单词 | 太空船 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 太空船 noun —spacecraft n太空船 —spaceshipExamples:太空飞船—space shuttle See also:太空 n—space n 太空—outer space 船 n—vessel n • ship n • boat n
2010 年,俄罗斯联邦和欧洲的专家继续对在俄罗斯无人驾驭 的 太空船 Foto n-M3 飞行期间进行的科学实验所获成果予以处理。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, Russian and European experts continued to [...] process the results of the scientific experiments carried out during the flight of the [...] Russian unmanned spacecraft Foton-M3. daccess-ods.un.org |
代理主席,我們現時說的電子數據記錄儀,是安裝在公共小巴上 的,並非太空船的電 子數據記錄儀,為何要花這麼多年方能安裝? legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, the EDRD that we are talking about now is to be installed on PLBs, not the kind of [...] recording device installed on spaceships. legco.gov.hk |
2010 年 SpaceX 是全球首家商業機構能成功地把 太空船 發 射到 太空並安全地返回地球。 asiasat.com | In 2010, SpaceX became the first commercial company [...] in history to put a spacecraft into orbit and return [...]it safely to Earth. asiasat.com |
隨著美國的載人太空船退役,SpaceX 的 Falcon 9 火箭及 Dragon 太空船將接 續 為美國太空總署運載貨物、太空人即日往返太空站的任務。 asiasat.com | With the [...] retirement of the space shuttle, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft will soon carry [...]cargo, and one day [...]astronauts, to and from the Space Station for NASA. asiasat.com |
这位33岁的战斗机飞行员是神州9号 太空船 上 的 三人小组的一员,而 神州9号完成了中国第一次手动与太空舱交接。 amccsm.org | The 33-year-old fighter pilot was part [...] of a three-person crew aboard [...] the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft that achieved [...]China's first manned docking with a space module. amccsm.org |
討論安裝月台幕門和改善月台 [...] “彎位”比登上月球更辛苦;在公共小巴安裝記錄儀比 在 太空船 安 裝記 錄儀更艱難。 legco.gov.hk | It is more difficult to install EDRD on PLBs [...] than installing the same on spaceships. legco.gov.hk |
然而,她 批評工程計劃的大樓的擬議概念設計看 似 太空 船,與附近的環境並不融合。 legco.gov.hk | However, she criticized that the [...] proposed conceptual design of the project building [...] looked like a spacecraft and was not in [...]harmony with the neighbourhood. legco.gov.hk |
(g) 履行俄罗斯联邦对国际搜索和救援卫星系统(搜救卫星系统)所持的 承诺(Sterkh 太空船;一 颗卫星目前正在进行试飞;第二颗卫星正在准备于近 [...] 期发射)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Fulfilment of the Russian Federation’s commitments to the International Satellite System for Search [...] and Rescue [...] (COSPAS-SARSAT) (Sterkh spacecraft; one satellite [...]is currently undergoing test flights; the second is being prepared [...]for launch in the near future). daccess-ods.un.org |
随着吟游队击败,悟空Frieza的太空飞 船 在 隔 离室中恢复。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | With the Ginyu [...] Force defeated, Goku recovers in an isolation chamber in Frieza’s spaceship. seekcartoon.com |
这包括我们最初与 NASA 携手为太空飞船计划开发的真空技术。 bruker.com | These include the same vacuum technology that we originally developed in partnership with NASA for the space shuttle program. bruker.com |
继续在美国火星奥德赛号太空船上利 用高能中子探测器综合仪器对火星上 表层下水成冰进行检测和定位,该综合仪器是由俄罗斯联邦帮助开发的,这就 有可能查明火星上由于太阳风的作用而形成的表层中子快速流动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Work continued on board the American Mars Odyssey spacecraft to detect and [...] locate subsurface aqueous ice on Mars using the [...]High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) instrument complex, which the Russian Federation helped to develop (HEND makes it possible to register fast neutron flows from the surface of Mars caused by the action of solar winds). daccess-ods.un.org |
很多人也對我說,或許有些市民在電台上說,當他們看 到國家經濟好,或當國家運動員在奧運會取得金牌,或當國家 的 太空船 能上 太空時,他們均會感到非常驕傲。 legco.gov.hk | Many people told me, perhaps some people have said on the radio before, that when they saw the economy of China fare well, the [...] athletes of China win golden medals in the [...] Olympics or the spaceship of China rocket into space, they would [...]feel very proud. legco.gov.hk |
在科克斯劳塔宁酒店,您可以选择传统的穹顶冰屋或者独特的玻璃穹顶小屋,在那些像未 来 太空船 模 样 的玻璃穹顶小屋,您可安然躺在温暖房间内,透过玻璃天花板欣赏北极光。 visitfinland.com | You can stay in either a traditional snow igloo or a futuristic glass igloo, from which you can comfortably admire the Northern Lights at room temperature. visitfinland.com |
早在1960年当美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)对登月舱要求的方案时 (实际上太空飞船尼尔 ·阿姆斯特朗在月球上着陆) ,格鲁曼希望获得合同,但是他看到可靠性的规格上的困难。 shainin.cn | When NASA asked for [...] proposals for the Lunar Module (the space ship that actually [...]landed Neil Armstrong on the moon) in the [...]early 1960's, Grumman wanted the contract but saw a trap in the reliability specifications. shainin.com |
机动渔船中约2% 为船长24米以及更大的工业化渔船(总吨大致超过100GT),少量更大 的 船 分 布在 太平洋和大洋洲区域、欧洲和北美洲。 fao.org | About 2 percent of all motorized fishing vessels [...] corresponded to [...] industrialized fishing vessels of 24 m and larger (with a GT of roughly more than 100 GT) and that fraction was larger in the Pacific and Oceania [...]region, Europe, and North America. fao.org |
或許該名警務㆟ [...] 員表達得有點含糊,致令他㆟誤以為他說㆝ 色 太 黑 , 看不 見 船 ㆖ 有多少㆟;但他原想 說的並不是這個意思。 legco.gov.hk | That may have, perhaps, been expressed in a way that was [...] ambigious and has given people to [...] understand that he said it was too dark to identify the number [...]of people on board; but that is not what he intended to say. legco.gov.hk |
香港科學館和香港太空館因 展示的多為特別製作的互動展品,所以 文物藏品數量相對較少。 legco.gov.hk | The collections of the Hong Kong Science Museum and [...] the Hong Kong Space Museum are relatively [...]small in number because most of their [...]exhibits are fabricated interactive exhibits. legco.gov.hk |
预测——从普通想法(制造新纳米级导线传输能 [...] 量和信息)到奇思妙想(‘太空升降机’——用由 纳米管制成的长细‘缆线’把宇宙飞 船 拉 上 太空, 而不是用火箭推动)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These properties have led to a proliferation of predictions, from the mundane (a new nanoscale wire for conducting energy and information) to the fantastic (an ‘elevator to space’ – a [...] long thin ‘cable’ made of nanotubes [...] that would lift a spaceship into space, rather than requiring [...]a rocket to propel it). unesdoc.unesco.org |
董 先生或 許 忙 於 [...] 尋找救 亡 方 法:CEPA、我們的 太空人 等 ─ 藉 此 提 升 香港的 [...]信心和市民的 “ 利 好 ” 感 覺 。 legco.gov.hk | Mr TUNG may be busy getting rescue packages: [...] CEPA, our man in space, and so on — to [...]boost Hong Kong's confidence and the "feel [...]good" factor among its people. legco.gov.hk |
此外,任何人(作为欧洲联盟居民并为某成员国国民的任何自然人;在欧洲联盟 注册的任何法人;在欧洲联盟以外定居的任何成员国国民和在欧洲联盟以外设立而由 某成员国国民控制的船务公司;作为欧洲联盟居民的任何其他自然人;在欧洲联盟内、 包括在其领海和领空以及 由某成员国管辖或控制的任何飞机或任 何 船 只 从 事职业活 动的任何其他自然人)不得遵守任何直接或间接基于或产生于“1996 年古巴自由和民 主团结法”或在该法基础上或由其产生的行动的规定或禁令,包括外国法院的命令。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, no person (any natural person being a resident in the European Union and a national of a member state; any legal person incorporated within the European Union; any national of the member states [...] established outside the [...] European Union and shipping company established outside the European Union and controlled by national of a member state; any other natural person being a resident in the European Union; any other natural person within the European Union, including its territorial waters and air space and in any aircraft or on any vessel under the jurisdiction [...]or control of a [...]member state, acting in professional capacity) shall comply with any requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly, from the “Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996” or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom. daccess-ods.un.org |
论坛渔业局指出,公海登船检查是太 平 洋岛屿 所使用的合规和执法工具中的一个重要组成部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | It noted that high seas boarding and inspection [...] was a vital component of the compliance and enforcement tools used in the Pacific Islands. daccess-ods.un.org |
附件: 熱帶空調、 休息室、 身歷聲系統、 電視/DVD、 貴賓酒店式公寓、 2 小木屋、 廚房 ;flybridge: 沙發、 表、 制冰機 ;太陽床墊上該船隻,aft 淋浴、 折疊的區域上的遮陽棚、 座位的弓。 prokat-yaht.g-sochi.ru | Accessories: tropical air conditioning, lounge, stereo system, TV/DVD, V.I.P. apartments, 2 cabins, kitchen; flybridge: sofas, table, ice maker; Sun mattress on the bow of the vessel, aft shower, folding [...] awning over the area, seating. g-sochi.ru |
考慮到該等變數後,現時預計亞洲五號衛星將於二零零九年六月在哈薩克斯坦之拜科努 爾 太空 中心發射升空。 asiasat.com | Taking these variables into consideration, the current estimate for the launch of AsiaSat 5 [...] from the Baikonur Space Centre in Kazakhstan, [...]is June 2009. asiasat.com |
所需经费增加的主要原因是:(a) 地震后为新办公室和宿舍购置了预制设 施、水净化和空调设 备、杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机, 以支持境内流离失所者营地以及安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c) 为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集装箱; (d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60 美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e) 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预 计所需费用;(f) 地震后在船上为 工作人员提供住所的所需经费。 daccess-ods.un.org | The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated [...] facilities, water [...] purification and air conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result of the earthquake; (b) the acquisition of additional generators to support power supply in internally displaced persons camps as well as for new contingents deployed immediately following the adoption of Security Council resolution 1908 (2010); (c) the acquisition of additional sea containers for the shipment of the additional equipment to Haiti; (d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake. daccess-ods.un.org |
基于与地质测量和太空机构 的伙伴关系,利用地质数据和地图成了研究与培 训的强大工具,而且也是地区社会经济发展以及减轻自然灾害负面影响的不可或缺的东西。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Based on the partnership with [...] Geological Surveys and Space agencies, the utilization [...]of geological data and maps has proved [...]to be a powerful tool for research and training and is indispensable for the socio-economic regional development as well as for the mitigation of the negative affects of natural disasters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
法令还禁止在以下方面进行不公正的歧视:提供商品、服 务或便利,包括银行或保险业的便利或赠款、贷款、信用或融资便利;公众进入 [...] 公共成员有权或被允许进入或使用的任何场所、车辆 、 船 只 、 航 空 器 或气 垫 船; 提 供土地、住房或其他住宿;获得和参加教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also prohibits unfair discrimination in the provision of goods, services or facilities, including facilities by way of banking or insurance or for grants, loans, credit or finance; access by [...] the public to any place, [...] vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft which members of the public [...]are entitled or allowed to [...]enter or use; the provision of land, housing or other accommodation; access to, and participation in, education. daccess-ods.un.org |
越南政府根据关于太空活动 的这一根本政策,于 2006 年通过了到 2020 年前研究和应用空间技术的战 [...] 略,这项战略指出,研究和利用外层空间方面的所有 活动都必须出于和平目的,有助于防止可能在外层空 间发生的军备竞赛,并且加强国际合作,以制定为和 [...] 平目的探索和利用外层空间的法律框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | In line with this [...] fundamental policy on space activities, in 2006 [...]the Government of Viet Nam adopted its strategy on research [...]and application of space technology by 2020, which states that all activities in the research and use of outer space must be aimed at peaceful purposes, contribute to the prevention of a possible arms race in outer space and strengthen international cooperation in formulating a legal framework for the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful ends. daccess-ods.un.org |