

单词 头饰

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身着绣着丰富花纹的长袍头饰的三 名占卜者坐在庭院中的地毯上,庭院为刷白的石砖结构,周围有木雕柱廊。
These three diviners, in richly
[...] patterned robes and headdresses, are seated on [...]
a carpet in the courtyard of a whitewashed
masonry structure with a carved wooden column.
她发现自己陷入钻头饰和银 勺在可爱的ceañera的庆祝,并试图离开之前,她是嘲笑。
She finds herself caught within
[...] the Cute-ceañera celebration for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, [...]
and tries to leave before she is ridiculed.
[...] 清八旗贵族妇女平日梳旗头,穿朝服时戴朝冠,穿吉服时戴吉服冠,还有一种类似冠 头饰 , 是在穿彩服时所戴,叫做“钿子”。
Tin comb flag per cent when eight banners in Qing dynasty noble women head, Dai Chaoguan when you wear court
dress, put Kyrgyzstan suits Dai JI clothes, there is
[...] a Crown-like headdress, is colored clothing [...]
worn when called "Tin".
53 岁的彭桂丽戴着装饰华丽的传头 饰。
Peng Guili is 53 years old and wears the
[...] traditional, richly decorated headdress.
虽然 18 个月之前的小孩不怎么玩装扮游戏,但这些年 幼的学步儿童却开始喜欢基本的装扮和服装,如穿戴方便的单件手链 头饰。
Though they do not pretend play much until they are closer to 18 months,
young toddlers do begin to enjoy basic dress-ups and
[...] costumes like easy-to-put-on one-piece bracelets and hair accessories.
3.可以收纳内衣,小饰品,像丝巾,发卡 头饰 等。
3 can receive lingerie, accessories, such as scarves, hair clips, headwear.
就在她被发现并嘲笑她的同学,另外两个雌缺乏可爱,Scootaloo,亲爱的美女,站起来,为苹果布鲁姆,保证她仍然有巨大的潜力在她的生活中,其余的社交聚会常客,很快采取更多的在苹果布鲁姆和她的新朋友比钻 头饰 和 银 勺的兴趣。
Just as she is discovered and teased by her classmates, two other fillies who lack cutie marks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, stand up for Apple Bloom, assuring that she still has lots of potential in her life;
the rest of the partygoers soon take more interest in
[...] Apple Bloom and her new friends than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.
[...] Atkinson特地为JOYCE设计了6款独特颜色的樱 头饰 , 全 球只于JOYCE.com独家发售。
We are pleased to announce that Piers Atkinson
[...] has created cherry headbands in 6 special colours, [...]
exclusively for JOYCE.com, in colours
including baby blue, pink, lilac, orange, yellow and one-of-a-kind red and black glitter.
它们在大小上的差别很显著,有一些很苗条,有一些很胖,有一些没有头发,一些则有精美 头饰 , 这 些雕塑可能反映了史前女性的实际穿着。
They vary greatly in size; some are slim rather than fat; and some are
hairless while others bear what appear to
[...] be elaborate headdresses, possibly reflecting [...]
clothing that prehistoric women actually wore.
这包括加拿大利用著作权 保护措施保护基于传统知识的发明创造,如:土著艺术中的面具、图腾和录音带;利用外 观设计保护物品的外观,如:哈萨克斯坦 头饰 和 地 毯;利用地理标志保护传统产品,如: 委内瑞拉和越南的烈性酒、调味品和茶。
In recent surveys of the existing protection of traditional knowledge and folklore, a number of countries have provided further examples of how IP tools have been utilised to promote and protect traditional knowledge and folklore.12 These include the use of copyright protection in Canada to protect tradition-based creations including masks, totem poles and sound recordings of Aboriginal artists; the use of industrial designs to protect the external appearance of articles such as head dresses and carpets in Kazakhstan and the use of geographical indications to protect traditional products such as liquors, sauces and teas in Venezuela and Vietnam.
[...] 理的一起案件中,法官判定公立高中不得剥夺少女 佩头饰的权利。
In a recent constitutional court case in
Kenya, the judge had decided that a public high school could not deny a young teenage girl
[...] the right to wear her headdress.
这款水晶结头饰会是 你婚纱的完美搭配, 能为你的婚礼增添光亮与魅力。
This crystal wedding tiara is the perfect touch to your wedding gown, adding a [...]
little sparkle and glamour to your special day.
ITW-Plexus结构胶在轨道交通行业中的广泛应用,涉及空调系统中顶板、侧顶板、车窗墙板、中顶加强筋、 头饰 件 、 金属零部件和地板等。
ITW-Plexus structural adhesives are widely used in the railway industry, involving Air
conditioning system, Middle roof, Side roof, Window wallboard, Middle
[...] roof ribs, Train headdress, Metal parts and Floor.
细木墙裙可能是1766年时为王妃铺装的,除了 头饰 板 的 边饰以外,墙裙应该是蓬巴杜夫人卧室装饰的“再利用”:墙上挂着纳图瓦尔(Natoire)的四幅画作,它们以寓意画的形式展现了绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐艺术。
The woodwork was probably carried out for the Dauphine in 1766, except for the frames of the overdoors, which are undoubtedly a “reuse” of the decor from Madame de Pompadour’s room: they frame four paintings by Natoire representing allegories of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture and Music.
首饰系列包括项链、坠饰、耳环、手链和手镯、戒指、胸针 头饰 和 袖 扣。
The jewelry collections include
[...] necklaces, pendants, earrings, bracelets and wristbands, rings, brooches, hair slides, as [...]
well as cufflinks.
O 形圈上过多的润 滑油会挤入喷枪的空气通道并损害工件 饰。
Excessive lubricant on the o-rings can be pushed into the gun air passage and blemish the finish on the workpiece.
不能低估或饰教科文组织在非驻地国家参与联发援框架和联合国联合项目时受到的 限制。
The practical limitations of UNESCO engaging in UNDAFs and joint United Nations projects in countries where it is not resident should not be underestimated or glossed over.
此产品适合在标称电压为 120V 的电路上使用,其接地头与下 图所示的 头 类 似
This product is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug similar to the plug illustrated in the figure below.
咨 询委员会就此获告,虽然加入联合国行动网的所有实体都在处理冲突中 性暴力问题的某些方面,但目前没有一个 头 的 联 合国实体专门侧重于 保护平民或协调和平与安全部门(政治事务部和维持和平行动部)的工 作,而这些机构更直接地参与防止将性暴力作为一种战争手段。
In response, the Committee was informed that, while the member entities of the United Nations Action network were all working on some aspect of sexual violence in conflict, there was currently no lead United Nations entity focusing specifically on the protection of civilians or on the coordination of the work of peace and security actors (the Department of Political Affairs and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations) that were more directly engaged in preventing sexual violence as a tactic of war.
在协调员的直接领导下,政治事务干事员额(P-3)任职者将监测和分析布隆 迪、卢旺达、苏丹和乌干达的区域政治局势和进展情况;监测和分析东方省、北 基伍省、南基伍省、马涅马省、加丹加省坦噶尼喀地区的政治和安全进展情况;
监测各项政治进程,包括太阳城各项决议、内罗毕公报、承诺书、3 月 23 日协定 及任何其他协定;勘察安全事件、流离失所、犯罪及军事活动的趋势,协助与当
[...] 前政治、安全及军事举措相关的决策;每周向协调员提供一次分析报告;以及必 要时向访客和前方总部的参谋提供 头 和 书 面简报。
Under the direct supervision of the Coordinator, the incumbent of the post of Political Affairs Officer (P-3) would monitor and analyse the regional political situation and developments in Burundi, Rwanda, the Sudan and Uganda; monitor and analyse political and security developments in Orientale, North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema Provinces and the Tanganyika territory of Katanga Province; monitor the political processes, including the Sun City resolutions, the Nairobi Communiqué, the statements of commitment (actes d’engagement), the 23 March Agreement and any further agreements; map trends in security incidents, displacement, crime and military activity to assist in decision-making related to ongoing political, security and military initiatives; provide
weekly analytical syntheses to the
[...] Coordinator; and provide oral and written briefs [...]
as necessary to visitors and staff officers in the forward headquarters.
[...] 编制纪念遗址和场所清单、收集头 传 说方面的资料、建立奴隶博物馆及科研和教育网站和 [...]
中心网络等)旨在阐明这场悲剧引发的多种文化间关系(如在音乐、舞蹈、艺术、烹饪、药 典、宗教传统等领域),从而增进相互了解和深入开展文化间对话。
Activities carried out under this project (scientific research, the development of education on the tragedy, inventories
of sites and places of memory, collection
[...] of data on the oral tradition, establishment [...]
of museums on slavery and the networking
of scientific, educational and other research sites and centres) aim to highlight the numerous cultural interactions (in music, dance, the arts, gastronomy, pharmacopoeia and spiritual traditions) generated by that tragedy, in order to improve mutual knowledge and increase intercultural dialogue.
此喷枪可以喷涂目前用作小批量组分的塑料、 木材和金属表面应用的大多数涂层或表面饰,易 于与诸如压力罐或远程泵等涂料输送系 统配用,用于生产线操作。
This spray gun can spray most coatings or finishes currently being used for small component plastic, wood and metal finishing applications, while easily operating from paint delivery systems, such as pressure pots or remote pumps for production line operation.
矿业公司大肆宣传公司承担社会和环境责任的计划,有时被人指责为 饰公 司 不愿与当地社区进行有意义的协作,承认它们有义务维持环境清洁,或至少对 公司活动直接影响的人支付公正的赔偿。
Broad publicity of corporate social and environmental responsibility initiatives by mining firms has sometimes been criticized as masking the companies’ unwillingness to engage meaningfully with local communities, recognize their obligations to keep the environment clean, or at least compensate fairly those directly affected by their activities.
纳粹标志”系指旗帜、徽章、制饰 物 、 问候语和短句,以及以任何 形式再现德国国家社会主义工人党和意大利国家法西斯党所使用过的 标志,例如纳粹党党徽、敬礼和被负责审判和惩处欧洲轴心国主要战争 罪犯的国际军事法庭判定为罪犯的政府、军事和其他结构的其他明显标 志。
Nazi symbols” means banners, badges, attributes of uniforms, greetings and phrases, and the reproduction in any form of symbols used by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the National Fascist Party of Italy, such as swastikas, salutes and other distinctive symbols of government, military and other structures judged as criminal by the International Military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如, 头 流 浪 儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.




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