

单词 头一回

See also:


for the first time
last time (something occurred)
on the previous occasion


one head
one side
one end (of a stick)
a head full of sth


by and by
turn one's head
turn round

External sources (not reviewed)

IOC 较早就为 32
[...] C/5 提出自 己的计划草案,这还头一回,目的是将委员会的管理工作和教科文 [...]
组织的管理工作更好地结合起来,也就是说将列入 32 C/5 的 IOC 的计 划草案是经过 IOC 理事机构通过的,不再是秘书处单方面工作的结果 了。
This early production of the IOC draft input
[...] to the 32 C/5 is an innovation that seeks [...]
to align better the governance of the
Commission with that of UNESCO i.e. the input is endorsed by an IOC governing body and is no longer a product of the work of the secretariat alone.
一旦启动了国际司法程序,再回头 路 就 太晚了。
Once an international judicial process is in place, it is too late to turn back the clock.
更复杂的是,种植者可能比较容易 回头 去 用 甲基溴,因为许多替代品都 不需要广泛地改变基础设施。
This is further complicated by the fact
[...] that growers can return to MB relatively easily, since [...]
many alternatives do not require
extensive changes in infrastructure.
对于那些因为不能报告其第 7 条数据而被列为具有零消费的国家,秘书处代表建议 可初步提供 50,000 美元资金,但一项了解,如果在调查中查明有任何消费,那么该国可回头向执 行委员会要求提供适当数额的资金。
For countries that had been classified as having zero consumption because they had been unable to report their Article 7 data, the representative of the Secretariat suggested that initial funding of US
$50,000 could be recommended on the understanding that, if any consumption were to
[...] be identified during the survey, the country could return to the Executive Committee to request funding at the [...]
appropriate level.
我的确从 东帝汶带来好消息,希望在安理会不久即 回头 处理其他局势如中东局势之前,我所带来有关安理会和东 帝汶所取得的成就的消息,能提一 定 的 安慰。
I do bring good news from Timor-Leste, hoping that before the Council turns shortly to manage other situations, such as that in the Middle East, my news about what the Council and we have achieved will be of comfort.
在2009年9月15日第3 次会议上,理事会主席就巴西和阿根廷代表团提出 的程序问题作回应,表示他头一 天 下 午收到了2009年8月20 日的来信,信 中指出洪都拉斯常驻日内瓦代表不是塞拉亚总统的政府认可的代表。
At the 3rd meeting, on 15 September 2009, the President, responding to points of order raised by the delegations of Brazil and Argentina, indicated that he had received a letter in the afternoon of the previous day, dated 20 August 2009, indicating that the Permanent Representative of Honduras in Geneva was not the accredited representative of the Government of President Zelaya.
因此,除了成为太空旅游的一“ 回头 客 ” ,西蒙尼也将是最后一位进入国际空间站的观光客。
Therefore, in addition to space tourism to become the only "repeat",
[...] Simonyi will be the last one to enter the international [...]
space station tourists.
[...] 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围 回 资 产 ;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作一致性 ;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management
of public resources;
[...] (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and [...]
thematic partnerships
with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
[...] 协议要求利用遗传资源产生的专利的任何许可都 回头 参 照 原始的获取和利益分 享协议。
For instance, some agreements require that any licensing of
patents derived from the access to genetic
[...] resources should refer back to the original [...]
access and benefit-sharing agreement.
事实上,确定一项单方面声明是 否“为了指明或澄清声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”―― 它与“解释性声明”的定义相对应―― 一回 事 , 确定其中所拟议的解释是否有 效,换句话说即“声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”是否有 效又是另一回事。
Indeed, it is one thing to determine whether a unilateral statement “purports to specify or clarify the meaning or scope attributed by the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its provisions” — which corresponds to the definition of “interpretative declaration” — and another to determine whether the interpretation proposed therein is valid, or, in other words, whether the “meaning or scope attributed by the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its provisions” is valid.
高3.6米,宽2.1米的电视墙都由55英寸超薄边框的三星LCD显示屏和一个70英寸的触摸屏构成,并完美的集合 一 个 玻 璃框架内,全新的电视墙媒体的设计与安放必定将成为机场内高人气 回头 率 的 聚焦点。
Each of them combining 3.6 x 2.1m TV Wall equipped with the new 55-inch ultraslim bezel LCD screens from Samsung (5.5mm), and a 70-inch touchscreen, integrated in a glass structure, these TV Walls were designed to create new convergence points inside the airport.
在这 两种情况中,要对本来可适用的豁免确定这种例外,其共同标准是,放弃豁免是
[...] 否“肯定”,但是,这不应模糊这样一个事实,即确定豁免何时可以被排除在外 是一回事,后一种情 况的问题是条约解释问题。
While in both cases, the common standard identifying such exceptions to otherwise applicable immunity was whether the waiver or renunciation was “certain”, it should not obscure the fact that the
determination of when immunity was excluded was different, the issue in
[...] the latter case being one of treaty interpretation.
Legislation is one thing, but implementation is [...]
世伟洛克卡套管转换接 头可以和目录中的任何一种世伟洛克卡套管 头一 起 使 用。
Swagelok tube adapters can be used with any Swagelok tube fittings in this catalog.
我建议以一份临时报告作为综合性两年期方案执行情况报告的补充,说明秘书处 于每个两年头一年结 束时在达到预期成果方面取得的进展。
I propose to supplement the comprehensive biennial programme performance report with an interim report on the progress made by the Secretariat towards achievement of expected results at the end of the first year of each biennium.
在这方面,应该铭记保留国也回头评 估其保留的有效性。
In this regard, it should be borne in mind that the author of a reservation is
[...] also responsible for assessing its validity.
调查还发现,使用GlobalEnglish在线服务的企业员工中有86%的员工可以更有效率地 头回 答 提 问和回复请求,92%的人马上就能在工作中使用新学到的英语语言技能。
The same survey shows 86% of employees using the GlobalEnglish online
[...] service can verbally respond to questions [...]
and requests more effectively and 92% of
users are immediately able to use their new skills on the job.
基于专用的多核架构,DAN的开放性SoC平台在单芯片硅产品中整合了设计各种移动无线接入网络基础架构产品所需的全部处理子系统,包括基站、射 头 、 回 程 系 统以及具有零成本自回程功能的全集成多扇区4G基站。
Based on a unique multi-layer, multi-core architecture, DAN open SoC platforms integrate in a single SoC product all four processing layers required for the design of any type of mobile radio access network (RAN)
infrastructure product, ranging from base
[...] stations, radio heads, backhaul systems, and [...]
up to fully integrated multi-sector 4G base
station systems with zero-cost self-backhaul -- on one chip.
其独特的身份牌设计赋予您时尚感,增 回头 率。
Its unique dog tag design gives you a trendy look that’s sure to turn heads.
与会代表一 回顾了 前文第 I 节里所报告的提案。根据该提案,某些横向专题项目应被纳入到 [...]
33 C/5 中的 相关重大计划之中,有些项目应该终止,少数项目可以继续进行下去。
One participant recalled the proposal [...]
reported in section I above, whereby certain CCT projects should be integrated into
relevant major programmes in document 33 C/5, others discontinued and a limited number continued.
确实,我们人类只回头看才 能向前进。
Indeed, we humans have to look backward in order to move forward.
這即是說,他們從前有給予小商販 優惠,但減稅後,他們想從中得益,卻遭輿論批評,於是他們便不再包換貨 品,是要從那裏回一些利潤。
That means that in the past, they used to offer concessions to vendors, however, when they wanted to reap some benefit from the duty reduction but were criticized by the public, they cancelled the guarantee to replace goods in order to get some profits from this area instead.
本研究的目的是:一)回顧及 總結有關法定最低工資對薪酬階梯連鎖反應的影 響的文獻、研究及其他經濟體系的經驗;(二)進行追溯性問卷調查,以了解香港零售 [...]
業及飲食業的職級及薪酬架構、報酬及福利條件、工資及其分布和工作時數等(統稱為 「組織架構」)及其實際變化;(三)了解變化是否因實施法定最低工資所引致;及(四)
評估實施法定最低工資對零售業及飲食業中的細分行業及不同規模企業的薪酬階梯連 鎖反應的影響。
The objectives
[...] of this Study are as follows: (i) to review [...]
and summarise the relevant literature, researches and experience
in other economies on the knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies; (ii) to conduct a retrospective survey to examine the rank and pay structures, remuneration packages and fringe benefits, wage and its distribution, working hours, etc (collectively known as “organisational structures”) of the retail and restaurant sectors in Hong Kong and their empirical changes; (iii) to examine whether the changes were caused by the implementation of SMW; and (iv) to assess the impact of knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies of enterprises in different sub-sectors and of different sizes in the retail and restaurant sectors.
秘书处一直在努力加强其在工作人员一级和组织一级的执 行成果问责,例如公布高级主管契约以及就他们兑现契约内所订各项目标的实际 业绩而作的年度考评,在秘书处内联网上发表和公布 2008-2009 两年头一年的 临时方案执行情况报告。
The Secretariat has also been working constantly to increase its accountability for delivering results, at both the staff and organizational levels, for example by publishing the compacts of senior managers and the annual assessments of their performance towards achieving the objectives contained therein, as well as issuing and publishing on the Secretariat Intranet an interim programme performance report covering the first year of the biennium 2008-2009.
有与会者提议在第 124B 段“考虑到”一语前添加“适当”的词句,并删除从“特别当它涉及到” 开始的该头一句的 其余内容,该提议获得支持。
A proposal to add the word “due” to paragraph 124B before the word “regard” and to delete the remainder of the first sentence of that paragraph starting from the words “particularly as it relates” received support.
在此关键时刻继续对话至关重要:不应 回头 路 , 委员会需要致力 于提出专题的人士,因为这也是它成功之所在。
It was essential to maintain dialogue at that crucial juncture, inasmuch as achievement already under way must not collapse and the Committee needed people who wished to engage fully in promising themes, as such investment had also contributed to its success.




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