

单词 夸多斗靡

External sources (not reviewed)

然而, 近几十年来,越来多地强调——甚 夸 大 ——外国直接投资对经济发展的好 处,历史上是这样,最近更甚。
However, in recent decades
[...] it has become more common to stress, if not exaggerate, the benefits of [...]
foreign direct investment
in economic development, both historically and more recently.
但最有 可能出现的前景是日本式的长期靡 , 他 在危机初 期就预测到了这种结果。
The most likely prospect, however, was a long-term Japanesestyle malaise, a kind of outcome that he had already predicted at the beginning of the crisis.
该法律的通过继续受到拖延,令人关切,因为 多 数 土 地纠纷 斗 激 烈 ,其中多已导致对立群体和社区的暴力对抗。
The continued delay in adopting the
legislation is a concern, given
[...] the contentious nature of most land disputes, many of which have led to violent [...]
confrontations between
opposing groups and communities.
目前正在开展促进发展中国家文化产业发展和 同海盗行为斗争的 30 多个合 作伙伴项目,其中包括以下项目:创建作为发展非洲音乐产 [...]
业手段的音乐家合作社,为拉丁美洲音乐家、美术家和音象艺术家出版关于著作权和合同实 例的教材和为牙买加和哥伦比亚制定国家音乐产业战略。
More than 30 partnership projects for the development of cultural
[...] industries and the fight against piracy in developing [...]
countries are under way, including
projects on the creation of cooperatives for musicians as a means of developing the African music industry, the publication of instructional material on copyright and contractual practices for musicians, fine artists and audiovisual artists in Latin America, and the development of a national strategy for the music industries in Jamaica and Colombia.
小组尤其重点调查了利比里多名前 高级 斗 人 员与 目前居住在加纳的利比里亚洛朗·巴博前政权精英人士之间的联系。
The Panel has focused particularly on links between several
[...] high-ranking former combatants in Liberia as well [...]
as elites of the former Ivorian regime
of Laurent Gbagbo who currently reside in Ghana.
例如,私营军保公司在动荡地区开展业务时 被卷入军事类活动,并参与斗,许 多 情 况 下使用火器。
For example, PMSCs have been drawn into military-type
activities when operating in volatile areas and have been involved
[...] in combat and in many incidents involving [...]
the use of firearms.
[...] 和后续和平协议指定的有关当局指定和附属机构提供咨询,并执行短期 重新融入社会方案,如多达 4 700 名前斗人员提供职业培训、教育、 扫盲课程和职业介绍。
Advice to State offices of the Darfur Security Arrangements Implementation Commission and relevant authorities designated by subsequent peace agreements and subsidiary bodies on the distribution of reinsertion kits and transitional safety allowances, in addition to the implementation of short-term reinsertion
programmes, such as vocational training, education and literacy courses,
[...] and employment referral, for up to 4,700 ex-combatants.
夸美纽 斯奖章旨 在奖励那些在教学研究与革新领域里对教育发展和创新作出重大贡献的卓越成就。
The Comenius Medal is intended to reward outstanding achievements in the fields of educational research and innovation, which have contributed significantly to the development and renewal of education.
对叙利亚当前事件的描述有多是夸 大 其 辞,当地正在发生的真实情况被人出 于煽风点火和危言耸听的目的加以夸大。
There are numerous exaggerations in the depiction [...]
of current events in Syria, and the reality of what is taking place on
the ground is magnified with provocative and alarmist intent.
接獲報告後,漁護署人員立即檢查該 雞場,發現附近一個禽舍(9 號禽舍)的兩批雞隻中,有部分 哨兵雞及少量疫苗雞亦已死亡或處於垂死狀態(死亡雞隻的分 布情況見圖 1),而有關雞隻的主要徵狀為精神 靡 、 呼吸困 難、雞冠和肉垂紅腫,以及有黃色濃稠的鼻分泌物。
In response to the report, a team of AFCD staff immediately conducted an inspection at the farm and found other sentinel chickens from two batches in a nearby chicken shed (shed no. 9) were also dead or dying along with smaller numbers of vaccinated poultry (see distribution of dead chickens in Figure 1).
在刚果的倡议下,2007 年 4 月 10 日至 15 日在夸拉省(因普多)举行了中 非土著居民国际论坛(FIPAC)。
At the Congo’s initiative, an International Forum for Indigenous People of Central Africa (FIPAC) was held from 10 to 15 April 1997 in the administrative department of Likouala (Impfondo).
當然,建築物效能低落的衝擊,在文獻裡亦鉅 靡 遺 ,「環境暨能源研究院」提到,建築物占美國三分之一碳排放量,IBM公司類似研究顯示,商業建築使用全球42%電力,亦浪費其中半數,相當於數千億美元。
According to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, buildings are responsible for one-third of carbon emissions in the United States; a similar study by IBM reveals that commercial buildings utilize roughly 42% of the electricity produced worldwide – and still manage to waste half of it.
(m) 作为改变某些国家联络会员会靡状 态 的措施,评估人建议鼓励其吸收更年轻的 研究人员,会员国应确保各国联络委员会委员和领导的定期轮换。
(m) As a measure to reverse the inactivity of some NLCs, the evaluators proposed that they be encouraged to involve younger researchers and Member States should ensure regular rotation of the NLC membership and leadership.
与其他极简化的抽象设计略有不同的是,Movado 手表已经靡多年。
It is a slight departure from the spare minimalist design that Movado watches has refined over the years.
2010/11 年度期间解除武装、复员和重返社会所需资源估计数为 3 500 万美 元(1 520 万美元用于文职人员和 1 980 万美元用于业务费用,包括 1 640 万美元 用于为多 40 000 名斗人员 自愿复员提供解除武装、复员和重返社会支助, 按每人 400 美元的运输、重新安置和复员援助支助服务费用计算;以及 400 000 美元用于提供非食品物品包)(A/64/632,第 120 至 124 段)。
The estimated resource requirements for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme for the period 2010/11 amount to $35 million ($15.2 million for civilian personnel and $19.8 million for operational costs, including $16.4 million for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration support for the voluntary demobilization of up to 40,000 combatants at $400 per person for transportation, resettlement and reinsertional support services plus $0.4 million for non-food items) (A/64/632, paras. 120-124).
近年来以iPAD为代表的平板电脑以其时尚、便捷及高性价比等 多 优 势 风 靡 全 球 ,并迅速拥有大量用户市场。
In recent years, tablet computers such as the iPad have swept the world
[...] and quickly gained many millions of users.
从单个国家的情况来看,争取社 会团结,与不平等现象斗争, 尊重文 多 样 性 ,以及信息和传播技术可以发挥促进作 用的走向知识社会的努力,都需要制定重视提高教育质量的有关政策。
Within each country, the search for social
[...] cohesion, the struggle against inequality, the respect for cultural diversity and access to [...]
the knowledge society,
which may be facilitated by information and communication technologies, will be achieved through policies that focus on improving the quality of education.
但这种区别不夸大,因为多运用《联合国示范公约》的国家不纳入有限 引力规定;通常这是因为其国内法没有此类规定,因此无需根据条约继续予以执 行。
This difference
[...] should not be overstated, however, because many States using [...]
the United Nations Model Convention do not
include the limited force-of-attraction provision; usually, this is because they do not have such a provision in domestic law, and therefore do not need to preserve its operation under the treaty.
但是,尽 管美国想方设法动摇波多黎各学生的精神,但他们 近期捍卫教育权斗争对全体多黎 各 人来说是一 场胜利。
However, despite all efforts to break their spirit, the students’ recent defence of the right to education was a victory for all the people of Puerto Rico.
[...] 中,就所提议职位的数目和职级提出了一些意见(A/63/736,第 54 至 57 段),认为所需经费夸大之嫌,建议减少为一般临时人员请批的经费。
In its related report, the Advisory Committee made some observations on the number and levels of positions proposed (A/63/736, paras.
54–57), taking the view that the requirements
[...] may have been overstated and had recommended [...]
a reduction in the resources requested
for general temporary assistance.
多国家夸耀本 身在两性平等方面已有了 可以计量的改善,尤其是在女孩接受教育的机会方面。
Many countries pride themselves [...]
on having achieved quantifiable improvements in gender equality, especially regarding girls’ access to education.
融 合统一或强烈对比,含蓄夸张, 21世纪 多 样 性 为雅 生·蒙特勒实现独特个性化的卫浴视角提供了理想场景。
richly contrasting, sober or excessive, the wealth of possibilities available in the 21st century offers an ideal playground in which to realise uniquely individual bathroom visions with Axor Montreux.
夸若鲍 兹.托扎沃伊告诉他的小粉丝们,他们可以在电视上看到他唱同样的歌曲,他们还能在校园里的海报上看到他的身影。
Masqaraboz Tozayoy told his fans that they could watch him on television singing the same song, and that they would also find him on posters in their schools.
自 2011 年 1月以来,达尔富尔混合行
[...] 动艾滋病毒/艾滋病股已经为达尔富尔不同地区复员 的 1 000 多名前战斗人员提供了宝贵的服务。
Since January 2011, the UNAMID
HIV/AIDS Unit has provided valuable services to
[...] more than 1,000 ex-combatants demobilized in different [...]
parts of Darfur.
從康丁斯基(Kandinsky) 以降,抽象藝術成為二十世紀中葉一個重大的美術現象,而表現主義起源自塞尚、梵谷的繪畫,此時更因戰爭的衝擊而重新崛起,兩股藝術匯聚成一 靡 紐 約 的潮流,成員間彼此風格儘管分歧,但仍各領風騷。
Starting from Kandinsky onwards, abstract art turned into an important art phenomenon during the mid twentieth century, while Expressionism, which began from the paintings of Cézanne and Van Gogh, reemerged again during this time due to the impact of war.
Grandmaster Flash、Chuckie、Mos Def 的精彩演出,並舉辦由香港及台灣頂級歌手演出的「C-POP 拉闊演唱會」,要數國際娛樂鉅獻,必定為熱爆全球的韓國歌手 PSY (朴載相) 於新濠天地「嬌比」作大中華區的首度現場演出,帶來 靡 全 球 的《江南 Style》騎馬舞。
Fatman Scoop, Grandmaster Flash, Chuckie, Mos Def & the C-POP series, among all the entertainment spectaculars, the most scintillating was the debut of PSY’s international sensation dance hit “Gangnam Style” in Greater China Region.
布宜諾斯艾利斯市文化局局長赫南‧隆巴爾迪(Hernán Lombardi)表示,池田會長多年來大大地宣揚了阿根廷傳統文化──探戈的美,使阿根廷探戈在國外的 靡 , 貢獻 良 多。
In the citation, Buenos Aires Culture Minister Hernán Lombardi described Mr. Ikeda as an individual who has greatly contributed to the promotion and flourishing of Buenos Aires's cultural heritage.
专家组根据审查该组档案所提供的 证据(与 Ngezayo 先生后来提供的文件没有实质性出入)得出结论认为,有充分证 据(包括来自正义阵线渠道的证据)表明 Ngezayo 先生的确与正义阵线有过接触, 但不表明他是该团体的政治领导人,专家组在此承认有 夸 大 其 辞并致歉。
On the basis of a review of the evidence in the Group’s archives (which is not substantively contradicted by documentation subsequently provided by Mr. Ngezayo), the Group concludes that there was sufficient evidence, including from FPJC sources, to indicate that Mr. Ngezayo was indeed in contact with FPJC, but not to present him as a political leader of that group, an overstatement the Group hereby acknowledges and regrets.




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