

单词 夹生



half cooked rice
(fig.) half-finished job that is difficult complete because it was not done properly in the first instance


annoying muddle-headed person who gabbles unintelligibly

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

在杆和夹紧元件间生夹紧作 用,没有任何的轴 向移动。
Clamping is effected without any axial movement between rod and clamping unit.
这种情况下,在addon文夹下生成一个queries 文件夹后将定义XML query语句的XML 文件保存起来。
In this case, make a subdirectory named 'queries' under the 'addon' directory, and save an XML file in which XML query statements are defined.
胫骨:外夹会发生于胫 骨内部或外部,临床表现为运动中(或运动后)沿胫骨出现隐痛或跳痛。
Shin: Shin splints can occur inside or outside of the shin, manifesting as a dull/throbbing ache during/after activity.
可降生产大型夹层部件的人工成本,使生产的成本效 益更加优化。
The labour costs to produce large sandwich parts can be reduced and it is possible to build up a cost effective rationalised production.
对于有特殊要求的印前客户Apogee Creat采用文夹控制PDF生成。
There are special requirements for the pre-press customers
[...] using Apogee Creat folder control PDF generation.
针对第一阶段氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,印度政府决定淘汰 8 家生产家用制冷设备用保 温泡沫塑料企业以及 3 家生产连续夹芯板的企业的 HCFC-141b 消费,导致完全淘汰这两 个次级行业的氟氯烃消费;还将通过对 5 家最大的不连夹芯板生产企 业实行技术转换, 实现额外淘汰目标。
For stage I of the HPMP, the Government of India decided to phase out the consumption of HCFC-141b in eight enterprises
[...] insulation foam for domestic refrigeration equipment and three enterprises manufacturing continuous sandwich panels, resulting in the complete phase-out of HCFCs in these two sub-sectors; additional phase-out [...]
will be achieved
through the conversion of the five largest enterprises manufacturing discontinuous sandwich panels.
每一位电脑用户都会遇到相同的问题,那就是在下载和使用应用程序之后,文 夹 中 会 产 生 多 种系统文件用于存储额外信息,缓存和用户配置。
The programs you install
[...] in the Application folder generate some system [...]
files in which they sstore extra information, cache and user config.
这些企业的技术转产包括:安装储藏罐和处理系统(120,000 美元/台 套);预混站(90,000 美元/台套);补充多元醇缓冲罐(20,000 美元/台套);改造高压 泡沫塑料机(90,000
[...] [...] 美元/台套可用基准);水调节系统(30,000 美元/台套);用于易燃 发泡剂的安全相关设备(300,000 美元/企业);改夹椇和模具(每 生 产 家 用制冷设备 保温泡沫塑料 120,000 美元和每生产不连续夹芯板 的企业 60,000 美元);土建工程和电 路工程(120,000 美元/企业);培训、试验、检测和认证(150,000 [...]
急(估计为资本成本的 10%)。
Conversion of these enterprises includes: installation of storage tanks and handling systems (US $120,000/unit); premixing stations (US $90,000/unit); additional polyol buffer tanks (US $20,000/unit); retrofitting of high-pressure foam machines (US $90,000 each unit available in the baseline); water conditioning system (US $30,000/each); safety-related
equipment for the use
[...] of a flammable blowing agent (US $300,000/enterprise); retrofit of jigs and moulds (US $120,000 for each enterprise manufacturing insulation [...]
foam for domestic
refrigeration equipment, and US $60,000 for each enterprise manufacturing discontinuous panels); civil and electrical works (US $120,000/enterprise); training, trials, testing and certification (US $150,000/enterprise); and contingencies (estimated at 10 per cent of the capital cost).
从基础的全路面土方工程机械:挖掘机、装载机、压路机等,到施工类起重机械:塔式起重机、施工升降机、吊篮、汽车起重机等;从金属加工成型类机械设备:不锈钢钢带冷弯生产线,门板成型机,屋面瓦与墙面板成型机,C,Z型机,到各种专业 生 产 线, E P S 夹 芯 板 生 产 线 ,玻璃钢管道生产线;再到特种机械设备:专门用于冷却塔施工建设的国家专利设备液压施工平桥、国内独一无二的水泥纸袋设备。
CNBM-CMAX machinery covers not only construction machinery, such as excavators, loaders, road roller and etc, but also lifting machinery, such as tower cranes, building hoist, suspended platform, mobile crane and etc; not only the metal processing machinery, such as stainless steel cold-formed steel production line, door molding machine, roof tiles and wall board forming machine and C, Z-type machine, but
also a variety of specialized
[...] production line, such as EPS sandwich panel production line, [...]
FRP pipe production line; what’s
more, special machinery, such as hydraulic jacking bridge used in cooling tower construction together with the multifunctional hoist and the only cement paper bag production equipment in Chinese domestic market.
充分粘合后,再进行后固化 热处理夹层不会产生不良影响。
However, after a good bondline is achieved, a post cure heat treatment is no danger to the sandwich.
点击“刻录”,选择“DVD”选项,在“烧”字段中,指定一个临时文 夹 ( 用 于保 生 成 的临时文件),选择您的DVD驱动器和刻录程序(内置或您自己的刻录应用程序) [...]
Click "Burn", select "DVD" option in the "Burn to"
[...] field, specify a temp folder (used to save the generated [...]
temporary files), select your
DVD drive and burning program (either built-in or your own burning application), select your TV Standard and output Aspect Ratio, and click "Start" to burn your project.
通过标准型生夹具, 可直接将Pro-Connex配件的卫生法兰连接至中空纤维膜过滤器组件上。
The sanitary flange of the Pro-Connex fitting attaches directly to the Hollow Fiber Filtration Module with a standard sanitary clamp.
医生穿了清楚表明他生身份的夹克 , 他说殴打他完全是没有 来由的。
The doctor was wearing a jacket which clearly identified [...]
him as a medical doctor and said the attacks were completely unprovoked.
运行宏之后所生成的GIF文件会以图表的名称来命名,并被保存到该工作簿所在的文 夹 , 打 开该文 夹 , 就 可以看 生 成 的 GIF文件,使用任一图象浏览软件即可浏览该文件,在其它程序当中可以很方便地插入这个GIF文件。
Acer generated after running the GIF file will be named after the name of the chart, and was saved to the workbook's folder, open the folder, you can see the generated GIF files, to use any image browser software that is The document can be found in other programs which can be easily inserted into the GIF file.
该公司同时生产 钱夹、名 片盒、书写工具、钥匙圈和各种 领带配件,以满足成功男士的需求。
They also
[...] manufacture money clips, card cases, writing [...]
instruments, key rings, and assorted tie accessories for the man who has everything.
确保记录的保存,除生锈的夹子或 橡胶带,把记录装入品质好的文件夹或盒子 里,控制记录储存处的温度和湿度。
Ensure the preservation of the records by removing any rusting paper
clips or rubber bands, packaging the records
[...] in good quality folders and boxes, and controlling [...]
the temperature and humidity
in the area where records are kept.
格里森的夹具设计工程师接到了设计全新系列夹具的任务,要求千方百计地减小哪怕一分钟的更 夹 具 所 用的 生 产 时间,因此就设计出了不需要螺钉连接的新型结构,这样就不用为拧紧或拧松螺钉,或者为准备工具而耗费时间。
Given the mission of designing a system that would squeeze precious minutes out of non-productive workpiece changeover time, Gleason engineers invented a system that changes requires none of the typical screws and bolts to tighten or loosen, or tools to find and apply.
当离开双皮圈导轨的纤维束 转向后,前罗夹持线所产生的摩擦 力界增大,向上肖开口方向偏移(图 6)。
When the fibre strand, after leaving the double apron guidance, is deflected, the friction field produced by the front roller nipping line is increased and shifted in direction of the cradle opening (Fig. 6).
如果系统通过液压流体作用运行,固定操作时间 之后,活塞杆在安装过程中,可能会有一层液油 薄膜,因此通过液压油的作用, 生夹 紧 力
If the system is driven with hydraulic fluid, it is likely that after a certain operating time the piston rod will have a film of oil from the installation.
如泵使用手册所述,通过在供料管路与真正的 大地接地点之间连接一根接地线和线 夹 来 实现 泵的接地。
Ground the pump by connecting a
[...] ground wire and clamp between the fluid [...]
supply and a true earth ground as instructed in
your separate pump instruction manual.
尽管自停火协定以来受武装冲突影响的地区数量已经减 少,但依然有报导告说夹在中 间的平民受武装冲突影响。
While the number of conflict-affected areas has been reduced with ceasefire agreements, armed clashes affecting civilians caught in the middle continue to be reported.
支撑缸夹紧缸 相向使用时,支撑力应 夹 紧 力的1.5倍以上。
When using a work
[...] support opposite a clamp, set the support force at more than 1.5 times the clamping force.
如上述,完成完整安装后,自生成 的文 件 夹 和 文件存在于C:³³ Pro³ V3目录下(Win7操作系统为自定义路径)。
If you have received the software as a complete folder without the installer, then you can freely choose where you store the program folder and place a short-cut on your desktop, Windows 7 often blocks access to the default file path for third party Software making an Export impossible.
皮带防护罩可减少夹和切 断手指等危险,参见 前面的 “ 警告 ”。
Belt guard reduces risk of pinching and loss of fingers; see preceding WARNING.
在如此困难的市场中,捷飞特通过提供用 生 产 医 用 夹 、 试 管、注射器和其它各种医用产品部件等做到了既保证质量又缩短节拍赢得了突出的地位,与众不同。
By supplying moulds for clamps, blood tubes, syringes, [...]
and other medical components, Gefit earns an important position in
such a difficult market, where the reduction of cycle time associated to the product quality, really make a difference.
(iii) 硬质镜片不会断裂或碎开,夹胶玻璃镜片在直径为 16 毫米的钢球 于镜片中心上方 127 厘米处坠落时不会生玻璃与塑夹 层 的任 何分离。
(iii) Solid plate lenses shall not fracture or chip, and laminated glass lenses shall show no separation of glass from the plastic interlayer when a steel ball of 16mm in diameter is dropped from a height of 127cm above the centre of the lens.
如,1946年颁布就业紧急法案,W&H表现出极具创造性,利用美国占领军配发的奶酪和饼 生 产 卷 发 夹 , 当然这些产品也陈列于博物馆内。
For example, with the emergency program for the provision of work in 1946, W&H was most resourceful and produced curlers and water wave clips from cheese and biscuit tins belonging to the American occupying forces, which are naturally also displayed in the W&H dental museum.
外地中央审查机构中的 2 个一般事务(其他职等)工作人员负责与提交案件 供审查机构审查有关的所有行政细节,协助和指导成员浏览数据库,追踪成员答
[...] 和记录审查机构的工作,帮助协调审查机构的培训方案,包括预订设施、向成员 发出邀请函、准备活夹、更 新情况介绍、将内容材料送往各个训练设施并负责 [...]
The two General Service (Other level) staff members in the Field Central Review Body attend to all administrative details related to the submission of cases for review by the Review Body, provide assistance and guidance to members in navigating the database, track member response rate and other data for Review Body reporting, update the necessary databases and engage in other activities to track and record the work of the Review Body, provide assistance in the coordination of the Review Body training programmes, including booking
facilities, sending invitations to the
[...] members, preparing binders, updating presentations, [...]
shipping content to the respective
training facility and attending to other administrative details related to the training.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.




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