

单词 奇葩



rare and exotic flora [idiom.]

See also:

odd (number)

corolla of flower


odd adj

External sources (not reviewed)

完美的修复和出色的照明为游客带来华丽效果, 全面展示了印度伟大历史上建奇葩 的 辉 煌。
The well-executed restoration and the fantastic lighting
created a splendid sight for tourists,
[...] showing the architectural marvels of India’s great history [...]
in their full splendour.
奇葩,其 中显示的精湛技巧和钢琴家 ; 技术质量不仅如果没有质量的写作和作曲家的想象力也
A wonderful work that shows not only the virtuosity and the technical quality of the pianist, but also the quality of writing and imagination of the composer!
It is a wonderful work, which fortunately we [...]
all know.
另一段 則 是 : “ 像 曾蔭權這 樣 有 承 擔 的 官 員,在特區政 府 灰 暗 無 光的庸 才 隊 伍 中 , 可 謂 令 人 眼 前 一 亮 而 驚 豔 的 一奇 葩 。
The Government has simply failed to work out any concrete measures to help the poor, other than flaunting a double-digit growth rate.
问世于1969年的El Primero机芯,不仅是首枚具备计时腕表功能的自动机芯,如今还以每小时36,000次的振频,且精确到1/10秒的显示精度,成为现代制表业的一 奇葩。
Embodying a landmark invention in the history of modern watchmaking, the El Primero movement created in 1969 is not only the first automatic integrated chronograph, since it also beats at the exceptional frequency of 36,000 vibrations/hour, thus ensuring 1/10th of a second precision.
因此,时隔一年之后,2009“BMW中国文化之旅”车队再次造访甘肃,并通过中华慈善总会宝马爱心基金向受灾严重且极具代表性的文县池哥昼、武山旋鼓舞以及武都高山戏捐赠30万元人民币,以帮助这些项目早日度过灾后困难时期,让陇南热土上的民族文 奇葩 绽 放 出更加绚烂的艺术之花。
With that, the 2009 “BMW China Culture Journey” once again visited Gansu, and donated RMB300,000 to severely-damaged yet extremely representative projects, namely Wenxian County White-Horse Tibetan Drama, Wushan Sheepskin Fan-Drum Dance and Wudu Mountain Drama, through the China Charity Federation BMW Warm-Heart Fund, to help them through this difficult period, and to ensure the continued flourishing of Longnan folk culture.
香港南區,地靈人傑,不少中國近代文壇 奇葩 在 此 留下足跡,埋下段段動人往事 ─ 一代才女張愛玲創造《傾城之戀》的不朽傳奇,雨巷詩人戴望舒在薄扶林臨泉筆耕,薄命佳人蕭紅譜寫人生中最淒美的最後篇章,還有北大之父蔡元培、《落花生》作者許地山,都在此間永駐留芳,讓世人景仰。
Many great men and women in the literary history of modern China have left their marks in the Southern District, such as the book "Love in a Fallen City" written by the legendary female novelist Eileen Chang; the beautiful poems composed by the poet of "The Lane in the Rain" Dai Wangshu besides the stream at Pok Fu Lam; and the final chapter of the sad life story of Xiao Hong, just to name a few.
品牌並於表展圓滿結束後,邀請國際知名鐘表專家Jeffrey Kingston先生,
[...] 於3月23日假香港中環雪廠街10號寶珀旗艦店主持「表 奇葩 ─ ─ 寶珀2012新品」講座,一眾貴賓及媒體代表應邀出席,齊齊參與本年度巴塞爾世界鐘表珠寶博覽會 [...]
Right after the end of the international trade show, Blancpain proudly presents a sensational workshop,
the “Watchmaking Excellence –
[...] Blancpain 2012 Novelties”, hosted by world renowned watch [...]
critic Mr. Jeffrey Kingston, on the
23rd of March at the Blancpain Boutique at 10 Ice House Street in Central, in which the speaker shared his insights into the success of Blancpain and the new launches of the year.
我們非常榮幸,能夠在本年的巴塞爾世界鐘表珠寶博覽會圓滿結束後,邀請到國際知名鐘表專家Jeffrey Kingston先生蒞臨香港,主持『表 奇葩 ─ ─ 寶珀2012新品』講座,與一眾鑑賞家、收藏家及表迷分享他對於寶珀及今年新品的心得。
We are honoured to have invited world renowned watch critic Mr. Jeffrey Kingston to host the ‘Watchmaking Excellence – Blancpain 2012 Novelties' worksho p for us today.
总之,Maître Bertrand
[...] Gros深表感谢地说道:“聚集在比尔市的全体领导与员工,经过了数十年的艰苦奋斗,推动了Rolex(劳力士)机芯的发展,使之成为钟表业的一 奇葩 , 更是“瑞士制造”的象征,在当前的经济形势下,我们比任何时候都需要这种精神。
Bertrand Gros chose to bring the inauguration event to a close by thanking “all of the managers and staff in Bienne who have worked for
decades to create the Rolex movement, a veritable
[...] icon within the world of watchmaking [...]
and a symbol of the ‘Swiss Made’ brand,
which is more important than ever to the country given the current economic climate.
據行內人指出,雖然過去1年金融海嘯席捲全球各行各業,但檢測 業界卻可說是淡市中奇葩,仍 有雙位數字的營業增長。
Restrictions like this have opened up business opportunities for the testing and certification services. As pointed out by industry practitioners, despite the negative impact brought about by the financial tsunami to various industries all over the world over the past year, the testing industry has been a rare exception, experiencing a double-digit increase in business turnover in the sluggish market.
我們有ISO9001:2008制度保證的品質管理系統,這項管理系統包括荷 葩 油 的 生產與市場行銷,及荷 葩 油 所延伸的其他副產品的市場行銷。
We have an ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System for manufacturing and commercialization of jojoba oil and commercialization of jojoba derivatives.
從法國和中國深造回澳的主廚Yannick Ehrsam編撰給客人選擇的時令餐單,每一道菜皆是精心之作,水準極高;如黑松露泡沫配菠蘿 葩 佐 松 露香料、法國吉拉多生蠔NO.2伴香檳沙巴翁及檸檬皮、法菜傳統不可或缺的菜色如凱撒沙律及甜品精選flambé。
To further enhance the French spirit of Privé, the near extinct art of table side preparation of select dishes will be presented as features, such as Caesar salad, Chateau Briand and an assortment of flambé desserts.
最後還有迷人的香芒椰汁糯米飯以及酒店自製的椰子芒果 葩 球 , 這樣健康又美味的家常泰菜,還能在別的地方找到嗎?
Save room for superb desserts like Fresh Mango with Sticky Rice, and homemade Thai Sorbets.
可供食用的冰品,包括以水為主的冷凍甜品、甜點及巧點(例如冰 糕及葩) 本分 類包括以水為主的冰凍甜品、甜點及巧點,例如水果 葩 、 意 大利式 冰品及調味冰品(flavoured ice)。
This category includes water-based frozen desserts, confections and novelties, such as fruit sorbet, “Italian”-style ice, and flavoured ice.
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无视大量的普遍定期审议建议,特别是 与结束 对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯坦人民有权自 决、 有权建立 一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷为首都 的 独立的主权国家 、巴勒斯坦难 民有权回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有权收 复财产的建议,这 一 点 也奇 怪 。
Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack against the Gaza strip and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since 1948 and so it is not surprising that it will ignore the largest number of UPR recommendations, specially those related to putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and to the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and their right to compensation and restitution of their properties.
加强纳奇克地 方广播电视台技术和内容能力”的项目 (俄罗斯卡巴狄诺-巴卡里亚)为地方电视台提供技术和创造能力来制作和广播旨在有 助于加强该区域和平和包容的进程并就重大社会和经济问题提出青年人的独立看法和 观点的电视节目。
The project “Strengthening technical and content capacity of the local broadcaster TV Nalchik” (Kabardino Balkaria, Russian Federation) provided the local television station with both technical and creative capacity to produce and broadcast television programmes aimed to contribute to the process of strengthening peace and tolerance in the region, to articulate independent views and opinions of youth on the major social and economic issues.
阿根廷政府提请大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府注意国际社会提出的要 求,这反映在联合国大会第 2065(XX)、3160(XXVIII)、31/49、37/9、38/12、39/6、 40/21、41/40、42/19 和 43/25 号决议以及非殖民化特别委员会各项决议中;这 些决议承认阿根廷和联合王国对马尔维纳斯、南乔治亚和南桑 奇 群 岛 及周围海 域存在主权争端,并敦促双方恢复谈判,尽快为争议找到和平解决办法。
The Argentine Government reminds the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the mandate from the international community reflected in United Nations General Assembly resolutions 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/9, 38/12, 39/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19 and 43/25, and in the resolutions of the Special Committee on Decolonization, which recognize the existence of a dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom concerning sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia Islands, South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas, and invite both parties to resume negotiations with a view to finding a peaceful solution to the dispute as soon as possible.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地
[...] 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸分裂实体 奇 怪 的 是,亚美尼亚的宣传 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 [...]
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate
separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani
[...] territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda [...]
continues to qualify the aggression
against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创 奇 迹 , 作为地球的统治者犯 奇 闻 的 罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see
Antichrist), will in the
[...] guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit [...]
unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
由於我們的荷葩油是 一樣無化學改性的天然成份,豁免紀錄在2008年10月8日第(CE)987/2008合格規定的REACH制度;這項規定改革了歐洲議會的第(CE)1907/2006規定;關於成分及(REACH)化學產品的紀錄、驗證、認可、及限制(第四及第五章節)。
Since our JOJOBA OIL is a substance [...]
obtained from nature, not chemically modified, it is REACH-exempt pursuant to COMMISSION
REGULATION (EC) No. 987/2008 of 8 October 2008, amending Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards Annexes IV and V.
1988年開始在日本南部的高知縣揀選一眾天然食材,例如鹽、雞蛋、柑和西柚等,利用人手製作雪糕和 葩 ; 高 知Ice出產的「Made in土佐」(土佐是高知縣的古稱)系列,強調絕不加入防腐劑,只會善用這些天然「調味料」,研製出獨特的味道。
Sourcing natural ingredients (salt, egg, Satsuma, grapefruit and more) in southern Japan since 1988, Kochi-Ice insists on hand-making their ice cream and sorbet.




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