该代理人 代表本公司所签署及盖印之每份契据均对本公司具约束力,并与盖上本公司印章之契据具相同效力。 comnet-telecom.hk | (B) The Company may, by writing under its seal, empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified [...] matter, as its attorney [...] to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf and to enter into contracts and sign the same of its behalf and everydeed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as ifit were under the [...]seal of the 143. comnet-telecom.hk |
(3) 不論第119(1)条所述任何内容,第131A条应适用於有关考虑行使中国糧油食品 (集团)有限公司(「中糧」)、中糧集团(香港)有限公司(「中糧(香港)」) 与本公司之间已存在之任何现有不竞争契据(经不时修订或补充)项下之任何 选择权或优先购买权,或考虑本公司及/或其任何附属公司(作为一方)与中 糧及/或其任何聯系人士(定义見上市规则)(作为另一方)订立任何可能构 成上市规则项下之关連交易之交易(「关連交易」)。 chinaagri.com | (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in article 119(1), article 131A shall apply in respect of the consideration of the exercise of any option or right of first refusal under any current non-competition deed between China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation (“COFCO”), COFCO (Hong Kong) Limited (“COFCO (HK)”) and the Company, as amended or supplemented from time to time, or to consider the entering into of any transaction between the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries, on the one part, and COFCO and/or any of its associates (as defined in the Listing Rules) on the other, that would constitute a connected transaction under the Listing Rules (“Related Transaction”). chinaagri.com |
4.5 尚存的账户持有人同意於任何时候均会追认由任何或所有授权人员根据上述第 4.4 条分条 款作出的所有行为、作为、契据、指令、命令或指示,并且承认上述各项对所有账户持有 人均具绝对约束力。 hncb.com.hk | 4.5 The surviving account holder agrees to ratify at all times all acts, things, deeds, directions, orders or instructions given by any or all of the Authorized Signatory in accordance with the preceding sub-clause 4.4 and acknowledges that the same shall be at all times be absolutely and conclusively binding on you. hncb.com.hk |
(戊) 习惯法关於向未成人出售财产或货品的规定,其中部分 应由成文法取而代之,以便法庭可要求未成年人将根据可不予履行或 已舍弃的契约而取得的任何财产,交还供应商(第 3.8.6 段)。 hkreform.gov.hk | (e) The common law rules governing the sale of property or goods to a minor should be partly replaced by statute so that a minor can be required by a court to transfer to the supplier any property acquired by the minor under an unenforceable or repudiated contract (para. 3.8.6). hkreform.gov.hk |
(3) 在申请团体的章程或组织章程大纲及章程细则、或有关条例或信托契约中,必须明文规 定,若团体解散,其成员不得分享其利润或资产。 hkpl.gov.hk | (3) Its Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association or [...] Ordinance or Trust Deed should specifically [...]provide that members do not take any [...]share of the profits nor any share of the assets upon dissolution. hkpl.gov.hk |
这个數字综合了各土地供应的 來源,即政府供申请出售和招标出售的土地、香港铁路有限公司的铁路物业发展 项目、市区重建局的重建项目、须修订土地契约或进行换地的项目,以及无须修 订土地契约的私人重建项目。 devb.gov.hk | The figure has consolidated different sources of land supply, namely government land for sale by application and by tender, railway property development projects of the MTR Corporation Limited, redevelopment projects of the Urban Renewal [...] Authority, projects [...] subject tolease modification/land exchange, and private redevelopment projects not subject to lease modification. devb.gov.hk |
该估值显示,有足够的精算盈余乃至雇主供款可以降 低至信托契据规定的最低水平,从而可於日後年度回收部分盈余。 prudential.co.uk | Under that valuation there was sufficient actuarial surplus to permit a reduction in [...] employer contributions to the minimum level [...] under the trust deed rules, thereby [...]allowing recoverability of part of the surplus in future years. prudential.co.uk |
(d) 在处理修订地契条款以更改土地用途作骨灰龛场的申请时,地政总署通常会 [...] 谘询相关的决策局及政府部门,包括当区的民政事务专员,而民政事务专员 可进行他们认为所需的地区谘询;处理这類申请是地政总署相关职系人员工 作的一部分。 devb.gov.hk | (d) When processing the [...] applications for lease modification [...]involving the change of user restrictions on columbarium use, [...]Lands D normally would consult the relevant policy bureaux and government departments including the District Officers concerned who may conduct such local consultation as they consider necessary. devb.gov.hk |
A.信用风险系指交易对方无法履行契约义务而产生损失的风险,因本公司衍生性 金融商品交易之相对人,系信用卓着之国际金融机构,预期不致产生重大信用 风险。 acbel.com.tw | A company computes earnings per share based on the weighted average number of outstanding shares. acbel.com.tw |
(vi) 在截止认购日或之前,已向牵头经办人交付下述事宜所须的一切同意及批准(如有)的副本:发 [...] 行可换股债券、发行人及本公司根据信托契据提供担保及履行义务、付款及换股代理人协议、担 [...]保及可换股债券(包括规定由全体贷款人给予的同意及批准 ifn.com.hk | (vi) on or prior to the Closing Date there having been delivered to the Lead Manager copies of all consents and approvals (if any) required in relation to the issue of the Convertible Bonds, the giving of the guarantee and the performance of the [...] Issuer’s and the Company’s obligations [...] under theTrust Deed, the paying and [...]conversion agency agreement, the guarantee [...]and the Convertible Bonds (including the consents and approvals required from all lenders) ifn.com.hk |
22.5 公司可以盖上公章的书面通知,授权任何人士作爲他的受权人处理一般事宜 或特别事宜,幷可代表他在世界各地签署契諾及文件或签订合同,上述授权 人代表公司签署幷盖章的任何契约须约束公司幷有效,犹如盖上公司公章一 样。 cifi.com.hk | 22.5 The Company may, by writing under its seal, empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified matter, as its attorney to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf in any part of the world and to enter into contracts and sign the same on its behalf and every deed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as if it were under the seal of the Company. cifi.com.hk |
本人明白本人必须遵守此申请所列的责任、条款及契諾,并遵守专上学生资助计划其他适用於本人 的条款,特区政府才会发放助学金及∕或贷款给本人。 sfaa.gov.hk | I acknowledge that the Government’s payment of the grant(s) and/or loan(s) shall be subject to my honouring all the obligations, conditions, and covenants set out in my application and the other terms by which I am bound under the FASP. sfaa.gov.hk |
(16) 签订任何保证,弥偿或保证的合同(火险或船务保险除外),无論以个人契约或是以按揭或抵押所有或任何本公司的保证,物业及资产(保括未催缴的公司 股本)及尤其是(在不损害前述条文的一般性的原则下,有或无代价下保证或抵 押上述一切以作缴付任何本金,保险费,利息及其他因任何义务及保证应缴付的 款项,尤其是有关(公司条例(第 32 章)第 2 条所指)本公司,控股公司或其 附属公司,或与本公司业务上有聯系的公司。 vitasoy.com | (16) To enter into any guarantee, contract of indemnity or suretyship (excluding fire and marine insurance business) whether bypersonal covenant or by mortgage or charge on all or any part of the undertaking, property or assets of the Company (including its uncalled capital) and in particular (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing with or without consideration to guarantee or give security as aforesaid for the payment of any principal moneys, premiums, interest and other moneys secured by or payable under any obligations or securities including particularly the obligations or securities of any company which is (within the meaning of Section 2 of the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32)) in relation to the Company, a holding company or a subsidiary of such holding company, or of the Company or which is otherwise associated with the Company in business. vitasoy.com |
(iv) 有关提呈发售本公司或本公司可能发起或拥有权益之任何其他公司之股份 或债券或其他证券以供认购或购买之任何合约或安排,而董事或其聯系人 作为包销或分包销发售而於该合约或安排中拥有利益及/或就该项发售作 出任何声明、提供任何契諾、承諾或保证或承担任何其他责任 clh.com.hk | (iv) any contract or arrangement concerning an offer of the shares or debentures or other securities of or by the Company or any other company which the Company may promote or be interested in for subscription or purchase where the Director or his associate(s) is/are or is/are to be interested as a participant in the underwriting or sub-underwriting of the offer and/or for the purposes of making any representations, the giving of any covenants, undertakings or warranties or assuming any other obligations in connection with such offer clh.com.hk |
(b) 适用於房委会辖下的公屋住户及中转房屋的认可居民: [...] 本人明白及承諾,一旦根据此申请而购得「居屋第二市场计划」的樓宇,在签订樓宇转让契据後,本人/户主(如本人并非 户主)须即时向房屋署递交「迁出通知书」,在六十天内,终止现居於公屋单位的租约或暂准租用证,并於租约或租用证终 [...][...]止当日或之前,将该单位腾空交回房委会。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I understand and undertake that upon my purchase of a flat under the SMS as a result of this application, I/head of household(if the applicant is not a head of household) shall/will [...] serve a Notice to Quit to the HD upon the [...] execution ofthe deed ofassignment [...]concerned to terminate the tenancy agreement [...]or Temporary Tenancy Card in respect of the public housing unit/Interim Housing that I am residing in and deliver vacant possession of the said unit to the HA within 60 days or on/before the day on which the Tenancy Agreement/Temporary Tenancy Card is terminated. housingauthority.gov.hk |
就任何人士、商号或公司(不論是否以任何方式与本公司有关連或附属关系)履行全部 或任何责任作为担保人或提供保证、弥偿保证、支援或担保,而采用的方式可为个人契諾或以本公司当时及未來全部或任何部分业务、物业及资产作出按揭、押记或设置留置 权,包括其未催缴股本或任何有关方法,亦不論本公司是否将就此收到可观代价。 towngaschina.com | (iv) To stand surety for or to guarantee, indemnify, support or secure the performance of all or any of the obligations of any person, firm or company whether or not related or affiliated to the Company in any manner and whether by personal covenant or by mortgage, charge or lien upon the whole or any part of the undertaking, property and assets of the Company, both present and future, including its uncalled capital or by any such method and whether or not the Company shall receive valuable consideration therefor. towngaschina.com |
(2) 於个案之情形中,如关系密切之其他国家就职务所生之创作有规定,或规定 因当事人间之契约关系,该创作之所有经济上权利视为已让与或专属授权者,此 等规定之法律效果之发生,得藉由依第1项所定应适用之法律,解释当事人间之 法律关系,认其包含让与该创作之所有经济上权利或予以专属授权之方式,而予 以承认。 cl-ip.eu | (2) If the situation has a close connection with another State that has a work made for hire provision or deems a transfer or exclusive licence of all economic rights in the work to have taken place by virtue of the parties’ contractual relationship, effect may be given to such rules by constructing the parties’ relationship under the law applicable according to paragraph 1 as involving a transfer or exclusive licence of all economic rights in the work. cl-ip.eu |
6.6.2 弥偿人如在签立弥偿契据後,因任何原因无法履行弥偿契据所规定的责任;或弥偿 人身故;或你知悉弥偿人本身提出破产呈请或有人提出与弥偿人有关的破产呈请; 或弥偿人被法院颁布破产令;或弥偿人申请「个人自愿安排」;或你知悉已有人就 弥偿人任何或全部资产被委任为接管人、管理人、行政接管人、受托人或其他同類 人员;或弥偿人牵涉於任何在香港或其他地方进行的诉讼、仲裁或行政法律程序之 中;或有人针对弥偿人或其任何资产在香港或其他地方提出任何申索,你必须立即 以书面通知本处。 sfaa.gov.hk | 6.6.2 After the Indemnifier signsthe Deed of Indemnity, you should notify the Agency in writing immediately if for any reason your Indemnifier becomes incapable of fulfilling the obligations required under the Deed; or deceased; or if you are aware that a bankruptcy petition is filed by him/her or presented against him/her or a bankruptcy order is made against him/her; or your Indemnifier applies for an IVA; or if you are aware that a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer has been appointed over any or all of your Indemnifier’s assets; or your Indemnifier is a party to any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) or if there is any claim (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) against him/her or any of his/her assets after he/she signs the Deed. sfaa.gov.hk |
尽管 M&G 已基本转出基於股权的投资,其主要股权基金,例如全球民生基础基金、新契机基金及环球基本主题 基金,仍持续获得稳健的净流入。 prudential.co.uk | Despite a general shift away from equity-based investments, M&G’s key equity funds such as M&G Global Basics, M&G Recovery and M&G Global Dividend, have continued to enjoy healthy levels of net inflows. prudential.co.uk |
4.5 在不违反开曼公司法及经普通决议通过之购买条件及方式下,董事得代表本公司依与 股东签之订契约或股份发行条件买回股份(包括任何可赎回之股份),并依开曼公司 法支付价款。 apex-intl.com.tw | 4.5 Subject to the Law, and with the sanction of an ordinary resolution authorising the manner and terms of purchase, the Directors may on behalf of the Company purchase any share in the Company (including a redeemable share) by agreement with the holder or pursuant to the terms of the issue of the share and may make payments in respect of such purchase in accordance with the Law. apex-intl.com.tw |
用户或信赖凭证者未依照本作业基准、相关法令规定及注册中心 与用户及相关信赖凭证者之契约约定所引发之损害,或任何损害之造 成系不可归责於注册中心时,应由该用户或信赖凭证者自负损害赔偿 之责。 epki.com.tw | If the subscriber or the relying party does not follow the CPS, relevant laws and regulations and the contract signed between the RA and the subscriber and the relying party and caused damages or the result of any damages not attributable to the RA, the subscriber or the relying party shall be accountable for damage indemnity. epki.com.tw |
於二零零九年十一月十六日,(i) PGA(长江基建之间接全资附属公司)与 UU 订立长 江基建契据,据此,PGA 同意向 UU 收购售予长江基建股份;及 (ii) BCP(港灯之间 接全资附属公司)与 UU 订立港灯契据,据此,BCP 同意向 UU 收购售予港灯股份。 cki.com.hk | On 16th November, 2009, (i) PGA, an indirect wholly-owned [...] subsidiary of CKI, entered [...] into the CKI Deed with UU pursuant to which PGA agreed to acquire the CKI Sale Shares from UU; and (ii) BCP, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of HEH, entered into the HEH Deed with UU pursuant [...]to which BCP agreed [...]to acquire the HEH Sale Shares from UU. cki.com.hk |
环保团体长春社宣布有 28 名立法会候选人(详見附表 2)成为「10 分」环保立法会候选人,他 们已经签署一份「04 立法会环保契约」,承諾如果当选,将在新一届立法会推动由该社提出的 十大首要环保工作,包括保护喜靈洲,反对在该岛兴建「超级监狱」、要求政府检讨红湾半岛 事件、促请政府成立海港保育局、要求政府实施处理废物收费、在 2008 年或以前制定自然保 育法案及保謢文化及建筑古蹟法案等等(详見附表 1);另外,有 41 名候选人签署承諾将推动 4-9 项环保工作;有 4 名候选人基於不同理由表示不会签署;其余 86 名候选人选择不作任何 回覆。 cahk.org.hk | The Conservancy Association (CA) announced today that 28 Legco candidates scored full marks in Environmental Protection; they had signed the “04 Legco Environment Compact” and pledged to commit themselves to dealing with 10 urgent green issues, which include opposing the construction of a superjail in Hei Ling Chau, demanding the Government to conduct a review on the Hunghom Peninsula incident, urging the Government to establish a Harbour Authority, pushing the Administration to implement waste charging scheme, legislating a nature conservation law and heritage conservation law before 2008, etc. (for details, please to Appendix 1) Besides, 41 candidates had supported 4 to 9 green issues in the compact; 4 candidates declined to sign and the remaining 86 did not reply. cahk.org.hk |
弥偿契约”指永泰拟以南聯(为其自己及余下集团的其他成员)为受益人关 於弥偿以下各项而签署的弥偿契约﹕(i)余下集团在股份销售完成 之前期间产生的课税责任;及(ii)余下集团就集团重组而产生的或 与集团重组有关的任何责任 wingtaiproperties.com | Deed of Indemnity”the deed ofindemnity to be executed by Wing Tai in favour of Winsor (for itself and other members of the Remaining Group) in respect of the [...] indemnification of [...](i) the tax liabilities of the Remaining Group arising in respect of the period prior to the Share Sale Completion, and (ii) any liabilities incurred by the Remaining Group arising or in connection with the Group Reorganisation wingtaiproperties.com |