单词 | 奇异夸克 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 奇异夸克—strange quark (particle physics)See also:奇异—fantastic exotic bizarre astonished 奇异n—kiwin singularn 夸克n—quarkn 夸克—quark (particle physics) 奇异adj—oddadj
在非洲地区,2002 年 [...] 2 月 18 日至 22 日在加纳库马西的夸梅·恩克鲁玛科技大学举办了一期关于可再生能源的研究生培训和研究讲习班。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In Africa, a workshop on postgraduate [...] training and research on renewable energy [...] resources was held at Kwame Nkrumah University [...]of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, from 18 to 22 February 2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
样品: [...] 牛奶、奶油、炼乳、奶昔、冰淇淋、酸奶基质的甜品、乳清、乳清蛋白浓缩物和夸克。foss.cn | Samples: Milk, cream, concentrated milk, milkshake, ice cream mix, yogurt dairy-based desserts, whey, whey [...] protein concentrateandquarkfoss.us |
而夸张和奇幻的故事则 由于不“真实”而大失其宠。 cpsc.gov | Exaggeratedand fantasy stories [...] are not valued as much because they are not “true. cpsc.gov |
加强纳尔奇克地方广播电视台技术和内容能力”的项目 (俄罗斯卡巴狄诺-巴卡里亚)为地方电视台提供技术和创造能力来制作和广播旨在有 助于加强该区域和平和包容的进程并就重大社会和经济问题提出青年人的独立看法和 观点的电视节目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project “Strengthening technical and content capacity of the local broadcaster TV Nalchik” (Kabardino Balkaria, Russian Federation) provided the local television station with both technical and creative capacity to produce and broadcast television programmes aimed to contribute to the process of strengthening peace and tolerance in the region, to articulate independent views and opinions of youth on the major social and economic issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
完美的高阶效能不仅降低当下的运作成本,它的高度扩充性以及官方持续提供的系统更新更让它成为我们心目中的优异机种,」黄克龙补充。 synology.com | Its high performance not only saves operating costs, the scalability and the continuous system upgrade releases have all proved itself a superb must-have. synology.com |
这种在40多年前第一次被假设的粒子是解释其它诸如电子和夸克等基本粒子(即那些不是由更小的粒子所组成的粒子)如何获取其质量的关键。 chinese.eurekalert.org | This particle, which was first hypothesized morethan 40years ago, holds the key to explaining how other elementary particles (those that aren’t made up of smaller particles), such as electrons and quarks, get their mass. chinese.eurekalert.org |
布鲁克林道奇队——20位曾一起在纽约的Costco工作的布鲁克林道奇队的球迷将不再需要靠出售棒球卡换取现金了。 thelotter.com | The Brooklyn Dodgers - 20 Brooklyn Dodger fans who had worked together in Costco in New York won’t need to be trading baseball cards for cash anymore. thelotter.com |
不结盟运动的创始者是:加纳总统夸梅·恩克鲁玛、印度尼西亚总统艾哈迈德·苏加诺、阿拉 伯联合共和国总统贾迈勒·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔、南斯拉夫总统约瑟普·布罗兹·铁托和印度首 相贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recognition of the wisdom and far-sightedness of the Founding Fathers6 , leaders of the Founding Countries7 and other past leaders of the Movement, they reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to safeguard, uphold and further consolidate its principles, ideals and purposes. daccess-ods.un.org |
知名的创作歌手夏奇拉.梅巴拉克是儿童的忠实倡导者。 unicef.org | Shakira Mebarak, world-famous singer and songwriter, is a devoted advocate for children. unicef.org |
本壶的斑纹几乎没有可相比的,只有北京故宫珍藏的一件﹕故宫博物院1995,编号148具宫廷式鼻烟壶典型的形式,也带奇异的珊瑚描金御制盖。 e-yaji.com | It is the only malachite published from the imperial collection, in this case from the Beijing portion (Gugong bowuyuan 1995, no. 148), of a shape which is typical of palace glass bottles and with a delightfully outrageous gilt-bronze and coral imperial stopper. e-yaji.com |
豪华半岛月饼皮篮 - 人造大圆皮篮,12-15种豪华水果(包括 [...] [...] 日本苹果,日本鸟取水晶梨,泰国金柚,美国盒装篮梅麒麟果(又名燕窝果),特大芒果,特大杨桃,美国红提子2磅/进口盒装水果,天桃(又名莲慕),富有柿/以色列柿,金奇异果,美国双色梨/桃驳梨,特大火龙果等), [...]法国波尔多AOC Grand Bataeu红酒, 半岛酒店精选月饼(2x双黄白莲蓉,2x双黄金莲蓉,零售$368). givegift.com.hk | Supreme Hotel Peninsula Mooncake Leather Hamper. Extra-Large cylindrical leather hamper, with 12 -15 types of S class fruits (includes Japanese Apple, Japanese Nashi Pear, Large Thai Golden Pomelo, Colombia Golden Kirin Fruit, Extra-large Mango, Extra-large Start Fruit, USA red grapes x 2 lbl/imported fruit in box, [...] Eugenia javanica Lam, Japanese/Israeli [...] Persimmons, Golden Kiwi Fruits, USA Double [...]color pear/peach, Extra-Large dragon fruit, [...]etc), France Bordeaux AOC Grand Bataeu Red Wine, Hotel Peninsula Connoisseur Assorted Mooncake retail $368. givegift.com.hk |
马斯夸若鲍兹.托扎沃伊告诉他的小粉丝们,他们可以在电视上看到他唱同样的歌曲,他们还能在校园里的海报上看到他的身影。 unicef.org | Masqaraboz Tozayoy told his fans that they could watch him on television singing the same song, and that they would also find him on posters in their schools. unicef.org |
FOSS的全球ANN定标覆盖所有类型的硬奶酪、软奶酪、再制干酪、夸克、酸奶和奶油,可以立即使用。 foss.cn | Start analyzing straight away. FOSS [...] global ANN calibrations cover all types of hard yellow cheeses, soft cheeses, [...] processed cheese, quark, yogurt and butter. foss.us |
萧邦(Chopard),谁没有错过机会筹集资金作慈善用途,在非洲抗击艾滋病和饥饿......确实很难错过这个高度的媒体品牌,惹恼许多,但其中的第一个好处是注入奇思妙想和示好的姿态奇异缺乏的区域:看。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Chopard, who never misses an opportunity to raise funds for charitable purposes, the fight against AIDS and hunger in Africa ... Difficult indeed to miss this highly media brand that [...] annoys many, but one of the first merit was [...] to inject whimsy andbonhomie in an area thatsingularly lacking: [...]the watch. en.horloger-paris.com |
其实除了绑葡萄树,还有奇异果、橙、苹果等等果树可以绑。 4tern.com | Besides grapes, there are kiwis, mandarin oranges, [...] apple trees can be wrapped. 4tern.com |
欢迎光临金伯利!这埵酗@望无际的地平线、古老的峡谷、奇异的岩石构造、诱人的岩石水潭和金色的海滩。 danpacplus.hk | Welcome to the Kimberley - a world of vast horizons, ancient gorges, weird rock formations, welcoming rock pools and golden beaches. danpacplus.hk |
我家有太多奇异果了!由於家里有人在奇异果工厂、果园上班,奇异果开始泛滥了!我在想如果有更多水果人聚集一地,水果的种类就会越多,说不定我就可以摆摊子卖水果呢。 4tern.com | Due to the existence of kiwipicker and packer, my home has abundance of kiwi fruit. I was thinking, if there are variety of fruit pickers, maybe I could open up a fruit stall. 4tern.com |
咨询委员会曾在其有关的报告 [...] 中,就所提议职位的数目和职级提出了一些意见(A/63/736,第 54 至 57 段),认为所需经费有夸大之嫌,建议减少为一般临时人员请批的经费。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its related report, the Advisory Committee made some observations on the number and levels of positions proposed (A/63/736, paras. [...] 54–57), taking the view that the requirements [...] may havebeen overstatedandhad recommended [...]a reduction in the resources requested [...]for general temporary assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组根据审查该组档案所提供的 证据(与 Ngezayo 先生后来提供的文件没有实质性出入)得出结论认为,有充分证 据(包括来自正义阵线渠道的证据)表明 Ngezayo 先生的确与正义阵线有过接触, 但不表明他是该团体的政治领导人,专家组在此承认有些夸大其辞并致歉。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the basis of a review of the evidence in the Group’s archives (which is not substantively contradicted by documentation subsequently provided by Mr. Ngezayo), the Group concludes that there was sufficient evidence, including from FPJC sources, to indicate that Mr. Ngezayo was indeed in contact with FPJC, but not to present him as a political leader of that group, an overstatement the Group hereby acknowledges and regrets. daccess-ods.un.org |
在同一次会议上,以下小组成员作了发言:唐·麦凯、穆罕默德·塔 拉瓦奈、舒艾布·查尔克伦、珍妮弗·林奇和雷吉纳·阿塔拉。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same meeting, the following panellists made statements: Don MacKay, Mohammed Al-Tarawneh, Shuaib Chalklen, Jennifer Lynch and Regina Atalla. daccess-ods.un.org |
夸美纽斯奖章旨 在奖励那些在教学研究与革新领域里对教育发展和创新作出重大贡献的卓越成就。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The ComeniusMedal is intended to reward outstanding achievements in the fields of educational research and innovation, which have contributed significantly to the development and renewal of education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
a) 淘汰墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州夸察夸尔科斯市在生产氯的过程中用作加工剂的四 氯化碳 86.6 ODP 吨;并 multilateralfund.org | (a) To phase out the use of 86.6 ODP tonnes of CTC as process agent in the production of chlorine at Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico; and multilateralfund.org |
的EPUB简单:只需上传您的InDesign或夸克书文件,EasyEPUB很快就会产生一个完全兼容的EPUB在5分钟内你的书的版本。 cn.anypdftools.com | Easy EPUB: By simply uploading [...] your InDesign or Quark book files, EasyEPUB [...]will quickly produce a fully compliant EPUB version [...]of your book within 5 minutes. resource.anypdftools.com |
彩妆盒上布满蜷川实花的奇异花卉和鱼儿,为脸孔添上色彩的道具从此有了好的归宿,好让我们尽情美丽 — 就像蜷川作品的名字 —《Everlasting Flowers》— 凝住瞬间凋零的鲜艳,并将它放至最大,令它成为永远。 think-silly.com | The collection is just as her book’s title‘Everlasting Flowers’ — extract the dazzling beauty from its withering moment, magnify to its biggest possible extent and keep the moment to last forever. think-silly.com |
在杨腓利(Philip Yancey)所着的「恩典多奇异」一书 中,有这麽一段话:「恩典意即我们不能作任何事,叫神 爱我们更多;也意即我们不能作任何事,叫神少爱我们一 些。 mccc.org | In the book “What's so Amazingabout Grace” by Philip Yancey is this passage: “Grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us more; it means we cannot do anything to make Him love us less. mccc.org |
另一个衡量美国经济动态的指标是:1896年,代表工业的 道琼指数开始出现,当时有12家原始的上市公司,目前只剩奇异(General Electric)还持续存在,其他公司不是被购并,就是被分 割成小公司,有的规模缩小,或从此消失。 americancorner.org.tw | Another measure of the U.S. economy’s dynamism: Of the 12 companies that Dow Jones listed in 1896 when it created its famous stock index to represent the industrial sector, only one, examples: software manufacturer Microsoft, delivery service Federal Express, sports clothing manufacturer Nike, online service provider AOL, and ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s. americancorner.org.tw |
结合庄严祟高的风格与超现实主义,Marlène Mocquet [...] 巧妙地利用点滴和厚涂颜料所作的混合媒介创作出一个个人,充满诗意和奇异的宇宙,从而激起我们的好奇心。 frenchmay.com | Melding surrealism with the sublime, Mocquet masterfully executes her [...] canvases in drips and impastos of mixed media, creating a personal, poetic and fantastic [...] universe that piques our curiosity. frenchmay.com |
在本报告所述期间完成的项目包括:在祖格迪迪供境内流离失所者 使用的三个建筑物中修建和装修厕所;修复加利、奥恰姆奇拉和特克瓦尔切利各 镇医院的电网系统;修复祖格迪迪结核病医院和医院的供电网。 daccess-ods.un.org | The projects completed during the reporting period included the construction and renovation of lavatory facilities in three buildings for internally displaced persons in Zugdidi, the rehabilitation of electrical network systems in hospitals in the towns of Gali, Ochamchira and Tkvarcheli; and the rehabilitation of the Zugdidi tuberculosis hospital and of its electrical supply network. daccess-ods.un.org |