单词 | 夸张 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 夸张 —exaggeratedless common: overstated • extreme • (coll.) excessive • hyperbole 夸张 adjective —ridiculous adjSee also:夸—exaggerate • boast 夸 v—praise v 张—classifier for flat things, such as paper, tables, faces, bows, paintings, tickets, constellations, blankets, bedsheets • open up • surname Zhang • sheet of paper
回想 15 年前国际刑事司法的状况,我可以毫不 夸张地说,法庭的成就对于国际法,对于更广义上的 [...] 谋求正义国际努力来说,都是一个里程碑。 daccess-ods.un.org | Looking back to where international criminal justice was 15 years ago, I [...] do not think I exaggerate if I call the achievements [...]of the Tribunal a milestone [...]— both for international law and for the international striving for justice in the broader sense. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们可以毫不夸张地说 ,各国人们的福祉和各国社会的正常状 况,甚至我们地球的未来,都有赖于我们今天以及今后数周所作出的决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without exaggeration, we can say that [...] the well-being of our people and the health of our societies — even the future of [...]our planet — depend on what we do today and in the weeks to come. daccess-ods.un.org |
部分原因是成员国认为泰国的“侵略战争”这一描述 过于夸张。 crisisgroup.org | In part because members thought its language on a Thai “war of [...] aggression” was an exaggeration. crisisgroup.org |
圣塞浦路斯的“广告Donatum”,大概是他第一个基督教文字,展示了一个Apuleian矫揉造作,他回避了所有他的其他作品,但他的传记丢了模仿 和 夸张。 mb-soft.com | St. Cyprian's "Ad Donatum", probably his first Christian writing, shows an [...] Apuleian preciosity which he eschewed in all his other works, but which his biographer [...] Pontius has imitated and exaggerated. mb-soft.com |
尽管有些夸张,但 显而易见的是公众意见甚至是很多决策人的政策都是受媒体影响产生的,甚至有时会受 [...] 到媒体的负面影响。 traditionsdavenir.info | Even if a little exaggerated, it is clear that [...] not only public opinion but also the policies of many deciders are formed [...]by listening to the media and are influenced by media rumors. traditionsdavenir.info |
真空管数码时钟是LED(发光二极管)时钟的鼻祖−−或 者 夸张 的 说 是“数码时代的恐龙”。 iontime.ch | Nixie tube clocks are the predecessors of LED watches – or more dramatically put, “the dinosaurs of the digital age”. iontime.ch |
过敏症是一种夸张的免 疫系统的反应,导致过敏的物质,如霉菌,灰尘,花粉,宠物皮屑或某些食物过敏原。 cn.iherb.com | Allergies are an exaggerated immune system response [...] to an allergen, causing hypersensitivity to substances such as mold, [...]dust, pollen, pet dander or certain foods. iherb.com |
我们认为可以不夸张地说 ,此时此刻,巴勒斯坦 人民、该区域各国人民乃至几乎整个国际社会都共同 呼吁安理会为巴勒斯坦主持正义,并发挥作用,以达 [...] 成公正、全面和持久的解决办法,最终实现巴勒斯坦 和以色列之间以及整个中东地区的和平与安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe [...] that it would not be overstating the case to say that [...]the Palestinian people, the peoples of the region and virtually [...]the entire international community have joined in an appeal to the Council at this moment to do justice by Palestine and fulfil its role in the attainment of a just, comprehensive and lasting solution that will finally make peace and security a reality between Palestine and Israel and throughout the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
杜绝事项:过分夸张,情绪失控,咄咄逼人,即使受到强烈质疑也不要被诱导性提问所 [...] 迷惑,不要言之无物或离题万里。 animalmosaic.org | Don’t: Exaggerate; lose your cool; [...] be aggressive, even if challenged; be tricked by leading questions; waffle; or get sidetracked from your message. animalmosaic.org |
可以毫不夸张地说, 甚至在非洲大陆以外,卡 扎菲以其所掌握的手段和资 [...] 产,可以故伎重演,搞恐怖主义,向非洲各地散发武 器,以证明他的预言,即,他离开政治舞台将等于“基 地”组织和极端主义扩散蔓延到整个非洲。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is no exaggeration to say that [...] even beyond the African continent, Al-Qadhafi, with the means and assets has available [...]to him, could resume his terrorist practices by distributing arms across the continent in order to justify his prediction that his absence from the political stage would be synonymous with the expansion of Al-Qaida and extremism throughout Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
婴儿尤其喜欢 轻柔的、重复的旋律和夸张的讲 话声音。 cpsc.gov | Infants especially enjoy gentle [...] repeated rhythms and exaggerated speech sounds. cpsc.gov |
这些担忧大有夸张 成分 ;随着中国政策制定与执行能力的提高,中 国可采取一系列措施,在能源和更为广泛的安全 [...] 问题方面创造出更为有利的国际环境。 crisisgroup.org | These are largely overstated, but China could [...] take a number of steps, as its policymaking and implementation evolves, which [...]would help create a more cooperative international environment on both energy and wider security issues. crisisgroup.org |
总体而言,毫不夸张地说 ,全球金融危机之后,2010 年拉丁美洲和加勒比地 [...] 区整体上的复苏得到巩固。 daccess-ods.un.org | To recap, it [...] is not an exaggeration to say that [...]in 2010 Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole saw a consolidation of [...]the recovery following the global financial crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
游戏行为是对传统行为的故意夸张、 改 变和颠覆;在顺序上不同,而且不可预测。 ipaworld.org | Play behaviours [...] are deliberately exaggerated, invert and subvert [...]conventional behaviours, vary in sequence, and are unpredictable. ipaworld.org |
第八,除了以色列不遵守国际人道主义法原则的 事实之外,可以毫不夸张地说,以色列正在违反《世 界人权宣言》、《公民及政治权利国际公约》和《经济、 [...] 社会、文化权利国际公约》规定的人权的每一个方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Eight, in addition to the fact that Israel does not respect the [...] principles of international humanitarian [...] law, it is no exaggeration to say that [...]there is not a single aspect of human rights, [...]as set down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, that Israel is not violating. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们认为歌词浮华而夸张,也 有些人反对曲调,很多人认为它缺少激情。 swissworld.org | Even today the Psalm has few passionate supporters. People find the [...] words pompous and exaggerated, and while there are [...]fewer objections to the tune, many people find it lacks oomph. swissworld.org |
关于难民专员报告中提供的数据,他希望 了解所使用的计算方法以及这一工作是否是在有关 [...] 会员国的合作下进行的,因为这些数据在他看来比 较夸张,尤 其是有关非洲难民回返的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Referring to the figures cited in the High Commissioner’s report, he wondered how they had been calculated and whether the States concerned had been involved in the process, [...] noting that the figures, particularly those relating to the repatriation of refugees in [...] Africa, appeared to be exaggerated. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽说认为奥地利的通报不具任何法律实效似乎有 点 夸张 , 但 秘鲁的通报非常清晰 地表明,过时反对并不排除根据《维也纳公约》第20条第5 款推定已接受保 留。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ratification and reservation by Peru in respect of the Vienna Convention were communicated to Member States on 9 November 2000. daccess-ods.un.org |
是真的它是自然起源的一个补充,因此较不进取的身体,但我们必须不 太 夸张 其 摄 入量和所以我们可以演示文稿中找到推荐剂量为每一天,我们将足够多,以获得所需的效果。 cn.500healthy.com | It is true that it's a complement of natural origin, and is therefore less aggressive for the body, but we must not overdo their intake, and so we can find presentations in recommended doses for every day that we will be more than enough to get the desired effects. 500healthy.com |
而夸张和奇幻的故事则 由于不“真实”而大失其宠。 cpsc.gov | Exaggerated and fantasy stories [...] are not valued as much because they are not “true. cpsc.gov |
在一个夸张的乐观,而现在的经验并没有保证的基础上,这种观点假定在缓刑死后生活的恩典部无坚不摧的功效,并期待着在所有的罪人,最终转化率和道德自愿失踪从宇宙的邪恶。 mb-soft.com | Based on an exaggerated optimism for which [...] present experience offers no guarantee, this view assumes the all-conquering [...]efficacy of the ministry of grace in a life of probation after death, and looks forward to the ultimate conversion of all sinners and the voluntary disappearance of moral evil from the universe. mb-soft.com |
抛光不锈钢表壳搭配黑色放射状图案表盘,辅 以 夸张 的 加长罗马数字,尽显出人意料的视觉冲击力,这正是 Jaquet Droz 向我们展示的魅力所在。 hk.ashford.com | The polished stainless steel watch case sports a black face with dramatically elongated roman numerals in a starburst pattern for that unexpected punch that we have come to expect from Jaquet Droz. ashford.com |
仆人式领袖敢于发梦,对他来说,再 过 夸张 的 梦 想亦有成为现实的可能。 12manage.com | Servant-leaders seek to nurture their abilities to 'dream great dreams'. 12manage.com |
由于在大众媒体的报道、著作、口头传播与评定无法完全保证其客观性,因此在引用或 转载上述媒体提供的信息时,应当注意避免使用暗示自身优越性 的 夸张 的 表达方式,以免造 成用户的误解和误会。 jima.or.jp | To reduce misunderstandings and miscommunications on the part of users, when websites quote and reprint mass media articles, other writing, word-of-mouth communication, and evaluations for which objectivity cannot be guaranteed, care is taken to avoid immoderate expressions suggestive of superiority and personal gain. jima.or.jp |
称IAEA只关心阻止核技术的军事应用当然过 于 夸张 , 但 该机构及其理事会有时被描述成对最强大的成员国有不当偏爱 [...] -- 使其对核扩散的关注显得大大超过了对核能发展的关注。 thebulletin.org | It would be an exaggeration to claim that [...] the IAEA cares only about preventing military applications of nuclear technology, [...]but at times the agency and its Board of Governors are portrayed as improperly favoring the most powerful member states -- which seem to care much more about proliferation than about expansion of nuclear power. thebulletin.org |
费尔南多•波特罗(1932年生于哥伦比亚麦德林市)因其绘画和雕刻作品所描绘 的 夸张 的 、 体型膨胀的人物和动物形象成为世界闻名的新具象主义画派(NEO-FIGURATIVE)艺术家。 cn.banditrazos.com | Fernando Botero (Medellin 1932) is a Colombian neo-figurative artist known world-wide for his paintings and sculptures of inflated human and animal shapes. english.banditrazos.com |
毫 不夸张地说 ,在世界各地,参加小额赠款方案的伙伴已达到数千个,在养护生物 多样性和实现可持续发展的努力中,建立起一个出色的公民社会利益攸关方的全 [...] 球联盟。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Small Grant [...] Programme has engaged in literally thousands of partnerships [...]across the world building a remarkable global [...]constituency of civil society stakeholders in pursuit of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
不知道是预订的结构,你可能会落入陷阱常常捉襟见肘通 过 夸张 的 描述,无论是在所提供的服务条款和结构的质量是由一个错误的位置,酒店表示,其结果是,也有在酒店或很偏僻的地方摇摇欲坠。 eventsandtravel.it | Not knowing the structures that can be booked, it can fall [...] into the trap which is often [...] stretched by a description exaggerated, both as regards the [...]services offered and the quality [...]of the structure is by an erroneous indication on the location of the hotel, with the result that then you are in dilapidated hotels or places very peripheral. eventsandtravel.it |