单词 | 头昏脑闷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 头昏脑闷 —one's head spinsfainting and giddy昏头昏脑 —dizzyconfusedfaintingSee also:头昏—dizzy • giddy • one's head spins 头脑—brains • leader • boss • (fig.) gist (of a matter) 头脑 n—wit n • mind n • skull n
安理会和国际社会不应被公投的欢乐情绪 冲昏 头脑,忽 视苏丹南方仍然存在的十分艰巨的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council and the international community should not be lulled into ignoring the enormity of the challenges that still exist in Southern Sudan by the euphoria of the referendum. daccess-ods.un.org |
不要让应聘新工作把你弄得昏头转向。 robertwalters.cn | Applying for a new job doesn't have to be confusing. robertwalters.com.br |
美国的一项调查表明,更换掉传统的办公室空气过滤器,采用高效空气过滤器(对于0.3 [...] μm的微粒子过滤率高达95%),则减少了气体灰尘浓度,粒度范围在PM2以上,对三种有害建筑综合症(SBS)症状有积极效果:“ 太 闷 了 ”、“太湿了”和 “ 头脑 混 乱 ”。 camfil.cn | In a U.S. study replacing conventional office supply-air filters with high efficiency air filters (95% for 0.3 μm particles) reduced airborne dust levels in size ranges above PM2 and [...] had a positive effect on three Sick Building Syndrome [...] (SBS) symptoms: “too stuffy”, “too humid” and “mental confusion”. camfil.com |
如果这还不足以让你头昏眼花 ,那么你应该去看看更详细的世界上可供应的NFC手机列表,包括今年即将发布的,当然这里也包括平板 电 脑 和 个 人数字助理。 rfid-blog.com | And if this isn’t enough to make your head spin, see a more comprehensive list of phones available worldwide, and those coming within the year, including tablets and PDAs here. rfid-blog.com |
由于数量的评估涉及一定 [...] 程度的判断,因此有必要记录假设和论证结果,例如,利用各级工作人员参与的 “头脑风暴”会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since qualitative assessments involve a degree of judgment, it is necessary to document assumptions [...] and validate the results, for instance, using brainstorming sessions with the [...] involvement of different levels of staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于建筑物内闷热和 狭窄,监狱当 局应考虑让更多囚犯在建筑物外睡觉,如一些男子和男性青少年被拘留者在他们 的监舍区所做的那样。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of the stifling heat and the cramped conditions in the buildings, the prison administration should consider allowing more prisoners to sleep outside the buildings, as some men and male adolescent detainees did in their quarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
一项研究发现,昏迷者的大脑网络 的汇集点的解剖学位置可能发生根本的改变。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The anatomical [...] locations of hubs in brain networks might be radically altered in comatose people, according [...]to a study. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在该州南部的布里斯班,气温很少低于 20°C,也不会出现较北端的闷热天 气,冬季(六到八月)的气候依然非常宜人。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Temperatures in Brisbane, in the south of the state, rarely drop below 20°C and, while it doesn't suffer the stifling humidity you'll find further north, the climate is still most pleasant in winter (June to August). studyinaustralia.gov.au |
若 您从躺着或坐着的姿势站起时感到昏 眩 或 头 晕 , 请慢慢起身。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Get up slowly from a sitting or lying position if such movements cause dizziness, light-headedness or fainting. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
在实际情况中更为重要的是,不能因为有个别主管机关对遭受质疑的保留的 有效性进行评判而冲昏头脑,国 际法中的规则是,在该领域及其他大部分领域, 没有客观评判机制是正常的,有这种机制反而是例外。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is all the more important as there are, in fact, only a few bodies that are competent to assess the permissibility of a contested reservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
治疗后,您的孩子可能会感到头晕或 昏 睡 数 小时。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | After the procedure, your child may feel dizzy or sleepy for a few hours. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
心血管系统:低血压(导致坐起或站起时感 到 昏 眩 、 头 晕 或 昏 厥 ) 、心 率失调 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Cardiovascular: Low blood pressure (resulting in dizziness, light-headedness or fainting when getting up from a lying, sitting or squatting position) and irregular heartbeat. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
那些活着的和死掉的、生病的或打盹的、套牢的或者 生 闷 气 的 或者再次被套牢的人,进来得正是时候,他们的关联是在墨西哥城的多洛雷斯街吃炒杂碎,在自助餐馆塞甜腻的蛋糕,在交易所被一群喧闹的人追查。 shanghaibiennale.org | The living and the dead, in sickness or on the nod, hooked or kicked or hooked again, come in on the junk beam and the Connection is eating Chop Suey in Dolores Street, Mexico D.F., dunking pound cake in the automat, chased up Exchange Place by a baying pack of People. shanghaibiennale.org |
死者脑出血和脑部血 液急性感染造成脑肿和昏迷, 并因其他慢性疾病而恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | A brain haemorrhage and an acute infection of the blood in the deceased’s brain resulted in a cerebral swelling and coma, aggravated by [...] his other chronic illnesses. daccess-ods.un.org |
后来,我从一个网站(网址:http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html)中看到了专门制作PDF文件的控件的介绍,暗喜之余,立马下载试验,果然非常轻松地制作出了想要的PDF文件,因为网站为英文,内容又多,读起来非常费力,在解决了自己的问题后,看到许多网友还在为PDF文件制作而 郁 闷 , 遂决定将该内容翻译为中文,由于本人英语水平一般,许多地方又晦涩难懂,故翻译质量不是很满意,敬请斧正,但大部分能看懂。 oapdf.com | Later, I learned from a website (URL: http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html) see the production of a special control PDF documents, the feel pleased but not show while downloading immediately test was very easy to create a the desired PDF file, as site for the English, the contents of another, very easy to read, in resolving its own problems, many users still see PDF document production and depressed, decided that the content translated into Chinese, I generally as a result of the standard of English in many places obscure and difficult to understand, it is not very satisfied with the quality of translation, please¸«Õý, but most can read. oapdf.com |
病情严重时,患者可能会在数分钟内陷 入 昏 迷 , 甚至心脏停止跳动。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | In severe cases the patient may go into shock within a few minutes and the heart can stop. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
接下来的世界本身是各种位于 - 在地球上,在天空,在太阳或月亮 - 但最常用的地底下,而导致的生活设想,有一个 沉 闷 和 影 子,或多或少存在着要么无能,或作为一个世俗的追求和对生活的乐趣更高或理想化形式活跃的延续。 mb-soft.com | The next world itself is variously located -- on the earth, in the skies, in the sun or moon -- but most commonly under the earth; while the life led there is conceived either as a dull and shadowy and more or less impotent existence, or as an active continuation in a higher or idealized form of the pursuits and pleasures of earthly life. mb-soft.com |
面板安装,闷头 digikey.cn | Panel Mount, Bulkhead digikey.com.mx |
该奖的荣誉奖颁给了 Yolande Mukagasana 女士(卢旺达/比利时),表彰她作为 1994 年 卢旺达种族大屠杀的受害者和见证人,为促进和平文化而进行的勇敢的 、 头脑 清 醒 的战斗。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An honourable mention of the Prize went to Ms Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda/Belgium) in recognition of her courageous and lucid combats to contribute to a culture of peace as both a victim and a witness of genocide in Rwanda in 1994. unesdoc.unesco.org |
面板安装,闷头 digikey.cn | Panel Mount digikey.com.mx |
这回呢,老黄牛偶尔甩甩尾巴,赶着牛虻,仍然 低 头闷 不 吱 声地吃草。 chinesestoryonline.com | But the cow paid no heed to the elegant sounds, simply focusing its attention on eating the grass. chinesestoryonline.com |
这些学校的教师安排在教学线的材料,并在诠释一个顺序的mishnah选择了教训,当他们的学生 的 头脑 中 仍记忆犹新,然后传递到较小tractates最长的论文开始。 mb-soft.com | The teachers of these schools arranged their material on pedagogic lines, and in interpreting an order of the Mishnah they selected the longest treatise for the beginning of the lesson, when the minds of their pupils were still fresh, and then passed on to the smaller tractates. mb-soft.com |
要在绿色经济中取得成功,我们需要绿色 的 头脑 ( 想 出点子)、绿色的心 灵(做出承诺)和绿色的双手(采取行动)。 daccess-ods.un.org | “To succeed in a green economy we will need green heads (for ideas), green hearts (for commitment) and green hands (for action). daccess-ods.un.org |
條例草案的有關條文不僅涵蓋精神上無行為能力的人,也涵蓋陷於 昏迷的 人、植物人或半植物人,以及由於種種原因而不能產生所須意圖的人。 legco.gov.hk | The relevant provision contained in the Bill covers not [...] only the mentally incapacitated, but also [...] persons in a comatose, vegetative [...]or semi-vegetative state, and any other person [...]who for one reason or another is not able to form the required intention. legco.gov.hk |
例如, 饮食缺乏叶酸的孕妇生下的孩子可能最终出现脑积水,这种衰弱疾病会 对 头脑产 生不利影响,导致儿童发育迟缓。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, expectant mothers whose diets lack folic acid are likely to bear children who eventually suffer from hydrocephalus, a debilitating disease that adversely affects the head and leads to the stunting of the child’s growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
施用 APOKYN [...] 之前,請確保告知您的醫療保健提供者有關您的所有醫療 病症,包括您是否出現眩暈、昏厥發作、低血壓、哮喘、肝臟問題、腎 [...] 臟問題、心臟問題、名為重度精神障礙的精神疾病、對含亞硫酸鹽的任 何藥物過敏、曾有過中風或其他腦部問題或飲酒。 apokyn.com | Before taking APOKYN, make sure to tell your healthcare provider about all [...] your medical conditions, including if you have [...] dizziness, fainting spells, low [...]blood pressure, asthma, liver problems, kidney [...]problems, heart problems, a mental disorder called major psychotic disorder, are allergic to any medicines containing sulfites, have had a stroke or other brain problems, or drink alcohol. apokyn.com |
(c) 在措詞上,有關條文應該不僅涵蓋精神上無行為能力的人,亦應 涵蓋昏迷的 人、植物人或半植物人,以及由於種種原因而不能懷 [...] 有所需意圖的任何其他人。 legco.gov.hk | (c) the relevant provision should be phrased so as to cover not [...] only the mentally incapacitated, but also [...] persons in a comatose, vegetative [...]or semi-vegetative state, and any other person [...]who for one reason or another is not able to form the required intention. legco.gov.hk |
它们包括通过土壤传播的蠕虫病(钩虫感染、蛔 虫病和鞭虫病)和血吸虫病——所有这些疾病都会造成孕妇贫血,阻碍儿童的身 体和智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的象皮病;造成失明的沙眼和蟠尾线虫病; 影 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加斯病;造成皮肤脓肿溃烂的利什曼病;非洲锥虫病 (昏睡病)和是一种病毒感染的登革热。 daccess-ods.un.org | They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive development in children; lymphatic filariasis, which causes severe leg swelling; trachoma and onchocerciasis, which cause blindness; Chagas disease, which affects the digestive system and heart function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin lesions and ulcers; human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), and dengue fever, a viral infection. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界 首 脑 会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同样,《日内瓦进度报告》也回顾称,缔约国还在卡塔赫纳首 脑会议 上强调,如果没有可持续的筹资方法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, [...] 这无疑将对执行进程产生不利影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | As well, the Geneva Progress Report recalled that at [...] the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties [...]also highlighted that, without a sustainable [...]means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process. daccess-ods.un.org |