

单词 失心疯

See also:



miss v


crazy adj
maniac adj
wild adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在这场斗争中,一些家失去了亲人, 或者沦为昏庸独裁疯狂野心的牺 牲品,我们 惦念着 这些家庭。
Our thoughts go out to the families of
[...] all those who lost their lives in this struggle and fell victim to the crazed ambitions of a deluded [...]
我們建 議顧客以速遞或掛號形式郵遞心意禮券,港龍不會為任何失 的心意禮券負責。
Customers are encouraged to send their
vouchers by courier or registered post as Dragonair will not be responsible for
[...] any vouchers that are lost in the post.
如将罪犯绳之 以法,有犯罪行为动机疯狂心理者犯罪的空间就会 受到限制。
If criminals were brought to justice, room for criminal acts by those who possess the
[...] motives and the madness to commit them [...]
would be restricted.
这些政治形势可以说明为何柬埔寨 最终对用双边外交解决问失去了耐 心 , 转 而向国 际机构求助。
These dynamics
[...] explain why Cambodia lost patience with solving [...]
matters bilaterally and pushed to take its case to international institutions.
任何屋主都不会允许盗贼疯狂掠夺,任何国家的任何军队都不会允许战争 贩子对其不可侵犯的领海发起先发制人的攻击。
There is no house owner who will allow a robber to go on a rampage and no army of any country who will allow warmongers to make a pre-emptive attack on its inviolable territorial waters.
自然灾害使 一些社区的人们流失所,并造成 心 理 创伤,粮食安全和获取土地等方 面存在的困难使对妇女暴力行为更加恶化。
Natural disasters had displaced a number of communities and caused emotional trauma, problems [...]
with food security and access
to land, and had exacerbated violence against women.
The method in my madness is United are [...]
conceding goals, they have in fact conceded more goals this season than Swansea have – 24 goals to 22 goals.
申诉人进一步称,他们已对瑞典移民当 失 去 了 信 心 , 并 因此决定不 再如缔约国建议的那样重新申请庇护,担心他们的新庇护申请会被自动驳回,而 [...]
The complainants further
[...] state that they have lost their confidence in the Swedish [...]
migration authorities and therefore decided
not to re-apply for asylum as recommended by the State party, fearing that their new asylum applications would be automatically rejected and that Sweden would proceed to their deportation to Afghanistan without further notice.
还有人心,失业率 上升和食物价格上涨 可能使家庭经济状况恶化,影响中低收入家庭支付商品和教育等服务的能力。
There are also concerns that
[...] rising levels of unemployment and higher food costs [...]
may worsen household economic conditions,
adversely affecting the ability of middle- and lowincome households to pay for goods and services, including education.
这种关切在上世纪九十年代期间因 疯 牛 病 ”和“二恶英危机”而恶化, 这些食品安全问题迫使规则制定者重新思考食品安全战略,整合价值链的不同部 [...]
This concern was exacerbated
[...] during the 1990s by “mad cow disease” and the [...]
“dioxin crisis”, and these food safety problems
forced regulators to rethink food safety strategies, integrating the various components of the value chain and introducing traceability requirements.
一方面,经济活动的减少及其对劳动力市场的影响低于预期,初期的缩减使人们心失业率 会大幅度增加,但并没有出现这种大幅度增加。
On the one hand, the drop in activity levels and its impact on the
labour market were both smaller than
[...] expected, so the unemployment rate did not rise [...]
as much as the initial contraction
had led analysts to fear it would.
[...] 反觀目前,施政權力仍緊緊掌握在他們手㆖,是否亦反映他們同樣 心失 控 , 不能維 持所謂「行政主導」的有效管治呢?
What is more, despite what the British Government has reiterated about the need for the Chinese Government to turn the reins of government over to the people of Hong Kong, one can see very clearly that power is still in the firm grip of the
British. One wonders whether the
[...] British are equally worried about losing control such that [...]
they are no longer able to maintain
their executive-led government.
2012 年 4
[...] 月初,恩塔甘达越来越担心很快会被逮捕,几个前全国保卫人民大 会指挥官则心失去职 务和部署带来的特权,为此,前全国保卫人民大会和前刚 [...]
果爱国抵抗联盟军官在刚果(金)武装部队内发动兵变,开小差或在南北基伍省一 些集结点重新集结部队。
Ntaganda’s mounting fears of an
imminent arrest and several ex-CNDP commanders’
[...] concerns about losing privileges attached [...]
to their functions and deployments, at
the beginning of April 2012, ex-CNDP and ex-PARECO officers launched a mutiny within FARDC, deserting from army units or regrouping their troops in specific assembly points in North Kivu and South Kivu.
此次的独家合作,虚宝内容不仅只有SCAR-LIGHT突击步枪,还包括曜越纪念名片与纪念喷漆,一定可以让所有玩家及粉 疯 狂 享 受最刺激的战斗模式。
Tt eSPORTS and Cross Fire bring you more than this debut partnership and SCAR-LIGHT assault rifle; we are also
going to give you the Tt eSPORTS collector’s edition cards and paints, all can be found in
[...] Cross Fire (CF) shooting game.
正如许多 国际机构和组织最近重申的那样,以色列的非法定居点活动,特别是强拆住宅的
[...] 行动继续、强化并超越了占领国在过去所有年中进行的这类非法行动,再次证明 了以色列疯狂地 企图在实地制造尽可能多的非法事实,以便用有利于以色列的 [...]
As was recently reaffirmed by various international bodies and organizations, Israel’s illegal settlement activities and home demolitions in particular have continued, intensified and surpassed such illegal actions of all past
years by the occupying Power, reconfirming
[...] that Israel is frantically attempting to [...]
impose as many illegal facts on the ground
as possible to alter in its favour the demographic composition, the character and the status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in and around East Jerusalem and throughout the Jordan Valley.
政府與巿民同樣很心失業對社會、家庭和個人的 影響,亦採取了不少措施,幫助失業人士再就業和提升人力資源的質素,包 [...]
括增加教育機會、擴大再培訓計劃、推動終身學習、資助在職人士提升技能、 加強職業輔導和推出青少年見習就業計劃。
It has taken many
[...] measures to help the jobless seek employment [...]
and also to upgrade the quality of the human capital by,
among other things, providing more opportunities of education, expanding retraining schemes, promoting lifelong learning, subsidizing employees to upgrade their skills, strengthening employment services, and introducing the Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme.
OS X 將大部分的病毒阻絕在外,所以你可放心做任何事,不必 心失 去 任 何東西。
And OS X resists most viruses, so you can do anything
[...] — without worrying about losing everything.
我们认为,关于塔利班同基地组织之间的关联正 在削弱、灵活制裁措施可孤立不 心失 败 的塔利班和 基地组织追随者的说法为时过早,缺乏根据。
We view as premature and unjustified the claims that the link between the Taliban and Al-Qaida are weakening and that flexible sanctions can serve to isolate the unreconciled Taliban and adherents of Al-Qaida.
[...] 足够简单,允许所有受害者不论教育、社会地位、性别、年龄等情况都可以利 用,并考虑到国内流离失所者面临的具体障碍,如证件 失 、 心 理 创 伤及关于进 一步遭受伤害的忧虑。
Mechanisms to provide remedies must be simple enough to allow access to all victims, regardless of education, social status, gender, age, etc. and take into
consideration the specific obstacles IDPs
[...] face, such as loss of documentation, trauma and fear of further [...]
你知道吗,由于2004 - 工党通过法律,医务委员会现在可以采用的小时医务人员来自欧洲(普通外科手术的人在这里付出了那么多,他们不想工作周的结束,或晚上,这样的GMC获得几千东部欧洲GP的(通过机构),但他们被禁止欧盟法律,以把他们通过的英语能力测试!(不用说法国人采取不通知的 疯 狂 的 一块立法和做试验他们)。
Did you know that since 2004 - when Labour passed the law, that the General Medical Council can now employ out-of-hours medics from Europe (as ordinary surgery ones here get paid so much they don't want to work week-ends or evenings, so the GMC gets several thousand Eastern European GP’s (through agencies), but they are prohibited by EU law to put them through an English competence test!
当飞行员杜克大学提供的邮件的狗来代替,科迪和他的朋友们都 心失 去 工 作。
When the pilot Duke offers to take the place of the mail-dogs, Kodi and
[...] his friends are worried about losing their jobs.
[...] 土而特别是在东耶路撒冷持续推动这种非法、不法和 受到谴责的作为以及以色疯狂地 试图将这些领土 犹太化的做法,都将使整个地区陷于它无法控制的局 [...]
面,对国际和平与安全造成重大威胁,而维护国际和 平与安全本是安理会的主要功能。
We warn again today that the continuation of such illegal, illegitimate and condemned procedures in the occupied Palestinian territories in
general, and in East Jerusalem in particular,
[...] and Israel’s feverish attempts to [...]
Judaize these territories will drag the entire
region into a situation it will be unable to control, posing a major threat to international peace and security, the maintenance of which is a principal function of this Council.
我们也在此 缅怀针对平民所犯战争罪行的受害者们,这些罪行发 生在克罗地亚,特别是发生在 Skabrnja、扎达尔、希 贝尼克、Kijevo、Vrlika、Sinj 和南斯拉夫人民军执 行拉特科·姆拉迪奇的命令攻击的其它城镇;他当时 是位于克罗地亚克宁的南斯拉夫人民军第九军团的 总指挥,他还下命令对平民目标实 疯 狂 攻击,明明 知道此种攻击会给平民造成过度生命伤亡;特别是, 他还企图通过摧毁佩鲁察水坝来淹没一大片人口居 住地区。
We also remember here the victims of the war crimes committed against the civilian population in Croatia, in particular in Škabrnja, Zadar, Šibenik, Kijevo, Vrlika, Sinj and other towns attacked by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) under orders of Ratko Mladić while he was commander of the Ninth Corps of the JNA based in Knin, Croatia; as well as his orders to launch indiscriminate attacks against civilian objects, knowing that such attacks would cause excessive loss of life or injury to civilians, in particular his attempt of flooding a large populated area by destroying the Peruča Dam.
由于许多引人注 目的事件——从对重组 DNA 发明的 Asilomar 辩论、切尔诺贝利核事故和印度博帕尔灾难疯牛病 危机、到对欧洲基因改良食品的公开辩 论,政府和民众已不敢随意相信科学家的声 明。
A number of high-profile events – from the Asilomar controversy over the invention of recombinant DNA, through the disasters at Chernobyl and Bhopal, and the crisis over BSE to the public controversy in Europe of GM foods have made both governments and publics wary of trusting the statements of scientists.
委员会应将迫害或报复失踪者亲属、失踪案证人或其亲属、失踪者亲属组织 和其他非政府组织成员、人权维护者或 心失 踪 案 的个人的案件发送给缔约国有 关当局,同时请有关当局采取措施保护这些人。
Cases of intimidation, persecution or reprisal against relatives of disappeared persons, witnesses to disappearances or their families, members of organizations of relatives and other non-governmental
organizations, human rights defenders or
[...] individuals concerned with disappearances shall be transmitted [...]
by the Committee to the pertinent
authorities of the State party, with the request that they take steps to protect persons affected.
他們展示如何取決所需資訊、如何提問以將觀念偏差與 心失 衡 的毛病減到最低、如何自現有問卷中取得、並使用成功的問題、如何控制問題的威脅度、如何排序問題以鼓勵回應、如何選取最佳的行政管理方法、將行政管理方法用在問題及規格上、測試並確認完整問卷、評估並審閱問卷改善後的結果等。
They show how to determine information needed, phrase questions to
[...] minimize bias and distortion, obtain and use [...]
successful questions from existing questionnaires,
control level of threat in questions, order questions to encourage response, select the best method of administration, adapt questions and format to method of administration, test and validate the completed questionnaire, and evaluate and review the questionnaire for improved results.
对四个国家(加拿大、印度、联合王国和瑞典)的舆论领导机构和对联合国系 统官员进行的有关对教科文组织看法的调查清楚地表明,教科文组织最初的指导原则和
[...] 职权得到广泛的支持,但也有很多人对其开展的活动领域过多、力不从心和某种日益僵 化的官僚作风表示心失望。
The inquiry into how UNESCO is perceived conducted among opinion-leaders in four countries (Canada, India, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and among officials within the United Nations system clearly reveals that there is a broad measure of support for the original principles and mandate assigned to UNESCO, but that there are also many signs of frustration and disappointment vis-à-vis an institution that has embarked upon too many
different fields, that does not possess
[...] resources to match its ambitions, and that tends [...]
to be stultified by a degree of bureaucracy.




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