

单词 头寸

See also:


inch n

a unit of length

External sources (not reviewed)

11.7.3.客户同意,Avus Capital 将在到期日自动平仓其石油和天然 头寸。
11.7.3. The Client agrees that Avus Capital will automatically close his positions in Oil and Natural Gas on the Expiration Date.
这种屯积限制了供应;价格波动随之产生,因 头寸 短 的贸易商和投资商由 于在消费者为消费而试图寻找金属来源的同时要支付他们的贸易费用。
This stockholding restricts supply; price volatility ensues, as traders
[...] and speculators with short positions [...]
seek to cover their trading books at the
same time as consumers try to source metal for consumption purposes.
头寸”模 式显示以同一仓位的形式显示同一货币对的所有订单。
Net position” mode displays all orders for the same currency pair in one position.
例如,我们的 DAX Future CFD 所要求的日内保证金为 1,800 欧元,持有隔头寸的保证金为 5,000 欧元。
For example, the margin required on our Dax Future CFD is €1,800 intraday and €5,000 to hold overnight positions.
委员会对财务报 表中需要加强对基本的已实现增益和损失以及未实现 头寸 的 说 明和披露提出 了评论意见。
The Board has commented on the need for enhanced description and disclosure in the financial statements of the underlying realized gains and losses, as well as the unrealized positions.
平台中有两种交易模式: “头寸”和“对冲”模式。
There are two trading modes available on the platforms: “Net Position”* and “Hedging” mode.
为了说明这些长期承付款所采用的会计处理规定,精算差异(损失或收益)直接计入 本组织的净资产/净头寸中10 。但是IPSAS第 25 项标准第 107 段规定,只有实体将其全部福 利计划和其全部精算损失或收益直接记账时,才能在本组织的净资产 / 净 头寸 之 中 直接记账。
Under the accounting method used to report these long-term commitments, actuarial losses or gains were recognized directly in the Organization’s net assets/equity.10 IPSAS 25, paragraph 107, provides, however, for recognition of actuarial gains and losses directly in net assets/equity only if all of the entity’s defined benefit plans and actuarial gains and losses are also entered therein.
实际上,这也意味着该子账户所持有的任 头寸 都 将 被关闭,主账户相应数量 头寸 也 将 被关闭。
This in reality means that any positions held by the sub account will be closed and the volume in the position of the Master Account will be partially closed.
国民账户体系与其他宏观经济标准完全 统一,这便于计量相互关系,并通过国内各部门之间以及与其他国家之间的流动头寸,来 转化风险、流动性和其他危险。
The SNA, being fully harmonized with other macroeconomic standards, supports the measurement of interrelationship, the transmission of risk, liquidity and other exposures, through flows and positions both between domestic sectors and with other countries.
这使得 ICD 客户自动核对来自其金融机构的现金 头寸 和 余额报表,节省了 宝贵的时间和资源。
This enabled ICD clients to automatically reconcile cash, position and balance statements from their financial institutions, saving valuable time and resources.
通过将恶化财头寸(自 2 007 年) 用作整体财政刺激的替代物,美国和英国 2009 年的财政状况刺激计划占国内生 产总值的 10%,而欧元区的则为 6%。
Using the deterioration (from 2007) in the fiscal position as a proxy for the overall fiscal stimulus, the United States and the United Kingdom had a stimulus of 10 per cent of GDP in 2009, while that of the eurozone was 6 per cent.
在客户不能提供如 5.2 中所述的补充资金来保障其未结头村的情况下,Avus Capital 将有充分的权利平仓客户的任何或全部未 头寸 , 无 需事先通知。
In case the Client fails to provide additional money to secure his open positions, as stated in item 5.2., Avus Capital shall have the full right to close any or all open positions of the Client without prior notice.
货币对头寸数量 和货币对的交易数量表示Forex-交易者们对一定货币对感什么兴趣。
The volume of positions on currency pairs in combination with the indicator of trades’ number characterize how interested Forex participants are in trading a given currency pair.
请注意,如果一头寸的掉 期货币值一日内处于-0.005和0.005之间,它会自动四舍五入为0。
Please note that if the monetary value of the swap for a position is comprised between -0.005 and 0.005 for a day, it will be automatically rounded to 0.
外 币 利 率 掉 期 资 金 流头 寸 〕 之 交 换 模 式 与 利 率 掉 期 相 类 似 , 但 资 金 流 乃 以 两 种 不 同 的 货 币 为 单 位 。
Cross Currency Swap involves an exchange of cash flows largely similar to those in an interest rate swap, but in two different currencies.
您可以在选择希望结算的仓位后,点击‘结 头寸 ’ 按钮,或在‘未平 头寸’ 窗口 按右键选择‘平仓’。
You can close your open positions by clicking on the ‘Close
[...] Position’ button or placing an order from the ‘Open Positions’ window.
A. 一头寸可维 持到发生以下三种情况:持有 头寸 已 获 得足够的利润,为了再挤出一点点利润而将已获得的利润暴露于风险中不再明智;触发止损 头寸 已 因触发止损立场;或者交易者认 头寸 的 机 会成本过高。
A. A position is maintained until one of three events occur: sufficient profits from a position have been realized and it is no longer wise to expose the realized profits in order to squeeze a little bit more out of the position; a stop-loss is triggered and the position is exited in the next trade; or the traders believe that the opportunity cost of the position is [...]
too high.
掉 期 合 约 订 定 双 方 在 特 定 时 段 交 换 或 对 调 指 定 的 资 金 流头 寸 〕 , 而 其 资 金 流 乃 取 决 于 两 种 不 同 的 利 率 。
A swap contract obligates two parties to exchange, or swap, some specified cash flows at specified intervals, in which the cash flows are determined by two different interest rates.
一旦交易被执行,通常在一秒内便会出现交易确认信息,系统将实时、自动地更新您开立 头寸 并 计 算您的盈利与亏损。
Trades are confirmed online, normally within one second, and the system instantaneously updates both your open position and calculates your current P&L. Back to contents
另外, 因为《财务条例》是大会批准的,因此,大会决定在审议中乍特派团最后执行情 况报告时再就如何处理上述余额的问题采取行动,这实际上等于暂停适用《财务 条例》第
[...] 5.3、5.4 和 5.5 条的规定,从而为秘书长在中乍团的现 头寸 改 善之 前保留余额提供了授权。
It was also indicated that since the regulations had been approved by the Assembly, a decision by the Assembly to defer action on the treatment of that balance until its consideration of the final performance report would in effect temporarily suspend the provisions of financial regulations 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5, thereby
providing authorization for the SecretaryGeneral to retain the balances
[...] until the cash position of the Mission improved.
结算: 交易软件实时统计所有的交易活动,可方便客户查看开立 头寸 、 实 时的盈利与亏损、可用保证金余额、账户净值以及所有其他交易记录等。
Reporting The trading software tracks all trading activity in real time, allowing clients to view current open positions, real-time profit and loss, margin availability, account balances, and all historical transaction details directly on-screen.
FX STAT技术允许动头寸的数 据监测和分析,使交易者可以对他们 头寸 的 实时监测和分析。
The FX Stat technology allows dynamic position monitoring and analysis of data in REAL TIME to enable traders to monitor and analyze open positions.
在选择货币、设定交易量后,点击‘完成’,交易指令将会生效,被执行的交易将会显示在‘未平头 寸’中
When you click on the OK button after determining currency pair (Instrument) and amount (Number of Lots), the order is activated and the executed trade will appear in the ‘Open Positions’ window.
如果主顾用Swap-free的或者伊斯兰的账户他/她把敞 头寸 改 在 过夜的时间的时候交易者不接受也不付出什么款额(无论敞 头寸 的 款 额是多大)。
Islamic or Swap-free accounts allow trading any currency pair and if a position is carried over midnight, a trader does not earn and there is nothing to withdraw from trader's account, regardless of the open position volume.
在这段视频中,投资者告诉他如何离开后,驱动的焦虑,你所有的投 头寸。
In this video, the investor tells how he left, driven by anxiety, all your investment positions.
帐户休眠模式,请执行以下操作:的事件交易不存入资金到交易者的帐户和并没有进入交易者的帐户为90(90)天,AXISCapital可能会取消所有活跃的订单,关闭所有未平 头寸 交 易 者的帐户进入休眠状态,直到该交易的回报和再激活交易者的账户。
3.12. Account Hibernation: In the event Trader does not deposit funds into Trader's account and does not access Trader's account for ninety (90) days, AXISCapital may cancel all active orders, close all open positions and place the Trader's account into a hibernation state until the Trader returns and re-activates the Trader's account.
ICS的联营公司,其附属机构,人员,董事及雇员,包括参与编制或发行这种材料的人;(一)不时,可能有多头或 头头寸 , 买入或卖出证券/商品或其衍生物,这里所说的;(二)从事任何其他涉及该证券/商品或衍生工具交易,并赚取佣金或其他报酬;(C)可能有任何其他潜在的利益冲突方面的任何建议和相关的信息和意见。
ICS Associates, its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this
material;(a) from time to time, may have long or
[...] short positions in, and buy or sell the [...]
securities/commodities or derivatives thereof,
mentioned here in; (b) be engaged in any other transaction involving such securities/commodities or derivatives and earn brokerage or other compensation; (c) may have any other potential conflict of interest with respect to any recommendation and related information and opinions.
2011 年年底时,开发署的年底流动资 头寸 约 相 当于 4.1 个月的周转金,与2010 年年底的 3.1 个月相比有所增加。
A prudent level of liquidity for UNDP regular resources would be the equivalent of expenditures for three to six months, implying a total liquidity of between $245 million and $490 million at the 2011 expenditure level, At the end of 2011 the UNDP year-end liquidity position represented approximately 4.1 months of working capital, an increase from 3.1 months at year-end 2010.
OIL, BRT, HEO 和GAS 的交易时间为伦敦时间星期一至星期五的每天02:00 – 21:00,在此交易时间外无法进行交易,如果您要在交易时间外清 头寸 , 您可以直接致电+357 25 845 555与我们的交易室进行联系并要求结算交易,但这可能带来较大的价差且需根据经纪当时提供的市场赎回价格。
OIL, BRT, HEO and GAS trading hours are between 02:00 – 21:00 London Time, Monday to Friday with no trading allowed after hours, if you need to liquidate a position during out of hours you can call our Dealing Room direct on +357 25 845 555 and request the deal to be closed, however this may incur a larger spread and at Dealer discretion provided a market exists at the time.
如果教科文组织将其工作人员在联合国合办工作人员养恤基金中的负债和资产记账, 那么采用《国际公共部门会计标准》对净资产 / 净 头寸 的 影响还要大,除非能够证明教科文 组织在这个公共体制中“资金自给”。
The impact on net assets/equity of the switch to IPSAS could have been greater if UNESCO had been obliged to recognize its share in the liabilities and assets of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in respect of its own staff members3 (unless it could be shown that UNESCO is “selffinancing” within that joint system).




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