

单词 失态的

See also:


lose self-control (in a situation)
forget oneself
forget one's manners



miss v


attitude n

External sources (not reviewed)

2005-2008 年间,根据国际劳工组织标准,被认定处 失 业 状 态的 人 员 数量 出现下降。
During the period 2005-2008, the number of persons considered, with reference to
[...] ILO criteria, to be unemployed recorded a decrease.
该国内大约 一半仍处境内流失所状态的人员 是 Tawerghan 居 民;正如此前报告所言,他们仍然无法返回家园。
Approximately one half of the remaining internally displaced persons in the country are Tawerghans who, as previously reported, remain unable to return to their hometown.
Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services.
当载荷在处于低压失控状态时, 提供平稳可 的 运 动
Provide smooth, modulated motion when the load is in a lowering or run-away mode.
如今,陷入贫困失业状态 的青年人比以往任何时候都要多。
Today, more young
[...] people are poor or unemployed than ever before.
此外,这些部 件还可承受超低或超高温失重状态 和 极 高 的 加 速 度。
These parts also withstand extremely low or high temperatures, weightlessness and high acceleration forces.
重新安置对难民说来,特别是对那些在庇护国面临某种保护风险的难民说 来,或者作为结束长期不得解决的流 失 所 状 态的 手 段 ,仍然是三种主要解决办 法之一。
Resettlement remained one of the three principal solutions for refugees,
especially for those facing particular protection risks in countries of asylum, or as
[...] a means of ending protracted displacement.
我们的一名团队成员在进餐时因喝多了酒开 失态 ,讲 一些荒的笑话 ,并对酒店工作人员无礼。
One of my team members drank more than he should have during the dinner and started behaving badly, telling stupid jokes and being aggressive with the hotel staff.
中国积累的巨额外汇储备延长了人民币实际有效汇率处 失 调 状 态的 时 间,阻碍了全球经济的再平衡,包括那些与中国竞争出口市场的经济体的再平衡。
China's large foreign reserve accumulation has prolonged the misalignment in China’s real effective exchange rate and hampered progress toward global rebalancing, including among economies that compete with China for exports.
我们谈论国家内 部和国家之间永无休止的冲突,谈论政府的失败,谈
[...] 论频发的毁灭性灾害,谈论逐渐减少的资源和控制资 源的激烈角逐,谈论行将失的生态 系 统 和具有威胁 的新发疾病和流行病,谈论金融灾难和经济崩溃。
We speak of endless conflicts within and among nations, of the failures of Governments, of frequent and devastating disasters, of diminishing
resources and fierce competition for their
[...] control, of dying ecosystems and new threatening [...]
diseases and epidemics, and of financial calamities and economic ruin.
(b) 呼吁各国政府根据大会各项决议,向处于境内流 失 所 状 态的 老 年人提 供保护、协助以及人道主义援助和人道主义紧急援助
(b) Call upon Governments to protect, assist and provide humanitarian assistance and humanitarian emergency assistance to older persons in situations of internal displacement in accordance with General Assembly resolutions
安装了粪尿分离干式厕所的鄂尔多斯 态 镇 项 目 的 “ 失 败 ”不意味着城市 态 卫 生整 体的失败。
The “failure” of the Erdos eco-town project which has installed urine diversion dry toilets does not mean a failure of urban ecosan in general.
此后,即 7 年后,2009
[...] 年版《报告》进一步指出, 阿拉伯国家约 30%的青年处失业状态,50%多的人口 在 24 岁以下,到 2020 年需要创造 [...]
5 100 万个新工作, 才能避免失业率上升。
Subsequently, seven years later, the 2009 edition further noted that
approximately 30 per cent of young people in
[...] Arab countries were unemployed, that more than 50 per [...]
cent of the population was under
the age of 24, and that 51 million new jobs needed to be created by 2020 in order to avoid an increase in the unemployment rate.
(a) 项目结束六个月之后开展了一项追踪调查,评估乌兰巴托青年经商计划的 500 名 学员的学习效果,调查显示,一半以 的 学 员 仍处 失 业 状 态。
(a) In a tracer study undertaken six months after the end of the programme, which assessed the impact of the learning of 500
participants in the Youth Business Programme in Ulaan Bator, more
[...] than half were still unemployed at the time of the study.
在于11月份在戛纳举行的二十国集团领导人会议上,包括中国在内的二十国集团成员承诺:“要加快转向市场决定的汇率机制,提高汇率弹性,以反映经济基本面,避免让汇率处于持 的失 调 状 态 , 避 免货币的竞争性贬值。
At the G-20 Leaders Summit in Cannes in November, G-20 members, including China, committed to, “move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and enhance exchange rate flexibility
to reflect underlying
[...] economic fundamentals, avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments and refrain [...]
from competitive devaluation of currencies.
蒙巴萨军械库处失修状态,将需要 加以重建,以存放足的武器 来为更多案件提供安全保障。
The armoury in Mombasa is in a state of disrepair, and requires rebuilding to hold weapons [...]
sufficient for security for an increased number of cases.
[...] [...] 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水 态 系 统 ,对正在 失的 水 资 源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 [...]
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and
sanitation, the rehabilitation
[...] of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, [...]
aspects of conflict prevention
and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
但是,鉴于人民币汇率持续处于大幅低 的失 调 状 态 , 财 政部认为,人民币汇率迄今为止的调整幅度是不够的,需要取得更多的进展。
Nonetheless, in light of the persistent misalignment of the RMB at a substantially undervalued level, Treasury assesses that movement of the RMB to date is insufficient and more progress is needed.
联海稳定团的警务行动概念作出了修订,以根据第 1927(2010)号决议的要 求,体现当地特别是有关境内流失 所 者 的 事 态 发 展 和建立海地国家警察的能 力。
The MINUSTAH police concept of operations has been updated to reflect developments on the ground, particularly relating to internally displaced persons, and on building the capacity of the National Police as called for in resolution 1927 (2010).
主持人和主题陈述者均详细论述了气候变化对沿海地区社 会所造成的若干影响和后果--沿海涝灾、海平面上升、珊瑚漂白、海水酸化、生物多样性 失 、 生 态 系 统 服务 和沿海栖息地改变,最终导致沿海人 的 迁 离
The moderator and theme presenters highlighted several impacts and consequences of climate change impacts on societies in the coastal zones, i.e. coastal flooding, sea-level rise,
[...] bleaching, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity, changes to ecosystem services, coastal habitats and [...]
ultimately population migration in the coastal zone.
亚太区域也面临着严的生态失衡, 这体现于森林和淡水等自然 资源的退化、能源的不可持续使用和碳排放的迅猛增加,以及其他一些证 据。
The Asia-Pacific region
[...] also has serious ecological imbalances that are observable [...]
in the degradation of such natural resources
as forests and freshwater, the unsustainable use of energy and rapid growth in carbon emissions, among other evidence.
认识到以“生物多样性失的生态, 社 会和经济背景”为中心,即以环境可变性 为中心,杰出的横向计划人与生物圈计划在 [...]
2008-2013 年中期战略以及 34C/5 中 的重要性
Noting the importance of the MAB programme in the Medium-Term Strategy for 20082013
and in document 34 C/5, as a
[...] programme targeting “the ecological, social, economic [...]
and cultural dimensions of biodiversity
loss” and thus as a cross-cutting programme par excellence designed to ensure environmental sustainability
尽管决议草案 A/C.1/65/L.42 的一些提案国对 决议草案 A/C.1/65/L.27 投了反对票,印度仍对 A/C.1/65/L.42 投了赞成票,因为我们重视解除待命态的问题,这是使核武失去合法地位进程中的重 要一步。
Despite the votes cast against draft resolution A/C.1/65/L.27 by some of the sponsors of A/C.1/65/L.42, India voted in favour of the latter in view of the importance we attach to de-alerting as an important step in the process of delegitimizing nuclear weapons.
岁学生中的酗酒和吸毒:数据来自欧洲一个关于酒精和其他药物的学校调查项 目,斯德哥尔摩瑞典关于酒精和其他药物信息理事会;欧洲理事会蓬皮杜小组(斯 德哥尔摩,2007 年);“鉴定有问题的麻醉品使用:筛检使用毒品的青少年”,“上 瘾行为”(2007 年);“波兰妇女的生殖健康”(2006 年),联合国开发计划署(开 发署)和卫生部(华沙,2007
[...] 杜小组,斯特拉斯堡(欧洲理事会出版,2006 年);“华沙使用毒品模的动态: 定性办法:失资料 :力争更好地了解中东欧毒品使用情况——关于新出现的毒 [...]
品问题的 9 项研究”(2001 年,纽约)。
(2007); “Women’s reproductive health in Poland” (2006), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Ministry of Health, Warsaw, 2007; “Young people and drugs. care and treatment”, Council of Europe Pompidou Group, Strasbourg (Council of Europe Publishing, 2006); “The dynamic
of drug use patterns in
[...] Warsaw: a qualitative approach: missing pieces: towards a better understanding [...]
of drug use in Central
and Eastern Europe — nine studies of emerging drug problems” (New York, 2001).
当这些想法在我脑中飞速旋转时,我已经总结出了一个可能性, 的 孩 子有可能患上了 态失 调 和 肠漏症。
As I was thinking (but not speaking) these
thoughts, I was already fast-forwarding to the possibility
[...] that my friend’s daughter could have dysbiosis and a leaky gut.
然而,美国商业部 长骆家辉(Gary
[...] Locke)在总统科学技术顾问委员会的讲话中曾 经这样评论:“美的创新生态系统 有 失 完 整 ,从而不能有效地激 励人们或者分配资源去产生新的创意并在这些创意的基础上进行 [...]
However, as Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, remarked to the President’s Council of Advisors
on Science and Technology,
[...] “America has a broken innovation ecosystem that does not efficiently [...]
create the right incentives
or allocate enough resources to generate new ideas; develop those ideas with focused research; and turn them into businesses that can create good jobs.
DWZ-无重力混合机,筒体内装有双轴旋转方向相反的浆叶,浆叶呈重叠状并形成一定角度,浆叶旋转将物料抛向空间流动层,产生瞬间失重,相互落入对方区域内,物料来回渗混,中央部位形成一个 态 化 的失 重 区 和旋转涡流,物料并沿轴向径向运动,从而形成全方位复合循环,迅速达到均匀混合。
The mixer contains leaves in opposite direction on two axles, the leaves present overlapping form and in certain angle, they rotate and throw supplies to space flow layer and produce instant weightlessness then the supplies fall into the other side, the supplies are mixed back and forth, in the
central position there is one weightless
[...] district of a flow state and a rotating vortex, [...]
the supplies moves radially along
the axles and forms composite circulation omni-directionally so that the supplies can be mixed evenly and rapidly.
我们对于这 一不的事态发展感到失望, 尽管这些年来以及在本 届会议期间为进行广泛协商作出了努力,以便提出一 [...]
项在《从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器 非法贸易的行动纲领》的执行工作和规定的任务之间 达成微妙平衡的案文。
We are disappointed with this unfortunate development, [...]
in spite of efforts made over the years and during this session to
hold wide consultations so as to present a text that strikes a delicate balance among the implementation of and undertakings called for in the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.
在结构层面,导致最近危的基本 失衡现象尚未解决,其中包括 经济大的储蓄 与投资失衡、经济大国间来往账户失衡,以及 态失 衡 , 由于其 侵蚀了地的承载 能力,可能导致未来的增长受到抑制。
These include the imbalance between
[...] savings and investment in major economies, current account imbalances across major economies and the ecological imbalance that could lead to a constraint on future growth by eroding the Earth’s carrying capacity.
生物多样性失和生态系统服务改变最重的直 接 驱动因素是:(a) 生境变化,例如土地使 用变化、改变河流的物理特征或从河流中取水、珊瑚礁丧失以及拖网捕捞对海底 [...]
的破坏;(b) 气候变化;(c) 外来物种入侵;(d) 过度开发;以及(e) 污染。
The most important
[...] direct drivers of biodiversity loss and ecosystem service changes are (a) habitat [...]
change, such as land
use changes, physical modification of rivers or withdrawal of water from rivers, loss of coral reefs and damage to sea floors as a result of trawling; (b) climate change; (c) invasion of alien species; (d) overexploitation; and (e) pollution.39 Biodiversity loss has negative effects on several aspects of human well-being, such as insecurity with regard to food and energy, vulnerability to natural disasters and difficult access to clean water and raw materials.




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