单词 | 头一 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 头一 —the first一头 —one sideone headless common: rapidly • directly • headlong • simultaneously • a head full of sth • one end (of a stick) 一头 noun—end nExamples:一级头—first stage (diving) 头一回—the first time • for the first time 东一榔头西一棒子—banging away clumsily in all directions with no overall vision
例如、不锈钢卡套 管不得与黄铜接头一起使用。 swagelok.com | For example, stainless steel tubing should not be used with brass fittings. swagelok.com |
整个款的目的,但其内容是立即从论文的 开 头一 句 的 mishnaic明显。 mb-soft.com | The purpose of the entire paragraph, although its content is immediately apparent from the opening sentence of the mishnaic treatise. mb-soft.com |
世伟洛克卡套管转换接 头可以和目录中的任何一种世伟洛克卡套管 接 头一 起 使 用。 swagelok.com | Swagelok tube adapters can be used with any Swagelok tube fittings in this catalog. swagelok.com |
IOC 较早就为 32 [...] C/5 提出自 己的计划草案,这还是头一回,目的是将委员会的管理工作和教科文 [...] 组织的管理工作更好地结合起来,也就是说将列入 32 C/5 的 IOC 的计 划草案是经过 IOC 理事机构通过的,不再是秘书处单方面工作的结果 了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This early production of the IOC draft input [...] to the 32 C/5 is an innovation that [...]seeks to align better the governance of the [...]Commission with that of UNESCO i.e. the input is endorsed by an IOC governing body and is no longer a product of the work of the secretariat alone. unesdoc.unesco.org |
容提出相应的意见;如果会员国不能对这一关键项目的全面讨论提出意见,执行 局则很难履行《组织法》第 V.B 条赋予其的职责; d. 问题的根源在于实际上无法在现行双年度周期确定的最后期限内,对教科文组织 计划和预算的执行情况进行监督,按双年度周期的安排无法在制定下一个 C/5 文 件中充分吸取过去的经验教训,为解决这个问题,我们不妨探讨是否可以采用三 年制的计划周期,这样,三年内可以举行两次大会 , 头一 次 会 议专门审批计划和 预算,第二次会议举办部长级会议和其他圆桌会议,形成新的思路和举措,从而 使大会发挥思考本组织未来发展之作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (d) the root of the problem lay in the practical impossibility to carry out the monitoring of the implementation of the programme and budget of UNESCO within the deadlines flowing from the present biennial cycle which does not allow for sufficient feedback from lessons learned for the elaboration of a subsequent C/5 document; to remedy this problem, one could study the viability of a triennial programming cycle which would provide for the holding of two sessions of the General Conference during a three-year period, with the first being devoted to the approval of the programme and budget and the other to the holding of ministerial and other round table meetings resulting in new visions and initiatives, thereby allowing the General Conference to perform its role as an organ of reflection about the future of the Organization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对于HPX 33插座和插头, 一个红 色阳极氧化处理金属防尘帽为标准件配备。 staubli.com | Sockets and plugs HPX 33 are fitted as a standard with an anodised [...] metal cap in red. staubli.com |
我建议以一份临时报告作为综合性两年期方案执行情况报告的补充,说明秘书处 于每个两年期头一年结 束时在达到预期成果方面取得的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | I propose to supplement the comprehensive biennial programme performance report with an interim report on the progress made by the Secretariat towards achievement of expected results at the end of the first year of each biennium. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二天的讨论在头一天讨论的基础上,把重点放在了准则的形式和内容 上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Discussions during the second day focused on the form and content of the guidelines drawing on the discussions from the first day. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书处一直在努力加强其在工作人员一级和组织一级的执 行成果问责,例如公布高级主管契约以及就他们兑现契约内所订各项目标的实际 业绩而作的年度考评,在秘书处内联网上发表和公布 2008-2009 两年期头一年的 临时方案执行情况报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretariat has also been working constantly to increase its accountability for delivering results, at both the staff and organizational levels, for example by publishing the compacts of senior managers and the annual assessments of their performance towards achieving the objectives contained therein, as well as issuing and publishing on the Secretariat Intranet an interim programme performance report covering the first year of the biennium 2008-2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
有与会者提议在第 124B 段“考虑到”一语前添加“适当”的词句,并删除从“特别当它涉及到” 开始的该段头一句的 其余内容,该提议获得支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | A proposal to add the word “due” to paragraph 124B before the word “regard” and to delete the remainder of the first sentence of that paragraph starting from the words “particularly as it relates” received support. daccess-ods.un.org |
新工艺是指头一次在 越南创造出来的工艺。 nistpass.gov.vn | New technology means a technology which is created for the first time in Vietnam. nistpass.gov.vn |
在失业的头一百天 ,人们会得到一笔失业保险补助,金额是其先前工资的 50%。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the first hundred days of being unemployed, a person receives an unemployment insurance benefit in the amount of 50% of their previous wage. daccess-ods.un.org |
在2009年9月15日第3 次会议上,理事会主席就巴西和阿根廷代表团提出 的程序问题作出回应,表示他在头一 天 下 午收到了2009年8月20 日的来信,信 中指出洪都拉斯常驻日内瓦代表不是塞拉亚总统的政府认可的代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the 3rd meeting, on 15 September 2009, the President, responding to points of order raised by the delegations of Brazil and Argentina, indicated that he had received a letter in the afternoon of the previous day, dated 20 August 2009, indicating that the Permanent Representative of Honduras in Geneva was not the accredited representative of the Government of President Zelaya. daccess-ods.un.org |
5 月 20 日(见 S/PV.6318),我曾告知安理会成员, 在 2010 年 5 月份的头一个星 期,哈利勒·易卜拉欣 领导的正义与平等运动同政府部队之间在达尔富尔 部分地区的敌对行动出现严重升级。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 20 May (see S/PV.6318), I informed Council members that, during the first week of the month of May, parts of Darfur witnessed a serious escalation of hostilities between the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) of Khalil Ibrahim and Government forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们是您电子邮件信息的信头一般包括5-10行联系信息,并自动添加到您发送的电子邮件的末端 (有时候在顶端)。 moneybookers.com | They are the letterhead of your email message including typically 5 -10 lines of contact information, and are appended automatically to the end (or sometimes at the top) of each message you send. moneybookers.com |
主席还得到总统对制定一项民族和解战略的建议的赞同,同时,该国政 府同意,头一年重 点关注某些关键的优先事项,包括邦加中心的运作、建立第二 和第三个中心以及支持在一些农村地区建立新的惩戒设施和法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Chair also received the President’s endorsement of a proposal to develop a national reconciliation strategy, while the Government agreed to focus on certain key priorities for the first year, including the functioning of the Gbarnga Hub, the development of hubs two and three and support for the development of new corrections facilities and courts in some rural areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
杠杆探头一般用于部件(如轴)轮廓的精确测量,但 Orbit [...] 可兼容杠杆探头并不局限于这一点应用。 solartronmetrology.cn | Lever Probes are generally used [...] for precisioin gauging of components, such as shafts, for profiling but the Orbit compatible [...]Lever Probe is not restricted to such small applications. solartronmetrology.com |
委员会商定,其第五十四届会议的 头一 天 应 当专门用于这两个周年的庆祝活 动,以便能够有最高级别的代表参加(A/65/20,第 329 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee agreed that the first day of its fifty-fourth session should be dedicated to the commemoration of the two anniversaries to enable representation at the highest level (A/65/20, para. 329). daccess-ods.un.org |
在《行动计划》执行的头一年(2010 年),主要工作是建设系统、数据收集 机制和工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the initial year (2010) of implementing the SPAP, the primary effort was to build systems, data collection mechanisms and tools. daccess-ods.un.org |
德国表示由于无法预料的情况,该项目已被推迟,但回收设备准备在 2004 年 3 月的头一个星期安装完毕。 multilateralfund.org | Germany indicated that have been delays [...] due to unforeseen circumstances, but the reclamation equipment is ready to be [...] installed in the first week on March 2004. multilateralfund.org |
由于各方协同活动,充分利用该运动在社会上造成 的势头,一些国 家已经改变政策,为孕妇和授乳母亲提供免费保健,以降低孕产 妇死亡率。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, with the consolidation of activities to build on the social mobilization efforts generated from the launching of the campaign, several countries have changed their policies aimed at reducing maternal mortality with the provision of free health care for pregnant and lactating mothers. daccess-ods.un.org |
该中心在 设立的头一年, 为 45 个代表团提供了服务,记录了 531 次对各种服务的单独请 求以及许多其他关于各类协助的非正式请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | During its inaugural year, the centre served 45 delegations, logging 531 separate requests for a variety of services, as well as many other informal requests for many kinds of assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 在第 68 段中,头一句与未经设保人授权而办理的登记效力问题无关, 应予删除或置于案文它处; (f) 第 68 和 69 段涉及对登记的更改,应当移至案文中讨论该问题之处, 并对第三方效力以及未经设保人事先授权办理其通知登记的担保权优先权加以 适当解释 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) Paragraphs 68 and 69 dealt with the amendment of a registration and should be moved to the place of the text where that issue was discussed with appropriate explanation of the third-party effectiveness and priority of security rights, notice of which was registered without prior authorization by the grantor daccess-ods.un.org |
佳能公司同时还包括一个增强的快速设置屏幕,现在包括相机设置的详细说明新的反叛摄 像 头 , 一 个 新 款Eos功能指南。 technologeeko.com | Canon has also included a new EOS Feature Guide on both new [...] Rebel cameras with an enhanced Quick [...]Settings Screen that now includes detailed [...]descriptions of camera settings. technologeeko.com |
他首先提醒执行委员会成员,第六十八次会议不仅是三年充资 期 头一 年 的 最后一次 会议,而且也迎来了《蒙特利尔议定书》二十五周年后新的开端。 multilateralfund.org | He began by reminding the members of the Executive Committee that the 68th meeting not only ended the first year of the replenishment triennium, but also ushered in a fresh beginning after 25 years of the Montreal Protocol. multilateralfund.org |
在头一种情 况中,管理局为管理深海生物多样性风险制定了“区域”活动规 章,监测从事此种活动的承包人的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the first instance, the Authority manages risks to deep sea biodiversity by adopting regulations governing activities in the Area and by monitoring the activities of contractors who are carrying out such activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
现代货箱码头一直致 力保护环境,最近频获多项令人鼓舞的好消息,不仅获得ISO14001环境管理系统认证,并在香港地球之友举办的「2009知悭惜电」节能比赛中,勇夺「公司组」劲减用量大奖的冠军殊荣。 modernterminals.com | We take the pride in being awarded the ISO 14001 accreditation for our environmental management system and the Champion of Biggest Unit Saver Award (Company) category at the Power Smart Contest 2009 organized by Friends of the Earth (HK). modernterminals.com |
电话这头可以听到另一头隆隆 的炮火声。 unicef.org | The rumbling sound of shelling can be heard through the receiver. unicef.org |
该蒸气装置采用专业设计,可与VMS配套使用,将在每次挤奶间隔期间对乳头准备杯和四个奶杯进行清洗消毒,减少 从 一头 奶 牛到 另 一头 奶 牛 可能发生的交叉感染。 delaval.cn | This steam unit, specifically designed to work with VMS, will sanitise the [...] teat preparation cup and [...] the four teat cups between each milking in order to reduce the potential of cross-contamination from one cow to another. delaval.com |
若您想要前往与您的航站楼空侧相连的另一端空侧,只需在到达主航站楼后立即搭乘 另 一头 的 AG T自动轻轨——此时切勿通过安检口进入主航站楼,否则您将无法再次通过安检口前往另一端空侧。 zs.orlandoairports.net | If you wish to access the other Airside Terminal which is paired with yours, go directly to the other AGT (train) as soon as you disembark in the main terminal - do not go past the security checkpoint and out into the main terminal otherwise you will NOT be allowed back through security to access the other Airside Terminal. orlandoairports.net |