

单词 失重

See also:


miss v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 則搜尋備份存檔中的多個檔案時,您要花費很多時間試著猜測哪一個過期備份可以刪除,但又 不會失重要資料。
Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on exploring multiple
files in your backup archives, trying to guess which of the outdated backups can
[...] be deleted without losing important data.
[...] 约大量时间,否则,您需花时间浏览备份存档中的多个文件,推测删除哪个过期备份不会失 重要数据。
Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on exploring multiple
files in your backup archives, trying to guess which of the outdated backups can
[...] be deleted without losing important data.
此外,这些部 件还可承受超低或超高温失重状态和极高的加速度。
These parts also withstand extremely low or
[...] high temperatures, weightlessness and high acceleration forces.
在这方面,一些 代表指出,限制使用互联网可能导致 失重 要 机 会。
In this connection, some delegates pointed out that restrictions on the use of the Internet could lead to
[...] substantial opportunities being lost.
令人意外的是,印度排名也在安哥拉之後, 中印貿易無甚發展,絕對可算是近年 失重 大 機 遇的例 子。
Interestingly, India is also behind Angola: the lack of trade between India and China must count as
[...] one of the great missed opportunities of [...]
recent years.
除 非投資者完全明白及願意承受與某一基金的相關投資有關的各種各樣風險(該等風險可能令該基金承受收益以及本金方面 重 大 損 失 ) 以及擁有所需的財政資源以承擔 失重 大 部 分(甚至全部)的投資本金的 風險,否則投資者不應投資於該基金。
Investors should not invest in a fund unless they fully understand and are willing to take the various risks associated with the fund’s
[...] investments (which may expose the fund to significant losses in terms of income as well as principal), [...]
and have the financial
resources necessary to bear the risk of substantial, or even total, loss of the capital invested.
轉 換 至 IFRSs 後 , 於 喪 失 對 關 聯 企 業 重 大 影 響 力 時 , 應 以 公 允 價 值 衡 量 其 對 原 關 聯 企 業 所 剩 餘 之 投 資 , 並 就 剩 餘 投 資 之 公 允 價 值 及 任 何 處 分 持 股 之 處 分 價 款 , 與失 重 大 影 響 當 日 之 投 資 帳 面 金 額 , 兩 者 之 差 額 計 入 損 益 。
After adopting IFRSs, when losing significant influences to associates, the Bank and subsidiaries should measure the remaining investment in fair value and recognize gains or losses based on the difference between the fair value of remaining investment plus any proceeds from disposing of the part investment in the associate and the carrying amount of investment at the date when significant influence is lost.
失重大影 響力當日所保留有關前被投資方的權益按公允價值確認,而此 筆金額於初步確認金融資產(參閱附註1(f))時被視為公允價值,或(如適用)於初步確認於聯營公司 [...]
Any interest retained in that former investee at
[...] the date when significant influence is [...]
lost is recognised at fair value and this
amount is regarded as the fair value on initial recognition of a financial asset (see note 1(f)) or, when appropriate, the cost on initial recognition of an investment in an associate.
如果 应用结核药物或抗逆转录病毒药物引起
[...] 皮疹,首先应该征询医生的建议,因为药 物反应可能在用药后几天失,重要 的是 避免对这类治疗进行不必要的干预。
Seek advice first in the case of TB drugs
or ARVs as the reaction may stop after a few
[...] days, and it is important not to interrupt [...]
these treatments unnecessarily.
对于特殊 应用,受试者处于较高速度或者较高摔倒风险的情况,或者在跑步机后面没有足够的 安全空间,跌倒预防体系(例失重 系 统 或者带甲胄&胸戴的安全拱门)是强制性的。
For special applications, at higher speeds or for subjects with higher risk of falling, or if there is not enough safety space behind the treadmill, a fall prevention system (e.g. safety arch with harness & chest belt) is obligatory.
第一个挑战是正常计划资金和预算外资 金重失衡。
The first concerned the significant imbalance between its regular programme resources and those linked to extrabudgetary funding.
[...] 她提请委员会注意,她的健康状况,她在来文内附上了一份医检证明证实她患有 若干生理和心理紊乱症,包括抑郁症, 重失 眠 和 自杀倾向。
Lastly, she drew the Committee’s attention to her state of health, enclosing with her submission a medical certificate attesting to the fact that
she had numerous disorders, both physical and psychiatric, including
[...] depression, severe insomnia and suicidal tendencies.
任何的 部門和公 共 機構的首長和 高官都要為他們部門的長 期和重失誤負 責。
The heads and high officials of any department or public body will have to be accountable
[...] for the long term serious mistakes of their [...]
他们认为,在军 事能力持续重失衡的 区域,特别是在一方拥有核武器对邻国和整个区域构成 [...]
They were of the view that stability cannot be achieved in a
[...] region where massive imbalances in military [...]
capabilities are maintained particularly
through the possession of nuclear weapons, which allow one party to threaten its neighbours, and the region.
摩尔多瓦共和国正处在向市场经济的过渡阶段,现有生产结构导致地区发 展重失衡,其特点是农业和食品加工行业占主导地位、由于大型工业企业数量 非常有限,社会经济发展严重依赖小城市。
Republic of Moldova enters in transition to market economy with significant regional imbalances, caused by the existent production structure, characterised by the predominance of the agricultural and food processing sector and the dependency of the social and economic development of small cities by a limited number of large industrial enterprises.
这不仅是人类的 耻辱,也反映一些主权国家重失职 , 没有履行其 保护本国民众的首要义务。
This is not only a disgrace to humanity; it
[...] also reflects a serious failure on the part [...]
of sovereign States that do not comply with
one of their primary obligations: to protect their citizens.
除非銀行很擔心在 過程中會被找出很多證據,證明它們有 重失 誤 , 又或它們想集體串謀 隱瞞和掩飾,否則,只要是正當地參與有關過程,根本是無須太擔心。
Unless the banks are very worried that in the process, a lot of
evidence will be found to prove that they
[...] have committed serious blunders or if they wish [...]
to conspire and hide and cover things
up together, then there is no cause for worry if they will just take part in the process in a normal manner.
联合国准则中把不法行为定义为“罪或欺骗行为、未履行法定义务、司法不公正、 在公共机构管理中贪污、欺骗、或 重失 职 等 ”。
They define wrongdoing as “the commission of a criminal offence or dishonesty, failure to comply with a legal
obligation, a miscarriage of justice, corruption
[...] or dishonesty or serious failures in the administration [...]
of a public body”.
不能妥善 解决该问题是为前南斯拉夫受害人伸张正义的一个 重失 败。
The failure to properly address this issue
[...] constitutes a serious failing in the administration [...]
of justice to the victims of the former Yugoslavia.
不 幸的是,自 2008
[...] 年以来,一场严重的金融危机暴露 出了国际经济和金融的重失衡, 银行系统近乎崩 溃,亟需采取纾困措施,许多国家的累积主权债务随 [...]
Unfortunately, since 2008, a severe financial crisis has
[...] exposed the dramatic imbalances of the international [...]
economy and finance and, following
the near collapse of the banking system and the sheer necessity of a bail-out, has led to an unprecedented accumulation of sovereign debt in many countries.
不结盟运动确认工业化国家与不结盟运动成员 国之间在常规武器生产、拥有和贸易方面存在 重失 衡, 并呼吁工业化国家大幅减少常规武器生产、拥有 和贸易数量,以加强国际和区域和平与安全。
production and possession of and trade in conventional weapons between the industrialized and NAM countries, and calls for a significant reduction in the production and possession of and trade in conventional weapons by the industrialized States with a view to enhancing international and regional peace and security.
倘購股權承授人為合資格僱員,而因 重失 職 、進行破產、無力償 債、與全體債權人訂立任何償債安排或協議,或觸犯刑事罪行(董事認 [...]
為不會使承授人、本集團或所投資公司名譽受損者除外)的理由而不再 為合資格僱員,則其購股權將於其不再為合資格僱員當日自動失效。
If the grantee of an option is an Eligible Employee and ceases to be an
Eligible Employee by reason that he has
[...] been guilty of serious misconduct or has committed [...]
any act of bankruptcy or has become
insolvent or has made any arrangements or composition with his creditors generally, or has been convicted of any criminal offence (other than an offence which in the opinion of the Directors does not bring the grantee or the Group or the Invested Entity into disrepute), his option will lapse automatically and will not in any event be exercisable on or after the date of cessation to be an Eligible Employee.
[...] 患病或根據僱傭合約退休或基於下文(xiv)分段所述的 重失 職 或其他 理由解僱以外的理由而不再為合資格僱員,則其所持尚未行使的購股 [...]
決定,承授人可於董事指定由終止或結束受僱當日(即承授人在本集團 或所投資公司最後工作日期(不論有否支付代通知金而提早離職))起 計的期限內行使全部或部份尚未行使的購股權。
If the grantee of an option is an Eligible Employee and ceases to be an Eligible Employee for any reason other than death, ill-health or retirement
in accordance with his contract of
[...] employment or for serious misconduct or other grounds [...]
referred to in sub-paragraph (xiv)
below before exercising his option in full, the option (to the extent not already exercised) will lapse on the date of cessation or termination and will not be exercisable unless the Directors otherwise determine in which event the grantee may exercise the option (to the extent not already exercised) in whole or in part within such period as the Directors may determine following the date of such cessation, which will be taken to be the last day on which the grantee was at work with the Group or the Invested Entity whether salary is paid in lieu of notice or not.
63/303 号决议的附件内,各国和政府首脑强调发展中国家没有 导致这一危机,然而却受到危机的影响,并且表明他们的各种努力必须以解决危
[...] 或治疗的疾病而受苦受难和死亡的贫穷和弱势群体,特别是妇女与儿童人数原以 多到难以接受的程度,现在情况更加 重 ; 失 业 率 上升;获得教育和保健服务的 机会减少;和在许多国家内现有的社会保护不足。
In the annex to General Assembly resolution 63/303 on the outcome of the Conference, the Heads of State and Government stressed that developing countries had not caused the crisis, but were nevertheless being affected by it, and stated that their endeavours must be guided by the need to address the human costs: an increase in the already unacceptable number of poor and vulnerable, particularly women and children, who suffer and die of hunger,
malnutrition and preventable or curable
[...] disease; a rise in unemployment; the reduction in [...]
access to education and health services;
and the current inadequacy of social protection in many countries.
[...] 的权利和农民获得的权利之间存在 重失 衡 的 现象,而农民一直以来负责提供植物基因资 [...]
源,培育者的研究成果莫不源于此,因此“农民的权利”41 这个概念被提交联合国粮农组 织进行讨论。
Subsequently, the concept of Farmers’ Rights41 arose in
debates in the FAO where it was recognised that
[...] there was an imbalance between the [...]
IP rights afforded to breeders of modern plant
varieties and the rights of farmers who were responsible for supplying the plant genetic resources from which such varieties were mainly derived.
重失踪人士家属了解真情的权利,包括那些居住在波斯尼亚和 黑塞哥维那境外的失踪人员家属的了解真情权利,随时向他们通报挖掘和确 [...]
(d) Respect the
[...] right of families of missing persons, including [...]
those who live outside Bosnia and Herzegovina, to know the
truth by keeping them informed of the progress made in the processes of exhumation and identification of mortal remains and provide them with psychosocial assistance during the process




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