

单词 奉公



carry out official duties and observe the law


serve the public interest wholeheartedly
self-restraint and devotion public duties (idiom); selfless dedication


self-restraint and devotion public duties (idiom); selfless dedication
serve the public interest wholeheartedly

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

透過定期接觸和探訪,善後輔導人員協助受監管的更生 人士重奉公守法的生活。
Through regular contacts and visits, inmates/prisoners discharged under supervision are assisted to lead a law-abiding and decent life.
此外,我們承諾保持誠懇廉潔奉公 守 法 、財政清晰及持續發展。
In addition, we are committed to integrity, governance, financial clarity and sustainability,¡¨ said TNT CEO Peter Bakker.
當局在訂定新 罪行時必須加倍謹慎,並須平衡警方的執法權,既要令受藥物 影響或服藥後駕駛能力受損的司機會被繩之以法,以保障道路 使用者,亦要確保相關罪行不會殃及大多 奉公 守 法 的駕駛人 士,因為他們可能需要服用藥物作真正醫療用途。
It has to be very careful in drawing up new offences and ensuring the enforcement power by the Police is balanced, so that while drivers who drive while being influenced or impaired by drugs are prosecuted and road users are protected, the offences would not adversely affect the majority of the law-abiding driving population who may need to take drugs for genuine medical purpose.
就培训、教育和外联工作而言,在两次两个报告 期内,约有 5 000 名工作人员参加了题为《协同努力: 在日常工作中廉奉公》的 半天讲习班。
With regard to training, education and outreach, some 5,000 staff members had attended a half-day workshop entitled “Working together: professional ethics and integrity in our daily work” during the two reporting cycles.
欣赏他的职业道德、谦恭有理、廉 奉公 , 以 及“wa”的精神–笃信和睦相处并通过协商一 致耐心开展工作,他向本组织以及多年来有幸与其共事的所有人灌输了这种精神
Appreciating his professionalism, humility and integrity, together with the spirit of wa – the strong belief in harmony and in working patiently through consensus – which he has imparted to the Organization and to all those who have had the honour to work with him over the years, 11.
为了释除公眾的疑虑,以及配合行政长官履行以「开诚布公」的作风行事的承诺,政府可否告知本会,会否修改现行申报利益的规定,订明在任的行政长官须公布是否拥有海外註册公司及其业务详情(包括是否仍在运作),而在经修改的规定下,须主动公布该公司、该公司持有的戴德梁行的外国分公司或其他尚未申报之详情;若会,详情如何;若不会,原因为何,以及如何令公眾相信在任的行政长官拥有正在运作的海外註册公司,不会抵触《基本法》第四十七条下「行政长官必须廉 奉公 , 尽忠职守」的规定?
To allay public concerns and dovetail with the fulfillment of CE's pledge of working in an open and transparent manner, will the Government inform this Council whether it will revise the existing requirements on declaration of interests to stipulate that the incumbent CE has to make public if he owns any overseas registered company and the details of the business of such companies (including whether the companies are still in operation) and, under the revised requirements, has to take the initiative to make public the details of the company, the foreign branch of DTZ held by the company or other interests which have not been declared; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that, as well as how the public can be convinced that the incumbent CE's ownership of an overseas registered company which is in operation is not in breach of the requirement
in Article 47 of the
[...] Basic Law that "[t]he Chief Executive …… must be a person of integrity, dedicated to his or her duties"?
(d) 以學生及青少年為對象的活動:懲教署推行「更生先鋒計劃」,目的是透 過多元化活動,傳達奉公守法 、遠離毒品、支持更生」的信息。
(d) Activities targeting students and young people: the CSD implemented the “Rehabilitation Pioneer Project” (RPP) with the objective to convey the messages of “Be law-abiding; Stay away from drugs; Support offender rehabilitation” through a wide range of activities.
公 司 董 事、管 理 層 勤 勉 盡 責奉 公 守 法,認 真 執 行 股 東 大 會、董 事 會 的 決 議,在 執 行 職 務 時 無 違 反 法 律、 法 規、《公 司 章 程 》或 損 害 公 司 利 益 以 及 侵 犯 股 東 權 益 的 行 為。
The Directors and the management diligently have performed their duties, abided by the laws and carefully executed all resolutions of the shareholders’ general meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors.
还有人提出,发展的目的在于 改善个人、社区和本国在精神、经济和社会等所有方面的生活质量,旨在 奉行 公平和民主的法治并使之制度化。
It was also argued that development was intended to improve the quality of life of individuals, communities and homelands in all spheres — intellectual, economic and social — and to pursue and institutionalize the equitable and democratic rule of law.
作为安理会常任理事国和《不扩散核武器条约》拥有核武器的缔约国,中国 从不回避核裁军义务奉行公开、 透明、负责任的核政策,在核武器国家中独树 一帜。
As a permanent member of the Security Council and a nuclear-weapon State under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, China has never shunned its obligations in the field of nuclear disarmament.
知识产权体系如何遵守《生物差公 约 》(C B D ) 奉 行 的 使用权与利益共享原则?
How could the IP system contribute to the principles of access and benefit sharing enshrined in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
我们鼓励实地的人道主义工作人奉 行 人道 、公 正、中立和独立的原则,我们也呼吁受援国确保他们 的安全和安保。
We encourage humanitarian personnel on the ground to follow the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence, and we call on the recipient countries to ensure their safety and security.
以色列拘留中心中约 4 400 名巴勒斯坦囚犯的处 境对于那些奉人权和司公平的 人士来说依然令 人担忧,这些囚犯中有 300 人受到行政拘留,特别是 一些被拘留者仍在继续通过绝食来抗议其处境。
The situation of the approximately 4,400 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention centres, 300 of whom are under administrative detention, also remains a cause of worry for those who believe in human rights and the fairness of justice, in particular as some detainees have continued to protest their situation through hunger strikes.
就业和等于工作的活动,意指在爱沙尼亚境内从事的工作, 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或公共 服务 中 奉 派 从 爱沙尼亚前往国外;根据 雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼亚从事的工作;作为独资业主人爱沙尼亚开展的活动;如果本人的学习暂 停或已经结束,则指在教育机构的白天或全日制学习;履行应征服役义务。
The employment and activity equal to work means work performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in public service; work performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity in Estonia as a sole proprietor; daytime or full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; and performance of conscript service obligation.
公孙龙以善奉命于 世,他的最著名的论题是“白马非马”:公孙龙认为马有白色、黑色、黄色等等,而白马只有白色,所以白马非马。
According to him, "horses" includes horses that are white, yellow, brown, etc., while "white horses" includes only white horses, and excludes the others; therefore, white horses are not horses.
未 經 審 核 業 績 不 能 反 映 本 集 團 截 至 2008 年 12 月 31 日
[...] 止 年 度 的 業 績 ,公 司 奉 勸 各 投 資 者 及 股 東 [...]
在 處 置 本 公 司 股 票 時 保 持 審 慎 。
The Unaudited Results may not reflect the results of the Group for the year ended
31st December, 2008, investors and
[...] shareholders of the Company are advised to exercise [...]
extreme caution when dealing in the shares of the Company.
知识产权制度如何支持《生物多样 公 约 》 所 奉 行 的 使用和利益共享原则?
How can the IP system support the principles of access and benefit sharing enshrined in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
以色列的政策蔑视所有具有国际合法性的相关决 议,特别是尤其是第
497(1981)号决议——(该决议规 定,以色列侵占叙利亚戈兰的决定无效,没有法律效
[...] 力);作为这类同样政策的一部分,以色列正继续拒不 把被占领的叙利亚戈兰归还给它的祖国叙利亚,并正奉行其定居点政策、恐怖主义行动、种族歧视行为, 试图羞辱叙利公民,分割被占领的叙利亚戈兰,并 在戈兰 Majdal Shams 村庄以东建造一道隔离墙。
As part of the same Israeli policy that flouts all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in particular resolution 497 (1981), which provides that the Israeli decision to annex the Syrian Golan is null and void and has no legal effect, Israel is continuing to
refuse to return
[...] the occupied Syrian Golan to its motherland, Syria, and is pursuing its settlement policies, terrorist actions, acts of racial [...]
discrimination, attempts
to humiliate Syrian citizens, divide the occupied Syrian Golan and build a separation wall in the Golan east of the village of Majdal Shams.
同时,我们所有的计划和行动都包含着环保意识,因此, 公 司 辛 勤 奉 献 着 的每位员工的的安全和健康也是公司政策中优先考虑的内容。
At the same time, the safety and health of our workforce in all their efforts for us is another high priority in our company policy, as is environmental awareness in all our plans and actions.
公司奉行"以 人为本、制造精品、拓展企业、回报社会”的经营宗旨,以"优质规范、开拓创新、持续改进、顾客满意”为质量方针,将广纳人才作为企业的立足之本,视提高产品质量为使命,公司现于通过ISO9001:2000质量认证和产品质量符合美国UL标准、ROHS标准、欧盟SGS无铅产品认证。
We adhere to the "people-oriented, manufacturing products, expand enterprise, return society" business purpose, with [...]
"quality standard,
pioneering innovation, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction" as the quality policy, as an enterprise of talent recruitment will be the base, depending on improving product quality as our mission, our company now in passed ISO9001:2000 quality certification and product quality meets American UL standard and ROHS, standard, the eu SGS lead-free product certification.
客人的价值,公司的专业奉献都 在这一刻体现出来。
The result is a clear and concrete statement about their value and your professionalism and commitment.
道德操守公室奉命施 行本组织财务披露方案,作为查明、管理和缓解利益 冲突风险的一种手段,加强公众对本组织廉正的信任。
The Ethics Office is mandated to administer the financial disclosure programme of the Organization as a means of identifying, managing and mitigating conflict of interest risks in pursuit of strengthening public trust in the integrity of the Organization.
由於以增撥的款 項進行的工作及活動詳情奉,他質疑工商科保留該筆龐大的 撥款是否恰當,因為這些資源可預留作其他具體及更急切的用 途。
In the absence of details on the work and
activities to which the increased funding
[...] resources would be allocated, he questioned [...]
if it was appropriate for CI Branch to retain
such a huge allocation when resources could be earmarked for other specific and more pressing use.
万塔,芬兰 – 2011年10月31日– 斯维奇,永磁发电机及全功率变流器解决方案的领先供应商,今日宣布将会继续作为一家独立 公 司 , 奉 行 其 业已获得成功的企业战略,之前斯维奇的股东及美国超导公司宣布两家公司早前签署的收购协议终止。
Vantaa, Finland  October 31, 2011 – The Switch, a leading provider of permanent magnet generator and full-power converter packages, told today that it will continue to pursue its successful business strategy as an independent company following the announcement by its shareholders and power technology company AMSC regarding the termination of the previously announced acquisition agreement.
巴基斯坦没有侵犯少数群体人权的制度性 问题,正如《宪法》所保障的那样,所 公 民 可自 由奉其宗 教和信仰,并自由结社和发表言论。
Pakistan had no systematic problem of human rights violations of minorities, and all citizens were free to practise their religion and faith and to exercise their freedom of association and expression, as guaranteed by the Constitution.
表示关切以宗教或信仰名义针对许多人实行的制度化的社会不容忍和 歧视做法持续存在,强调涉及宗教或信仰团体和礼拜场所的法律程序并不是行使 表明个人宗教或信仰的权利的先决条件,并强调此类法律程序如属国家或地方一 级法律要求,则应是非歧视性的,以帮助有效保护所有人单独或集体 公 开 或非 公开地奉行其宗教或信仰的权利
Expresses concern about the persistence of institutionalized social intolerance and discrimination practised against many on the grounds of religion or belief, and emphasizes that legal procedures pertaining to religious or belief-based groups and places of worship are not a prerequisite for the exercise of the right to manifest one’s religion or belief and that such procedures, when legally required at the national or local level, should be non-discriminatory in order to contribute to the effective protection of the right of all persons to practise their religion or belief, either individually or in community with others and in public or private
根据 ST/SGB/2005/21 号秘书长公报,道德操守公室奉命 执 行联合国关于 防范工作人员因举报不当行为和配合已获正式授权的审计或调查而遭报复的政 策。
Pursuant to the Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2005/21, the Ethics Office is mandated to implement the United Nations policy on protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations.
奉俄罗斯联邦总统和政府的指示,国家有关机构正在 2008-2010 [...]
年期间,在 联邦和区域开展一些有针对性的部门间方案,包括打击族裔和宗教极端主义和防 止族裔间冲突的一系列措施。
On the instructions of the President and
[...] Government of the Russian Federation, [...]
the relevant State bodies are conducting
a number of special federal and regional targeted and interdepartmental programmes, including a range of measures to combat ethnic and religious extremism and to prevent inter-ethnic conflict for the period 2008-2010.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於 公 司 的 股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向公司作 出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware
of any other
[...] person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances [...]
at general meetings
of any other member of the Group.
(i) 本公司可 按董事會認為合適之有關條款向 公 司 、其 任何附公司、本公司任何控公司 或 任何有關控公 司 之 任 何 附公 司 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購 公司 或本公司任何控公司股 份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於公司或有關其公 司 , 則以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予公 司 或 有關其公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms [...]
as the Board thinks fit.




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