

单词 失陪

See also:



miss v

keep sb. company

External sources (not reviewed)

假 如失 的 陪 審 員 達 到 某 個 數 字 , 便 要 解 散 陪 審 [...]
團 , 而 整 個 審 訊 過 程 亦 頇 重 新 開 始 。
The longer the case, the more likely it is
[...] that jurors will be lost through sickness, [...]
emigration, business reasons, etc. If sufficient
jurors are lost then the jury is discharged and the case must start again.
4 0 新 南 威 爾 士 法 律 改 革 委 員 會 在 其 討 論 文 件 所 提 出 的 問 題 是 ﹕ 若 能 提 供 適 當 的 設 備 或 安 排 , 在 個 別 案 件 中 能 夠 履 行 陪 審 員 職 務失 明 或 失 聰 陪 審 員 , 應 否 有 法 律 責 任 出 任 陪 審 員 ?
The question raised by the New South Wales Law Reform Commission in its discussion paper was whether, if appropriate provisions could be made, blind or deaf jurors who were able to discharge a juror's duties in the circumstances of the particular case should be liable for jury service.
美 國 某 些 使失 明 或 失 聰 陪 審 員 的 司 法 管 轄 區 有 明 顯 屬 正 面 [...]
的 經 驗 支 持 這 個 看 法 , 即 使 考 慮 到 美 國 現 時 在 法 律 、 社 會 及 經 濟 方 面 與 我 們 不
同 的 情 況 亦 然 , 尤 其 是 基 於 美 國 有 明 確 的 憲 法 規 範 以 及 在 刑 事 和 民 事 法 律 程 序 中 普 遍 使 用 陪 審 團 的 情 況 。
The apparently positive experience of
some United States jurisdictions in
[...] utilising blind or deaf jurors supports this view – [...]
even allowing for the differing legal,
social and economic conditions that exist in the United States, especially by reason of explicit constitutional norms and the pervasive use of juries in criminal and civil proceedings.
對 於 法 例 的 這 種 看 法 , 不 但 符 合 法 例 的 明 訂 條 文 , 而 且 也 與 Brown v Allen ( 344 US 443
, 474) 案 一 致 , …… 任 何 適 當 程 序 上 的 缺 點
[...] 不 得 使 陪 審 團 的 來失 效 , 陪 審 團 的 組 成 頇 ‘ 合 理 [...]
地 反 映 人 口 的 橫 切 面 , 並 在 其 特 性 和 智 力 方
面 能 適 合 擔 當 該 方 面 的 公 民 職 務 ’ 。
And this view of the statute not only is in accord with its express provisions but is in harmony with the observation in Brown v
Allen, 344 US 443, 474, … that no due
[...] process infirmity invalidates a jury source which [...]
'reasonably reflects a cross-section
of the population suitable in character and intelligence for that civic duty'.
上 訴 人 辯 稱 ,陪 審 員失 出 任 陪 審 員 的 資 格 , 因 此 審 訊 理 應 無 效 。
The appellant argued that the juryman in question was disqualified from serving and that the trial was therefore a mistrial.
因 此 , 我 們 的 初 步 看 法 是 ﹕ 排失 明 及 失 聰 人 士 出陪 審 員 的 現 有 條 文 , 應 予 保 留 。
It is therefore our provisional view that the existing provisions should
[...] be retained which exclude blind and deaf persons from jury service.
在 Jones 案 中 , 法 庭 的 結 論 是 鑑 於 該 案 會 有
[...] 大 量 實 物 證 據 , 該失 明 的 準 陪 審 員 不 應 獲 准 出 任 陪 [...]
審 員 。
In Jones, the court concluded
[...] that the prospective juror who was blind should [...]
not be permitted to serve because there would
be a significant amount of physical evidence.
陪伴或失散儿 童,包括通过非正规途径到达某一国家的儿童,原则上 不应仅因违反有关领土入境和逗留的法律规定即被剥夺其自由。
Unaccompanied or separated children, including [...]
those who arrive irregularly in a country, should not, in principle, be deprived
of their liberty solely for having breached any law governing access to and stay within the territory.
已在国外的无陪伴或失散儿 童原则上应享有与有关国家的儿童同等水平 的保护和照料。
Unaccompanied or separated children already [...]
abroad should, in principle, enjoy the same level of protection and care as
national children in the country concerned.
3 6 這 些 條 文 大 致 上 與 英 格 蘭 與 威 爾 斯 的 條 文 相 近 , 但 在 英 格 蘭 , 任 何 人 在 過 去 十 年 曾 在 英 國 、 海 峽 群 島 或 馬 恩 島 接 受 任 何 部 分 的 監 禁 或 羈 留 刑 罰 ( 不 論 刑 期 長 短 ) , 或 被 判 處 社 會 監 管 令 、 社 會 自 新 令 、 社 會 懲 罰 令 、 戒 毒 治 療 與 測 詴 令 或 禁 止 吸 毒 令 , 即失 出 任 陪 審 員 的 資 格 。
These provisions are broadly similar to those which apply in England and Wales, though in England a person is disqualified if he has in the last ten years in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man served any part of a sentence of imprisonment or detention (regardless of its length) or been the subject of a community, community rehabilitation, community punishment, drug treatment and testing, or drug abstinence order.
为此目的,流离失所的儿童,特别 失 散 和没 有 陪 伴 的 未成年人,应该拥有 其自己的身份证件以便他们充分享有其合法权利,并且能够得到诸如保健服务和 教育此类基本社会服务。
To this end, displaced children, in particular separated and unaccompanied minors, should [...]
have their own identity documentation
in order to enjoy their full legal rights and to have access to basic social services, such as health care and education.
在决定提供适当的照料时,应在逐案的基础上考虑到无 陪 伴 或 失 散 儿童 各自情况的不同和差异,如种族或移民背景,或文化和宗教多样性。
In determining appropriate care provision, the diversity and
[...] disparity of unaccompanied or separated children [...]
(such as ethnic and migratory background
or cultural and religious diversity) should be taken into consideration on a case-by-case basis.
因 此 , 法 庭 在 Guzman 案 中 裁 定 , 一 名 聽 覺 受 損 的 陪 審 員 不 應 基 於 他 不 能 根 據 證 人 作 供 時 的 聲 調 和 表 達
[...] 方 式 決 定 證 人 是 否 可 信 而失 出 任 陪 審 員 的 資 格 。
Thus, the court in Guzman held that a hearing-impaired
[...] juror should not be disqualified because that individual [...]
could not determine credibility
based on the witness' tone and delivery.
申 請 人 罪 成 , 繼 而 申 請 上 訴 以 推 翻 定 罪 , 而 爭 論 點 是 控 方 是 否 誤 用 定 罪 資 料 , 以 致 要 求 一 些 曾 被 定 罪 但 沒 有 因 此 而失 資 格 的 陪 審 員 小 組 成 員 ‚ 等 待 控 方 召 喚 ‛ 。
The applicant was convicted and applied for leave to appeal against conviction. Issue was taken as to whether the prosecution had wrongly used the particulars of the convictions to ask some members of the panel to ―stand by for the Crown‖ who were not disqualified by their convictions from serving as jurors.
鉴于混合移徙中无陪伴和失散儿 童情况的范围和复杂性,必须与原籍国、过 境国和目的地国政府开展机构间合作并建立伙伴关系。
Responding to the scope and complexity of the
[...] situation of unaccompanied and separated [...]
children in mixed migration flows necessitates
inter-agency cooperation and partnerships with Governments in countries of origin, transit and destination.
负责无陪伴或失散儿 童福祉的人,应协助儿童与其家人经常沟通,除非 这样做违背儿童本人的意愿,或明显不符合他/她的最大利益。
Those responsible for the
[...] welfare of an unaccompanied or separated child should [...]
facilitate regular communication between
the child and his/her family, except where this is against the child’s wishes or is demonstrably not in his/her best interests.
(a) 确保参与处理无陪伴或失散儿童问题的所有实体和个人具有足够丰 富的经验,受过专门培训,有应变能力,并具备以适当方式行事的条件
(a) To ensure that all entities and persons involved in
[...] responding to unaccompanied or separated children [...]
are sufficiently experienced, trained,
resourceful and equipped to do so in an appropriate manner
[...] 可以加速获得退休金和家庭财产,将无 陪 伴 和 失 散 儿 童的护理安排合法化和正 规化,尽可能避免把他们安置在收容所。
In these situations it may become necessary to establish special legal procedures to provide the next of kin with accelerated access to pensions and family
property and to formalize or legalize care
[...] arrangements for unaccompanied and separated [...]
children that avoid, whenever possible, placing them in institutions.
(d) 考虑到委员会第6(2005) 号关于如何处置脱离原籍国的无陪 伴 和 失散 儿童的一般性意见。
(d) Take into account the Committee’s views contained in
its general comment No. 6 (2005) on the
[...] treatment of unaccompanied and separated [...]
children outside their country of origin.
为协助规划无陪伴或失散儿 童的未来生活,以最佳方式保护他/她的权 利,有关国家和社会服务当局应做出一切合理努力,设法获得有关文件和资料, [...]
In order to assist in planning the
[...] future of an unaccompanied or separated child in a manner [...]
that best protects his/her rights,
relevant State and social service authorities should make all reasonable efforts to procure documentation and information in order to conduct an assessment of the child’s risk and social and family conditions in his/her country of habitual residence.
注意到儿童权利委员会关于无陪伴 和 失 散 的 儿童待遇的第6 号一般性意 见,赞赏地注意到移徙者人权问题特别报告员的报告
Taking note of general comment No. 6 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on the treatment of unaccompanied and separated children
(a) 在审查无证件、无陪伴或失散儿童的庇护申请时,尤其要确定把儿 童最大利益列为首要的考虑,而且不将儿童关入拘留营
(a) Expressly identify the best interests of the child as a primary
consideration when examining asylum applications of
[...] undocumented, unaccompanied or separated [...]
children, and refrain from placing these children in detention centres
委员会请缔约国收集厄瓜多尔境内 无陪伴或失散儿 童及青少年的人数,及其他们所从事的工作的具体数据,并在 [...]
The Committee requests the State
party to gather specific data on
[...] the number of unaccompanied or separated child and [...]
adolescent migrants in Ecuador and the
type of work they perform and to provide this information in its next periodic report.
As for taxis and the PLBs, guide dogs accompanying blind persons are allowed on board under normal circumstances.
在欧洲,2009 年寻求庇护的无陪伴 和失散儿 童总数略有增加,据估计达到了 15,000 [...]
人,其中来自阿富汗的儿童就约占 40%。
In Europe, the
[...] overall number of unaccompanied and separated [...]
children claiming asylum increased slightly in 2009, to an
estimated 15,000, with some 40 per cent from Afghanistan alone.
一旦无陪伴或失散儿 童开始接受照料,应作出一切合理的努力,在符合 儿童最大利益且不会危及参与者的情况下,寻找他/她的家人下落并重建家庭联 系。
As soon as an unaccompanied or separated child is taken [...]
into care, all reasonable efforts should be made to trace his/her
family and re-establish family ties, when this is in the best interests of the child and would not endanger those involved.
[...] 当性,确定需要国际保护的人员,并解决许多无证移民和其他有特殊需要者、包 括无陪伴和与父失散儿童的需要。
More innovative approaches to migration policies and strategies are needed to maintain the integrity of asylum, to identify those in need of international protection, as well as to address
the needs of many undocumented migrants and others with specific
[...] needs, including unaccompanied and separated children.
他指出,根据儿童权利委员会关于在原籍国之外的无 陪 伴 和 失 散 儿童待遇 的一般意见第 6 条,以孩子、性别及多样性敏感的方式解释难民定义是重要的。
It was noted that in line with the general comment No. 6 of the
Committee on the Rights of the Child on
[...] treatment of unaccompanied and separated [...]
children outside their country of origin,
it was important to interpret the refugee definition in a child, gender and diversity-sensitive way.




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