

单词 奋袂

See also:

exert oneself

sleeve of a robe

Tryxalis masuta

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 下,对阳性结果进行初步审查的反 奋 剂 组织将考虑该结果是否与治疗用药豁免到期或撤销的 [...]
In such cases, the Anti-Doping Organization [...]
conducting the initial review of an adverse finding will consider whether the
finding is consistent with expiry or withdrawal of the TUE.
2009 年以来,欧洲地理协会袂德国制图和大地测量局对欧洲地名基础设施 进行了总体的管理。
Since 2009, the overall management of the EuroGeoNames infrastructure has been conducted by EuroGeographics, together with the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy of Germany.
委员会 请联合国各机构酌情袂支持实施本决议中关于把区域主义作为多边主义基石 的建议和关于需要建立连贯的区域发展战略的建议,并请亚洲及太平洋区域协调 [...]
机制,并与成员国以及与在区域和次区域两个层面活动的其他亚洲和太平洋地区 相关组织一道,努力促进实施这些建议,以便使联合国系统与这些组织的合作连
The Commission invited agencies of the United
[...] Nations, as appropriate, to work together in support of [...]
the implementation of the recommendations
of the independent study on regionalism as a building block for multilateralism and on the need for a coherent regional strategy for development, and requested the Executive Secretary to work, through the Regional Coordination Mechanism for the Asia-Pacific region and in consultation with member States and other relevant organizations operating in Asia and the Pacific at the regional and subregional levels, towards the implementation of the recommendations of the study, so that the engagement of the United Nations system with such organizations is coherent, strategically coordinated and geared to support regional integration efforts.
她正在奋工作 ,建立一个甄别法庭记录的系统;与档案和记录管 理科及联合法庭档案战略工作小组一道制订一项记录保留政策,用于整个法庭的 [...]
记录;开始全面审查法庭内几项不同的记录保存计划表建议;正在牵头开展审查 工作,以确保记录保留计划表保持内部一致。
She is working diligently to establish a [...]
system to identify records at the institution; is developing, in conjunction with
the Archives and Records Management Section and the Joint Tribunals Archival Strategy Working Group, a records retention policy for records throughout the Tribunal; has begun a comprehensive review of the several different retention schedule recommendations within the Tribunal; and is leading a review to ensure that the records retention schedule represents an internally consistent system.
近日,美国LEED绿色建筑金质认证获得者:东方海港国际大厦牵手瀚艺中央空调, 袂 打 造 上海绿色建筑节能新地标。
Recently, the U.S. LEED Green Building Gold certification winner: Oriental Harbour International Building hand Han Yi central air conditioning, together create a new landmark of Shanghai green building energy efficiency.
对执行这一建议情况的监督将由各部间人权委员会与相关部门 袂 开 展
The monitoring of the implementation of this recommendation will be carried out by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Human Rights in conjunction with the relevant Ministries.
他们的袂出席,证 实了将要讨论的议题的重要性。
The Security
[...] Council will now begin its consideration [...]
of the item on its agenda.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目
[...] 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 [...]
32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加杜古建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的非
洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统竞赛和体育运动宪章的可行性及范围的初步报告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the
following five items: 8.1 “Draft international
[...] convention against doping in sport”, [...]
5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning
educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and 5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.
在 2003 年 1 月在阿雷格里港与世界社会论坛袂举行 的年度非政府组织集体磋商会议上,组织了一次工作组会议,讨论民间组织在联合 国扫盲十年中的作用。
At the annual meeting of the Collective Consultation of NGOs held in Porto Alegre in January 2003 in conjunction with the World Social Forum, a working group session was organized to discuss civil society organizations’ roles in the United Nations Literacy Decade.
高性能座驾与超级跑车袂登场 ,让您体验全新GS令人屏息的精准操控。
High performance Sedan vs LFA, experiencing incredibly accurate handling control of the All New GS.
我的結論是,如果有任何努力可以令兩國政府再次 袂 , 就 ㆒項對我們的前途尤 為重要的問題達成協議,那麼即使機會是如何渺茫,我們也須作出這種努力。
My conclusion is that if there were any efforts that can bring together once again the two Governments to agree on an issue vital to our future, however slim the chance is, that effort has to be made.
在麻委会闭会期间会议上将提供工 作组的下述报告:(a)2008 年 6 月 23 日至 25 日在维也纳举行的减少供应问题工 作组会议的报告,(UNODC/CND/2008/WG.1/3);(b)2008 年 6 月 30 日至 7 月 1 日在维也纳举行的打击洗钱并促进司法合作问题工作组会议的报告 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3);(c)2008 年 7 月 2 日至 4 日在维也纳举行的开 展国际合作根除非法药物作物和实行替代发展问题工作组会议的报告 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.3/3);(d)2008 年 9 月 15 日至 17 日在维也纳举行的 减少毒品需求问题工作组会议的报告(UNODC/CND/2008/WG.4/3);及(e)2008 年 9 月 17 日至 19 日在维也纳举行的管制前体和苯丙胺类 奋 剂 工 作组会议的 报告(UNODC/CND/2008/WG.5/3)。
The following reports of working groups were made available at intersessional meetings of the Commission: (a) the report of the meeting of the working group on supply reduction, held in Vienna from 23 to 25 June 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.1/3); (b) the report of the meeting of the working group on countering money-laundering and promoting judicial cooperation, held in Vienna on 30 June and 1 July 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3); (c) the report of the meeting of the working group on international cooperation on the eradication of illicit drug crops and on alternative development, held in Vienna from 2 to 4 July 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3); (d) the report of the meeting of the working group on drug demand reduction, held in Vienna from 15 to 17 September 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3); and (e) the report of the meeting of the working group on control of precursors and of amphetamine-type stimulants, held in Vienna from 17 to 19 September 2008 (UNODC/CND/2008/WG.2/3).
与使用苯丙胺类奋剂有 关的 治疗需求相对较少,但过去十年在全世界大幅度增加,特别是在东南亚、大洋 洲和北美洲。
The treatment demand related to use of amphetamine-type stimulants is relatively small, but it has considerably increased worldwide over the past decade, especially in South-East Asia, Oceania and North America.
此媒體專訪的主要目的是藉由執行長及營運長 袂 來 台的機會,與台灣媒體分享ARM在2004年的績效回顧,以及2005年在的市場策略及展望。
The main purpose of the media interviews was to leverage ARM CEO and COO’s visit to Taiwan and share with the media ARM’s performance in 2004 and the market strategies and forecasts for 2005.
警方與房屋署為了對付這些問題已 經採取行動,包括由房屋署與警方聯手進行行動、 袂 出 席 互助委員會會議,指導居 民如何處理這些情況與如何舉報,並且由房屋署在各個屋 採取實際措施。
This has taken the form of joint police and Housing Department operations, it has taken the form of police and Housing Department attendance at mutual aid committee meetings to advise residents how to deal with such situations and how to report them, and it has also taken the form of physical measures taken by the Housing Department in estates.
打造浙江省权威缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨行业盛会 「2012中国(义乌)国际缝纫机械及配件展览会」简称「YIWU S&G 2012」将于2012年11月27至30日在浙江义乌国际博览中心精彩亮相, 袂 同 期举办的「第十三届中国(义乌)国际袜子、针织及染整机械展览会」简称「YIWU H&G 2012」,将产生巨大的行业协同效应,以多个主题专区为买家塑造一个贯穿针织及制衣产业的一站式采购平台,让买家企业开阔视野、转变观念、了解市场、寻找新商机,也为参展企业于这义乌展打造高效务实的贸易平台及合作机会,也是缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨等业内人士不能错过的展会。
Shaping the Most Authoritative Event of the Sewing Industry in Zhejiang Province in Sewing Machinery Exhibition (YIWU S&G 2012) China (Yiwu) International Exhibition on Sewing Machinery & Equipment ("YIWU S&G 2012") and The 13th China Yiwu International Exhibition on Hosiery, Knitting, Dyeing & Finishing Machinery ("YIWU H&G 2012") will be staged at Yiwu International Expo Centre on 27-30 November 2012.
如今得以「鏡」、「匣」團圓,當為文物界添一段傳奇,而在法國巴黎銀行基金會與法國巴黎銀行 袂 贊 助 下,讓這段傳奇更為美好。
Now, at last, with the help of BNP Paribas Foundation and BNP Paribas Taiwan, the mirror and the mirror case are reunited, becoming a legend in the art world.
我們現時看到的,是更多的群體工作;來自世界各 ㆞的不同行業專業㆟士袂起來 ,共同討論和解決問題。
We are now witnessing more collaborative efforts, where experts in specific fields from all over the world come together to discuss and solve problems.
镶嵌工匠与珠宝巨匠袂合作 ,根据每一颗钻石的尺寸而决定每一细部的厚度。
The setter works in partnership with the jeweler to determine the thickness of each strand, which is dependent on the size of each diamond.
男星Phil Winser与德莉•海明威袂出席 2013电影独立精神奖颁奖典礼。
Actors Phil Winser and Dree Hemingway arrive at the 2013 Film Independent Spirit Awards.
为了让更多人了解LVD无极灯的差异化优势,上海宏源照明电器有限公司与复旦大学电光源研究所 袂 , 由 复旦大学出版社向全国出版发行,国内首部系统介绍LVD无极灯知识及应用的文献——《LVD无极灯》隆重出版。
Ltd. and Fudan University Institute of Electric Light Source published a book"LVD Induction Lamp", issued by the Fudan University Press, the first literature systematically introducing LVD induction lamp and application of it.
电脑设计师与艺术总监袂合作 ,将一张草图逐渐转化落实为更具体的图像。
Computer designers and art directors collaborate to evolve the sketch into a more concrete vision.
繼 成 功 推 出「喜 羊 羊 與 灰 太 狼」及「功 夫 熊 貓」系列 後,本 集 團再 接 再厲,於 期內袂美 國 荷裡 活電 影 公 司「二十 世紀 霍 士電 影公 司」,聯 合推 廣「冰河世 紀:大 陸漂 移」電 影,並 推出「冰河 世 紀」產品,為 維 達品 牌形 像 注 入新動 力。
Following the success of the “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” and “Kung Fu Panda” series, the Group has made further efforts by joining forces with 20th Century Fox Film Corporation (“Fox Film”), a Hollywood film studio in the United States.
影片中众多场景的灵感来源于意大利名画,服装则由传奇设计师Marcel Escoffier与Piero Tosi联袂设计 ,此片的制作设计以众多华美而精准的细节重现了那个重要历史时期。
With sets inspired by important Italian paintings, and costumes by legendary designers Marcel Escoffier and Piero Tosi, the production design re-creates the historical period with spectacular and accurate detail.
超模刘雯就是其中一位。我们非常高兴地看到她袂 Oscar de la Renta 2013春夏广告大片。
One of the names we've been admiring for
a while already is Liu Wen and it's a great pleasure for us to
[...] see the model on Oscar de la Renta [...]
SS2013 Ad Campaign...
红十字委员会并与国际议会联 盟 合作,袂 为各 国议员拟订一项手册, 以期执行该联盟在第 115 次有关失踪人员问题大会上所通过的决议。
ICRC is also working jointly with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on a manual designed for parliamentarians for the implementation of the resolution adopted by IPU at its 115th Assembly on Missing Persons.
与世界专业音响品牌Mark Levinson ®袂打造 的音响系统,最高配备鉴赏级别的15个扬声器和12通道数字功放,为您实现完美的音场效果。
With the world's top audio brand Mark Levinson ®, LEXUS creates the aduio system with the highest appreciation level of 15 speakers and 12-channel digital amplifier to provide you with perfect sound field effect.
今 年 , 這 些 活 動 計 有 在 二 零 一 一 年 二 月 首 次袂 進 行 的 「 亞 太 互 聯 網 科 技 高 峰 會 」 和 「 亞 太 先 進 網 絡 會 議 」 、 在 三 月 首 次 舉 辦 的 「 亞 太 區 網 上 資 訊 展 覽 2011」 , 以 及 在 四 月 舉 行 世 界 信 息 峰 會 大 獎 的 評 審 。
Such events include the first ever joint event of Asia Pacific Internet Conference on Operational Technologies and Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APRICOTAPAN) in February 2011, the first-ever Online Information Asia-Pacific 2011 in March, and the World Summit Awards (WSA) Grand Jury in April.
Tradegood首席营运官William Quilindo先生袂国际 社会责任认证组织(WRAP) 主席及行政总裁Avedis Seferian先生、Intertek审核服务全球副总裁及环境影响解决方案副总裁 Christophe Liebon先生、Tradegood东北亚洲区副总裁何志伟先生走上舞台,按下手印点亮Tradegood标志,共同开启了Tradegood品牌在中国的历程。
Mr. William Quilindo, Chief Operations Officer of Tradegood, Mr. Avedis Seferian, President and CEO of WRAP, Mr. Christophe Liebon, Vice President of Global Auditing Supplier Management and Environmental Impact Solutions of Intertek, and Mr. David Ho, Vice President (Northeast Asia) of Tradegood were invited to officiate the lighting ceremony, which started a brand-new journey of Tradegood in China; followed by a series of presentations by industry experts.




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