

单词 失明


become blind
lose one's eyesight

See also:




External sources (not reviewed)

主要针失明吸虫和肠虫病、癌症、动脉高血压以及糖尿病的新方案正在实 [...]
New programmes, aiming atblindness,schistosomiasis [...]
and intestinal worms, cancer, hypertension and diabetes are in the
process of operationalization.
如 入 境 事 务 处 的 登 记 主 任 发 觉 某 人失 明士 , 便 不 会 把 该 人 列 入 陪 审 员 名 单 内 。
If it comes to the notice of a registration officer of the Immigration Department that the person isblind ordeaf,the person will not be included in the list of jurors.
( a ) 如 诉 讼 一 方 没 有 藉 提 出 反 对 而 免 任 某 名 失 聪 、 听 觉 受 损失 明力 受 损 或 有 语 言 障 碍 的 陪 审 员 , 而 该 名 陪 审 员 需 要 辅 助 服 务 以 方 便 沟 通 , 则 该 诉 讼 方 顸 ( 1 ) 订 明 在 陪 审 团 商 议 过 程 中 , 陪 审 团 议 事 室 内 会 有 一 名 服 务 提 供 者 , 以 及 ( 2 ) 编 制 并 送 交 法 庭 一 份 给 予 该 名 服 务 提 供 者 的 建 议 陪 审 团 指 示 。
(a) If a party does not cause the removal by challenge of an individual juror who is deaf, hearing impaired, blind, visually impaired, or speech impaired and who requires auxiliary services to facilitate communication, the party shall (1) stipulate to the presence of a service provider in the jury room during jury deliberations, and (2) prepare and deliver to the court proposed jury instructions to the service provider.
[...] 体和智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的象皮病;造 失明眼和蟠尾线虫病; 影 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加斯病;造成皮肤脓肿溃烂的利什曼病;非洲锥虫病 [...]
They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive development in children; lymphatic filariasis, which causes severe
leg swelling; trachoma and
[...] onchocerciasis, whichcause blindness; Chagas disease, [...]
which affects the digestive system and
heart function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin lesions and ulcers; human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), and dengue fever, a viral infection.
糖尿病引起的视网膜损伤(视网膜病变)是导 失明要原因。
Damage to the retina in the eye (retinopathy) caused by diabetes is
[...] a significant cause ofblindness.
[...] 照顾服务、个人发展计划、自闭症人士及有挑战行为的智障人士特别支援计划、失明 支援计划、家居康复训练服务、儿童健乐会及在职残疾人士支援服 务。
(f) Community-based Support Projects for Persons with Disabilities which provides a wide range of community-based support services, including home care service, personal development programme, specialised programme for persons with autism and mentally handicapped
persons with challenging behaviour, support
[...] scheme fornewlyblind persons, home-based [...]
rehabilitation training service, junior
gateway club and support service for on-the-job disabled persons.
All seven prisoners of war became malnourished, and two wentblind.
在拆卸 棘爪弹簧时不戴防护镜会导致眼睛受伤 失明
Failure to wear safety glasses when removing detent spring could result
[...] in eye injury or blindness.
这次合作采取了如下形式:(a) 开展技术及后勤合作,在苏丹 达尔富尔 Al-Genaina
建立眼科医院,该医院于 2006 年 1 月开诊;(b)合作抵抗非
[...] 洲和亚洲贫穷国家的视力损害问题;(c)参加世卫组织主办的关于预 失明议;(d)参加由世界医学协会、世卫组织、国际医学组织理事会和伊斯兰医学组织 [...]
2007 年在开罗举办的关于干细胞研究 和伦理挑战的国际研讨会。
This collaboration took the following forms: (a) technical and logistic cooperation on the establishment of an eye hospital in Al-Genaina, Darfur, Sudan, which opened in January 2006; (b) cooperation on combating visual impairment in needy countries in Africa and Asia; (c)
participation in a WHO-sponsored meeting on the
[...] prevention of blindness; (d)participation [...]
in a convention on bioethics organized
by the World Medical Association, WHO, the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences and the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences in Cairo; (e) participation in an international seminar on stem cell research and ethical challenges, Cairo, 2007.
此外,关于体育的 2004 年第 I
[...] 号法(以下简称“体育法”)也列出残疾人群体如 下:身体残疾人、精神残疾人、耳聋人、重听人、有移植性和先天 失明天 性视障的人。
Furthermore, Act I of 2004 on sports (hereinafter referred to as sports act) also enlists the groups of disabled persons that are as follows: physically handicapped,
mentally handicapped, deaf, hard of hearing, transplanted and
[...] blind natural persons or natural persons with visual impairment.
手稿的章节划分与原始出版物大相径庭,其中还包含几页选自孟德斯鸠多部其他作品的内容,由他在几 失明 佣的秘书所誊写。
The manuscript also includes several pages from a dozen
different writings by Montesquieu, produced by the secretaries that he used during his
[...] frequent periods of near-totalblindness.
经过54年的运作,本会已制定了一系列为协助香港视障人士康复之专业服务,其中包括有低视力服务,定向行走、培训新 失明独立生活技能、职业培训及就业指导、制作盲文及有声读物、为视障人士设计畅通无阻的通道设施、多重残障视障人士康复服务及视障长者住宿护理服务等。
Over the past 54 years in Hong Kong, we have developed a range of professional rehabilitation services for the visually impaired including low vision service, orientation & mobility and independent living skills training for the newlyblind,vocational training and employment guidance, Braille and talking books production, barrier free access for the visually impaired, rehabilitation for the Multiply Disabled Persons with Visual Impairment (MDVI), and intensive residential care for the aged blind and etc. Staff members who have been engaged in the services for a number of years have already built up a reservoir of valuable experience and knowledge specifically meeting the diversified needs of the visually impaired in Hong Kong.
他们还利用奖金购买了一辆新的迷你巴士,让中心再收容30个孩子,为其提供两年的食宿,而翁戈尔中心已完成施工,可 失明提供协助。
Thanks to the Award, they have purchased a new minibus, accommodated thirty additional
children in the centres for two years and completed the construction of the Ongole Centre
[...] so it can welcome blind children.
妊娠期间暴露于高水平甲基汞的婴儿中,临床照 片可能无法与其它因素引发的脑瘫区别,主要的模式为头小畸型、反射亢进及明显的运动和智力损伤, 有时还伴失明 聋(Harada,1995;Takeuchi and Eto,1999)。
In infants exposed to high levels of methylmercury during pregnancy, the clinical picture may be indistinguishable from cerebral palsy caused by
other factors, the main
[...] patternbeing microcephaly, hyperreflexia, and gross motor and mental impairment, sometimes associated with blindnessor deafness [...]
(Harada, 1995; Takeuchi and Eto, 1999).
糖尿病可影响身体各个部位,并会产生严重并发症 失明害肾脏功能,甚至要切除下肢。
Diabetes can affect many parts of the body and can lead to serious
[...] complications such as blindness, kidney damage, [...]
and lower-limb amputations.
汞最令人关注的毒性影响是引致神经系统中毒,症狀主要与神经系 统相关,例如周边视觉模糊失明官障碍、动作不协调、行走障碍 [...]
Neurotoxicity is the effect of greatest concern. The symptoms were mainly in the
nervous system, such as difficulty with
[...] peripheral vision orblindness,sensory disturbances, [...]
incoordination, impairment of walking and slurred speech.
老年视网膜黄斑部退化症是发达国家中导 失明要原因之一,发病率是老年痴呆症的两倍,全世界患者大约为3000万人。
Age-related macular degeneration is a
[...] leading cause ofblindness in thedeveloped [...]
world, and is twice as prevalent as Alzheimer's
disease, affecting approximately 30 million people worldwide.
社区支援及康乐服务继续为轮候复康中心训练的 失明 提供情绪支援的服务;此外,亦定时举办各类康乐、教育、个人发展及小组活动,以增强完成复康训练的毕业学员之独立生活能力。
In addition, recreational, educational and developmental group activities were also organized for the graduates of the Rehabilitation Centre to strengthen their abilities to lead a meaningful and independent life after completion of independent living skills training at the Centre.
展开「看得见的希望」创新基金,支援防治可预防失 明型解决方案
Introduce the Seeing is Believing innovation fund, supporting the development of new
[...] solutions to tackle avoidable blindness
还包括 学习材料和交流方式的可获性(例如 失明学习盲文和用盲文听课的权利, 或失聪儿童学习手语并用手语进行交流的权利)。
It also includes the accessibility of learning materials and communication means (for example, the right of children who are blind to learn Braille and access school curriculum in Braille, or the right of a deaf child to learn sign language and communicate in sign language).
国际老年性黄斑变性联盟(AMD Alliance
[...] International)是全球唯一一家专注于推动黄斑变性疾病的认知、治疗和研究的国际组织,黄斑变性疾病是令发达国家人 失明要原因。
AMD Alliance International is the only international organization in the world dedicated exclusively to
promoting awareness, treatment and research into macular degeneration, the leading
[...] causeof visionloss in the developed world.
第二种慢性并发症是微血管疾病,并包括非增殖性糖尿病 视网膜病变 (眼内出现微动脉瘤、小片出血及分泌液,通
[...] 常不会导致视力受损)、增殖性视网膜病 (脆弱的新增血管 形成,通常导失明)围神经疾病 (双脚、双腿或双手 [...]
疼痛、灼热、麻木、刺痛) 及肾病 (蛋白尿及肾衰竭)。
The second cause of chronic complications are microvascular and include non-proliferative retinopathy, (microaneurysms, small dot hemorrhages and exudates in the eye usually causing no visual impairment), proliferative
retinopathy (fragile new blood vessel formation
[...] often causingblindness), peripheral [...]
neuropathy (pain, burning, numbness or tingling
of the feet, legs or hands) and Nephropathy (causing albuminuria and renal failure).
六.21 塞浦路斯失踪人员调查委员会是为了通过秘书长的斡旋 明失员下 落而建立的,秘书长拟议预算 E 分节叙述了该委员会的活动。
VI.21 The activities of the Committee
[...] on Missing Persons in Cyprus, which was established to ascertain the fate ofmissing persons through [...]
the good offices of
the Secretary-General, are described in subsection E of the Secretary-General’s proposal.
认识到武装冲突当事国有责任制止人员失踪现象,采取一切适当措施防止人 员失踪,并明失员下落,并认识到它们须对执行相关机制、政策和法律负 责,考虑到利用法证学方法有效搜寻和识别失踪人员,认识到这一领域的技术包
Cognizant that States that are parties to an armed conflict have a responsibility for
countering the phenomenon
[...] of missing persons, taking all appropriate measures to prevent persons from going missing anddetermining [...]
the fate of missing
persons and for recognizing their accountability as regards implementing the relevant mechanisms, policies and laws
[...] 义法某些义务的约束;例如,寻找失踪人员的努力显然应持续下去,不受任何时 间限制,直到所有能够明失员下落的可行措施都已付诸实施。
It should be emphasized that both States and parties to an armed conflict continue to be bound by certain obligations of international humanitarian law even if the conflict has ended; for instance, it is obvious that searches for missing
persons should continue without any time limit until all feasible measures to
[...] accountfor the missing persons have been taken.
(c) 要求失踪人员的家庭及其子女获得一份法庭 明失亲戚已 经死亡,才能够获得包括儿童教育福利在内的社会保障福利;和
(c) Families and children of disappeared persons
are requested to obtain a court
[...] declaration stating that the disappearedrelative has died to obtain social security benefits including child education benefits; and (d) The high level of women’sand youth unemploymentand the low representation [...]
of women in leadership
positions which configure an overall situation of disempowerment of women and children.




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