

单词 失意




See also:


miss v

External sources (not reviewed)

(v) 由於出現某些情況而令項目原來 的目標及內容失意義;
(v) objectives and relevance of the project have been overtaken by events; or
這兩種情況都有可能威脅到病人安全,包 括失意識,昏迷,神經損傷或死亡。
Both of these situations can lead to life-threatening events,
[...] including loss of consciousness, coma, neurological [...]
damage or death.
(b) 为所有新西兰居民和在新西兰旅游人员提供全面的无 失意 外 人 身伤 害保险,由各种收费和普通税收供资
(b) A comprehensive, no-fault
[...] personal injury-by-accident cover for all [...]
New Zealand residents, and for visitors to New Zealand while in New Zealand, funded through a mix of levies and general taxation
这些失意味着 世界各国及各区域的儿童事实上将继 续受到全民优质幼儿保育和教育服务的缺失所造成的不利影响。
The reverse means that the children of the world, countries and regions will actually inherit the adverse effects of not having quality ECCE services for all.
能够快速开关并且没有太多功率失意 味着用户在电源转换电路中可以采用更 [...]
The ability to switch quickly and without
[...] a lot of power loss means users can [...]
go to much lower pulse widths in power conversion circuits.
人员失意味着 ,剩下的工作人员须继续承担多重职责,而且该办公室仍然有赖于其 [...]
Attrition has meant that remaining [...]
staff members continue to undertake multiple roles and the Office remains indebted to
its staff for their commitment to the completion of the Tribunal’s mandate.
障,包括最为重要的人身保护的保障 失意 义 。 正如同专家们交谈的许多人所指 出的那样,秘密拘留最令人不安的后果是,局势完全任意发展,加上无法确定秘 [...]
The most disturbing consequence of secret detention is, as many of
the experts’ interlocutors pointed
[...] out, the complete arbitrariness of the situation, [...]
together with the uncertainty surrounding
the duration of the secret detention, and the feeling that there is no way the individual can regain control of his or her life.
人民群众已经在客观布拉马谁是无法听到他们的祈祷兴趣不大,他们也没有一个最后的结束,这意味着 失意 识 永 远存在的任何津津乐道。
The mass of the people had little interest in an impersonal Brahmâ who was
incapable of hearing their prayers, nor had they any relish for a final end
[...] which meant the loss forever of conscious existence.
5.7.1 創 新 科 技 署 署 長 可 隨 時 基 於 下 列 原 因 , 終 止 個 別 項 目 或 暫 緩 發 放 小 型 企 業 研 究 資 助 計 劃 撥 款 , 其 中 主 要 包 括 : 項 目 缺 乏 實 質 進 展 ; 按 照 協 議 如 期 完 成 有 關 項 目 的 機 會 甚 微 ; 由 於 情 況 出 現 重 大 轉 變 而 令 項 目 原 來 的 目 標 再
不 能 配 合 產 業 的 需 要 ; 由 於
[...] 出 現 某 些 情 況 而 令 項 目 原 來 的 目 標 及 內 容失 意 義 ; 獲 款 公 司 未 能 提 供 其 投 放 資 金 的 證 據 或 [...]
要 求 的 報 告 和 帳 戶 ; 或 創 新
科 技 署 署 長 基 於 公 眾 利 益 的 情 況 下 , 認 為 有 需 要 終 止 項 目 。
5.7.1 CIT may terminate a project or suspend the provision of SERAP Fund at any time for reasons which include, inter alia, lack of material progress of the project, slim chance of completion of the project in accordance with the Agreement, that the original objectives of the project are no longer relevant to the needs of the industry as a result of material change in the
circumstances, that the objectives
[...] and relevance of the project have been overtaken by events, failure to produce evidence [...]
of the company’s
contributions or produce the required reports or accounts, or in the circumstance CIT sees fit to terminate the project in public interest.
我们放弃并让渡就申请人因参加本项目而遭受的身体损伤、 失 、 意 外 、延误或开支向学习集团美国大学LLC课程及其代理机构进行索赔的所有权利。
We waive and release all claims
against Study Group USA and its agents for
[...] any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay or [...]
expense resulting from the applicant's participation in the program.
[...] 题,包括选举舞弊以及需完成解除武装和统一国家的问题,都绝不会使《协议》失意义, 而且这些问题也并非不可克服。
The reasons cited by the parties for the current impasse, including the issue of electoral fraud and the need to complete disarmament and
reunify the country, do not in any way render the
[...] agreements irrelevant and are not [...]
insurmountable, if the necessary political will exists.
因 此 ﹐ 意 大 利 人 在 1830 及 1848 年 中 既失 意 ﹐ 又 有 新 的 獲 知 ﹐ 他 們 為 實 現 [...]
其 目 標 作 了 更 佳 的 準 備 。
Thus, by the disillusion and realization the Italians obtained in [...]
1830 and 1848, they were more ready to proceed to their final destination.
在适用法律允许的情况下,“HH 积分网店商城” 和 “店铺经营商” 可免于承担任何产品的相关责任或商家通过 “HH
[...] [...] 积分网店商城”所供物品相关的其它责任(无论该责任的提出是基于合同、侵权、计算机滥用、隐私、严格责任还是其他事由),其中包括但不限于任何直接、惩罚性、特殊、从属、附带或间接损害(这些损害包括但不限于可能由于该商家的失误、疏忽或其他导致的任何行为、错误、遗漏、损伤、 失 、 意 外 、 延误或违法行为所引起的责任)引起的责任,您也可以在此明确免除 “HH 积分网店商城” [...]
和 “店铺经营商” 相同方面的任何责任或给予赔偿。
As far as permissible by applicable law, HH Shop-to-Earn Mall and the Shop Operator hereby disclaim any product or other liability, whether based on contract, tort, computer misuse, privacy, strict liability or otherwise, including without limitation liability for any direct, punitive, special, consequential, incidental or indirect damages, in connection with the items provided by any merchant through HH Shop-to-Earn Mall, including without limitation liability for any
act, error,
[...] omission, injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be incurred through the [...]
fault, negligent or otherwise,
of such merchant and you hereby expressly exonerate or indemnify HH Shop-to-Earn Mall and Shop Operator from any liability with respect to the same.
工厂工人Quaid(哥连费路 饰)有一个美丽的妻 子(姬蒂碧金莎 饰),生活貌似不俗,但工 失意 的 他 决定参加由Rekall举办的虚拟旅行,借着值入芯片而体验成为一个超级特工,但过程中却意外触动了 他潜藏的记忆,醒来后更遭到世界领袖Cohaagen(Bryan Cranston 饰)所派的警察追捕。
A factory worker, Douglas Quaid, begins to suspect that he is a spy after visiting Rekall - a company that provides its clients with implanted fake memories of a life they would like to have led - goes wrong and he finds himself on the run.
他们会更 有意识地去意失丧的 人,并更愿意去把福音传给他们。
They are more
[...] conscious of the lost and more willing to reach [...]
out to them.
此时剃须很容易失手,因此,我情愿满脸虬髯,也不 意失 手 切掉自己的鼻子。
I will give shaving a miss, I rather appear at table looking like a porcupine than with my nose half cut-off.
有㆟擔憂原有條例草案所載的罰款,可能 暗示專業㆟士意失職,因此應為該項罰款而負責。
There is apprehension that the penalties involved in the
original Bill could infer that the
[...] professionals have been deliberately failing in their [...]
duties and should be responsible for the penalties.
18.2 在有關人士沒有任何惡意或意失責 的情況下,閣下同意對有關人士因以下事件而發生的一切支出、法律 [...]
18.2 You agree to indemnify the Relevant [...]
Persons against and hold the Relevant Persons harmless from all expenses, liabilities,
claims and demands arising out of the following, in the absence of bad faith or wilful default of or by the Relevant Persons
(3) 除第(2)款的規定外,吊車公司無須因作為失物的受寄人或
[...] 因其他方面而對任何人承擔任何法律責任(但不包括因嚴重疏忽或 意失 責的法律責任) ,而任何人不得就失物而向吊車公司申索損害賠償或補 償。
(3) Save as provided in subsection (2), the Company shall incur no liability whatsoever, other than liability for gross
negligence or wilful default, to any
[...] person in respect of lost property as bailees [...]
or otherwise and no claim for damages
or compensation shall be brought against it by any person in respect of the same.
基 于 「 服 务 」 之 性 质 , 「 本 行 」 不 会 对 「 客 户 」 或 任 何 其 他 人 士 之 损 失 丶 损 坏 或 支 出 负 责 , 包 括 但 不 限 于 「 客 户 」 或 任 何 其 他 人 士 因 使 用 「 服 务 」 而 引 致 数 据 丶 软
件 丶 电 脑 丶 「 通 讯 设 备
[...] 」 或 其 他 设 备 之 损 失 丶 损 坏 或 支 出 , 除 非 该 等 损 失 丶 损 坏 或 支 出 是 纯 粹 因 为 「 本 行 」 之 疏 忽 或意 失 责 而 完 全 直 接 造 成 的 。
Due to the nature of the Service, the Bank will not be responsible for any loss, damage or expense that the Customer or any other person may incur including, without limitation, any loss, damage or expense caused to the data, software, computer, Telecommunications Equipment or other equipment of the Customer or such other person in connection with the
use of the Service
[...] unless such loss, damage or expense is directly and solely caused by the Bank's negligence or wilful default.
艾梅·塞泽尔不意失去自 己作为全人类兄弟的人格,深刻地意识到生存者的历史及其 附属地球和甘受统治的危险,在自己作为政治家和诗人的一生中,他为殖民地人民的政治和 文化解放进行了长期的斗争。
Deeply aware of belonging to Earth and the realm of the living, Aimé Césaire made his life as a politician and poet one long struggle for the political, cultural and responsible liberation of colonized peoples.
联合国示范公约》第 9 条(3)规定,第 2
[...] 款规定的相关调整义务不适用于 某些涉及欺诈、严重疏忽或意失责 的 特殊情况。
Article 9 (3) of the United Nations Model Convention provides that the obligation under paragraph 2 to make a
correlative adjustment does not apply in certain extraordinary situations that involve fraud,
[...] gross negligence or wilful default.
儘管本營運條款有任何其他相反的條文,但在遵守第 2.3 和 2.5 條規定的前提 下,本公司對於與以下有關的任何索償無須負責: a. 任何延誤、貨物不能裝船或裝船後因過重而卸貨、貨物之離開或到達時 間;或 b. 任何特別、附帶、間接、相應或經濟的損失(包括但不限於市場、利潤、
稅項、退稅、收入、業務或商譽的損失);或 c. 因火災、洪水、風暴、颱風、爆炸、港口或機場擁塞、繞航、罷工、閉 廠、停工或限制勞工而引起的任何損失、損害、開支或費用,
[...] 即使上述事件因本公司、其僱員、代理或分包商疏忽或犯錯或本公司的代理或 分包商意失責亦然。
Notwithstanding any other terms in these Conditions to the contrary but subject to Clauses 2.3 and 2.5, the Company shall not be liable for any claim relating to: a. any delay, goods shut out or off loaded, goods’ departure or arrival time; or b. any special, incidental, indirect, consequential or economic loss (including but not limited to loss of market,
profit, tax, tax return, revenue,
[...] business or goodwill); or c. any loss, damage, expense [...]
or cost arising from fire, flood, storm, typhoon
客 户 」 承 诺 对 「 本 行 」 , 其 代 理 人 丶 有 关 之 职 员 及 雇 员 就 「 本 行 」 为 「 客 户 」 提 供 之 「 服 务 」 及 与 此 有 关 而 作 出 之 所 有 事 情 及 事 宜 予 以 追 认 及 确 认 , 并 同 意 对 「 本 行 」 丶 其 代 理 人 丶 有 关 之 职 员 及 雇 员 因 为 向 「 客 户 」 提 供 「 服 务 」 或 与 此 有 关 而 招 致 或 蒙 受 之 所 有 损 失 丶 责 任
丶 收 费 丶 支 出 及 任 何 罚 款 作 出 弥 偿 , 除 非
[...] 纯 粹 因 为 彼 等 之 疏 忽 或意 失 责 而 直 接 造 成 , 惟 有 关 弥 [...]
偿 只 限 于 直 接 及 纯 粹 由 此 而 引 致 之 直 接 及
可 合 理 地 预 见 之 损 失 及 损 害 ( 如 有 ) 。
The Customer hereby undertakes to ratify and confirm all things and matters done by the Bank, its nominee, their respective officers and employees pursuant to or in connection with the provision of the Service to the Customer and agrees to indemnify the Bank, its nominee, their respective officers and employees against all or any losses, liabilities, charges, expenses and penalties of any kind which may be incurred or suffered by any of them in connection with or as a result of the provision of Service to the Customer unless directly and
solely caused by or due to the
[...] negligence or wilful default of any of them and then [...]
only to the extent of direct and reasonably
foreseeable loss and damages (if any) arising directly and solely therefrom.
雖然出現上述情況引致損毀或損失的可能性不大,但如本信託黃金指定賬戶或本信託黃金非指定賬戶內的黃金被盜竊或損毀,而最後裁定任何有關損失或損毀乃因保管人疏忽、欺詐或 意失 責 而 引致,根據本信託的保管協議,保管人的責任僅限於本信託黃金指定賬戶或本信託黃金非指定賬戶持有的黃金市值。
Though damage or loss as a result of such events is unlikely, should the gold in the Trust's allocated account or the Trust's unallocated account be stolen or damaged, the Custodian would only be liable under the trust's custody agreements for the market value of the gold held in the Trust's allocated account or the Trust's unallocated account if it were determined that any loss or damage was the direct result of the Custodian's negligence, fraud or willful default.
4.46 除非引用上述第 4.45
[...] 條分條款,或由於本行、任何聯營公司、任何資料供應商及其各自之 職員或僱員之疏忽或意失責所 引致,否則閣下須承擔(及倘若屬非個人客戶,則閣下及 [...]
及僱員因提供網路/電話銀行服務、資料及/或報告或行使或維持本行在本第 4 條條款下賦 予之權力及權利所招致之任何法律行動或訴訟而承受之一切法律責任、索償、要求、損失、 損害賠償、訟費、任何形式之費用及支出(包括但不限於按全數彌償基準支付之法律費用)。
4.46 You and, in the case of a non-personal client, the Authorized User shall jointly and severally, indemnify us, any Associate, any Information Provider and their respective
officers and employees against all
[...] liabilities, claims, demand, losses, damages, costs, charges [...]
and expenses of any kind (including,
without limitation, legal fees on a full indemnity basis) which may be incurred by us or any of the above persons and all actions or proceedings which may be brought by or against us or any of the above persons in connection with the provision of the Internet/Phone Banking Services, the Market Information and/or the Reports or the exercise or preservation of our powers and rights under the provisions of this Clause 4, unless due to the gross negligence or wilful default of us, any Associate, any Information Provider or their respective officers or employees or unless the above sub-clause 4.45 applies.
由于这些原因,特别报告员在本 文中着眼于质役婚姻中的女孩和妇女,而且还因为,不管是 意 、 失 误 或 疏忽的 原因,关于质役婚姻对男孩和男子的影响的资料甚少。
The Special Rapporteur focuses herein on girls and women in servile marriage for those reasons and also because, whether by design, error or omission, there is scant information available about the impact of servile marriage on boys and men.
4.42 除非引用下述第 4.45 條分條款,或由於本行、任何聯營公司、各自之職員或僱員之疏忽或意失責所引致(有關之賠償僅限由此直接引致之合理可預見損失及損害(如有),或有 關之交易金額(以較低者為準)),本行或任何聯營公司均毋須就由以下所引致之後果,而 向閣下或任何其他人士承擔任何法律責任或責任
4.42 Unless the following sub-clause 4.45 applies
or due to our gross
[...] negligence or wilful default, any Associate or their respective officers or employees and only to the extent of direct and reasonably foreseeable loss and damage [...]
(if any) arising directly
and solely there from or the amount of the relevant transaction (whichever is less), neither we nor any Associate assume any liability or responsibility to you or any other person for the consequences arising from or in connection with
18.1 在敦沛、其任何董事、僱員或代理人(“有關人 有關人 有關人 有關人士 士士 士”)沒有任何惡意或意失責的 情況下,有關人士於任 何情況下,在法律上均不負責(不管是合約、疏忽或其他責任)閣下因以下事件遭受的任何損失、損害、 [...]
18.1 Neither Tanrich, nor any of its directors, employees, agents or representatives (the “Relevant Persons”) shall under any circumstances whatsoever be liable
to you (whether under
[...] contract, in negligence or otherwise) in the absence of bad faith or willful [...]
default of or by the Relevant
Persons in respect of any loss, damage, injury sustained or liability incurred by you by reason of




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