

单词 夺走

夺走 ()

snatch away

See also:

wrest control of
force one's way through
take away forcibly
compete or strive for
leave out

go away
move (of vehicle)
die (euph.)
change (shape, form, meaning)


walk v
go v
leave v
run v
visit v

External sources (not reviewed)

武装冲突和其他暴力形式的存夺走 了 数 百万无辜者的生命,使数千 万人流离失所。
The existence of armed conflict and other situations of violence had claimed millions of innocent lives and displaced tens of millions of people.
这个恐怖团 体还袭击了离上述哨所约 10 公里处的 Faydat al-Nasiri
[...] 边防哨所,打死两名哨 兵,绑架两个人,夺走六支 军用步枪和一枚火箭榴弹发射器。
The same terrorist group also attacked the Faydat al-Nasiri border guard post, located some 10 kilometres from the post referred to
above, killing two guards, abducting two others, and capturing six military rifles
[...] and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
一个武装恐怖团伙从 Ma'runah 车库偷走了三辆汽车,并从卫兵 Munir al-Haji 身夺走一些钱。
An armed terrorist group stole three cars from Ma‘runah garage and a sum of money from the guard, Munir al-Haji.
[...] 的事情保密(Ennew 1994),这被许多以代表儿童名义的许多计划和事 夺走 了。
Traditional ‘free-time’, which children often describe to adults as ‘doing nothing’ as a way of being
secretive about what is actually taking place
[...] (Ennew1994 ), is usurped by the many plans [...]
and commitments made on children’s behalf.
这包括丧失生产性资产(如被民夺走的牲 畜和灌溉设备)以及被驱离农庄,在南部地区尤其如此。
This includes loss of productive
assets, including livestock and irrigation
[...] equipment to militias, as well as expulsion [...]
from farms, especially in the south.
尽管许多受害者认为,秘密拘夺走 了 他们生命中几年 的光阴,并且留下了无法磨灭的烙印,这常常表现在其生计方面以及更经常的是 其健康方面的损失,但他们几乎从未获得任何形式的补偿,其中包括身心的康复 及赔偿。
Although many victims feel that the secret detention has stolen years of their lives and left an indelible mark, often in terms of loss of their livelihood and frequently their health, they have almost never received any form of reparation, including rehabilitation or compensation.
超过 四分之三的埋雷地点是农业用地,所以地雷不仅正 在剥夺阿富汗农民的生计夺走了他 们的生命。
Over three quarters of the mined territory was agricultural land, so landmines were robbing Afghan farmers of their livelihoods as well as lives.
[...] 些初步的积极措施包括悼念被迫失踪受害者的法律1 ,以及一项将侵犯人权行为 的案例从军事司法体制中转移出去的新的《军事刑事法》;一项包含偿还 夺走 土地 问题的新的受害者法律草案;以及对行政部门和民间社会以及司法部门之间 的关系作了改善,此外还改善了与厄瓜多尔和委内瑞拉
Some of the first positive measures taken by the new administration are an act to pay homage to victims of enforced disappearance1 and a new Military
Criminal Code that
[...] excludes human rights violations from military jurisdiction; a victims’ draft act that includes the restitution of stolen lands; and improvement [...]
in the relationship
between the executive branch and civil society and the judicial branch, as well as with Ecuador and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
我们都非常清楚地知道地震给海地造成的巨大 破坏程度,地夺走 30 万人的生命,并使相同数目 的人员受伤。
We all know well the extent of devastation that was caused in Haiti by the earthquake, which took the lives of some 300,000 and injured an equal number.
4 时,一个由约 10 个蒙面人(一些人身穿军服)组成的武装恐怖团伙,驾驶
[...] 一辆丰田皮卡(车牌号不详),袭击叙利亚-伊拉克边界土墙附近的一个边境哨所 (Hajanah),夺走两挺机枪和 3 支步枪以及哨所内的所有弹药。
At 0400 hours, an armed terrorist group consisting of some 10 masked individuals, some of them wearing military uniforms, used a Toyota pickup, licence plate number unknown, to attack the Hajanah border guard post
located near the earthen berm on the
[...] Syrian-Iraqi border, capturing two machine guns [...]
and three rifles, together with all the ammunition in the post.
事实是,以色列在加沙的大屠杀在继续,并夺 走约 6 00 名巴勒斯坦人的生命,其中超过四分之一是 婴儿、妇女和儿童,80%是平民。
The fact is that the massacre perpetrated by Israel in Gaza continues and has claimed the lives of some 600 Palestinians, more than a fourth of them babies, women and children and 80 per cent of them civilians.
这三种疾病去夺走了将近 600 万人的生命,还有数百万人因此而 身体衰弱。
Together all three diseases claimed nearly six million lives last year, and led to debilitating illness for millions more.6 In addition, there are a number of less common diseases which are collectively important.
1) 盗夺走了作 者应得的金钱奖励,损害了他们继续创作新作品的 能力。
1) Piracy takes away the financial reward that authors deserve, and reduces their ability to continue creating new works.
如果作出错误的决定,它夺走人的 生命,但如果本 着积极的精神加以运用,它能拯救许多人的生命,并 使人们有能力建立联系。
It can take people’s lives away if a wrong decision is taken, but if it is applied with positive spirit, it can save many lives and empower people to forge connections.
对外交和领事代表以及国际政府间组织的代表和这些组织的官员新近遭受 及经常遭受的暴力行为感到震惊,这些行为危及 夺走 无 辜 生命,严重妨碍这些 代表和官员的正常工作
Alarmed by the new and recurring acts of violence against diplomatic and consular representatives, as well as against representatives of international intergovernmental organizations and officials of such organizations, which endanger or take innocent lives and seriously impede the normal work of such representatives and officials
虽然性暴力受害者的童贞或社会地位等无形资产 夺走 后无 法复原,但应考虑性暴力受害者通常被剥夺的所有有形资产。
Although some of the intangible assets that are often taken from victims of sexual violence, such as virginity or social standing, cannot be returned, all the tangible assets of which victims of sexual violence are commonly stripped should be borne in mind.
之前的体操明星李宁(HKEx: 2331)赢得过奥运金牌,但他很快发现遇到了中国电商革命这一强劲的竞争对手,电商迅速从李宁的运动服装帝国 夺走 了 业 务。
Former gymnastics star Li Ning (HKEx: 2331) may have won Olympic gold, but he’s quickly finding a formidable rival in China’s e-commerce revolution that is rapidly stealing business from his sportswear empire.
她的家 被洪水淹没,当时她面临着原本可 夺走 她 和 她孩子 生命的并发症。
She was facing complications that could have claimed her life and the life of her child.
这 不仅涉及滥用权力和经济学-也涉 夺走 我 们的灵魂的行为……消除种族歧视委 员会的决定证实了西部肖肖尼人及其他土著人民很久以来一直在表达的观点-这 是我们在当前工作中以及企业参与和公共教育战略中可以采取的第一个步骤。
It is not just about abuse of power and economics — it is about the stripping away of our spirit… The [Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination] decision confirms what the Western Shoshone and other indigenous peoples have been saying for a very long time — it is a first step that we can use in our ongoing work and in our corporate engagement and public education strategies.
瓦德总统持 续不断的承诺,在许多国家促成恢复政治对话、更好 的治理,以及举行自由和民主选举,从而避免了本来 无疑夺走数百 、甚至数千人生命的对抗。
The ongoing commitment of President Wade has promoted the resumption of political dialogue, better governance and the holding of free and democratic elections in many countries, thus avoiding confrontations which would have undoubtedly claimed hundreds if not thousands of lives.
7 个月前,联合国驻阿布贾总部遭炸弹袭击夺 走 20 多人的生命,震惊全世界。
Seven months ago, the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Abuja claimed the lives of more than 20 people and shocked the world.
2 时,一个武装恐怖团伙从 Raqqah 方向对石油管道上的 Ghaydah 哨所(第 320 号)开枪,打伤
[...] Hasan Kasur 下士和士兵 Khalil al-Dabash,绑架两名其他 官员,夺走他们的武器。
At 0200 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire from the direction of Raqqah on the Ghaydah post (No. 320),
located on the oil pipeline, killing
[...] Corporal Hasan Kasur and Conscript Khalil al-Dabash, abducting [...]
two other officers, and capturing their weapons.
阿斯洛夫先生(塔吉克斯坦)(以俄语发言):我谨 代表伊斯兰会议组织发言,我们对巴基斯坦正在继续 的前所未有的洪灾深感悲痛,洪 夺走 了 几 百人的宝 贵生命,并严重影响到十分之一巴基斯坦人的生活。
(Tajikistan) ( spoke in Russian): The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), on whose behalf I am speaking, is deeply grieved by the ongoing, unprecedented floods in Pakistan, which have taken hundreds of precious lives and had a severe impact on the lives of one in ten Pakistanis.
首先,我要向挪威政府和人民以及上周五爆炸和 枪击事件受害者的家人表示日本最深切的慰问,那次 事夺走了许多年轻人的宝贵生命。
At the outset, I would like to express Japan’s deepest condolences and sympathy to the Government and people of Norway, as well as to
the families of the victims of Friday’s bombing
[...] and shooting, which deprived many young people [...]
of their precious lives.
过渡阶段于几天前结束,从而在持续 20 多夺 走 200 万人生命的战争、破坏与痛苦之后,完成了对 《全面和平协议》中大多数规定的执行。
The transition period ended several days ago, thereby completing the implementation of most provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement after more than 20 years of war, destruction and suffering that led to the deaths of 2 million people.
让我们回顾,这些政策包括:寻求吞 并更多巴勒斯坦土地和维持现状的以色列定居者继 续对巴勒斯坦平民采取暴力和恐怖做法;以色列占领
军继续在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土 上暗杀巴勒斯坦平民;以色列继续对加沙地带实施非
[...] 法和非人道的封锁;以色列针对加沙地带平民的军事 行动有所增加,这些行夺走了许 多人的生命;以色 列驱逐巴勒斯坦居民的现象有所增加;以色列摧毁住 [...]
Let us recall that these policies include the continued practice of violence and terror against Palestinian civilians by Israeli settlers seeking to annex more Palestinian land and maintain the status quo; the ongoing assassinations of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem; the continuing illegal inhuman
blockade of the Gaza Strip; the increase in
[...] military actions against civilians in [...]
the Gaza Strip, which have claimed the lives
of many individuals; increased expulsions; the destruction of homes; and the withdrawal of Palestinians’ rights of residency.
尽管经济战 争造成困难,但事实上,它没夺走 人 的 生命,也未 能给我们人民造成广泛的、有严重创伤的伤害,这要 归功于古巴人民作出的努力和牺牲以及古巴政府的 意愿和决心。
Although this economic warfare causes hardships, the fact that has not taken a toll on human lives or managed to cause widespread and traumatic harm to our people is thanks to the efforts and sacrifices made by Cubans and the willingness and determination of its Government.
上述压力加剧了土地冲突,并导致旨在“自下而上”实施“土地改革”(包夺走闲置 的、在他们看来应以更公平方式分配的土地)的社会运动被定为刑事 犯罪,令人忧虑。
The pressures referred to above exacerbate
[...] conflicts over land and lead to a worrisome criminalization of social movements aimed at carrying out agrarian reforms “from below”, including by claiming land [...]
that is unused and,
in their view, should be distributed more equitably.
这 包括 2010 年的自然灾害以及政治和经济危机,首先 是地夺走 23 万人的生命,使 200 多万人流离失所; 霍乱疫情至夺走 4 50 0 条生命,使 24 余万人感染; 以及选举进程的相关问题造成动乱和政治动荡。
These include the natural disasters and political and economic
crises of 2010,
[...] starting with the earthquake, which claimed the lives of 230,000 people and displaced more than 2 million, and the cholera [...]
epidemic, which
took more than 4,500 lives and has infected more than 240,000 to date, as well as insecurity and political instability arising from problems related to the electoral process.
一个字“circumcisio”是用来谴责犹太教完整的;的犹太人,他们说 夺走 了 一 切肉体(σωματικῶς),基督徒把所有的东西精神上(πνευματικῶς)。
The one word "circumcisio" was used to condemn the whole of Judaism; the Jews, they said, took everything carnally (σωματικῶς), the Christians took all things spiritually (πνευματικῶς).




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