单词 | 失落 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 失落—lose (sth)(often used)less common: loss disappointment drop (sth) frustrated feel a sense of loss Examples:失魂落魄—scared out of one's wits lit. lost soul, dropped spirit (idiom); driven distraction See also:失—lose fail 失v—missv 落—whereabouts settlement fall onto write down rest with leave out fall or drop lag or fall behind get or receive be missing (of a tide) go out (of the sun) set decline or sink leave behind or forget to bring
他目前正研究有关种族灭绝和失落的城市的问题。 shanghaibiennale.org | Presently he is [...] working on genocide and onlost cities. shanghaibiennale.org |
第二天早上,亚历山大导致党的失落之城亚特兰蒂斯通常被淹没在大海里,和他已经计算出,岛上沉一次140的的年。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The next morning, Alexander leads [...] the partyto the lostcity ofAtlantis [...]which is usually submerged into the ocean, and [...]he had calculated that the island sinks once every 140 years. seekcartoon.com |
他写的评论和争论的作品,其中包括伟大的论文“德Trinitate”和一个失落的历史的工作。 mb-soft.com | He wrote commentaries and polemical works, including the great treatise "De [...] Trinitate" and alost historicalwork. mb-soft.com |
出于嫉妒,小叮当(Ludivine萨尼埃)技巧失落的男孩到投篮命中率的温迪,为她接近岛屿,但温迪的生存和男孩问她是他们的母亲,并告诉他们的故事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Out of jealousy, Tinker Bell (Ludivine [...] Sagnier)tricksthe LostBoysintoshooting [...]Wendy as she approaches the island, but [...]Wendy survives and the boys ask her to be their mother and tell them stories. seekcartoon.com |
与姚瑞中合作“失落社会档案室”(Lost Society Document, LSD) ,为一临时性组织,是由姚瑞中老师带领的一个摄影工作坊,发动大学生回故乡进行拍摄调查。 shanghaibiennale.org | It was a temporary organization involving a photography workshop led by Yao, in which he instructed university students to return to their hometowns and engage in field photography. shanghaibiennale.org |
这是一个我们非洲十分关切的问题,非洲一直是 有极具挑战性的经济、社会和政治局势的大陆,然而 [...] 是现在准备升到一个新水平的大陆:从绝望到希望,从失落的几十年到充满机遇的几十年。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a matter of great concern to us in Africa, a continent that has experienced extremely challenging economic, social and political situations, but a continent [...] that is now poised to go to the next level: from [...] despair to hope andfromlost decades todecades [...]full of opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果我们面临同一处境, 任何一个人都会有完全一样的强烈失落感。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any of us would feel exactly the same [...] sense of passionate lossifwerewe in a [...]similar situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
观看这场比赛时,我简直都惊呆了,思绪一直停留在上半场,只能用啤酒来安抚我的失落。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I was stunned watching the game and like the fans who left in the first half I could only have a [...] beer to appeasethe loss. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
一天,跟随耶稣的人、就是那些税吏和罪人围在他身边听他讲道:“你们中间,谁有一百只羊失去一只,……或是一个妇人有十块钱,若失落一块,……。 conversation.lausanne.org | One day Jesus’ companions, the tax collectors and sinners, crowd around him to listen: [...] “Suppose one of you has a [...] hundred sheepand loses one of them… Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and losesone…”(Luke 15). conversation.lausanne.org |
危机将 产生失落的一代儿童,他们的人生机会因为其教育权利得不到保护而不可挽回地 [...] 受到损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | The crisis couldcreate a lostgeneration ofchildren [...] whose life chances will have been irreparably damaged by a failure [...]to protect their right to education. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 动画片“小铃铛和失落的宝藏”的全球首映是在总部放映的,在哥本哈 根联合国气候变化会议之前向青年观众着重介绍了环境问题 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The world premiere of the animated film [...] “TinkerBell and theLost Treasure”was screened [...]at Headquarters to highlight environmental [...]issues for young audiences in the lead up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference held at Copenhagen daccess-ods.un.org |
武 士 精 神 及 气 质的失 落也招致 平 民 对 武 士 的 鄙 视 。 hkahe.com | The decline of warrior spirit and warrior ethos also incurred contempt of the commoners to the samurai. the foundation of the feudal society was shaken. hkahe.com |
她在 2007 年访问巴勒斯坦被占领土 [...] 后提出的一份报告中指出,目前这场冲突造成了“一 种可以感觉到的失落感和绝望情绪,使西岸和加沙的 儿童有别于所有其他局势”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a 2007 report after her visit to the occupied Palestinian territory, she noted [...] that this ongoing conflict has created “a [...] palpablesense of lossand a feeling of [...]hopelessness that places the children of [...]the West Bank and Gaza apart from all other situations”. daccess-ods.un.org |
刘青云如同他曾饰演过的那些憨厚朴实角色一般,在成长中经历过无数的挫折与失落。 piaget.com.hk | Just like the simple, good-natured characters he plays, Sean also experienced numerous setbacks over the course of his life. piaget.com |
主耶稣,求你使我们不要离开了你,因为我们作为枝子, [...] 不与你亲近相连,就得不生命的滋润、喂养而枯乾失败,迷 失在世界中,受迷惑、失落在魔鬼的手中。 nimenqu.net | Lord Jesus, help us not to go astray from you, for we as your branches not to abide and unite with you, then our life will receive no nourishment and life from you, we [...] as your branches will wither, dry up and [...] will be defeated, lost intheworld, [...]being deceived and bounded in the hands of the devil. nimenqu.net |
有时球员可能会因为这样的决定而感到失落,但如果他们意识到这样做可能有利于球队时,他们会感觉好很多。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | There are times when players get upset by such decisions but these only make them better if only they realise it was done probably for the good of the squad. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这情形也与日本的遭遇类似。1990年代初,美国的经济衰退打击了日本的出口,对日本进入“失落的十年”颇有“贡献”。 project-syndicate.org | Likewise, the early-1990’s recession in the US depressed Japan’s exports and [...] helped to initiateitslost decade. project-syndicate.org |
在失落的日子里,幸好还有这两位威灵顿好朋友的相伴。 4tern.com | I was lucky to have two great Wellington friends, they fed me very well with the delicious Malaysian cuisines. 4tern.com |
他们接受了所谓的“失落的一代”那充满活力的艺术熏陶,并与毕加索,菲茨杰拉德,海明威,科尔波特和让科克托成为亲密的朋友。 iontime.ch | They embraced the vibrant art scene [...] of the so-called“Lost Generation” and [...]became close friends with Picasso, F. Scott Fitzgerald, [...]Ernest Hemingway, Cole Porter or Jean Cocteau. iontime.ch |
不要错过挪威海怪,一个没有底板的过山车,在虚构的通往亚特兰蒂斯的旅途中遭遇海怪,相信这段通往失落世界的虚拟旅程定会让您全程心跳加速。 abgcorp.com | Don’t miss Kraken, a floorless roller coaster in the form of a mythological sea monster [...] or Journey to Atlantis, a water coaster that will keep your heart beating fast as you [...] visit themythologicallost city. abgcorp.com |
最后,Dabhi 先生指出,暴力事件往往是由于对社会、经济和政治 状况的愤怒及失落引发的,他强调所有利益攸关方都应发挥各自的作用,特别是学生、国 家、家庭、学校和大学。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Lastly, Mr Dabhi pressed the point that violent acts often stemmed from anger or frustration with a certain social, economic or political situation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1818 年 的 革 命 对 德 意 志 和 意 大 利 皆 异 常 重 要 ﹐原 因 是 他 们 对 革 命 年 代 的 理 想 主 义 热 诚 「 感 到 深 切的失 落」﹐他 们 亦 明 白 到 需 要 改 变 他 们 应 付 统 一 的 策 略 。 hkahe.com | The 1848 Revolution was of utter importance to both Germany and Italy, for it gave them “a deep sense of disillusionment” about the idealistic enthusiasm of revolutionary days as well as an understanding of the necessity of changing their respective strategies leading unification. hkahe.com |
Items的品种奇异多元,外间少有 — [...] 我曾经因为在这里购买了瑞典布织电线而感激万分,亦试过失落一只美制Hall杯而郁郁不乐。 think-silly.com | Stocking many rare and one-off items, I was once ecstatic [...] for tracking down some Swedish fabric [...] electric cord; disappointedfornotbeing able [...]to get hold of an American Hall mug at another time. think-silly.com |
里根总统在卸任时 [...] 说,美国“仍然是一座灯塔,一块磁铁,吸引着所有渴望自由的人们,也吸引着 所有来自迷惘失落之地、在黑暗中前行,朝着自由的故乡聚拢的朝圣者。 daccess-ods.un.org | As he left office, President Reagan remarked that the United States is “still a beacon, still a magnet for all [...] who must have freedom, for all the [...] pilgrims from allthe lost placeswho are hurtling [...]through the darkness, toward home. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个愚蠢的人不知道:因为船在向前行驶,而失落的宝剑不会随船前进,他是不可能找到宝剑的。 chinesestoryonline.com | This silly man was not aware that since the boat had moved but the sword had not, it was impossible for him to find his lost sword. chinesestoryonline.com |
我们是联邦制,必须让所有民族平等参与国 家管理……政府的愿望也是让所有民族共同分 [...] 享权力,享受平等……我们有义务抚平过去的 创伤和痛楚,实现人们失落的梦想。 crisisgroup.org | We have the duty to heal the bitter wounds and [...] sufferings and fulfil the lost dreams. crisisgroup.org |
所以,在如今的欧洲,就像在当年的日本一样,“失落的十年”端倪已现:银行业的虚弱加深政府财政的虚弱,反过来造成经济增长的虚弱,进一步削弱银行业。 project-syndicate.org | Thus, in Europe now, as in Japan then, the pieces [...] are in placefor a lost decade: weak banks [...]make for weak government finances, which [...]in turn make for weak growth and even weaker banks, with the absence of monetary and fiscal support leaving no escape from this vicious spiral. project-syndicate.org |