

单词 失宜



sit and waste a good opportunity (idiom); to lose the chance

See also:



miss v


appropriate adj
suitable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

(2.5) 申訴專員公署就行失當事宜方面對委員會有司法管 轄權,此外,委員會作為一個法定機構,是受到法庭的 [...]
(2.5) The Ombudsman has jurisdiction over the EOC in respect
[...] of matters concerning maladministration.
(a)及 (b) 樓宇安全問題相當複雜,並涉及多個不同的範疇,而處理樓 失 修事 宜,需要社會各界齊心協力。
(a)&(b) Building safety is a highly complex and multi-faceted issue. Tackling the problem of building neglect requires the co-operation of all members of the community.
由於有部分破產案不涉及個㆟生失 敗 ,因 此 宜 備 有 兩款表格 供破產㆟士選擇填寫。
As some bankruptcies do not involve the collapse of an individual's business, it was considered more appropriate to have two types of form, one for a nontrading individual and one for a trader.
(d) 采取措施以确保在没有失去或不宜 采 用 非正规支助办法的情况下给予 老年人帮助
(d) Take steps to ensure the provision of assistance to older persons in cases where informal support is unavailable, has been lost, or is not desired
為釋除法案委員會的疑慮,我會動議修正案,訂明公司或公司的高級人 員無須就本條所訂失責事宜承擔 任何法律責任,但如由該去世的董事的遺 囑認證書或遺產管理書的日期起計失責持續 4 個月則除外。
To address the Bills Committee's concern, I will move an amendment to provide that the company or its officers shall not be liable for any default under the section until the default continues for four months from the date of the grant of probate of the will, or of letters of administration of the estate, of the deceased director.
現時的慣例甚為簡單,屬於管制性質的規劃並 不涉及損失補償,但徵用土㆞的規劃卻涉及 失 補 償 事 宜。
The present custom is simple. Regulatory planning does not invoke compensation, confiscatory planning does.
現建議條例草案第 53 條予以修正,以規定凡只有一名董事的私人公司 因該公司同時是董事的唯一成員去世而沒有任何董事,該公司或其任何高級 人員均無須失責事宜承擔 任何法律責任,直至由該去世的董事的遺囑認證 書或遺產管理書的日期起計,失責情況已持續 4 個月為止。
Clause 53 is proposed to be amended to provide that where a private company does not have any director because of the death of its sole member who is also the sole director, the company or its officers shall not be liable for the default until the default continues for four months from the date of the grant of probate of the will, or of letters of administration of the estate, of the deceased director.
塔吉克斯坦认为,实施发展措施, 以改善多边贸易体制,使其更充分地考虑发展中国家 的需要和利益,失为权宜之计
Tajikistan considers it expedient to implement development measures in order to improve the multilateral trade system so that it takes more fully into account the needs and interests of the developing countries.
(D) 本客戶協議及其履行及所載的義務不會及將不會違反任何適用的法規、違反公司章程條文或附例
[...] (如閣下是法團)、或構成為閣下受其約束的協議或安排所指的違反 失 責 事
(D) this Client Agreement and its performance and the obligations contained in it do not and will not contravene any applicable laws and regulations, contravene any provisions of the memorandum and articles
or bye-laws (for corporate client), or constitute a
[...] breach or default under any [...]
agreement or arrangement by you is bound
调查团衷心希望适当和迅速赔偿因以色列军方非法行动而遭受 失 者 的事 宜不会受到妨碍。
The Mission sincerely hopes that
no impediment will be put in the way of
[...] those who suffered loss as a result of the [...]
unlawful actions of the Israeli military
to be compensated adequately and promptly.
政府當局指出,根據《公司條例》第111(2)及 122(1B)條, 法院可就公司沒有舉行周年大會及沒有在周年大會上提交帳目 而構失責等事宜作出指示。
The Administration has pointed out that under sections 111(2) and 122(1B) of the CO, the court may give directions to a company where there is default in holding an AGM, and for laying accounts before that meeting.
就處失修樓宇事宜,請 告知過去 3 年(即 2008-09 至 2010-11 年度),被發出 修葺令的樓宇中有多少座是屬於未設有業主立案法團的樓宇?
In respect of the dilapidated buildings that have been issued with repair orders in the past three years (i.e. 2008-09 to 2010-11), how many of them did not have an owners’ corporation?
於事務委員會討論有關醫管局醫生人手及 失 率 的事 宜期間,委員認為,招聘非本地註冊醫生的建議無法解決因醫 管局管理不善及公營醫院之間資源分配不均所致的人手短缺問 題。
When the Panel
[...] discussed the issues relating to manpower and wastage of doctors in [...]
HA, members considered that the proposal
to recruit non-local registered doctors could not address the manpower shortage problem which was caused by the poor management of HA and uneven distribution of resources among public hospitals.
就處失修樓宇事宜,過 去 3 年(即 2008-09 至 2010-11 年度)經處理的市民舉 報個案中,請分列有多少個個案被發出修葺令,以及被列為危樓的數字?
In respect of the handling of dilapidated building cases reported by members of the public for each of the past three years (i.e., 2008-09 to 2010-11), how many of the cases were issued with repair orders and how many of the buildings involved were classified as dangerous buildings?
如消費者希望就牽涉金額少於5萬元的 消費宜追討損失,亦可向小額錢債審裁處提出申索。
Consumers who wish to seek redress in cases involving less than $50,000 may also lodge a claim in the Small Claims Tribunal.
如申訴專員認為有證據顯示有關機構行 失 當 , 或該宜應轉 交該機構再作研究,可向有關機構的主管提交其意見和理 由,以及提出其認為需要採取的補救辦法和建議。
If The Ombudsman is of the opinion that there is
[...] evidence of any maladministration on the part of the organization or that the matter concerned should be referred [...]
to the organization
for further consideration, she may report her opinion and her reasons together with a statement of any remedy and recommendation that she considers necessary to the head of the organization.
我在金融界別的同事均就預算案未有處理這兩項 宜 表 示 失 望 , 因此, 我們殷切盼望財政司司長會在這項辯論完結前作出回應。
We very much look forward to the Financial Secretary's response at the close of this debate.
由总统退回重审的法律、具有法律效力的条例和审计署令等不 失 效 的 事 宜 , 在 下一个立法周期重新发委员会审议。
The laws the President of the Republic sends back to the Assembly for re-consideration, decrees having the force of the law, and notices from the Court of Accounts are referred to the committees again at the beginning of the new legislative term.
4.1 股東可就股份轉讓、更改名稱或地址,或 失 股 票等 事 宜 與 本公司之股份 過戶處卓佳證券登記有限公司聯絡,地址為香港灣仔皇后大道東28號金鐘 匯中心26樓,電話號碼:+852 2980 1333,或傳真號碼: +852 2810 8185。
4.1 Shareholders can contact our Share Registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited, 26th Floor, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong at +852 2980 1333, or by fax at +852 2810 8185, on matters such as transfer of shares, change of name or address, or loss of share certificates.
然而,大部分其他受訪機構認為金管局在保障消費者 方面已盡了其應盡的責任,若再承擔更多責任的話,便有可能 引致需要處理大量與金融管理專員的主要職能無關的 宜 ,出 現上失去焦點的情況。
The majority view among other interviewees was however that the HKMA is doing about as much as it should in this area, and that there were risks that taking on more
responsibility could result in an
[...] overload of issues that are not central to the MA’s functions, leading to the loss of focus mentioned above.
此外,在下述情況下,某合夥人因有關合夥在處理某宜中的失責行 為而產生的法律責任不獲免除:(i)該失責行為 由該合夥人所犯;或(ii)在該失責行為發生時,犯該失責行為的 該合夥的僱員、代理人或代表就該事宜受該合夥人直接監督。
An LLP partner is also not protected from liability arising from a default in respect of a matter handled by the partnership if the default is (i) the partner's default or (ii) a default of an employee, agent or representative of the partnership who was under the direct supervision of the partner in respect of the matter at the time of the default.
在這些表達的背後,這些香港人其實是想告訴曾蔭權政府 ⎯⎯ 當然 包括今天在席的財政司司長 ⎯⎯
[...] 我們對於政府不用這6,000元來做 好包括教育、醫療、環保、規劃和福利等 宜 感 到 失 望。
Behind all these views, these people in Hong Kong actually want to tell the Donald TSANG's Government ― and of course, the Financial Secretary present today is included ― that we are disappointed to see that the Government is not
making use of the $6,000 to do a proper job
[...] in such matters as education, healthcare, [...]
environmental protection, planning and social welfare.
主席、何俊仁議員及謝偉俊議員認為,合理 的做法是,被視為在某事宜中擔當監督角色的收取 費用者若在書面通知內被指名為指定合夥人,便會 就該宜失去有限責任合夥的保障。
The Chairman, Mr Albert HO and Mr Paul TSE considered it justifiable that the fee earners, who were regarded to have a supervising role in the matter, would lose the LLP protection in respect of the matter if they were named in the written notice as designated partners.
大家想一想, 家庭主婦可以交換資訊,指出哪裏買菜 便 宜 ; 區 內有 失 業 者真的不知道可 到哪裏找工作,但如果大家有溝通,讓資訊能夠進入屋內,大家想想,這股 活力在不同的社區內會有多大呢?
The unemployed in the district may not know where they can find jobs, but if people can communicate among themselves, and then information can come to their households direct, you may imagine how great such a force will be in different communities.
委員對政府當局未能向事務委員會匯報下述 宜 普 遍失望: 成立法定博物館管理委員會的工作進展,以及有關公共 [...]
博物館日後管治模式的推行計劃,因為該等事宜是在討論博物館 服務的未來發展時備受關注的核心問題。
Members in
[...] general expressed disappointment at the Administration's [...]
failure to revert to the Panel on the progress in the
establishment of a statutory Museums Board and the implementation plan on the future governance of public museums, which were the core issues of concern in the future development of museum services.
根據國際間/業界的作業方式,消磁若使用 宜 , 不 失 為 刪 除硬磁碟、軟磁碟及磁帶等磁性媒體上的資料的有效技術解決方案。
According to international/industry practices, degaussing is considered an acceptable technical solution for secure data deletion for magnetic media such as hard disks, floppy disks and magnetic tapes if properly employed.
有關的投訴性質,除了恆常出現的問題,包括保險公司拒絕承保、 保費增幅過高、拒絕或拖延賠償、以及銷售代理(就紅利保證、供款年期、 中途退保等宜)提供失實或 誤導資料外,近年增加了新興投資相連保險 產品的投訴(2007 年 31 宗、2008 年 51 宗及 2009 年 42 宗),所涉及的問 題亦愈來愈複雜。
In addition to regular problems such as consumers being refused coverage, excessive increase in insurance premiums, refusal or delay in compensation, as well as sales agents’ provision of false or misleading information on ‘guaranteed’ dividend/bonus, contribution period, early surrender of policy, there has been increase in recent years in the number of complaints concerning newly emerged investment-linked insurance products (31 cases in 2007, 51 cases in 2008 and 42 cases in 2009) and the issue involved are becoming more and more complex.
主席:葉劉淑儀議員,第83(A)條規定有直接或間接金錢利益的議員 須作申報,目的是讓市民知悉,如果議員就其有利益的 宜 發 言失公允,市民可以有所判斷。
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Mrs Regina IP, Rule 83(A) specifies that a Member shall disclose the nature of that interest if he has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter, and the purpose is to let the public know that, they can make judgment if a Member speaks unfairly on a matter in which he has an interest.
9.14 檢討內部審核職能的範圍及有效性,並與內部核數師定期檢討內部 審核職能的成效,包括規劃核數委員會會議及內部核數計劃(如內 部核數師要求);及確保內部核數師與外聘核數師之間的工作協調 及內部審核職能獲提供充分資源並在本公司內部享有適當地位,及 檢討及監察其成效; 9.15 檢討舉報政策及程序的有效性並監察其應用,令僱員能夠以保密方式 就有關財務匯報、內部監控及其他 宜 中 的 失 當 行為向核數委員會表 達關注,及確保已就該等失當行為設立適當安排,以作出公正獨立調 查並採取適當跟進行動
9.14 to review the scope and effectiveness of the internal audit functions and to review the results of the internal audit functions regularly with the internal auditor matters including planning of the Audit Committee meetings and, if required by the internal auditor, the internal audit programme; and to ensure co-ordination between the internal and external auditors and that the internal audit function is adequately resourced and has appropriate standing within the Company and to review and monitor its effectiveness




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