单词 | 头条 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 头条 noun —headlines n (often used)less common: lead n • headliner n 头条 —lead story (on the news)Examples:头条新闻—headline
尽管海盗活动和其它干扰航行的活动占据了媒体 的头版头条,但事实上,每天都有几百万艘船顺利穿 越我们的海洋。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although piracy and other disruptions to shipping hijack the headlines, it is a fact that millions of vessels traverse our oceans and seas daily without incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
头 10 条 Twit ter 讯息是秘书 长发出的,他也在墨西哥城新闻部/非政府组织会议上发起拉丁美洲的运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first 10 messages via Twitter were sent [...] out by the Secretary-General, who also launched the campaign in Latin America [...]at the Department of Public Information/NGO Conference in Mexico City. daccess-ods.un.org |
高温热塑性绝缘子非常适合表面贴装工艺。 815 和 817 系列触头条设计适合在回流焊前放置到 [...] Ø .082” 焊盘上。 digikey.cn | High temperature thermoplastic insulators are [...] suitable for surface mount processes. 815 and 817 [...] series contact strips are designed [...]for placement onto a Ø .082” solder pad prior to reflow soldering. digikey.be |
今天中国几大银行都成为头条新闻 ,美国已经向四大银行中的三家开了绿灯允许其进入全球最大的银行业市场,包括批准中国工商银行(HKEx: 1398)以1.4亿美元收购香港东亚银行(HKEx: 23)美国分行80%的股权。 youngchinabiz.com | Chinese lenders are in the headlines today with news that the US has given the green light for 3 of China’s top 4 banks to establish a presence in the world’s largest banking market, including approval for ICBC’s (HKEx: 1398) $140 million purchase of 80 percent of the US unit of Hong Kong’s Bank of East Asia (HKEx: 23). youngchinabiz.com |
我们在这里讨论的不仅仅是设计:这项服务已经被更新成为了一个社交平台,在这里,人们可以自由组织朋友,与一般的收件箱联系不同,通过这个交流平台,人们可以通过使用者-活 动 头条 新 闻 看到他们的近期活动。 labbrand.com | It is no only design we are talking about here: the service has been upgraded into a social platform [...] that allow people group friends, distinguish among inbox contact and see their [...] activities through a user-activity feed. labbrand.com |
只有人能做到这一点,因为到头来还是好的老式心灵沟通让我们超 越 头条 新 闻 ,并帮助加深信任。 embassyusa.cn | Only people can do this because in the end, it's good old fashioned heart-to-heart and mind-to-mind contact takes us beyond the headlines and helps deepens trust. eng.embassyusa.cn |
国家反腐败委员会采取初步行动的同一天,泰国报 刊头 条刊登了洪森的威胁言论,他扬言任何泰国军民,只要 穿过边境,就会被击毙。 crisisgroup.org | On the same day as the initial NACC action, Thai headlines carried Hun Sen’s alleged comments threatening to shoot any Thai, civilian or military, who crossed the border, and to tear up any Thai map used in border negotiation talks. crisisgroup.org |
2011 年人类发展报告》成为世界各地主要新闻机构 的 头条 新 闻,其中包括 所有国际电讯社和大部分全球最有影响力的日报,外加数十家国家级无线电网络 和数量日益增长的一大批全球、区域和国家级的博客和新闻网站。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2011 Human Development Report generated headlines around the world, with wide coverage in major news organizations, including all the international wire services and most of the world’s most influential daily newspapers, plus scores of national radio networks and a growing array of global, regional and national blogs and news websites. daccess-ods.un.org |
这已经不是第一次KULULA公司抢占头版 头条 , 提 出颇具争议性的营销策略了。 labbrand.com | This is not the first time that Kulula has grabbed headlines for controversial marketing strategies. labbrand.com |
在利比亚和科特迪瓦最近占据新闻 头条 的 同时, 身陷其它冲突的平民继续出现伤亡,因为当事方未能 在实施敌对行为时履行自身义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | While Libya and Côte d’Ivoire have recently occupied the headlines, civilians in other conflicts continue to be killed and injured as the parties fail to comply with their obligations in the conduct of hostilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
贝克汉姆转会到巴黎现在不光只是体育媒体 的 头条 新 闻 ,同时也刊登在各大时尚杂志的首页。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Beckham’s transfer to Paris did not only make headlines in the sports sections of the press; it also demanded front-page attention in the lifestyle and showbiz pages. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
充斥报端的新闻头条也许使你相信在低成本国家的冲击下,欧洲制造业在输给低成本国家,然而,该研究发现通过建立世界性的生产网络来驾驭全球化进程可以保证可持续的发展。 rolandberger.com.cn | While headlines would make you believe that European production is losing out in favor of low-cost countries, a new study finds that harnessing globalization by creating worldwide production networks can spell sustainable growth rolandberger.it |
新闻电讯经常有多媒体材料和互动功能作补充,如图片报道画廊、每 月 头条 新闻精粹、新闻知识问答项目及相关的音频和视频链接。 daccess-ods.un.org | News dispatches were frequently supplemented by multimedia materials and [...] interactive features, such as Photo Stories [...] galleries, monthly Top Stories selections, [...]News Quiz entries and related audio and video links. daccess-ods.un.org |
首次在每款该系列产品中配备钻石高音扬声器,成为当时轰动一时 的 头条 新 闻,但对所有音频敏感元件的全面彻底审查过后,才发现迄今为止 800 Series Diamond 才是 800 系列中最优质的产品。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The big news was diamond tweeters featuring in every model in the range for the first time, but an exhaustive overhaul to all the audio-sensitive elements meant the 800 Series Diamond was the best sounding 800 Series so far. bowers-wilkins.eu |
的确,这个仍是媒体头版头条新闻 的问题— —我们最近看到 1 200 名犯人开始绝食——将要求联 合国、特别是安全理事会给予持续关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, this problem — which remains in the headlines, as we recently saw when 1,200 prisoners began a hunger strike — will require the constant attention of the United Nations, and in particular of the Security Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
冬天可能很快正式开始,但是出现越来越多迹象表明中概股的春天已经来临,互联网安全提供商网秦公司(NYSE: NQ)和电子商务公司唯品会(NYSE: VIPS)成为头条新闻 ,这对两家公司和整个行业似乎是好事。 youngchinabiz.com | The official start of winter may fast be approaching, but there are growing signs that an early spring has arrived for US-listed China stocks, with Internet security provider NQ Mobile (NYSE: NQ) and e-commerce firm Vipshop (NYSE: VIPS) making headlines that look good for both themselves and the broader sector. youngchinabiz.com |
此类公众示威,一些成为头条新闻 ,与此同时,已经或正在发生的,还有 一些不那么引人注目的示威。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some of these public demonstrations have dominated the headlines, while many less visible ones have taken, and are taking, place. daccess-ods.un.org |
这比以往更重要,因为海地 已不再是头版头条的话 题,该国现在比以往任何时候都更依赖经济及社会理事会 等国际机制和机构的帮助,以维持与整个国际社会的密切合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is all the more important because the country has already slipped from the headlines and relies, today more than ever, on international mechanisms and institutions, including the Economic and Social Council, to maintain close collaboration with the international community at large. daccess-ods.un.org |
但占据 全球新闻头条的是 亚洲债务危机、泰国股票市场崩 盘、印尼暴乱以及马来西亚废除其国际货币并实施 外汇管制。 teebweb.org | But what grabbed the headlines globally was the Asian debt crisis, the collapse of Thailand’s stock markets, the riots in Indonesia, and Malaysia tearing up its international currency and replacing it with exchange controls. teebweb.org |
摩丝又一次成为时尚报刊的头条和焦 点人物。 citij.com | She is and was a game-changer...When she came along, there was a shift in fashion and how people viewed clothes and style. citij.com |
不仅仅在这一个方面,我们可以看到作为最爆炸性 的 头条 新 闻,尽管在这一点上流言仍会不止。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | In more ways than one, we see that as the biggest news to make the headlines, although at this point it remains as stuff that will make the rumours mill humming. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
正如许多东盟成员希望的那样,这 [...] 一问题未被遗忘,但也没占据报纸 头条 , 而 只是在 联合公报第 145 段占据了短短三句话的位置。 crisisgroup.org | While not forgotten, the issue was where many ASEAN members wanted it to be: no longer [...] headline news but rather relegated to three [...] sentences on paragraph 145 of the communiqué.248 [...]Yingluck was more fortunate [...]than her immediate predecessor, as unlike at ASEAN’s May meeting, the Cambodian delegation did not bring up the subject during official events. crisisgroup.org |
我们测定了13头条纹原海豚的控制区全序列,初步分析中国台湾海峡及其附近水域条纹原海豚的序列变异及种群结构, [...] 以期为其保护和管理提供必要的种群遗传学资料。 actazool.org | The haplotype diversity and [...] nucleotide diversity of striped dolphins were [...]higher than those found in the sympatric finless [...]porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) populations, and also higher than those of other cetacean species reported previously in other waters, including some species having high level of genetic diversity, e.g. harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) etc. This suggested that the striped dolphins had a relatively higher genetic diversity. actazool.org |
注册接收最新的重大新闻,以及所有你喜欢 的 头条 新闻 zh-cn.pmtoolbox.com | Sign up to receive the latest breaking news, as well as all of your other favorite headlines! pmtoolbox.com |
以前占尽媒体头条版面的天价效应已不再现,业 内对拍品估价的回调,一方面有效地减少了以前的虚假交易和迟付拒付,另一 方面也使大量藏家产生惜售心理,导致市场上征集困难、精品难寻。 imgpublic.artprice.com | One positive consequence was a reduction in earlier seen bogus transactions, delayed payments and payment refusals, which had led to reluctance among many collectors to sell, making market prospecting difficult and quality lots hard to obtain. imgpublic.artprice.com |
以专业工程领域为例:在12月举行的SAE全球传动系虚拟峰会上, 其 头条 网 络 广播的主题即被定为“ 为电动车和混合动力汽车调整传动系设计”。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Take the professional engineering community, for instance: the lead webcast in December’s SAE Global Drivetrain Virtual Summit was billed as Adjusting Drivetrain Design for EVs and Hybrids. drivelinenews.com |
该部同秘书长办公室密切协作,向媒体介绍发起增进妇女和儿童健康全球战 略以及各方为此倡议认捐 400 [...] 亿美元的情况,这在千年发展目标问题首脑会议期 间成为国际头条新闻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department also worked closely with the Secretary-General’s office to inform media of the launch of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health and the $40 [...] billion in pledges for the initiative, which made [...] international headlines during the [...]Millennium Development Goals Summit. daccess-ods.un.org |
举例说,在过 去一年,人们看到关于警察采取大规模行动打击贩毒分子或关于贩毒头目控制 整个街区以便保护贩毒行动的头条新 闻 报导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The past year, for example, has seen headline reports of large-scale police actions against drug gangs, drug traffickers or drug lords described as controlling whole neighbourhoods in order to protect drug trafficking operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
纽约时报十一月二十二日的商业新闻 头条 报 道 :“领先细胞技术(Advanced [...] Cell Technology )可望在周一宣布其已获准测试一种用于治疗Stargardt‘s 黄斑营养不良的、基于人类胚胎干细胞的新疗法”。 uschie.org | On the front of its Business Day section, the New York [...] Times (11/22, B1, Pollack) reports that [...]"Advanced Cell Technology is expected to announce [...]Monday that it has won regulatory approval to test a therapy derived from human embryonic stem cells in people with Stargardt's macular dystrophy. uschie.org |
纽约时报(10/21,B1,Meier)在第二部分 头条 报 道 了在加利福尼亚技术评估论坛上有权威机构认为没有充分的证据证明类似髋关节置换术等替代手术比传统手法复位更加安全及有效。 uschie.org | The New York Times (10/21, B1, Meier, [...] Subscription Publication) reports on the [...]front page of its second section that the [...]California Technology Assessment Forum, "an influential group has found that there is insufficient evidence to show that an alternative technique known as hip resurfacing is as safe and effective as a traditional replacement. uschie.org |