单词 | 失掉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 失掉 verb —lose v (often used)less common: miss v See also:失—lose • fail 失 v—miss v 掉 v—lose v • drop v • fall v • turn v • reduce v 掉—swap • swing • go missing • wag • show off • lose (value, weight etc) • lag behind • fall (in prices) • shed (hair)
控 方 不 得 將 供 認 用 作 針 對 被 告 人 的 證 據,而 可 能 是 控 方 用 以 針 對 被 告 [...] 人 的 部 分 極 其 重 要 案 情 便 失 掉 了 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The prosecution cannot use it as evidence against the defendant, and what may be a very important part of [...] its case against him is lost. hkreform.gov.hk |
到这个时候,社区成员可能下这样的结论,其语言处于极度濒危,如果对其语言不采取 任何措施的话,就会在不久的将来消 失掉。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Estimated Degree of Endangerment and Urgency of the Need for Documentation: The Case of Three Venezuelan Indigenous Languages unesdoc.unesco.org |
唯㆒可減輕他們稅務負擔的方法,就是進㆒步降低間接稅,而為了彌補 損失掉的稅 收,便須提高直接稅,由他㆟承擔,這是合乎邏輯的唯㆒推論。 legco.gov.hk | In order to compensate for the have to be some further [...] reduction in indirect tax. In order to [...] compensate for the loss in revenue, direct [...]taxes would have to be raised and shouldered by others. legco.gov.hk |
很多人處於在職貧窮,但不敢站出來舉報和投訴,因為如果他們 投訴或舉報,便可能連工作也失掉。 legco.gov.hk | However, they dare not come forward to report and complain because if they complain or so report, [...] they are likely to lose their jobs. legco.gov.hk |
我们普遍共同关切的是,如果目前的僵局长期持续,我们可能 会 失掉 国 际 社 会在安全和裁军领域仅有的促成多边条约的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | We share the prevailing concerns that, if the present stalemate is [...] prolonged, we might lose the only multilateral [...]treaty breeder the international community [...]has in the field of security and disarmament. daccess-ods.un.org |
租金豁免期的誘因不足以促使僱主履行其責任,而工人 也可能因為害怕失掉工作 而不尋求協助。 legco.gov.hk | He considered that the extension of the rental waiver might not be a [...] sufficient incentive for employers to discharge their obligations and workers might not seek [...] help for fear of losing their jobs. legco.gov.hk |
它所具有的功能包括:自动为Keys分类,能够提示 丢 失掉 的 ,重复的,相似的values等. javakaiyuan.com | It has the features include: automatic classification for the [...] Keys , can you lost out , repetitive [...], similar values and so on. javakaiyuan.com |
各项研究表明,所有水量中只有 20% [...] 得到了富有成效地利用,其余 80%都不可挽回地损失掉了。 daccess-ods.un.org | Studies have shown that only 20 per cent of all water is being used productively and the remaining 80 per [...] cent is irreversibly lost. daccess-ods.un.org |
我在審議 時極力希望爭取平衡,不想法例寫得太緊,令在勞動市場中能力較弱的 殘疾人士或希望找暑期實習工作的年青人不會因為最低工資立法 而失 掉工作和實習的機會。 legco.gov.hk | During the deliberation process, I earnestly strived to strike a balance and pointed out that stringent provisions should be avoided, so that persons with disabilities whose productivity is impaired by their disabilities or young people who want to work as student intern during the summer vacation will not be deprived of employment and internship opportunities because of the minimum wage legislation. legco.gov.hk |
然而,時至今日,單是薪酬的增長已使許多㆟ 士 失掉 申 請 法律 援助的權利。 legco.gov.hk | Wage increases alone since then have effectively deprived many of their right to legal aid. legco.gov.hk |
世界银行估计,印度每年有 4%到 10%潜在的国内生产总值因非传染病而 损 失掉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The World Bank estimates that in India 4 to 10 per cent of the potential gross domestic product is foregone every year owing to non-communicable diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如這個職 位不是由㆒位對新聞很有興趣,又或者㆒位十分有耐性的㆟出任的話,我可以說這必 [...] 會是㆒份厭惡性的工作,而事實㆖我亦失望了很多次,例如有些文章不見標題,有些 則失掉了最後㆒段,有些分錯類,亦有些在影印過程當㆗變得字體模糊,面目全非。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, I have been let down many a time by the performance of the staff. For instance, they gave me [...] articles without captions or the last [...] paragraph of which was missing; articles that [...]were wrongly classified; and blurred photocopies [...]of articles which were beyond recognition. legco.gov.hk |
所以,司機不一定在申報後便會 失掉“飯 碗”的,反而從中可以好好處理本身的健康狀況。 legco.gov.hk | For these reasons, drivers may [...] not necessarily lose their "rice bowls" [...]after making a declaration. legco.gov.hk |
失掉这些重要 援助服务可能导致人道主义局势严重恶化,致使更多 [...] 人口在达尔富尔各地流动并越过边界进入乍得。 daccess-ods.un.org | The loss of these vital aid [...] services could lead to a serious deterioration of the humanitarian situation and to greater [...]population movements throughout Darfur and across the border to Chad. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界能源理事会估计,将近三分之二的一次能源在 转换成有用能源之前就都损失掉了。 daccess-ods.un.org | The World Energy Council estimates that nearly two thirds of all [...] primary energy is lost before it is converted [...]to useful energy. daccess-ods.un.org |
同時,取消功能界別亦可能令一些精於個別範疇、但無法在地區直 選取得廣泛支持的議員,失掉議席,令議會失去具備專業知識的人才, [...] 以應付多樣化的社會議題。 legco.gov.hk | Also, if FCs were abolished, Members who are experts in certain matters but cannot get extensive support in district [...] direct elections may lose their seats. legco.gov.hk |
他们从未失掉向前 看的乐观、决心、希望以及对美国人民善良和正直本质的信念。 embassyusa.cn | They never lost their forward looking [...] optimism, determination, hope and belief in the basic goodness and decency of the American people. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他还说到在过去的12个月,11个都市区 失掉 了 10 000个建筑工作,在同期三分之一的城市增加了1000或者更多工作。 steelorbis.cn | He added that 11 [...] metro areas have lost over 10,000 construction [...]jobs each during the past 12 months, while one-in-three [...]cities added 1,000 or more jobs during the same period. steelorbis.com |
第一,政府為免因要取得民 主黨的9票而失掉民建聯的10票,所以,那1席便要留給民建聯,讓他們 [...] 有 1個十拿九穩、勝券在握的議席。 legco.gov.hk | First, in [...] order to avoid losing the 10 votes from [...]the DAB while securing the nine votes from the Democratic Party, the Government [...]has to reserve that sure-win seat for the DAB. legco.gov.hk |
失掉了一 次 本可使这一至关重要的问题非政治化的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | An opportunity was missed to depoliticize [...] this vitally important issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些时候你需要完全将 [...] iPhone 从保护框中取出,如使用后备电池或连接 Lightning 插坐的周边器材,你都希望一下子便能将 iPhone [...] 取出,但上述的铝质保护框均未能做到,并且当你每次拆卸和装崁时都有机会刮花 iPhone 或将螺丝失掉,增加不必要的风险。 tunewear.com | There are times you just want to drop the iPhone into a dock or a battery case, and the attachment and detachment of the case must be easy. None of the above solutions are easy and [...] every time you disassemble and reassemble, you risk either [...] damaging the iPhone, losing the screw or weakening [...]the hinges. tunewear.com |
貿易署曾統計過, 若㆗國全面喪失最惠國待遇時,香港生產總值增長率 會 失掉 ㆔ 個 百分點。 legco.gov.hk | According to the statistics of the Trade Department, if China's MFN status is to be entirely withdrawn, the growth rate of Hong Kong's GDP will drop by three percentage points. legco.gov.hk |
这座炼油厂于 2009 年被上任厂主关闭,当时有数百人 失掉 了 工 作。 china.blackstone.com | The refinery was closed in 2009 by its previous owner leaving hundreds out of work. blackstone.com |
但是,如果工程拖延太久,我們可能連 最後的機會也失掉。 legco.gov.hk | But if too much delay is caused to the [...] project, we may even lose this final opportunity. legco.gov.hk |
單靠 工人向勞工處作出投訴絕對不足夠,因為工人 可能會害怕失掉工作而不投訴。 legco.gov.hk | Relying on workers to lodge complaints with LD was far from adequate as workers might not [...] do so for fear of losing their jobs. legco.gov.hk |
106 欧洲社会权利委员会指出,西班牙的外国工人状况不符合《欧洲社会宪 章》,因为失掉工作 的外国人不能享受工作许可延长,以给予他们充分的时间寻 [...] 找新的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the European Committee of Social Rights (CoE ESCR), the situation of foreign workers in Spain is not in conformity with the [...] European Social Charter on the grounds that [...] foreigners who have lost their job are not [...]entitled to an extension of their work [...]permit to give them sufficient time to seek new employment.107 10. daccess-ods.un.org |
正是如此,抑郁的人也能够自发地、逐步地恢复平静,重现因为抑郁 而 失掉 的 活力和乐观状态。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Therefore, if we depress ourselves, and thus give away much of who we were, regaining our state of ease requires that we take steps to reclaim what we’ve abandoned: our energy and optimism and such. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
其履行这一职能的途径是一 个安全数据库,其中收集了该网络成员国担任联络人的执法官员的姓名,这些 人员每周七天、每天 24 [...] 小时待命,负责答复紧急援助请求,以防止出现由于未 能及时采取行动而导致执法人员失掉 资 金 线索的情形。 daccess-ods.un.org | It achieves this function through a secure database containing the names of the contact points that are law enforcement officials from the countries members of the network and who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to respond to emergency [...] requests for assistance, in situations where the failure to act immediately may cause [...] law enforcement to lose the money trail. daccess-ods.un.org |
奇怪的是《前赤壁賦》題句在作者的意思還沒說完的地方就中斷了,有“江上之清風”,有“山間之明月”,而沒有蘇軾的論點﹕“耳得之而為聲,目遇之而成色,取之無盡,用之不謁,是造物者之無盡藏也,而吾與子之所共適,”其實是一句有主語 而 失掉 了 謂 語的一段話。 e-yaji.com | Yet when it comes to the clear breeze over the river and the bright moon between the mountains, [one reaches my ears and becomes sound, the other encounters my eyes and becomes something seen, and I can partake of them without restriction and make use of them without exhaustion]. e-yaji.com |