单词 | 头昏眼晕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 头昏眼晕 —head spinning and blurred visionless common: in a faint • giddy See also:头昏—dizzy • giddy • one's head spins 头晕—dizzy 眼晕—feel dizzy 晕头—dizzy 头晕 v—spin v
失去知觉, 恶心, 瞌睡或头晕眼花, 头疼, 失明或视力下降, 呼吸微弱, 意识不清, 代谢酸毒症, 呼吸碱毒症及昏迷. advanced-energy.com | Intoxication, nausea, [...] drowsiness or dizziness, headache, lost or impaired vision, shallow breathing, unconsciousness, metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis in concert with preceding, coma. advanced-energy.com |
治疗后,您的孩子可能会感到头晕或 昏 睡 数 小时。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | After the procedure, your child may feel dizzy or sleepy for a few hours. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
过度接触蒸气或烟雾可引起头晕、头 痛 、 恶心、流感样症状,而且会刺激呼吸道 、 眼 睛 或 皮肤。 cn.lubrizol.com | Overexposure to vapors or [...] mist may cause dizziness, headache, nausea, flu-like symptoms, and/or irritation of the respiratory tract, eyes, or skin. lubrizol.com |
严重头晕、昏厥或失去 意识 amerihealthmercyhp.com | Severe dizzy spells, fainting or blackout amerihealthmercyhp.com |
若 您从躺着或坐着的姿势站起时感到昏 眩 或 头晕 , 请 慢慢起身。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Get up slowly from a sitting or lying position if such [...] movements cause dizziness, light-headedness or fainting. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
心血管系统:低血压(导致坐起或站起时感 到 昏 眩 、 头晕 或 昏 厥 ) 、心 率失调 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Cardiovascular: Low blood pressure [...] (resulting in dizziness, light-headedness or fainting [...]when getting up from a lying, sitting [...]or squatting position) and irregular heartbeat. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
失去知觉, 恶心, 瞌睡或头晕眼花, 头痛, 视力减弱, 呼吸减弱. advanced-energy.com | If you have questions about the disposal of this product or wastes containing this product, please contact the appropriate authorities. advanced-energy.com |
使用长柄眼影刷沾取适量粉雾眼影,涂抹 于 眼 褶 ,并 沿 眼 褶 处向 上 晕 染 , 创造色彩渐层效果。 cosme-de.com | Apply along the eyelid fold and blend upward for a gradation effect. cosme-de.com |
不要让应聘新工作把你弄得昏头转向。 robertwalters.cn | Applying for a new job doesn't have to be confusing. robertwalters.com.br |
走上這些橋樑時,感覺不斷搖晃、頭 昏眼 光 , 生手都走得很慢,但熟人走在橋上卻很習慣,好似穿著喬丹籃球鞋一樣輕快。 thisbigcity.net | First timers take slow steps, while experienced crossers walk as if they were in Air Jordan basketball sneakers. thisbigcity.net |
它们包括通过土壤传播的蠕虫病(钩虫感染、蛔 虫病和鞭虫病)和血吸虫病——所有这些疾病都会造成孕妇贫血,阻碍儿童的身 体和智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的象皮病;造成失明的 沙 眼 和 蟠 尾线虫病; 影 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加斯病;造成皮肤脓肿溃烂的利什曼病;非洲锥虫病 (昏睡病)和是一种病毒感染的登革热。 daccess-ods.un.org | They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive development in children; lymphatic [...] filariasis, which causes [...] severe leg swelling; trachoma and onchocerciasis, which cause blindness; Chagas disease, which affects the digestive system and heart function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin lesions and ulcers; human African trypanosomiasis [...](sleeping sickness), [...]and dengue fever, a viral infection. daccess-ods.un.org |
流行音乐成功地摆脱自己的自己的紧张,但 他 头晕 目 眩,陷入无意识。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Pops succeeds in ridding himself of his nervousness; however, he becomes dizzy and falls into unconsciousness. en.seekcartoon.com |
如果这还不足以让你头昏眼花, 那么你应该去看看更详细的世界上可供应的NFC手机列表,包括今年即将发布的,当然这里也包括平板电脑和个人数字助理。 rfid-blog.com | And if this isn’t enough to make your head spin, see a more comprehensive list of phones available worldwide, and those coming within the year, including tablets and PDAs here. rfid-blog.com |
早晨一杯咖啡让全世界睡眼惺忪、 昏昏 沉 沉 的人变成警觉、注意力集中的思想者。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A morning cup of [...] coffee transforms sleepy-eyed, groggy people all over [...]the world into alert, focused thinkers. chinese.eurekalert.org |
由於受壓而致的椎 [...] 動脈綜合症的體徵和徵狀包括脊柱手法治療實施後出現眩暈、 頭 昏 、 輕 度頭痛 、 眼 花 、 平 衡不穩、共濟失調、行走困難、噁心和/或嘔吐、言語障礙、一側肢體或面部麻木、以及突 [...]發性的劇烈頸/頭痛(43:579)。 hkca.org | The signs and [...] symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome arising fro m that compression include vertigo, dizziness, light‐headedness, giddiness, disequilibria, [...]ataxia, walking difficulties, [...] nausea and/or vomiting, dysphasia, numbness to one side of the face and/or body, sudden and severe neck/head pain after spinal manipulative therapy (43:579). hkca.org |
根据犹太教的传统,小偷的人注定要填补unfillable罐;陷入泥潭的不纯汇; [...] thosethat用舌头被暂停,从而犯了罪,有些人的脚 , 头 发 , 或 眼 睑 暂停;别人吃热煤和砂,其他正在吞噬蠕虫,或置于火中雪和交替。 mb-soft.com | According to rabbinical tradition, thieves are condemned to fill an unfillable tank; the impure sink into a quagmire; thosethat sinned with the tongue are [...] suspended thereby; some are [...] suspended by the feet, hair, or eyelids; others eat hot [...]coals and sand; others are devoured [...]by worms, or placed alternately in snow and fire. mb-soft.com |
他 的头部和眼睛被弹片击中受伤,被送往 Idlib 国立医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | He was wounded by shrapnel [...] in the head and eye and was taken to the [...]national hospital in Idlib. daccess-ods.un.org |
Traits 特质 由基因决定的每个生物的不同和特殊的地方, 如眼睛和头发的颜色。 hesperian.org | Traits determined by genes, the things that are different and specific about every [...] living thing, such as eye or hair color. hesperian.org |
我见到年长的兄妹抓住年幼的儿童在不平的地面上全速疯狂旋转,直到我看 得 头晕 · · · ···但 是我见到的唯一的伤害出现在政府的态度中,他们为贫困儿童义务性地提供设施而没有对儿 [...] 童作出任何的尊重。 ipaworld.org | I have seen older siblings revolving furiously while holding smaller children, [...] at full speed, on not very smooth grounds, [...] till I felt giddy watching … But the [...]only injury I witnessed showed up the attitude [...]of the state while making obligatory provisions for poor children without any respect for children’s well being. ipaworld.org |
急性青光眼患者会突然感到眼部疼痛 、 头 痛 、光线呈现光环、瞳孔扩张、丧失视力、眼睛发红、恶心和呕吐。 hsbc.com.hk | Acute glaucoma presents [...] suddenly eye pain, headaches, haloes around lights, [...]dilated pupils, vision loss, red eyes, nausea and vomiting. hsbc.com.hk |
大约有15%的人群在服用tongbeauty诺丽果王活性营养胶囊期间会出现短期的排毒反映(也叫清理反应,主要特征表现为大小便次数增加等),这主要是因为诺丽果粉中的有效成分快速进入细胞,人体内大量的毒素被排出,比较敏感的人可能因粘膜受刺激引起红疹,或刺激神经系统引起轻 度 头晕 , 或身体上原有的不适症状更加明显。 int-tm.com | There are about 15% people taking tongbeauty Noni fruit king active nutrition capsule may occur during short-term Detox reflect (also called clean reaction, which is ch aracterized by increased frequency of urine ), this is mainly because the Noni fruit powder of effective components in rapid entry into cells, the body of large amount of toxin is disch arged, sensitive people may be due to mucosal irritation caused by [...] rash, or stimulation of the nervous [...] system caused by mild dizziness, or physical discomfort [...]symptoms become more pronounced original. en.int-tm.com |
重量仅为普通玻璃的1/2,抗碎裂性能为普通硅玻璃的12-18倍,机械强度和韧性大于普通玻璃10倍以上,硬度相当于金属铝,具有突出的耐候性和耐老化性,能耐有机酸、碱、盐及低级醇,并且价格低廉,已广泛地应用于宾馆、酒店、商场、体育馆、 [...] 机场候机楼、候车亭等户内广告灯箱;膜材光栅由于透过性能不好, “ 眼晕 ” 现 象严重,操作复杂,废品率高,逐步被板材光栅替代;片材光栅由于厚度薄,线数高,造成了视场角很小。 yiren3d.com | Weight is only common glass 1/2, resistance to shatter glass for ordinary performance of silicon 12-18 times, mechanical strength and toughness is 10 times greater than common glass, aluminum, hardness is equivalent to having outstanding weathering and aging resistance, alkali, salt and organic acids, and low prices, lower alcohol, has been widely used in hotels, restaurants, stores, gymnasium, airport terminal bus stop, indoor advertisements, etc. Due [...] to the membrane material, through [...] performance of grating YanYun "phenomenon, [...]complex operation, scrap rate high, gradually [...]been plank grating replacement, Sheet thickness thin, line grating due to high number, caused the view is small. yiren3d.com |
LD 300的典型应用是对压缩空气测漏、真空测漏、蒸气疏水阀检验以及电气设 备中弧、追踪和电晕放电的检测。 csinstrument.com | Typical applications of LD 300 are compressed air leak [...] detection, vacuum leak detection, steam trap inspection and detection of arcing, [...] tracking and corona in electrical [...]equipment. csinstrument.com |
其临床表现可能包括:出汗、潮红、全身颤抖、心率快、胸痛、感觉呼吸困难、窒息、恶心、呕吐 、 头晕 、 手指和脚趾有刺痛感,以及感觉周围的事物是虚幻的、害怕死去。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Symptoms may include sweating, flushing, trembling, rapid heart rate, chest pain, a sensation [...] of difficulty with breathing, choking, [...] nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tingling sensation [...]in fingers and toes, a feeling that [...]things around them are unreal, and a fear of dying. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这也可能偶尔防止头晕或眩 晕报道,当电流突然增加或减少。 jove.com | This might [...] also prevent the dizziness or vertigo occasionally [...]reported when current is suddenly increased or decreased. jove.com |
在实际情况中更为重要的是,不能因为有个别主管机关对遭受质疑的保留的 有效性进行评判而冲昏头脑, 国际法中的规则是,在该领域及其他大部分领域, 没有客观评判机制是正常的,有这种机制反而是例外。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is all the more important as there are, in fact, only a few bodies that are competent to assess the permissibility of a contested reservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会和国际社会不应被公投的欢乐情绪 冲昏 头脑, 忽视苏丹南方仍然存在的十分艰巨的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council and the international community should not be lulled into ignoring the enormity of the challenges that still exist in Southern Sudan by the euphoria of the referendum. daccess-ods.un.org |
2、在卫生方面:传统压缩式空调机运行时,要求门窗关紧,才能保持室内温度不变,这样会使室内换气次数低,空气质量差,使人产 生 头晕 、 头 痛 等 “空调病”对一些会产生有害气体的车间,如果没有必要的通风换气,甚至会引起中毒现象,而“通用”蒸发式空调却可以解决这个问题,运行时门窗打开,冷气不断进入,热风不断排出,不必自我循环室内旧空气,而是始终保持新鲜自然的冷空气。 t-yong.com | 2, in the health sector: conventional compression-type air conditioner is running, close all windows and doors required to maintain a constant indoor temperature, indoor air [...] changes it would be low, poor air [...] quality, gives rise to dizziness, headaches and other "air [...]sick" some will have a harmful gas [...]plant, without the necessary ventilation, and may even cause poisoning, and the "generic" evaporative air conditioning, but can solve this problem, running windows and doors open, continue to enter the air-conditioning, hot air continuously discharged without the old circulating the indoor air of self, but always keep the cold air fresh and natural. t-yong.com |