

单词 失败是成功之母

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畅销书作者蒂姆•哈福德(Tim Harford)阐述为什失败是成功之母, 以 及在什么情况下,失败实际上是好事。
Bestselling author Tim Harford
[...] explains why there is no success without failure and [...]
why and in what circumstances failure may actually be positive.
外汇市场是动态和不可预知的 - 昨日失败可能是未来辉煌 成功之母。
The Forex Market is rather dynamic and unpredictable
[...] – yesterday's losses can turn into brilliant success in the future.
眾 笑失敗乃 成 功之母 , 我 相信胡經昌議員也 是 很 清楚的,是會有 失敗、 也 會 有 成 功 。
(Laughter) As failure is the mother of success, I think Mr Henry WU would know it too well that while there are [...]
failures, there are also successes.
它时失败,但所幸是,其成功更 多于 其 失败。
It has often failed but, fortunately, its successes outweigh its failures.
缅甸地处一个充满活力的地区的中心 地带,融入该地区将使它有机会赶上邻国的经济发 展,并借鉴它们成功经验和失败教 训
It sits in the middle of a vibrant region and in
integrating with it has the opportunity to catch-up to its neighbours, as well
[...] as learn from their successes and failures.
即使各会 员国不能正式通过《准则》,但是 对 之 表 示 满意, 希望通过具体落实这些准则能够真正改善 失 去父 母照料的儿童权利的保护。
Even though Member States were not adopting the guidelines formally,
they welcomed them, in the hope that
[...] their use in practice would lead to a real improvement in protecting the rights of those children deprived of parental care.
失敗乃成 功之母,房屋委員會能否成功㆞出售公屋,最重要 是 它 能 否從這次失敗㆗汲取經驗,從 而改正。
Whether the Housing Authority will be able to make a success of its future sale of public housing flats [...]
will, above all,
depend on its ability to draw a useful lesson from this abortive exercise and make corrections, instead of being dragged off from the proper track by potential monetary gains.
案例研究,将有助于找成功的经验 和 失败 的 教 训,重 是 为 何 一种 特定的模式在一个国家可行,并查明私有化、自由化和服务监 之 间 潜 在的冲突 领域
(c) Case studies that would
[...] serve to identify successful and failed experiences, with a focus on why a particular model worked in a country, and that would identify potential areas of conflict between the privatization, [...]
liberalization and regulation of services
如果愿意重新思考和调整参与的战略,那么失 败有时便成成功之母。
Failure sometimes ushers in perfect success, if one is ready [...]
to rethink and readjust his engagement strategies.
无法成这一使命意味着延续否认人 人享有权利的局面,同时败所有人所珍惜的人权理想,而这一理想 是 无 数 当 代高瞻远瞩的领袖、知识分子和倡导者 之 奋 斗 牺牲的目标。
Failure to do so would entail the risk of passing on a legacy of the denial of rights to all and defeat the human rights agenda cherished by all, and in whose service a great many of the most inspirational leaders, intellectuals [...]
and advocates of current generations had sacrificed their lives.
尖端的技术和强大的商业竞争力以及 优秀员工队伍的奉献精是我们成功 的 法 宝, 而遍布世界各地的组织网络则确保我们在全球 市场立于败之地。
Technical and business expertise as well as the
dedication of our
[...] excellent employees has always been a basis for our success, as have been our regional ties that have never lost sight of the global picture.
目 前将人力资源管理的权力全部下放到各部门的做法导致了模棱两可、支离破碎、各自 为政的决定,再加上缺乏资金来源和正确规划,这些将阻碍即便理论 是 完 美 轮调政 策成功实施,有 2003 年的尝失败为证
The current practice of entirely decentralizing Human Resources Management to sectors results in opaque, fragmented and compartmentalized decisions – combined with a lack of
funding and planning –
[...] would jeopardize the success of even a theoretically perfect rotation policy, as is evidenced by the failure of the 2003 attempt.
就该措施成功和失败而言 ,最重要的三个原是什么
How could the policy-making process be improved and what technical and financial support would be needed to make that happen?
9.24 按照职权范围,委员会以下列方式协助经济及社会理事会:(a) 安排进行研究并就下列问题向 理事会提供咨询意见:人口问题和趋势;人口与发展战略的一体化;人口与相关发展政策和方
案,提供人口援助,并处理联合国主要机关或附属机关或专门机构可能征求咨询意见的所有人 口和发展问题;(b)
[...] 监测、审查和评价《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》在国家、区域和国际 各级的执行情况,查成功和失败的 原 因并就此向理事会提供咨询意见;(c) 审查关于国家、 [...]
9.24 Under its terms of reference the Commission is to assist the Council by (a) arranging for studies and advising the Council on population issues and trends, the integration of population and development strategies, population and related development policies and programmes and the provision of population assistance as well as addressing any population and development questions on which either the principal or the subsidiary organs of the United Nations or the specialized agencies may seek advice; (b) monitoring, reviewing and assessing the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development at the
national, regional and global levels,
[...] identifying reasons for success and failure, and advising [...]
the Council thereon; and (c) reviewing
the findings of research and analysis pertaining to the interrelationships between population and development at the national, regional and international levels and advising the Council thereon.
在去年于帝力举行的论坛成立会议上,13 个国家 和区域共聚一堂,确认我们各国和各区 之 间 相互声 援的有力精神,体现了在“g7+”中通过共同努力分 享经验、挑战失败和成功,以便迅速过渡到可持续 和平与发展的强烈意愿。
At the forum’s inaugural meeting, held in Dili last year, 13 countries and regions came together to
recognize the strong spirit
[...] of solidarity between our countries and regions, reflecting a strong desire to work together in the g7+ to share experiences, challenges, failures and successes in order to make a [...]
rapid transition to sustainable peace and development.
学习英语的最佳方式是置身英语环 之 中 与英 语 是母 语 的 人交流。
The best way to learn English is to live among, and converse with, native speakers.
其中一成员的父母是文盲,另一名的父亲 是当地的守墓人,还有一名的父亲是建筑工人。
The parents of one were illiterate; the father [...]
of another was the caretaker of a local cemetery; the father of a third was a construction labourer.
我将不在这里赘 述所有进展,但我想强调几成功之 处 , 因为它们与 就一个优先目标——禁止生产用于核武器的裂变材 料——开始谈判方面的持失败形成 鲜明对比。
I will not detail all of it here, but I would like to highlight a few successes because they stand in stark contrast to the continuing failure to begin negotiations on [...]
a priority objective — a ban
on the production of fissile material for use in nuclear weapons.
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长在现有资源范围内促进伙伴关系影响评估机 制,以便进行有效管理,确保问责以及推动有效汲 成功 与 失败 两 方 面的经验教 训;并向大会第六十六届会议报告决议的执行情况(第 [...]
64/223 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to promote, within existing resources, impact-assessment mechanisms of partnerships in order to enable effective management, ensure
accountability and facilitate effective
[...] learning from both successes and failures; and to report [...]
to it at its sixtysixth session
on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/223).
使用什么样的解决方法(行动)和它 成功 和 失败之 处。
Which methods were chosen to solve the
[...] problem and with what degree of success?
在世界各地,教育制度的 运作往往还基于过去传承下来的“印象”、“信仰”,或某些“构想”(比如所谓“一般学生”的 说法,还有,认为学失败是“自 然”的和正常的,或潜意识认为学校非为儿童而建,因 此反而先期待学成功地适应体制)。
Everywhere in the world, education systems seem to continue functioning on the basis of “images” or “beliefs” inherited from the past or even a certain number of “myths” (such as
that of the “average
[...] pupil” and that school failure is “natural” and normal or even the idea — often subconscious — that it is not the school that is made for the child but the opposite and, therefore, what we expect above all from a pupil is that, without fail, he/she will comply with the system).
此外,这次活动从政治、财力和物力上讲,规 模庞大,而办事处孤军作战,缺乏与总 之 间 的 协调,似乎 是失败 的 一 个根源,它只能独 自应付这次活动的原则和内容可能引起的质疑。
Moreover, it seems that the lack of coordination with Headquarters regarding an operation of such material, financial and political importance, was also a source of failure, due to the isolation in which the Bureau was left to face potential controversies over the basis and content of the event.
[...] ODINAFRICA--II 项目的数据管理问题,以找成功和 失败 的 地 方并考虑采取行动推进 ODINAFRICA 第三期的实施工作。
The data management aspects of the implementation of the
ODINAFRICA-II project were reviewed in
[...] order to identify the successes and failures and to consider [...]
actions to be taken to progress
the implementation of the third phase of ODINAFRICA.
在 450 份申请 中,有些夫是在第一次申成功或 失败 后 第 二次提出。
Out of the 450 applications some were made by couples
[...] for the second time after a success or a failure to conceive on the [...]
first application.
調查發現近七成(66%)BB的過敏症狀未能得到成功處理或會出現復發,包括有百 之 十 四 母 親 未能 夠 成功 處 理及超過一半母親(52%)雖能夠處理但症狀時不時又再復發。
The survey revealed nearly 70%
[...] (66%) of the babies with the allergic symptoms were not successfully treated or the symptoms recurred (14% not successfully treated and [...]
52% could be treated
temporarily but recur from time to time).
继去年8月以"战略合作伙伴"身份助力首届中国房车展大 成功之 后 ,近日中国港中旅资产经营公司再次与2013中国房车展览会主办方杜塞尔多夫展览(上海)有限公司达成合作协议:在过往友好合作的基础之上,港中旅资产 母 公 司 中国港中旅集团公司(CTS)将成为2013中国房车展的联合主办单位,双方将进一步加强合作力度、拓宽合作内容,为打造新一届的成功展会同心协力、共谋发展。
CTS Asset Management Corporation (CTSAMC)recently reached a new cooperation agreement with Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013: Based on previous friendly cooperation, China National Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation (parent company of CTSAMC, [...]
hereinafter referred
to as CTS) will become a joint organizer for All in CARAVANING 2013.
[...] [...] 议地点在法国,管辖该公司主要合同的法律是法国法律,在法国与客户进行业 务往来,集团的商业政策在法国确定 母 公 司 关于 成 金 融 安排的授 是 在法 国作出的,债务人主要银行所在地在法国,以及公司采购政策、人事、应付账 [...]
Factors considered in addressing the issue of COMI were that the place of the meeting of the board of directors was in France, the law governing the main contracts of the company was French law, business relations with clients were conducted from France, the commercial policy of the group was
determined was in
[...] France, the authorization of the parent company to enter into financial arrangements [...]
was provided in France,
the locations of the debtors primary bank was in France, and the centralized management of the purchasing policy, the staff, accounts payable and computers systems for the company were all located in France.
作為父親,為了自己的子女而道 歉,並沒有甚麼大不了;作為國家領袖,殺害了這麼多人民,令這麼多母失去了他們的子女,為何說出一句道歉、作出一些平反,給予這羣 真正愛國的年青人正名及認同是如 此 困難的呢?
To leaders of
[...] the State, when they have killed so many civilians and caused so many parents to lose their children, why is it so difficult for them to even tender an apology or do [...]
something to
exonerate them and to clear the names of these young people who are truly patriotic and give them recognition?
既 然 意 識 是 這 般 清 晰 , 代 理主席,我想要求局長稍 後在發 言時回 應 我 剛 才 的 那 兩 個問題: 第 一 ,政府 可否說 明會落 實要求醫 管 局 嚴 格 遵守世 界 生 組織、 聯 合 國 兒 童 基金聯 合 聲 明 中就《國際 推 銷 母乳代 用 品 守 則》及成功 母乳育 嬰 十 項 指引》 所 提的建 議,我 固然希 望 它 能嚴格 遵守; 第 二 ,政府 可否考慮我 剛 才 提 出 的 建 議,規定廣 告 上 要有所列明,這是很 清 楚 的 。
If the idea is so clear, Mr Deputy, I would like the Secretary, in her reply later, respond to my two questions: First, could the Administration state specifically that it would ask the HA to comply with the recommendations made in the "International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes", the joint declaration of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund, and the Ten Steps to Successful Breast-feeding; second, could the Administration consider my suggestion that all advertisements must carry the specific statement, which is very clear.
以光盘形式向联合国 各会员国分发这些文件非常有用,因为这项研究有 助于表明,如果不是因为以色列的占领,巴勒斯坦 将不是一个失败国家,而是一个 充满活力的经济 体,巴勒斯坦应当获得独立成为联合国正式成员。
It would be useful to distribute those papers in CD-Rom form to United Nations Member States, as
that research
[...] helped to illustrate that, were it not for the Israeli occupation, Palestine would not be a failed State but a vibrant economy which [...]
deserved to gain
independence and become a full member of the United Nations.




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