

单词 夺取

夺取 noun

seizure n

夺取 ()

wrest control of


夺取(性命) v

claim v

See also:

wrest control of
compete or strive for
take away forcibly
force one's way through
leave out

External sources (not reviewed)

他近距离射杀 了一名警察夺取了他 的手枪并用这支手枪向第二名警察射击。
He shot one of the policemen dead at short range, seized that policeman’s pistol and fired with it at the second policeman.
其 他因素也会引发冲突,包夺取获得 水或农田等基 本资源的机会和争夺对珍贵原材料和能源的控制 权。
Other factors can be sources of
[...] conflict, including competition for access [...]
to basic resources such as water or agricultural
land and rivalry for control over precious raw materials and energy resources.
2006 年,AL-TURKI 派部队协助伊斯 兰法院联夺取了摩 加迪沙并成为这个与青年党保持一致的团体的军事领导人。
In 2006, ALTURKI contributed forces to the
[...] Islamic Courts Union take-over of Mogadishu [...]
and emerged as a military leader in the
group, aligned with Al-Shabaab.
2009 年 10 月,国际极端分子组织伊斯兰解放党的 12 名成员因组织并参与一 个极端分子协会(《刑法》第 282 条第 2 款)、为恐怖分子活动和招募恐怖分子提 供便利(《刑法》第 205 条第 1 款)以及企图暴夺取权力(《刑法》第 278 条和 第 30 条)被最高法院判定有罪。
In October 2009, the Supreme Court of Tatarstan convicted 12 members of the international extremist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami who were found guilty of organizing and participating in an extremist association (art. 282.2 of the Criminal Code), facilitating terrorist activity and recruitment (art. 205.1 of the Criminal Code) and attempting to seize power by force (arts. 278 and 30 of the Criminal Code).
两天后,尽管刚果(金)武装部队增调部队到这一 地区,但兵变夺取了鲁 丘鲁与卢旺达接壤边界沿线的前全国保卫人民大会据点 [...]
Dunyoni、Changu 和 Mouzi(见附件 33)。
Two days later, despite FARDC having
deployed additional troops to the area, the
[...] mutineers managed to take control of former [...]
CNDP strongholds Runyoni, Chanzu and Mbuzi,
situated along the Rwandan border in Rutshuru (see annex 33).
[...] VIPS)和凡客诚品等更精通技术的公司才从传统零售商那 夺取 了 业务,财富飙升。
Meanwhile, more tech-savvy names like Alibaba’s
TMall, Vipshop (NYSE: VIPS) and Vancl have seen their
[...] fortunes soar as they steal business from [...]
the traditional retailers.
第 853(1993)号决议谴责夺取阿格 达姆地区和所有其他最 近被占领的阿塞拜疆共和国地区”,并要求“将参与行动的占领部队立即、全面、 [...]
无条件地撤出阿格达姆地区和所有其他最近被占领的阿塞拜疆共和国地区”,第 874(1993)号决议再次呼吁“部队撤离最近占领的地区”。
Resolution 853
[...] (1993) condemned “the seizure of the district [...]
of Agdam and of all other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaijani
Republic” and demanded the “the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces involved from the district of Agdam and all other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaijani Republic”, while resolution 874 (1993) repeated the call for the “withdrawal of forces from recently occupied territories”.
在彼得大帝的身后,是一系列他在战争 夺取 的 要 塞的地图。
Behind Peter stretches a chain of maps of the fortresses that he seized in battle.
在“全国抵抗运动”(NRM)于1986年 夺取 政 权 后,穆塞韦尼也似乎首先把国家置于更具包容性的道路上,恢复文官控制、法律和经济增长,创建了受到热情拥护的非党派“民主”体系。
After the National Resistance Movement (NRM) seized power in 1986, Museveni also seemed at first to put the country on a more inclusive path, to restore civilian control, rule of law and economic growth.
在以色列行动的几乎所有情况中,都可以使用非极端手段,因为士兵并 没有受到迫在眉睫的威胁;例如在从舰桥甲板向下运动 夺取 对 船的控制的行动 中,以及向船头甲板上的乘客发射实弹。
Less extreme means could have been employed in nearly all instances of the Israeli operation, since there was no imminent threat to soldiers; for example in relation to the operation to move down to the bridge deck and seize control of the ship and the firing of live ammunition at passengers on the bow deck of the ship.
据刚果(金)武装部队指挥部说,前全国保卫人民大会军官从未向政府移交 他们在 2009 年合编前积聚的武器,特别是 2008 年在鲁曼加博军事基夺取的大 量武器。
According to the FARDC command, ex-CNDP officers had never handed over to the Government the weapons they had amassed prior to the 2009 integration, in particular the large amounts seized at Rumangabo military base in 2008.
这使得时常是不见踪影的武器贩子和 各种使用方变化多端,从小罪犯到装扮成 夺取 权力的革命者和人权卫士的冒险家,还有劫匪路霸等。
This enriches traffickers who are frequently invisible and users of all sorts, from petty criminals to adventurers posing as revolutionaries and defenders of human rights to seize power, as well as road blockers and other highway bandits.
此外,尽管国际上一致拒绝接受以色列对东耶路撒冷的事实吞,而且国际社 会也未予承认,尽管存在有关立即和完全停止一切殖民措施的强烈要求,以色列
[...] 仍在继续对东耶路撒冷提出领土要求,这直接违反了联合国决议、《日内瓦第四 公约》有关规定和关于不得通过武 夺取 领 土的国际法律原则。
Moreover, despite the unanimous international rejection of Israel’s de facto annexation of East Jerusalem, which is not recognized by the international community, and despite the strong calls for immediate and complete cessation of all colonization measures, Israel also continues to lay claim to East Jerusalem in direct contravention of United Nations resolutions, the relevant provisions of the Fourth Geneva
Convention, and the international legal principle
[...] regarding the inadmissibility of the acquisition [...]
of territory by force.
基督教努力的主要目的是夺取犹太 人的旧约,并利用它一个基督徒的武器。
The main object of the Christian
[...] endeavor was to wrest the Old Testament from the Jews and [...]
to make of it a Christian weapon.
实际上, 这些非法殖民活动只能表明,占领国意欲继 夺取 土 地 并巩固其对巴勒斯坦土地 的控制,而不是打算遵守联合国有关决议和以土地换和平原则,而土地换和平原 则要求以色列停止并改变其非法殖民措施,进而最终结束这场非法和长期的军事 占领,以此作为实现公正、持久和平的一个先决条件。
Indeed, these illegal colonization activities indicate only the desire and intention of the occupying Power to continue its land grab and entrench its control of the Palestinian land, rather than the intention to uphold United Nations resolutions and the principle of land for peace, which necessitates the cessation and reversal of its illegal colonization measures towards ultimately ending this illegal, prolonged military occupation as a prerequisite for the achievement of a just, lasting peace.
正义与平等运动(JEM)声 称将继续发动袭击:“我们从苏丹政府军手 夺取 的所有武器都来自于中国。
Its continued refusal to implement the peace deal it signed is likely to lead Sudan back to war, putting Chinese investments there and across the border in Chad in jeopardy.
军事目标”,就物体而言,是指任何因其性质、位置、目的或用途而对军 事行动作出有效贡献并在当时的情况下将其全部或部分摧毁 夺取 或 使 其失效可 取得明确军事益处的物体。
Military objective’ means, so far as objects are concerned, any object which by its nature, location, purpose or use makes an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralisation, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.
现在,带着一个简单、高效的全新面孔,ICQ已做好了再 夺取 第 一 的准备。
Its complexity drove it to the loss of its leadership, but now it
has a new face, more simply and at the same time more efficient, so it
[...] is prepared to fight for the first [...]
position again.
在促进归还由伊拉夺取的全 部科威特财产情况下,根据第686(1991) 和 687(1991) 号决议, 该协调员被授权接收、登记和向伊拉克提交科威特提出的全部权利主张,并促进归还由伊拉克宣布占有的财产。
Pursuant to resolutions 686 (1991) and 687 (1991) in the context of facilitating the return of all Kuwaiti property seized by Iraq, the Coordinator was mandated to receive, register and submit to Iraq all claims presented by Kuwait and to facilitate the return of property declared by Iraq to be in its possession.
[...] 受的暴力行为感到震惊,这些行为危及 夺取 了 无 辜生命,并严重妨碍这些代表 和官员的正常工作
by the recent acts of violence against diplomatic and consular representatives, as well as against representatives of international intergovernmental organizations and
officials of such organizations, which have
[...] endangered or taken innocent lives [...]
and seriously impeded the normal work of such representatives and officials
但是,在这个社会内部的各个层面,确实就产生了并持续保持着这么一股强烈的在经济领域赢取世界的意图, 这个宏伟的战略意图最终成为日本企业用10- 20 年 夺取 全 球 市场领袖地位的竞争基础。
An obsession for winning was created and sustained at all levels of the organization. Thus the basis was created for a 10- to 20-year quest for global market leadership.
安全理事会日益深感不安的是,最近苏丹人民解放 夺取 和 占 领了苏 丹境内的黑格里格镇及其油田,表明苏丹和南苏丹之间的冲突不断升级。
The Security Council expresses its deep and growing alarm by the escalating conflict between
Sudan and South Sudan, as manifested most
[...] recently by the seizure and occupation [...]
of the town of Heglig and its oil fields in Sudan by the SPLA.
该决 议再次提醒占领国以色列,国际社会的立场是,明确 表示拒绝接受对包括东耶路撒冷在内于 1967 年夺 取的巴 勒斯坦领土和被占领的叙利亚戈兰持续进行 殖民占领,并呼吁以色列停止所有违反国际决议和准 则的行为,并结束其利用、污染和偷窃巴勒斯坦人土 地、水和农业等令人发指的行为。
The resolution once again reminded Israel, the occupying Power, of the position of the international community which clearly rejected the continued colonial occupation of the Palestinian territory seized in 1967, including East Jerusalem and the occupied Syrian Golan, and called upon Israel to cease all its violations of international resolutions and norms and end its heinous exploitation, pollution and theft of the Palestinians’ land, water and agriculture.
(b) 在批准对土著人民土地或领地和其他资源有影响的项目、尤其是 涉及其开发、使用或开采矿物、水和其他资源的项目之前,与有关的土著人 民磋商并通过代表他们的机构与土著人民进行合作,以期得到他们知情的自 由同意; (c) 土著人民传统拥有或占有、使用的土地、领地和资源,如未经他 们事先知情同意、自由提供,即被没收 夺取 、 占 用、开采或破坏,应确保 向他们提供公正的公平赔偿
(b) Consult the indigenous people concerned and cooperate with them through their own representative institutions, in order to obtain their free and informed consent, before approving any project that affects their lands, territories or other resources, in particular with regard to the development, use or exploitation of mineral, water or other resources
张局势的所有根源,促进以和平手段公正、持久地解决该区域长期存在的问题, 从而确保撤出外国占领军,尊重地中海所有国家的主权、独立和领土完整以及
[...] 各国人民的自决权利,为此,呼吁按照《联合国宪章》和联合国有关决议,充 分遵守不干涉、不干预、不使用武力或威胁使用武力以及不容以武 夺取 领土 的原则
Expresses its satisfaction at the continuing efforts by Mediterranean countries to contribute actively to the elimination of all causes of tension in the region and to the promotion of just and lasting solutions to the persistent problems of the region through peaceful means, thus ensuring the withdrawal of foreign forces of occupation and respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries of the Mediterranean and the right of peoples to selfdetermination, and therefore calls for full adherence to the principles of non-interference, non-intervention, non-use of force or threat of use of
force and the inadmissibility of the
[...] acquisition of territory by force, in accordance [...]
with the Charter and the relevant
resolutions of the United Nations
目 前,巴勒斯坦难民人数超过 500 万,成为全世界最 大的难民群体,而在他们的国土上,以色列招来世 界各地的定居夺取他们 的土地和房屋,对许多国 际上呼吁为了恢复与以色列方面关于最终解决方案 的谈判,停止种族主义定居政策的请求置若罔闻。
Now numbering over 5 million, Palestine refugees constituted the world’s largest refugee group, yet in their place Israel brought in settlers from the four corners of the globe to seize their land and homes, heedless of the many international appeals for a halt to its racist settlement policies in the interest of a resumption of negotiations with the Palestinian side on a final solution.
经过反复通过暴夺取政权 的企图都失败了,眼镜蛇指挥官想出了一个新的计划,以恢复眼镜蛇的金融投资,同时,抓住世界大国的控制。
After repeated attempts to seize power through brute force have failed, Cobra Commander comes up with a new plan to recover Cobra’s financial investments, and seize control of world power at the same time.
[...] 国家“入侵、俘获、战胜、征服他们” 夺取 他 们 的所有“动产和不动产”物品的假定和行为, [...]
From an indigenous peoples’ perspective the assumptions and acts of Christian European
powers to “invade, capture, vanquish, and subdue
[...] them” and to take away all their [...]
goods “both movable and immovable” were unauthorized
and wrongful under indigenous systems of law and inconsistent with the inherent and original rights of the owners.
但是,在这个社会内部的各个层面,确实就产生了并持续保持着这么一股强烈的在经济领域赢取世界的意图, 这个宏伟的战略意图最终成为日本企业用10- 20 年 夺取 全 球 市场领袖地位的竞争基础。
Thus the basis was created for a 10- to 20-year quest for global market leadership.
该概况介绍在其他地方再次确认了统治地位和用武 夺取 土 地 的主张:“在 整个人类历史中,只要占据支配地位的邻国人民扩张其领土或来自远方的定居者 用武力获得新土地,土著人民的文化和生计——甚至生存——即受到威胁”。
Elsewhere, the fact sheet again recognizes claims of dominance and the taking of indigenous lands by force: “Throughout human history, whenever dominant neighbouring peoples have expanded their territories or settlers from far away have acquired new lands by force, the cultures and livelihoods — even the existence — of indigenous peoples have been endangered”.




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