单词 | 夹馅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 夹馅 —with fillingstuffed (of food)See also:夹—sandwich • double-layered • mingle • intersperse • place in between • wedged between • press from either side • carry sth under armpit • lined (garment) 馅—filling • stuffing • forcemeat
制 造 三 文 治 的 过 程 包 括 选 购 食 物 原 料 、 配 制 馅 料 、 把 馅 料 夹 在 面 包 内 , 以 及 包 装 和 运 送 ∕ 供 顾 客 食 用 。 cfs.gov.hk | The production of sandwichincludes purchasing raw materials, filling preparation, assembly of breadand fillings, packaging, delivery and serving. cfs.gov.hk |
夏奇拉是赤脚馅饼基金会的创始人,该基金会为她家乡哥伦比亚的流离失所和弱势儿童提供优质教育。 unicef.org | Shakira is the [...] founder of the Pies Descalzos Foundation, [...]which provides displaced and underprivileged children in her native [...]Colombia with access to quality education. unicef.org |
这个发面煎饺是用小香菇、姬松茸和新鲜小蘑菇 做 馅 , 味美极了,饺子皮下面焦香上面暄软,很受欢迎。 maomaomom.com | These delicious mushroom meat pan fried dumplings are made with leavened dough, soft on the top and crunchy on the bottom. maomaomom.com |
如泵使用手册所述,通过在供料管路与真正的 大地接地点之间连接一根接地线和线 夹 来 实现 泵的接地。 graco.com | Ground the pump by connecting a [...] ground wire and clamp between the fluid [...]supply and a true earth ground as instructed in [...]your separate pump instruction manual. graco.com |
尽管自停火协定以来受武装冲突影响的地区数量已经减 少,但依然有报导告说被夹在中 间的平民受武装冲突影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the number of conflict-affected areas has been reduced with ceasefire agreements, armed clashes affecting civilians caught in the middle continue to be reported. daccess-ods.un.org |
The Line Shop延续The Line餐厅采用的Adam Tihany设计风格,供应新鲜出炉的面包、三明治 、 馅 饼 和 蛋糕,既可外带,亦可在店内搭配一杯咖啡细细品味。 shangri-la.com | Continuing the Adam Tihany design of The Line restaurant, The Line Shop offers freshly baked breads, pastries, sandwiches and cakes for a quick takeaway or a casual coffee. shangri-la.com |
二就是馅料,馅料这 部分还好,只需购买剁碎后的肉,再加上调味料就可。 4tern.com | Fillings are easy, we just need to buy minced meat, add some herbs and spices. 4tern.com |
支撑缸与夹紧缸 相向使用时,支撑力应 为 夹 紧 力的1.5倍以上。 kosmek.co.jp | When using a work [...] support opposite a clamp, set the support force at more than 1.5 times the clamping force. kosmek.co.jp |
皮带防护罩可减少挤夹和切 断手指等危险,参见 前面的 “ 警告 ”。 graco.com | Belt guard reduces risk of pinching and loss of fingers; see preceding WARNING. graco.com |
外地中央审查机构中的 2 个一般事务(其他职等)工作人员负责与提交案件 供审查机构审查有关的所有行政细节,协助和指导成员浏览数据库,追踪成员答 [...] 复率和其他数据供审查机构提出报告,更新必要的数据库并展开其他活动以追踪 [...] 和记录审查机构的工作,帮助协调审查机构的培训方案,包括预订设施、向成员 发出邀请函、准备活页夹、更 新情况介绍、将内容材料送往各个训练设施并负责 [...]与培训有关的其他行政细节。 daccess-ods.un.org | The two General Service (Other level) staff members in the Field Central Review Body attend to all administrative details related to the submission of cases for review by the Review Body, provide assistance and guidance to members in navigating the database, track member response rate and other data for Review Body reporting, update the necessary databases and engage in other activities to track and record the work of the Review Body, provide assistance in the coordination of the Review Body training programmes, including booking [...] facilities, sending invitations to the [...] members, preparing binders, updating presentations, [...]shipping content to the respective [...]training facility and attending to other administrative details related to the training. daccess-ods.un.org |
其实好吃的饺子最重要是不能漏馅, 而 且皮要薄。 4tern.com | Another one is the skin has to be thin. 4tern.com |
课程内容涉及烘焙各种面包、蛋糕、饼干、糕点 、 馅 饼 面 点。 australiachina.com.au | This involves, baking a variety of breads, [...] cakes, cookies, pastries and pies. australiachina.com.au |
但真正的库奥皮奥特产是 “库科卡拉” (kalakukko),那是把小白鲑鱼跟猪肉混在一起,然后包在黑麦面团中烘焙出来的 肉 馅 面 包。 visitfinland.com | Karelian pies are at their best from Hanna Partanen's bakery in Kuopio, but the real speciality is kalakukko, a combination of vendace fish and pork baked in a rye bread crust and wrapped in foil. visitfinland.com |
这 些 馅 料 通 常 以 袋 装 出 售 , 每 袋 重 量 不 超 过 3 公 斤 。 cfs.gov.hk | Thesefillings normally packed and delivered in packages below 3kg per bag. cfs.gov.hk |
Sinfully Circles供应各式美味的蛋糕、馅饼、面包、巧克力和果仁糖,您可以在早晨出发之前,选择喜爱的点心食品供旅途之需。 shangri-la.com | Sinfully Circles creates a delicious variety of cakes, pastries, breads, chocolates and pralines. shangri-la.com |
1、黑芝麻馅:将买来的熟黑芝麻放一塑料袋里,封口后用擀面杖将芝麻碾碎(图1)。 maomaomom.com | 1: Place roasted black sesame seeds in a plastic bag, seal and roll with a rolling pin (Picture1). maomaomom.com |
洛茨” (Lörtsy) 则是半月形的肉馅饼,最初发明于芬兰东部萨翁林纳。 visitfinland.com | Lörtsy is a thin, half-moon shaped meat pie originally invented in Savonlinna, eastern Finland. visitfinland.com |
他建议,关于卫生资源分配 的辩论应集中在如何“把馅饼做 大”,以满足所有的需求,以及如何更有效地利 用现有资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | He suggested that the debate on allocation of resources for health should focus on how to “increase the pie” to meet all needs and how to use the available resources more efficiently. daccess-ods.un.org |
因 此 , 尤 其 在 配 制 馅 料 方 面 , 业 界 应 该 采 取 进 一 步 的 预 防 措 施 , 以 提 高 三 文 治 食 品 的 卫 生 品 质 。 cfs.gov.hk | Therefore, the trade should take further precautionarysteps especially in the preparation of filling, in order to improve good hygienicquality of sandwich products. cfs.gov.hk |
邮袋:-70%棉 30%涤纶馅床垫:-聚氨酯弹性大小: 63h125hh12sm意大利生产。 cn.lapulki.com | Pouch: -70% cotton [...] and 30% polyester Stuffing the mattress: -elastic [...]polyurethane Size: 63h125hh12sm Production Of Italy. nl.lapulki.com |
除了家乡面包,Selby还记录了他们制作羊角面包 , 馅 饼 、 gougères、巴伐利亚水果蛋糕和cocoa nib rochers,这些面包的配方被记录在他著名的手写Q&As。 ba-repsasia.com | In addition to the country bread, The Selby documented them making croissants, tarts, gougères, fruit Bavarian cake, and cocoa nib rochers, the recipe for which is in one of his famous hand-written Q&As. ba-repsasia.com |
可可类糖果相关食品类别中色素的使用;主要是食品类别 05.1.3“可可涂抹物,包 括馅料”和 05.1.4“可可与巧克力产品”中关于 ß 胡萝卜素,蔬菜(INS 160a(ii)) 和葡萄皮提取物(INS 163(ii))的相关规定,这些色素的使用会误导消费者。 codexalimentarius.org | The use of colours in food categories related to cocoa-based confectionary products; namely, the provisions for carotenes-beta, vegetable (INS 160a(ii)) and grape skin extracts (INS 163(ii)) in food categories 05.1.3 “Cocoa-based spreads, including filling” and 05.1.4 “Cocoa and chocolate products”, as this use could mislead consumers. codexalimentarius.org |