单词 | 太阳黑子周 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 太阳黑子周 —sunspot cycle太阳黑子 —sunspotSee also:太阳 n—solar n 太子 n—prince n 太子—crown prince
(b) 当贫化铀燃烧时,黑色粉 尘形式的氧化铀颗粒会在车子内和 车 子周 围出现,如果风向稳定的话,通常可被吹至离着火点约 50 米处。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) When depleted uranium combusts, [...] particles of [...] uranium oxide in the form of a heavy black dust arise within and around the vehicle and usually [...]travel, with steady [...]winds, to a distance of some 50 metres from the point of ignition. daccess-ods.un.org |
该设备还 用于提供关于高能粒子通量 和光谱的信息,以供研究高 能 太阳 宇 宙 线、这些宇 宙线进入行星际空间的方式,以及地球辐射带 在 太阳 活 动 的第 24 个周期期间所 发生的变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also designed to provide information on the [...] fluxes and spectra of [...] energetic particles with a view to the study of energetic solar cosmic rays, the way in which those rays are transported in interplanetary space and changes in the Earth’s radiation belts during the twenty-fourth cycle of solar activity. daccess-ods.un.org |
举例说,17 世纪蒙德极小期,即几乎没有太 阳黑子的 70 年,恰恰也是北半球冬季长期酷寒的 [...] 70 年。 oosa.unvienna.org | For example, the seventeenth-century Maunder Minimum, a 70-year period [...] almost devoid of sunspots, coincided with [...]prolonged, very cold winters in the northern hemisphere. oosa.unvienna.org |
例如几周前海地国内发生动乱时, 太子 港 加纳普维尔特地区的诊所发现其急需新的物资补充。 unicef.org | Several weeks ago, for example, when civil unrest rocked the country, the clinic in Port-au-Prince’s Canape Vert [...] district found itself [...]in desperate need of new supplies. unicef.org |
的确,这个建筑是为Philippe [...] [...] Parreno的一部科幻短片《火星来的男孩》准备的,他以此为主角拍摄了这部影片:神秘的夜空,缓慢移动的星光,水牛在水田里踩下的脚印,它用力拉动和没入池塘水面的身影,炯炯有神的牛眼睛,慢慢变亮的灯泡,白天田野上空 的 太阳 , 塑 料棚 与 周 围 的 树木被风吹动的诗意画面,以及片 尾 黑 幕 时 一个苍老男人的吟哦,渲染出一种令人过目不忘的迷幻氛围。 alternativearchive.com | Indeed, the building was originally constructed for Philippe Parreno’s architectural sci-fi film The Boy from Mars; he made the film with the building as the lead actor: the mysterious night sky, the slowly moving starlight, the footprints left in the rice field by the buffalo, its silhouette pulling hard and submerging into the pond, the buffalo’s bright and piercing eyes, the slowly illuminating light bulbs, the sun above the field [...] during the daytime, [...] the poetic tableau of the plastic canopy and the surrounding trees blown by the wind, and the chanting of an [...]aged man at the end [...]of the film, all contributed to a hallucinatory atmosphere that was hard to forget after viewing. alternativearchive.com |
时尚的太阳缎面打磨炭黑色表 盘完美衬托出18K红金抛光缎面处理的表壳。 wthejournal.com | The 18K polished satin-finished red gold of the case is expertly showcased through the contemporary sun satin-finished anthracite color of the watch’s dial. wthejournal.com |
开展过的具体活动包括编写了一系列工程学教科书和教材,其中包括题为“一点点地 做 :减少贫困的技术”录像带和有关小册子;“希望之光:太平洋地区的可再生能源”录 像带和小册子;“太阳电池 系统:技术培训手册”及其姐妹篇:“太阳电池项目的开发教 案”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Specific activities included the development of a series of learning and teaching materials in the engineering sciences; publications in the series include “Small is Working: Technology for [...] Poverty Reduction” – a [...] video and associated booklet, “Rays of Hope: Renewable Energy in the Pacific” – also a video and associated booklet, “Solar Photovoltaic [...]Systems: Technical Training Manual” and companion volume “Solar Photovoltaic Project Development: Text for Teachers”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该组织现有 11 个地区性办公室(分别为比什凯 [...] 克、波哥大、开罗、达卡、伊斯兰堡、伊斯坦布 尔、雅加达、内罗毕、普里什蒂纳、首尔和第比利 斯),并在另外 16 个地区设有代表处(阿布贾、巴 [...] 库、曼谷、贝鲁特、贝尔格莱德、科伦坡、大马士 革、帝力、杜尚别、耶路撒冷、喀布尔、加德满 都、金沙萨、太子港、比勒陀利亚、 德 黑 兰 )。 crisisgroup.org | The organisation currently operates eleven regional offices (in Bishkek, Bogotá, Cairo, Dakar, Islamabad, Istanbul, Jakarta, Nairobi, Pristina, Seoul and Tbilisi) and has local field representation in sixteen additional locations (Abuja, Baku, Bangkok, Beirut, [...] Belgrade, Colombo, Damascus, Dili, Dushanbe, Jerusalem, Kabul, [...] Kathmandu, Kinshasa, Port-au-Prince, Pretoria and Tehran). crisisgroup.org |
一年是地球公转绕太阳一周所需 的时间。 oris.ch | A year is the time taken by the earth to travel once round the sun. oris.ch |
Santa Clara, California (2011年09月27日) – 全球整合式芯片解决方案的领导者美满 电 子 科 技 (Marvell)的联合创始人戴伟立(Weili Dai)女士荣幸地与美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿、美国全球妇女问题特使Melanne Verveer以及来自亚太各国 的领导人一起,出席了 上 周 举 行的 亚 太 经 济 合作组织(APEC)妇女与经济峰会(WES)。 marvell.com.cn | Santa Clara, California (September 27, 2011) – Marvell (NASDAQ: MRVL), a worldwide leader in integrated silicon solutions and Weili Dai, the company’s co-founder, are honored to have joined U.S. Secretary of State Hillary [...] Rodham [...] Clinton, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for the Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer and leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region at last week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Women and the Economy Summit (WES) and are proud to pledge their commitment to the [...]resulting San Francisco Declaration. marvell.com |
在我们的星系中央存在着一个比太阳 大 4百 万倍 的 黑 洞。 chinese.eurekalert.org | At the center [...] of our galaxy lies a black hole four million times [...]more massive than the Sun. chinese.eurekalert.org |
z 在國際層面上,我們會繼續積極參與「打擊清洗黑錢財務行 動特別組織」,以及亞洲/太平洋 反清 洗 黑 錢 組 織的工作, 與全球各地合力對付清洗黑錢及恐怖 分 子 融 資 活動。 legco.gov.hk | y At the international level, we will continue to participate actively in the work of the Financial Action Task [...] Force on Money Laundering [...] and the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering and contribute towards the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. legco.gov.hk |
迪拜的典型特色是沙子、太阳及购物。迪拜曾是一个宁静的海滨小镇,居住着贝多因商人和采珠人。 shangri-la.com | The quintessential home of sand, sun and shopping, Dubai was once a tranquil town housing Bedouin traders and pearl divers. shangri-la.com |
目前正在审议的项目包括:节省电力设施、空调机 定时开关、最大限度地使用太阳能、 周 围 热 回收系统、淋浴和厕所的节水设施, [...] 以及进一步监测、控制和记录不仅两个营地而且两个营地内的多个建筑的消费模 式。 daccess-ods.un.org | Items being considered include power saving devices, [...] time switches on air conditioning [...] units, maximized use of solar power, ambient heat [...]recovery systems, water saving devices [...]for showers and toilets, and increased monitoring, control and recording of consumption patterns not just for the camps as a whole but for individual buildings within the camps. daccess-ods.un.org |
在重建方面,我们已经在太子港太阳 城 复 兴村建 造了 128 个低收入住房单位。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to reconstruction, we have build 128 low-income housing units in the Village Renaissance area of Cité Soleil in Port-au-Prince. daccess-ods.un.org |
在速效项目中,我们要强调智利和厄瓜多尔联合 工兵队所做的工作,他们改善了太阳 城 的 运河体系, 包括彻底清理了中央运河,并与韩国工兵一道,重新 铺设了环绕太子港的道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among the quick-impact projects, we would like to highlight the work of the joint corps of Chilean and Ecuadoran engineers, who have [...] improved the canal [...] system in Cité Soleil, including the thorough cleaning of the central canal, and repaved the road encircling Port-au-Prince, together with Korean military [...]engineers. daccess-ods.un.org |
美丽的 火神 自动男子 周年的 核心是钢和不锈钢黑色鳄 鱼微妙的婚姻。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The beautiful Vulcan Automatic Men Anniversary Heart is a subtle marriage of [...] steel and... en.horloger-paris.com |
Kracie Naive 桃柚卸妝水 [...] 含有去角質成份,去除臉部死皮及多餘角質層,回復亮澤柔軟,桃柚卸妝水 同時含有桃葉桃汁精華,有效收縮面部粗大毛孔,幫助消滅 鼻 子周 圍 的 黑 頭。 aster.com.hk | Kracie Naive Orange & Peach Deep Cleansing Lotion contains peach leaf essence, minimizes pore size [...] and eliminates the black head around nose. aster.com.hk |
从半夜到中午12点钟,称为a.m.,从正午12点钟到半夜12点钟称为p.m.即下午 (post meridiem太阳过了子午线 最高点之后的缩写)。 oris.ch | The time from midnight to 12 o'clock noon is described as a.m., the time from 12 o'clock midday until 12 o'clock midnight as p.m. (post meridiem). oris.ch |
如你所知,今年 3 月底,苏丹武装部队从其在 Panthou(黑格里格)和周围地 区的基地向边境地区的苏丹人民解放军(苏丹解放军)部队发起南进攻势。 daccess-ods.un.org | As you are aware, in late March the Sudan Armed Forces launched southward attacks on Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) forces in the border areas from their bases in and around Panthou (Heglig). daccess-ods.un.org |
而维他命C能明亮眼周肌肤,添加抗黑 眼 圈 复合 因 子 , 可 去除 眼 周 沉 淀 的暗沉色素,淡化黑眼圈 cosme-de.com | And enriched with Vitamin C can brightens the appearance of dark circles. cosme-de.com |
把电源线连接器连接到控制板 (33)上所指示的正 确接线端子上 (120V, 黑色和白色 , 240V, 蓝色和 棕色)。 graco.com | Connect the power cord connectors to the [...] correct terminals indicated on the control board (120V, black and white, 240V, [...]blue and brown) on control board (33). graco.com |
例子包括橙汁、蘋果汁、黑加侖子汁 、 檸檬汁、橙 汁芒果及椰子水。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: orange juice, apple juice, black currant juice, lemon [...] juice, orange-mango juice and coconut water. cfs.gov.hk |
国际空间气象举措通过在全球范围部署基于地面的仪器阵列,如全球定位 [...] 系统接收器、磁强计、太阳望远镜、甚低频监测器 、 太阳 粒 子 探 测器,并在全 世界研究人员中间共享所记录的数据,为各种空间气象现象的观测作出贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | The International Space Weather Initiative contributes to the observation of space weather phenomena through the deployment of ground-based worldwide instrument arrays, such as GPS receivers, [...] magnetometers, solar telescopes, [...] very-low-frequency monitors, solar particle detectors [...]and the sharing of recorded data among researchers around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |