

单词 夸大其词

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External sources (not reviewed)

关于执行该项法律应对那些与 2009 年 6 月 28
[...] 日事件有 关的形势,总检察院认为,防范小组委员会关于总体存在违法不纠现象的论调过夸大其词。
Regarding the application of the Act to situations linked to the events of 28 June 2009, the Office of the Attorney-General found that the
Subcommittee’s assertion, reflected in the preceding paragraph, that there is
[...] a general climate of impunity, was exaggerated.
他们的言论存在偏见,非常危险 夸大其 词。
They have spoken in biased terms and have
[...] made very dangerous exaggerated statements.
毫无疑问,这些对任何ASP.NET控件而言都是至关重要的功能;但说到高级网格控件时,就加载大型数据集的速度和内存使用情况而言,我们的竞争对手就无话可说了(如果有那往往也 夸大其词 )。
Without doubt these are critical features to any ASP.NET control but when it comes to advanced grid controls, the one area in which our competitors are
silent (and if not silent,
[...] they often use hyperbole to mask the actual facts) is speed and memory use when rendering large datasets.
美国对德班会议的态度是 众所周知的:使用充满仇恨的语言,辩称大屠杀的 重要性夸大其词,或 者对以色列大加责难,都不 能打击种族主义。
His country’s position on that Conference was well known: racism could not be combated by using hateful language, by arguing that the importance of the Holocaust had been overstated, or by singling out Israel for censure and abuse.
因而,提高作物微量营养元素含量的 必要性并没夸大其词,巴 基斯坦在国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)的资助下,正参与小 麦的粮食作物强化计划(HarvestPlus)。
Thus, the need to promote micronutrient use in the country can not be over-emphasized. Pakistan is participating in the HarvestPlus biofortification project on wheat, under the auspices of CIMMYT.
第 29 段:观察团还注意到,其在当 地的观察小组观察,媒 夸大了 事 件的性质以及在事件和抗议活动中死亡的人数。
Paragraph 29: The Mission also
noted that, according to
[...] its teams in the field, the media exaggerated the nature of the incidents and [...]
the number of persons
killed in incidents and protests.
他再次重申有关该 国的数据夸大了,并坚持要知其 来 源 ,以便了 解一般情况下是否咨询相关国家的意见。
He reiterated that the figures
[...] concerning his country were exaggerated and repeated his request [...]
to know the sources of those
figures and whether, in general, the countries concerned had been consulted.
提交人宣称,与案卷所载材料,其 是 证 人的 词 相 悖 ,美 大 使 馆 未就 设备提出追索。
6.2 The author’s statement that there were no claims of
the equipment from the United States Embassy
[...] contradicts the case materials, in particular the testimonies by witnesses.
咨询委员会曾其有关 的报告 中,就所提议职位的数目和职级提出了一些意见(A/63/736,第 54 至 57 段),认为所需经费夸大之嫌,建议减少为一般临时人员请批的经费。
In its related report, the Advisory Committee made some observations on the number and levels of positions proposed (A/63/736, paras. 54–57), taking the view that the requirements may have been overstated and had recommended [...]
a reduction in
the resources requested for general temporary assistance.
7)'Eduyot,或'Ediyyot(“证据”);八个章节,包含了有关当局的陈述后早期教师的 词 , 这 种材料 大 一 部 分被包含 其 他 部 分的mishnah以及。
(7) 'Eduyot, or 'Ediyyot ("Evidences"); eight chapters; contains the testimony of later teachers regarding
statements of earlier
[...] authorities, a large part of this material being contained in other portions of the Mishnah as well.
无论我们考虑到哪一种数字——死亡 人数、在几秒钟内化为乌有的国内生产总值百分点、 今后多年丧失的机构能力,或者任 其 他 数 字——都 令人痛苦地表明“摧毁”这词并没 有 夸大 该 国 发生 的一切。
Whatever figure one takes — the number of deceased people, the percentage points of gross domestic product wiped out in a few seconds, the institutional
capacity lost for many years
[...] to come, or any other — it is painfully clear that the word “devastation” does not overstate what happened [...]
in the country.
如果说现在已经出现巩固索马里和平的机会之 窗,这绝夸大之词。
It would not be an exaggeration if one were to say that there is now a window of opportunity for consolidating peace in Somalia.
而且,如同第二句中的“同样”词 所 表示的,反过来对于 保留对之成立其他当 事各方来说也是如此。
And, as the word “likewise” in the second sentence indicates, the same is true conversely for the other parties with [...]
regard to which the reservation is established.
然而,其重要性—— 事实上是其迫切性——在于实事求是地承认分歧和 差异,而不是人为地低估夸大其重 要 性和影响。
However, its importance — indeed, its urgency — resides in acknowledging disagreement
and differences for what they are, without
[...] artificially understating or exaggerating their significance [...]
and implications.
会议还建议,粮农组织应在以下五个优先领域开展技术性工作,协助各国 和区域渔业管理组织实施第 61/105 号和第 64/72 号决议以及《粮农组织准则》: ㈠ 改进确认脆弱海洋生态系统的标准,并 其 适 用 范围 大 到 珊 瑚、海绵、海 峰和热液喷口以外;㈡ 拟订有关减轻影响措施以及拟订和适用遭遇脆弱海洋生 态系统规则方面最佳做法的指南,特别是由区域渔业管理组织拟订;㈢ 拟订关 于应收集哪些信息以及如何收集信息的指南,以促进执行各项旨在控制渔业对脆 弱海洋生态系统影响的措施;㈣ 界定某些词,以 助澄清如何实施《粮农组织 准则》;以及㈤ 拟订关于评估最佳做法的指南。
It was also suggested that FAO should undertake technical work in the following five priority areas to assist States and RFMOs implement resolutions 61/105 and 64/72 and the FAO Guidelines: (i) improving and expanding application of the criteria for the identification of VMEs beyond corals, sponges, seamounts and hydrothermal vents; (ii) developing guidance on impact mitigation measures and best practices for developing and applying encounter protocols [...]
relevant to VMEs, particularly by
RFMOs; (iii) developing guidance on what and how information should be collected to implement measures for managing fishery impacts on VMEs; (iv) defining certain terms that could clarify implementation of the FAO Guidelines; and (v) developing guidance on best practices for conducting assessments.
大多数情况下,在相关的讨论中常常出现的夸 夸其谈、大开空头援助支票以及对专门知识和技术转 让附加苛刻条件的情况。
Most of the time, the relevant deliberations have been tainted by rhetoric, hot-air promises on aid and tough conditions for transfer of know-how and technology.
专家组根据审查该组档案所提供的 证据(与 Ngezayo 先生后来提供的文件没有实质性出入)得出结论认为,有充分证 据(包括来自正义阵线渠道的证据)表明 Ngezayo
[...] 先生的确与正义阵线有过接触, 但不表明他是该团体的政治领导人,专家组在此承认有 夸大其 辞 并 致歉。
On the basis of a review of the evidence in the Group’s archives (which is not substantively contradicted by documentation subsequently provided by Mr. Ngezayo), the Group concludes that there was sufficient evidence, including from FPJC sources, to indicate that Mr. Ngezayo was indeed in contact with FPJC,
but not to present him as a political leader of
[...] that group, an overstatement the Group hereby [...]
acknowledges and regrets.
唯名是年龄比司各脱,其Occam ism复兴可追溯到约命题的司各脱 夸大 片 面 的。
Nominalism is older than
[...] Scotus, but its revival in Occamism may be traced to the one-sided exaggeration of some propositions [...]
of Scotus.
[...] 世界中心这一具有经社理事会一般咨商地位的非政府组织一直未能遵守这些原 则且滥用其咨商地位,开展有政治动机的一类行为 夸大 对 土 耳 其 无 事 实根据的 指控。
It is against this backdrop that I would like to bring to the attention of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations that Centre Europe-tiers monde, a non-governmental organization in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, has been failing to conform to these principles and abusing its consultative
status by undertaking a pattern of politically motivated acts and
[...] amplifying unsubstantiated allegations against Turkey.
把对宣教的意识与宣教的进展混淆了:随着全球教会对一些 词 越 来 越熟悉,像未得之民、“北纬10-40度窗”、“A世界”以及像“主后两千年运动”这样以某个日期为导向的网络事工,一些人因此就错误地以为,这些族群的需要已经得到了满足;还有一些人则认为以上的数目过 夸大 了 — —不可能有那么多失丧的人;另外一些人干脆厌烦了这些关于失丧之民的信息,他们希望听到别的更实质性的信息。
Awareness is confused with progress: As the worldwide church has become increasing familiar with unreached peoples, the “10-40 window,” “World A” and date-oriented networks such as the AD 2000 movement, some have wrongly assumed that the needs of these peoples are already met.
对叙利亚当前事件的描述有很多 夸大其 辞 ,当地正在发生的真实情况被人出 于煽风点火和危言耸听的目的加以夸大。
There are numerous exaggerations in the depiction [...]
of current events in Syria, and the reality of what is taking place on
the ground is magnified with provocative and alarmist intent.
大约在同一时间,一名调查员向 他展示了曾经对他实施酷刑的警察的 词 , 其 中 承 诺说如果他撤诉,就不再指控 他诽谤。
At around the same time, an investigator showed him statements from the police officers who tortured him promising not to accuse him of libel if he withdrew.
人们认为词浮华而夸张, 也有些人反对曲调,很多人认为它缺少激情。
Even today the Psalm has few passionate supporters.
[...] People find the words pompous and exaggerated, and while there are [...]
fewer objections to the tune,
many people find it lacks oomph.
但这种区别不夸大,因 为许多运用《联合国示范公约》的国家不纳入有限 引力规定;通常这是因其国内 法没有此类规定,因此无需根据条约继续予以执 行。
This difference should not be overstated, however, because many States using the United Nations Model Convention do not include the limited force-of-attraction [...]
usually, this is because they do not have such a provision in domestic law, and therefore do not need to preserve its operation under the treaty.
不同地区和不同团体的筹款规模也不同 大 至 塔 利班的数 百万美元,而类似阿拉伯半岛上的基地组织(QE.A.129.10)则相形见绌 其夸口 说 ,2010 年 10 月只用了 4 200 美元就把炸药藏入打印机中,以对两架飞机发动 攻击(均告失败)。
The scale of financing varies from area to area and group to group, with the multimillion dollar business of the Taliban dwarfing groups like Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (QE.A.129.10), which boasted that it had spent just $4,200 to mount a (failed) attack on two airplanes with explosives concealed in printers in October 2010.24 48.
夸美纽 斯奖章旨 在奖励那些在教学研究与革新领域里对教育发展和创新作出 大 贡 献 的卓越成就。
The Comenius Medal is intended to reward outstanding achievements in the fields of educational research and innovation, which have contributed significantly to the development and renewal of education.
某些安理会成员善于在人权问题夸夸其谈,但有关以色列在加沙所犯战争罪和危害人 类罪问题大会第 64/10 号决议的投票结果却暴露了 它们的真实立场。
Certain members of the Council are used to giving long speeches on human rights, and yet their true stance was revealed by the result of the voting in the General Assembly on resolution 64/10 on the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel in Gaza.
这次会议讨论的主要问题是知识产权(IP)对中小企业(SMEs)的重要性,高锐先生在开幕 词 中 对 意 大 利 刚 提供的捐款表示欢迎,认为这反映出 大 利 志 在巩固和加强该国 其 自 20 07年设立信托基金(FIT)计划以来开展的活动所提供的捐助。
Speaking at the opening of the conference which is addressing the relevance of intellectual property (IP) to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Mr. Gurry welcomed Italy’s latest contribution, saying it reflects Italy’s commitment to consolidating and reinforcing its contribution to the activities of WIPO since the establishment of a funds-in-trust (FIT) program in 2007 to cover IP-related activities in developing countries and countries in transition.
她指出,法庭仅只审查 了对其丈夫的定罪证据,没有听取证人关于她丈夫被殴打的 词 , 其 中 包 括他的 律师和一些警察。
She submits that the court examined only inculpating evidence against her husband and refused to hear the witnesses who could have testified that her husband had been beaten up, including his counsel and some policemen.




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