

单词 太阳能系统

See also:

太阳 n

solar n

External sources (not reviewed)

中兴通讯可再生能源产品和解决方案目前已经在40多个国家70多个运营商中应用,例如2011年 在埃塞俄比 亚建立太阳能系统,每年减少CO2排放4.5万吨。
ZTE renewable energy source products and solutions are applied by more than 70
operators in more than 40 countries.
[...] For example, the solar energy system built in Ethiopia [...]
in 2011 can reduce CO2 emission by 45,000 tons per year.
所有社区都建 造了水井,一些社区还提供 太阳能系统 , 这些都改善了美洲印第安社区的生活 水平。
The construction of wells in all communities and
[...] the provision of solar systems managed by several [...]
communities have improved the well being of these communities.
委员会注意到一些国家向民众供电的举措,例如在孟加拉国通过微额 贷款方式提供家太阳能系统。
The Committee took note of national initiatives for providing access to
[...] electricity, such as the solar home systems in Bangladesh, [...]
through microfinancing.
太阳能光伏产品的要求非常高的太阳能系统的配置、太阳能 板的安装角度和蓄电池的容量配比以及控制器的SOC控制放电将直接关系到整个系统的工作效率和使用寿命,所以要根据产品在使用地区的纬度和产品的用电功率每天用多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来确定产品的配置才可以定价格,一般的工厂随便给你报个价格是不妥当的,我们佳洁的产品配置是按照你系统所在地区的纬度、产品的用电功率、每天用多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来配置,再给你报价格的,所以这样的配置也满足你系统的工作要求也是最优化最经济的配置。
Solar photovoltaic products require very high, The
[...] configuration of the solar system, solar panel installation [...]
angle and the
ratio of the capacity of the battery's SOC and the controller will control the discharge is directly related to the overall system efficiency and service life, so according to the latitude in the use of the product and product use electric power, and how much time each day to ensure a few rainy days to determine the configuration of the product before they can set prices, the average reported a factory just to give you the price is not right, we Jiajie product configuration system is based on your latitude region , the product of the electric power, and how much time each day to ensure that the configuration of several rainy days, give you the prices quoted, so this configuration is also working to meet the requirements of your system is to optimize the most economical configuration.
近年来由于新能源产业的异军突起,SPD在风能 太阳能系统 中 也 得到广泛应用,这为SPD制造商提供了良好的发展机遇。
SPDs are also widely used
[...] in wind and solar power systems, two relatively [...]
new players in the energy arena.
估计数中包括用于 为边远地区购置 20 台太阳能系统、为 满足数据和语音传输需求购置 IP 电话和服 [...]
The estimates reflect provisions made for the
[...] acquisition of 20 solar power systems for remote areas, [...]
Internet protocol phones and servers for expansion and system upgrades to meet data and voice
transfer requirements and the replacement of core equipment owing to wear and tear.
(f) 通信(13 463 400 美元,即
[...] 25.1%),出现结余的主要原因是,延迟采购 导致购太阳能系统的计 划推迟,预计技术变化导致电话交换台的购置计划取 [...]
消,并且业务所需费用订正后用于购置流动无线电台和基站无线电台的实际所需 资源减少;以及在零部件方面的实际所需费用因采购工作出现延误而减少(同上, 第95段)。
(f) Communications ($13,463,400, or 25.1 per cent), attributable
primarily to the postponement of the planned
[...] acquisition of solar power systems owing to procurement [...]
delays, the cancellation of
the planned acquisition of telephone exchanges owing to anticipated changes in technology, and reduced actual requirements for the acquisition of mobile radios and base station radios owing to revised operational requirements; as well as reduced actual requirements for spare parts owing to delays in the procurement process (ibid., para. 95).
在南非,成立了太阳能照明基金,与农村妇女合作,建立小信贷方案,支 持家太阳能系统的出售。
In South Africa, the Solar Electric Light Fund was
created in collaboration with rural women to establish micro-credit programmes
[...] to support the sale of solar home systems.
除了能从少数垄断的供应商手中购电外,用户还可将电力输入至公用网中——例如, 太阳能系统 或 热 电联供机组中将电力输入至公用网中。
Instead of purchasing power from only a handful of centralised suppliers,
consumers can also feed electricity into the public network – for
[...] example, from solar power systems or cogeneration units.
力加强在学校供餐和其他方案方面的国家能力。妇女署与赤脚学院(印度)建立了 创新型伙伴关系,帮助培训来自利比里亚、南苏丹、乌干达和坦桑尼亚联合共和 国的 25
[...] 名妇女(主要是不识字的祖母),让她们担任“太阳能工程师”,帮助安装 和维护家庭和村庄供电用的太阳能电池板 太阳能系统。
An innovative partnership between UN-Women and the Barefoot College (India) has helped train 25 African women, mainly illiterate grandmothers, from Liberia, South Sudan, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania as
“solar engineers” for the installation and
[...] maintenance of solar panels and systems to electrify their [...]
homes and villages.
铝制的吸收管能适太阳能系统内液 体的高温吗?
Can aluminium absorber tubes handle the
[...] high liquid temperatures in a solar system?
各国提高制太阳能系统的组 成部分的能力。
The Nairobi Office continued to promote the use of renewable energy in rural areas through the establishment of demonstration centres, while helping in national capacity-building for the manufacture of solar energy system components.
专家会议认为,在德国等发达国家,上网电价刺激了家太 阳能系统的迅速发展。
The expert meeting heard that in developed countries such as Germany, feed-in tariffs had
[...] spurred rapid growth in home solar systems.
此外,891.80 公吨(98.10 ODP
吨)散装 HCFC-141b 外加 286.67 公吨(31.53 ODP 吨)进口预混多元醇所含的 HCFC-141b 用于 94
[...] 家中小型聚氨酯泡沫塑料企业制造 5 非连续夹芯板、绝缘管、展示柜、锅炉 太阳能系统 、 冷 藏集装箱和喷射泡沫塑料。
In addition, 891.80 mt (98.10 ODP tonnes) of HCFC-141b in bulk plus 286.67 mt (31.53 ODP tonnes) contained in imported pre-blended polyols are used by 94 small and medium sized PU foam enterprises (SMEs) manufacturing
discontinuous sandwich panels, insulated pipes, display
[...] cases, boilers and solar systems, reefer containers [...]
and spray foams.
我们的客户服务代表将尽快与您联系,为您推荐并提供必要的系统安装配件补充信息,满足您 太阳能系统 安 装 要求。
One of our customer service representatives will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with recommendations and additional
information regarding the necessary balance of system products to
[...] meet your specific solar system installation [...]
将编列经费,用于购买供偏远区域使用的 160太阳能系统、再购买 3 个甚小口径终端和 760 个集群手提式无线电台,以便进行 [...]
扩张和系统升级,以满足数据/语音传输要求;更换过时的通信设备,包括 11 个 电话交换台、300 个数字电话和已超过正常使用期限的
65 个基地台以及 2 个视频 会议终端。
Provision will be made for the
[...] acquisition of 160 solar power systems for remote areas, [...]
the acquisition of 3 additional
VSAT and 760 trunking handheld radios for the expansion and system upgrade to meet data/voice transfer requirements; and the replacement of obsolete communications equipment, including 11 telephone exchanges, 300 digital phones, and 65 base stations that have exceeded their normal lifespan, and two videoconference terminals.
太阳能:104 个家庭安装和修理太阳能系统,须 知这些家庭所在的地 区离太阳能网有数公里远。
Solar energy: 104 families have benefited from the installation or rehabilitation of solar energy systems, given that the [...]
area is many kilometres off net
博世有多种领域供您选择,包括新生产技术、非传统驱动技术 太阳能系统 或 电 池材料以及流体力学和摩擦学、电力电子技术、高频技术或3-D设计——这些仅是博世高端研究所覆盖的一小部分技术和自然科学的领域。
A wide variety of fields is open to you, including new
production technologies, alternative drive
[...] technologies, photovoltaic systems or battery materials [...]
as well as fluid mechanics and
tribology, power electronics, high-frequency technology or 3-D design – and these are just a handful of technical and natural sciences fields where we are delivering cutting-edge work.
专家介绍了各种可再生能源技术,如太 能 光 伏 系统 、 太阳能 热 水 器、风力 涡轮发电、小水电、地热发电厂、改进型炉灶、生物质发电厂和沼气池。
Experts presented a variety of
[...] RETs, such as solar photovoltaic systems, solar water heaters, wind turbines, small hydropower systems, geothermal [...]
plants, improved
cookstoves, biomass plants and biogas digesters.
太阳能系统接线 盒及电路模块的厂商更方便的利用SolarMagic技术,美国国家半导体还为中国市场量身定做了新一代智能型太阳能芯片组SM3320,新一代的芯片还能进一步提升 太阳能系统 的 发电效率和稳定性。
For the solar energy system connecting box and the electric circuit module's manufacturer more convenient use SolarMagic technology, the American country semiconductor also made to order new generation intelligence solar energy chip set SM3320 for the Chinese market quantity body, new generation's chip could also further promote the solar energy system's electricity generation [...]
efficiency and the stability.
受益于高质量PET的绝佳抗大气成分特性、铝层提供的隔绝性以及层压结构提供的高压绝缘性,dyMat APYE®成为保护在极端环境中的组件的最佳背板,也让它能够保护在潮湿环境中 太阳能系统 ( 比 如说a-Si和CIGS薄膜电池片).
Thanks to the excellent resistance to atmospheric agents of high grade PET, the outstanding barrier provided by Aluminium and the high voltage insulation of the laminate structure, dyMat APYE®  is properly indicated for the back protection of solar modules in highly aggressive
environments, or as back
[...] protection for solar systems with high sensitivity to moisture (i.e. a-Si and CIGS thin film solar cells).
支持和维护卫星通信网络,包括 2 个提供声音、传真、视频和数据通信的地面站枢纽,5 个甚 小口径终端系统、8 个电话交换台、31
[...] 台微波中继器、1 个高频和 16 个特高频中继器和发报 机以及 17 个太阳能系统
Support and maintenance of a satellite communications network consisting of 2 Earth station hubs for voice, fax, video and data communications, 5 very small aperture terminal (VSAT) systems, 8 telephone exchanges, 31
microwave links, 1 high frequency and 16 ultra-high frequency (UHF) repeaters and
[...] transmitters, and 17 solar power systems
有了HYLIFE太阳能合金管和设计得当 太阳能 热 系统 , 就 没有被腐蚀的风险。
With HyLife™ Solar tubes in a correctly
[...] designed solar thermal system, there is no risk [...]
of corrosion.
要保护系统免受内部腐蚀,海德鲁推荐使用我们的HYLIFE太阳能合金,它是一种高度抗腐蚀的合金,因此适用 太阳能 热 系统。
To secure the system against internal corrosion, Hydro
[...] recommends its HyLife™ Solar alloy which is a very corrosion resistant alloy and therefore suitable in solar thermal systems.
此外,我们还为柴油共轨技术、汽油直喷 技术、风力涡轮机传动技术、电动水源热泵 太阳能 热 力 系统 的进一步扩产进行了较大的投资。
We are also investing heavily in further expanding capacities for common-rail diesel
technology, gasoline direct injection, drive technology for wind turbines,
[...] electrical heat pumps, and solar thermal systems.
学员们接受了组装和安装各种类 太阳能 热 水 系统 的培 训。
Students are trained to assemble and
[...] install various types of solar water-heating systems.
太阳能采暖系统正逐 渐成为获取热能的常用手段,这意味着高质量的稳压罐正在成为一种必需品。
Solar heating systems are becoming [...]
an increasingly common means of power generation and this means that high-quality pressure
maintenance vessels are becoming a necessity.
该中心在运营头几年的活动中, 促进了与肯尼亚和卢旺达的乳品技术交流,支持了关于太阳能和风能的第六届中 国新能源国际论坛,来自 16 个南方国家的与会者参加了会议,并建立了中国-肯 尼太阳能光 伏发电系统示范项目,以及一个惠及肯尼亚 300 个家庭太阳能热 水系统。
Among the activities in its first years of operations, it has promoted exchanges in dairy technology with Kenya and Rwanda, supported the sixth China New Energy International Forum on solar and wind energy with participants from 16 southern countries, and
established a
[...] Sino-Kenyan demonstration project on a solar photovoltaic system and a solar water heating system benefiting 300 households in Kenya.
世博园区的各项建筑工程,应用了大量的新能源技术、节能环保材料,从路边的垃圾回收装置,到大型 太阳能 发 电 系统 , 从 节能型电梯,到绿色数据中心,上海为打造“绿色世博”可谓费尽苦心。
Construction projects in Shanghai World Expo Park have applied many new energy-saving technologies and environmentally-friendly materials. From the
garbage recycle devices at roadsides to
[...] the large-scale solar power system, and from the energy-efficient [...]
elevators to the green
data center, one could feel the great efforts Shanghai has exerted to create a "green expo".




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