

单词 头衔


衔头纸 n

letterhead n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 别主任职位,构建起了一道“防火墙”,不仅有益于开发署驻地代表履行职能,亦 增进了“多头衔”职 能的独立性和公正性。
The “firewall” established with the creation of the post of UNDP country director may work for
the UNDP resident representative function as well, adding independence and
[...] impartiality to the “multi-hatted” function.
宣言》没有给出关于 人权维护者的定义,但是根据前任特别报告员的 解释,是人权维护者的实际行动赋予了他这头 衔。
The Declaration did not provide a definition of defenders but, as had been noted by her predecessor, human rights defenders were identified by what they did.
在9月9日至13日的五天时间里,45位调酒师将角逐本届鸡尾酒世界杯冠 头衔 , 挑战2007年获得此项殊荣的美国参赛队Team Vegas。
Over the five days between the 9th - 13th September 45 contestants will battle it out to become the Cocktail World Champions, taking over the throne from the 2007 winning team from Team Vegas, USA.
[...] 接受初始的3年教师培训学院的培训课程,这 会授予他们职头衔或是一个学位。
Teachers may receive their initial training in three-year teacher training colleges which award
[...] the title of licentiate or a diploma.
目前联合国系统设有 若干“一体化”的战略规划程序,即:为启动和实施推进维和部或政治部领导的特 派团制订的综合特派团规划流程(不论这些流程是否涉及透过特别副代表/驻地协调 员/人道主义协调员“三头衔”, 对实地工作队和特派团实行结构性的一体化); 为人道协调厅制订的共同人道主义行动计划;执行机构和非政府组织的人道主义活 动;以及除了各国政府和世界银行的减轻贫困战略文件,或任何其他国家的战略之 外,为促进发展制订的联发援框架。
Currently, several “integrated” strategic planning processes exist within the United Nations system, namely, IMPP for start-up and ongoing missions led by DPKO or DPA (regardless of whether or not these involve structural integration of the UNCT and the mission on the ground through a “triple-hatted” Deputy Special Representative/RC/HC); the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) for OCHA; implementing agencies and NGO humanitarian activities; and UNDAF for development, in addition to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) of governments and the World Bank, or any other national strategy.
为 表示对东帝汶已不再面临人道主义危机的认可,我的负责治理支助、发展和人道 主义协调的副特别代表放弃了人道主义协调员 头衔。
In recognition of the fact that Timor-Leste is no longer facing a humanitarian crisis, my Deputy Special
Representative for Governance Support, Development and Humanitarian Coordination
[...] relinquished the title of Humanitarian [...]
范大为(David N. Farr)于2000年当选公司首席执行官,接替保留公司董事 头衔 的 奈 特。
David Farr elected CEO in 2000, succeeding Knight who retains chairman title.
他目前仍然保留头衔仅有 东京大学荣誉教授与东京经济大学的荣誉教授,而放弃了之前的众 头衔 【 包 括日本科学委员会委员、科学委员会人文部部长、国际历史学会日本国内委员会(CISH)前主席;中东研究协会亚洲联盟(AFMA)前会长;日本与伊斯兰世界文明对话召集人;中韩历史会议组织委员会主席等】,部分是由于年岁增大,部分是希望有更多的个人自由与独立。
Titles that he still keeps today are only Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo, and Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Keizai University, leaving other titles in his previous career (including Former [...]
Member, Science
Council of Japan and Director of Humanities thereof; Former Chairperson, Japan National Committee for International Congress of Historical Sciences [CISH] ; Former President, Asian Federation of Associations for Middle East Studies [AFMA] ; Convener, Dialogue of Civilizations between Japan and Islamic World; Chairperson, Organizing Committee for Japan-Korea Historians Congress; etc.) partly because of aging and partly because of securing preferable individual freedom and independence.
在对申请作出回应时,公共机构需要说明做出该决定的理由,同时还要告知对方有内部申诉 的权利(第(a)(6)(A)(i)款)326
[...] 。如果申请被部分或全部拒绝,则通知中应当提供做出该决定的官 员的姓名头衔或职 位(第(a)(6)(C)(i)款),同时包含经合理推算得出的被拒绝信息的数量,除 [...]
The response to a request should set out the reasons for the decision, along with any right of internal appeal (clause (a)(6)(A)(i)).326 Where all or part of a
request is denied, the notice shall also
[...] provide the names and titles or positions of [...]
the officers responsible for the denial
decision (a)(6)(C)(i)), as well as a reasonable estimate of the quantity of information denied, unless this would itself divulge information excepted from disclosure (subparagraph (a)(6)(F)).
自 1974 年组建观察员部队以来,我们不断提请
[...] 安全理事会和秘书长注意以色列占领国——这是以 色列的合头衔——及其当局的活动。
Since the formation of UNDOF in 1974, we have continued to draw the attention of the Security Council and the
Secretary-General to the activities of Israel, the occupying Power — and
[...] that is its legal title — and its authorities.
有趣的是,若记录只有部 分获准公开,公共机构须向申请人提供有关被拒绝的申请部分更为详细的通知,其中不仅包 括作出决定的理由,也包括对一些实际问题的解答,以及作出披露决定者的姓名 头衔 (第 10 条第( 2 )款 ) 。
Interestingly, where access has been granted to only part of a record, far more detailed notice is required to be given regarding that part of the request which has been refused, including not only the reasons for the decision, but also any findings on material questions of fact, and the name and designation of the person who made the disclosure decision (section 10(2)).
另行设立的土地头衔事务 法庭,由土地 头衔 事 务 法庭庭长主持,受理 与土地所有权和继承权以及族头衔 授 予 问题的纠纷。
A separate
[...] Land and Titles Court, presided over by the President of the Land and Titles Court, addresses disputes relating to land ownership and succession and bestowment of matai titles.
1460 年,腓特烈三世·达·蒙特费尔特罗 (Federico III da Montefeltro) 还授予托马索帝国顾问头衔,允 许其在盾形纹章上添加白肩雕;后来他还先后被任命为索瓦纳的主教和皮恩扎的主教。
In 1460 Tommaso was also awarded the title of imperial counselor by Federico III da Montefeltro, with the honor of adding the imperial eagle to his coat of arms; subsequently he was made bishop of Sovana and later bishop of Pienza.
在 2011 年的中国杯赛事上,已经有 30
[...] 艘中国船队参与比赛,同时 也是有史以来首个中国团队夺得赛事的冠 头衔。
In the 2011
[...] edition, more than 30 Chinese teams [...]
participated and one Chinese team won the first-ever championship.
为此, 当作为候选人竞选时,族长这头衔 是 大 家族的代表,及家族意见和期望的代言 人,并最终成为议会的代表。
As such, the matai is the representative of the extended family and conveyer of the family’s views and aspirations when standing as a candidate and eventually as the representative in Parliament.
他是史上在欧洲巡回赛期间获得专业资格的最年轻高尔夫球员,2011年 6月19日,他更成功地摘下第111届美国高尔夫球公开赛冠 头衔。
He was the youngest golfer in history to obtain professional status on the European tour, and on June 19, he won the 111th edition of the US Open.
该资 料具体规定了每个人的职等头衔、 在 报告线中所处 的位置、职责、经验和业绩记录,以及在每个项目完 工前每个人将用在项目上的时间量。
Details of the composition and competencies of the team, including the dedicated resources managing the projects, appeared in writing in the updated supplementary information, and specified each individual’s grade, title, position in the reporting line, responsibilities, experience and track record, and the amount of time each individual would dedicate to each project until its completion.
贿赂也可以是其他形式,如虚 假申报或滥头衔。
Bribery can also take other forms such as making fake or false claim,
[...] or misusing their title.
2009年,在来自49个国家的3231件产品总数中,BC4 Flight Timer世界时区表脱颖而出,拔得头筹!也因为产品设计类奖项中的‘Best of the Best’最佳设计奖,Oris已与之前拥有Red Dot头衔的经典品牌-Siemens、Apple以及BMW荣耀并列。
With a ‘Best of the Best’ award in the category of product design, Oris now joins the likes of Siemens, Apple and BMW who have all previously won a Red Dot title.
宪法》禁止使用贵头衔,规 定所有公民在法律面前一律平等。
The Constitution banished the
[...] use of nobility titles, stipulated the [...]
equality of the citizens before law.
布伦丹•罗杰斯和其他的利物浦球员在上两次的从比赛中保持了联赛冠军 头衔 , 尽 管球队没有像对手那样拥有很多的球星,但都是2-2战平。
Brendan Rodgers and the rest of Liverpool have also held the league titlists in their last two meetings, both ending in a 2-2 draw despite lacking the star power their opponents possess.
该资 源包含电影中每个主要人物的照片头 衔、个人简历和援引自《追寻和平的日 子》的一句名言。
This resource contains a photograph, a title, a short biography and a quote from The Day After Peace for each key character in the film.
因此被挂上“纽西兰打工渡假达人”和“老师” 头衔。
She has been known as “Ambassador of New Zealand Working Holiday” and “Teacher”.
勇夺15次以上令人激赏不已的LPGA锦标赛冠军,其中更包括2007年美国公开赛的大满 头衔 , 这位美国女将自1996年投入职业巡回赛以来,已成功地成为魅力四射、洋溢现代气息的冠军杯梦想肖像的缩影。
With more than 15 LPGA victories to her credit, including a major championship at the US Open in 2007, this American has epitomised the dream portrait of the glamorous modern-day champion since her beginnings on the professional circuit in 1996.
一些受害人与 Saracen 有联系,其中包括 Ali Saleebaan 部落头衔的长 老、邦特兰发展团体创始成员 Sultan Isse Hassan Omar,这绝非偶然,许多瓦尔森格利人认为 Saracen 打算加强邦特兰对 Majiyahan 地区自然资源的控制。
Not coincidentally, a number of the victims, including Sultan Isse Hassan Omar, a titled elder from the Ali Saleebaan clan and founding member of the Puntland Development Group were linked to Saracen — a group many Warsengeli believe intends to consolidate Puntland’s control over natural resources in the Majiyahan area.13 39.
据第一申诉人称,他的祖父被当时的埃及国王授予王 头衔。
2.1 According to the first complainant, his grandfather was awarded the title of Prince by the then King of Egypt.
意大利超级杯于意甲开始前的两周在北京鸟巢体育场拉开序幕,比赛由刚赢得了他们九年来的第一个冠 头衔 的 尤 文图斯迎战那不勒斯,那不勒斯可是在五月刚刚以2:0击败尤文并夺得意大利杯。
The Italian Super Cup kicks off in the Bird Nest Stadium in Beijing two weeks before the first set of fixtures in Serie A take place, and it pips the undefeated league champions Juventus who won their first title in nine years against the Partenopei, who denied Juventus a famous double by winning 2-0 in the final of the Coppa Italia in May.
委员会还满意地注意到缔约国宣布正在考虑立法改革,改革的最终目的是 撤销涉嫌违反《公约》或其他严重违反国际法行为者 头衔。
The Committee further notes with satisfaction the State party’s announcement that it was considering legislative reform aimed eventually at divesting a person of an honour awarded if the person is suspected of having committed a violation of the Convention or any other serious violation of international law.
依维柯始终是创新领域的领导者,无论是关于发动机(依维柯是第一家在整个柴油车型系列中采用涡轮增压技术的生产商,首先采用共轨式发动机,首先推出Euro V车辆)还是整车(在1992、1993和2003年获得年度最佳卡 头衔 , 在2000年获得年度最佳厢式 头衔 )。
Iveco has always been a leader in the field of innovation, both where engines are concerned (it was the first company to introduce the turbo throughout its diesel range, the first to adopt Common Rail engines and the first to launch EuroV vehicles), and
where its vehicles are
[...] concerned (winning the Truck of the Year title in 1992, 1993 and 2003, and [...]
Van of the Year in 2000).




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