单词 | 头骨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 头骨 noun —skulls pl骨头 —bitterness • moral character Examples:头盖骨—cranium 懒骨头—lazybones 皮包骨头—be all skin and bones [idiom.] See also:骨 n—skull n • bone n • bones pl
在检查犯罪现场的过程中,他们最后找到了其他证据,包括从现场附近的一 栋大楼楼顶上,找到自杀炸弹手的部 分 头骨。 daccess-ods.un.org | They eventually recovered other evidence in the [...] course of their crime scene examination, [...] including the partial skull of the suicide bomber [...]from atop one of the buildings near the site. daccess-ods.un.org |
我在颅骨顶部,用细0.5毫米石墨钢笔话,把微小的植物的塞进整 个 头骨 的 裂 缝、小湾及粗糙的表面。 luxe-immo.com | I draw on top of the skull with a [...] fine 0.5 mm graphite pen and blend tiny floral landscapes into the cracks, coves and [...] rough surface of the entire skull. luxe-immo.com |
当他们到达一条河,他们发现汉娜帆船船塑造从一个Giganotosaur us 的 头骨。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When they get to a river, they find Hannah sailing a boat fashioned [...] from a Giganotosaurus skull. seekcartoon.com |
我也正两个不同的委员会的项目创作,一个是瑞士设计公司的,另一个是一个巨大的羚 羊 头骨 , 我 将像 Botanical Skull 系列那样制作他。 luxe-immo.com | I am also working on two different commission projects, one for a Swiss design company and the other is a huge wildebeest skull that I will be decorating like the Botanical Skull series. luxe-immo.com |
2003年5月13 日,他又作了脑颅X 光检查,X 光报告注明“没有发现 头骨骨折迹象”。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 13 May 2003, he had undergone [...] a further X-ray [...] examination of the skull, with a note in the X-ray report that “no signs of a skull fracture have been [...]detected”. daccess-ods.un.org |
Zombie Boy与6位纹身女子一起通过造型姿态创造出 了 头骨 视 觉 画像,与他“人皮画”纹身主题十分契合。 ba-repsasia.com | Zombie Boy poses with six tattooed women to create a visual [...] portrayal of a skull, which goes along [...]with the theme of the tattoo artwork decorating his “human canvas”. ba-repsasia.com |
骷髅头骨显然 是有纪念意义的或是死亡的象征——对了,你可知道,手表也是作为提醒我们时光飞逝和生命脆弱的一个象征? iontime.ch | The skull is an obvious memento [...] mori or symbol of death – by the way, did you know, that timepieces are also understood [...]as related icons because they remind us about the passage of time and fragility of life? iontime.ch |
有一个传统,在犹太人中的电流,亚 当 头骨 后 ,被吐露了他的儿子诺亚闪,及由Melchisedech后,终于被存放在有个地方叫出于这个原因,墓地。 mb-soft.com | There was a tradition current among the [...] Jews that the skull of Adam, after [...]having been confided by Noah to his son Shem, [...]and by the latter to Melchisedech, was finally deposited at the place called, for that reason, Golgotha. mb-soft.com |
用作接触型麦克风时,可以将 BU 佩戴在喉部或头部有骨头的位 置(头顶、太阳穴或耳后突骨)。 digikey.cn | As a contact microphone, the BU may be worn on the throat or touching a bony part [...] of the head (top, temple, or mastoid bone). digikey.ca |
有一个细长的致密的结缔组织层,在其表面上建模 的 骨头 , 和 作为长管状骨髓海港。 institutododelta.com.br | The bones have an elongated layer of dense connective tissue modeled on its surface, and as [...] the long tubular bone marrow harbor. institutododelta.com.br |
骨头的形 成在很大程度上受到泛肽-蛋白酶途径的影响,Epoxomicin [...] 被证明能够提高在啮齿类动物中的质骨体积和骨形成率。 scbt.com | Bone formation is heavily regulated [...] by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and Epoxomicin was shown to increase both bone [...]volume and bone formation rates in rodents. scbt.com |
在以西结的干骨头的山 谷,那里的尸体神圣的气息呼吸进入新生活的憧憬,一个国家的复活,是在观点:“这些骸骨就是以色列全家”(结37:11)。 mb-soft.com | In Ezekiel's vision [...] of the valley of dry bones, where the divine breath [...]breathes new life into corpses, a national resurrection [...]is in view: "These bones are the whole house of Israel" (Ezek. 37:11). mb-soft.com |
某些品系易患皮肤问题、股骨头缺血 性坏死、疝气、肝脏疾病及颌骨钙化。 eukanuba.com.cn | Some lines are prone to skin conditions, Legg-Perthes disease, hernias, [...] liver disease and jawbone calcification. fr.eukanuba.ch |
如果你对乳制品过敏,那么可以选择其他富 有钙质的食品,如有食用有骨头的小 鱼、绿 叶蔬菜,以及添加钙质的食品,如豆奶、面 [...] 包和饼干。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | If dairy products trigger intolerance or an allergic reaction, then you need to include [...] other calcium-rich food, for example [...] small fish with edible bones, green leafy vegetables [...]and calcium-fortified food such as [...]soybean milk, bread and biscuits. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
这会造成普遍老 化现象,如肌肉收缩、骨头脆弱 、皮肤松 散和头发灰白等等。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | These lead to common signs of ageing such as muscle [...] shrinkage, fragile bones, loose skin and grey [...]hair, among other signs of ageing. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
在今天召开的美国矫形外科医师学会(AAOS)2013年年会上,研究人员展示了一项新的研究,他们对现有文献中的与长骨(长度大于宽度 的 骨头 ) 有 关的吸烟和骨折愈合的内容进行了回顾。 chinese.eurekalert.org | In a new study presented today at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the [...] American Academy of [...] Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), researchers reviewed existing literature on smoking and the healing of fractures involving long bones (bones that [...]are longer than they are wide). chinese.eurekalert.org |
移植:Bagges发现一只袋鼠怪物的骨头 时 的 尤斯塔斯试图拍卖他们的发现者,他结束了他的脊椎扭。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Transplant: [...] The Bagges find the bones of a kangaroo monster [...]and when Eustace attempts to auction them to discoverers, [...]he ends up twisting his spine. seekcartoon.com |
不过趋势是振动和噪音 导致的疾病减少,骨头和肌 肉疾病增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The trend, however, is towards a decrease of diseases caused by vibration and noise, and towards an [...] increase of diseases of bones and muscles. daccess-ods.un.org |
医生证实我的颈后的其中一节骨头有 少 许裂痕。 4tern.com | Doctors said one of my bone neck was cracked. 4tern.com |
该指南还指出了 一些补充类别,包括手工艺品生产中某个地区独有的、或是稀少的、或是很难利用的材料, 比如石头、玻璃、象牙、骨头、贝壳、珍珠母等等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The guide also identifies complementary categories comprising materials in craft production that are either very specific to a given area, or rare, or difficult to work, such as stone, glass, ivory, bone, shell, mother-of-pearl, etc. Extra categories are also identified when different materials and techniques are applied at the same time and refer to decorations, jewellery, musical instruments, toys, and works of art. unesdoc.unesco.org |
目的是把骨头再完整地建构起来,同时防止感染发生。 corporate.heraeus.com | The goal is [...] to completely repair bone defects while at the same [...]time preventing infection. corporate.heraeus.com |
骨头自动去除系统,各类切削工具,装卸和运输工具。 gea-foodsolutions.com | Automatic bone removal systems, wide [...] selection of cutting tools, loading and transport systems. gea-foodsolutions.com |
粗糙的处理,呼吸、流血、脊梁骨 受伤,骨头受伤和内伤的病情稳定不足可以致死或致 残。 medevacfoundation.org | Rough handling and insufficient [...] stabilization of breathing, bleeding, spinal [...] injuries, broken bones, and internal injuries [...]can kill or further maim an injured patient. medevacfoundation.org |
说得严重一点,就是我的颈断了!裂了一 根 骨头 , 后 果可大可小。 4tern.com | A crack of a bone may lead to a lot [...] of bad consequences. 4tern.com |
2009 年 12 月至 2010 年 3 月 5 日,欧盟驻科法治团和科索沃各派一负责人共 同领导的失踪人员和法医问题办公室对 [...] 5 名战争受害者的遗体和 97 具新尸体进 行了尸体解剖;着手就 6 [...] 个地点的人体遗骸拟订清单,从中提取 162 块骨头样本 进行分析;进行 8 次死亡现场调查、19 [...]次法医临床检查、23 次实地评估、2 次挖 掘,并向家属移交了 20 具遗体。 daccess-ods.un.org | From December 2009 to 5 March 2010, the Office on Missing Persons and Forensics, which is jointly led by a EULEX head and a Kosovo head, conducted 5 autopsies of war victims and 97 fresh autopsies; began an [...] inventory of human remains from six [...] sites from which 162 bone samples were extracted [...]for analysis; conducted 8 death scene [...]investigations, 19 forensic clinical examinations, 23 field assessments and 2 exhumations; and handed over 20 sets of human remains to families. daccess-ods.un.org |
它总是乐意展现它有多么友好和令人喜爱,它会跳起来亲吻过夜的宾客,在晚餐时与他们分享自己 的 骨头 , 当 客人需要牙膏时,它会用鼻子在他们的箱子里找牙膏。 eukanuba.com.cn | He tried to show just how friendly and [...] likeable he was by jumping up to kiss [...] houseguests, sharing his bones with them during [...]dinner parties and rooting through their [...]suitcases when they needed toothpaste. eukanuba.com.au |
他们说,以色列使用的一些武器烧毁人肉,一 直烧到骨头,其 它武器则截断和烧焦身体,留下 X 射线无法检测的弹片,从而导 [...] 致患者在医生处理完他们可以检测到的创伤后死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | They say some of the weapons that Israel is using burns human [...] flesh down to the bare bones and others amputate [...]and sear bodies, leaving shrapnel that [...]cannot be detected by X-ray, which results in the death of patients after doctors treat them for the wounds they can detect. daccess-ods.un.org |