

单词 太空

太空 ()

outer space



launch into space




space walk

External sources (not reviewed)

要求学生们阐太空技术 对社会发展的贡献,特别 是对经济、社会和文化发展的贡献。
Students were asked to describe the
[...] contribution being made by space technology to the [...]
well-being of society, especially to its
economic, social and cultural development.
香港科學館和香太空館因 展示的多為特別製作的互動展品,所以 文物藏品數量相對較少。
The collections of the Hong Kong Science Museum and
[...] the Hong Kong Space Museum are relatively [...]
small in number because most of their
exhibits are fabricated interactive exhibits.
董 先生或 許 忙 於
[...] 尋找救 亡 方 法:CEPA、我們太空人 等 ─ 藉 此 提 升 香港的 [...]
信心和市民的 “ 利 好 ” 感 覺 。
Mr TUNG may be busy getting rescue packages:
[...] CEPA, our man in space, and so on — to [...]
boost Hong Kong's confidence and the "feel
good" factor among its people.
考慮到該等變數後,現時預計亞洲五號衛星將於二零零九年六月在哈薩克斯坦之拜科努 太空 中心發射升空。
Taking these variables into consideration, the current estimate for the launch of AsiaSat 5
[...] from the Baikonur Space Centre in Kazakhstan, [...]
is June 2009.
随着国 际社会走向防止外空军备竞赛或管理空间军备竞赛 太空 战 可 能会如何导致核战 争――最终伤害人类――的问题是应当得到更认真考虑的问题。
As the international community approaches PAROS or managing the
[...] arms race in space, the question of how space warfare may [...]
result in nuclear warfare—the
ultimate harm to humanity—is something that should be more carefully considered.
与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国一道,是在《防止弹道导弹扩散海牙行为准 则》框架内事先通知其所有弹道导弹 太空 发 射的唯一核武器国。
The only nuclear-weapon State, along with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to give
pre-launch notifications of all its
[...] ballistic missile and space launches, within [...]
the framework of The Hague Code of Conduct
against Ballistic Missile Proliferation.
基于与地质测量太空机构 的伙伴关系,利用地质数据和地图成了研究与培 训的强大工具,而且也是地区社会经济发展以及减轻自然灾害负面影响的不可或缺的东西。
Based on the partnership with
[...] Geological Surveys and Space agencies, the utilization [...]
of geological data and maps has proved
to be a powerful tool for research and training and is indispensable for the socio-economic regional development as well as for the mitigation of the negative affects of natural disasters.
此外,紀念館年前更曾與美太空總 署 Celestis衛星公司合作推 太空 葬 禮,將先人骨灰經美國以火箭射 太空 , 圍 繞地球運轉。
In addition, the Memorial Hall co-operated
with NASA
[...] Celestis satellite company to launch "Space Burial" a year ago, shooting deceased's bone ashes to space by a rocket from the U.S. and circulating [...]
around the earth.
越南政府根据关太空活动 的这一根本政策,于 2006 年通过了到 2020 年前研究和应用空间技术的战 [...]
略,这项战略指出,研究和利用外层空间方面的所有 活动都必须出于和平目的,有助于防止可能在外层空 间发生的军备竞赛,并且加强国际合作,以制定为和
In line with this
[...] fundamental policy on space activities, in 2006 [...]
the Government of Viet Nam adopted its strategy on research
and application of space technology by 2020, which states that all activities in the research and use of outer space must be aimed at peaceful purposes, contribute to the prevention of a possible arms race in outer space and strengthen international cooperation in formulating a legal framework for the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful ends.
美高森美公司(Microsemi Corporation,紐約納斯達克交易所代號:MSCC) 為通訊、國防與安全、以太空與工業提供最全面的半導體與系統解決方案產品組合。
Microsemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for communications, defense & security, aerospace and industrial markets.
早在1960年当美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)对登月舱要求的方案时 (实际太空飞船 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗在月球上着陆) ,格鲁曼希望获得合同,但是他看到可靠性的规格上的困难。
When NASA asked for
[...] proposals for the Lunar Module (the space ship that actually [...]
landed Neil Armstrong on the moon) in the
early 1960's, Grumman wanted the contract but saw a trap in the reliability specifications.
其次,我们将继续行使举世公认的国际法所承认的使 太空 的 独 立权利,而 此种国际法地位在安全理事会决议之上。
Secondly, we will continue exercising the
[...] independent right to use space recognized by [...]
the universally accepted international laws
which are above the Security Council resolutions.
這裡需要強調的是,除了發 射日期 外, 現有的發射計劃並沒有作出任何改變
[...] ,亞洲五號衛星的建造工程將繼續如期進行 ,而在哈薩克斯坦之 拜科努太空中心 進行發射之日期則由二零零八年下半年改為二零零九年 。
The construction of AsiaSat 5 will continue on schedule while the launch
[...] at the Baikonur Space Centre in Kazakhstan [...]
will be rescheduled from the second half of 2008 to 2009.
然而 包括俄羅斯總統在內的政治領袖也 體認到 影響目前俄羅斯經濟前景最大的關鍵 仍在於如何改善投資環境 這包括如何促進金 融秩序穩定與降低管制 投資保障 稅務與勞 工等問題 以利吸引更多的民間投資 但在達 到這樣難度相當高的目標之前 目前俄羅斯對 外資的態度還是以較大規模且有外國政府參與 的投資計畫為主 目 前 俄 羅 斯 希 望 在 年 底 能 夠 與 東 協 ASEAN 洽簽一項自由貿易區的相關協定 內容大部分係以核太空 交通 教育 奈 米 生物科技 保障食品安全等方面的合作 目前雖然不清楚俄羅斯強化與南亞與東南亞的 經濟合作 會有助於俄羅斯經濟擺脫明後年歐 盟經濟不振帶給俄羅斯經濟本身的影響 然而 就長期而言 逐步融入世界經濟與貿易體系 還是符合俄羅斯整體利益 並穩定剛結束的國 會大選與即將舉行總統大選的俄羅斯政局
Now Russia hopes to sign an agreement with ASEAN related to free trade area by the end of the year, including cooperation in terms of nuclear power, outer space, transportation, education, nano, biotechnology, and food safety. Although it is still unclear now whether Russia’s strengthened economic cooperation with South Asia and Southeast Asia will help its own economy get rid of the influences brought by the weak economy of Europe in the next two years, the gradual integration into the world economy and trading system is in line with Russia’s national interests in the long term.
北電* [NYSE/TSX:NT] 為美國國家航空航天局 (NASA) 的任務指揮及遙感勘測網絡進行升級,為今天夏季 太空 穿 梭 機升空計劃提供強勁後盾。
When the Space Shuttle program returns to flight this summer, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s Mission Command and Telemetry Network ¡V recently upgraded by Nortel* [NYSE/TSX: NT] ¡V will enable critical
information and data to be shared
[...] between the Space Shuttle Discovery, the International Space Station and [...]
NASA operations centres.
委员会宣布 2012 至 2017 年这段时间为“太空间技 术应用和地理信息系统促进减少灾害风险和可持续发展行动五年”,并 确定这一“亚太行动五年”的目标应为:加强国家和区域层面的努力,通过增加 [...]
The Commission proclaimed the period from
[...] 2012 to 2017 the Asia-Pacific Years of Action for Applications of Space Technology [...]
and the Geographic Information
System for Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development, and decided that the objective of the Asia-Pacific Years of Action should be to enhance efforts at the national and regional levels to broaden and deepen the contribution of space technology and the Geographic Information System to addressing issues related to disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management as well as environment and development by increasing relevant activities at the national, subregional and regional levels.
焦立中博士是執行過四太空任務 的資深宇航員,最近一次是作為遠征10的指揮官和美國航空航天局科學官登上國際空間站。
A veteran of four space missions, Dr. Chiao [...]
most recently served as Commander and NASA Science Officer of Expedition 10
aboard the International Space Station.
在委员会享有常设观察员地位的下列政府间组织派观察员出席了会议:亚太平洋空间合作组织(太空间合 作组织)、阿拉伯世界遥感中心协会、欧洲 南半球天文学研究组织、欧洲空间局(欧空局)、欧洲通信卫星组织、国际移动 [...]
The session was attended by observers for the following intergovernmental organizations
with permanent observer
[...] status with the Committee: Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), [...]
Association of Remote
Sensing Centres in the Arab World (ARSCAW), European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO), European Space Agency (ESA), European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT-IGO), International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) and Regional Centre for Remote Sensing of North African States (CRTEAN).
政府提供多樣的服務,像是國防﹑司法﹑教育﹑環保﹑道 路建設太空探險 ,這些工作比較適合由政府來做,而非私人企 業。
Governments provide certain services — such as national defense, administration of
justice, education, environmental protection,
[...] road construction, space exploration — for [...]
which they are viewed as better suited than private businesses.
甲. 綜合性的設計 y 廣場需與鄰近的地方和諧地結連
[...] (如天星小輪、鐘樓、五支旗桿、海運大厦、 星光行、星光大道、文化中心太空 館 、 前水警總部、西九龍文化區等等)。
A. Integrated design y The piazza needs to be integrated in harmony with the vicinity (e.g. Star Ferry, Clock Tower, five flag-posts,
Ocean Terminal, Star House, Avenue of Stars,
[...] Cultural Centre, Space Museum, the former [...]
Marine Police Headquarters, West Kowloon cultural district, etc).
密度與浮力是作爲物質行為的某一方面進行研究,並依 太空 中 物 體的 物理交互作用來研究太陽系中的地球。
Density and buoyancy are explored as aspects of
[...] the behavior of matter, and Earth in the solar system is [...]
studied according to the physical
interactions of bodies in space.
天文学奖平均颁予意大太空天体 物理与宇宙物理研究所研究主任恩里科•科斯塔 (Enrico Costa) 和美国国家宇航局马歇太空飞行 中心主任科学家杰拉尔德•菲什曼 (Gerald J Fishman),以表彰他们领导天文卫星,证明了宇宙中最大能量的爆发 ─ 伽玛射线暴 ─ 来自宇宙学距离。
Awarded in equal shares to Dr Enrico Costa,
Director of Research
[...] at the Institute of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics (Rome) of the National Institute of Astrophysics, Italy and  Dr Gerald J Fishman, Chief Scientist at the NASA – Marshall Space Flight Center, USA [...]
for their leadership of
space missions that enabled the demonstration of the cosmological origin of gamma ray bursts, the brightest sources known in the universe.
[...] 要求在常规裁军以及普及禁止化学和生物武器等方面取得进展,并需要 考虑到弹道导弹扩散太空安全
Global, in the sense that improving the international security situation calls for not only progress on nuclear disarmament, but also on conventional disarmament, as well as for the universalization of the prohibition of
chemical and biological weapons, and the need to take into account ballistic missile
[...] proliferation and security in space.
[...] 举办集体培训,以进行能力开发,并使其融入 太空 间 应 用促进可持 续发展区域方案在亚洲的教育和培训网络,这些正在开展的努力将继 [...]
续下去,其重点更多地放在针对具体情况的专门活动和伙伴关系建设 举措。
The ongoing efforts of organizing group
[...] training for the Pacific island countries [...]
for capacity development and their integration
with RESAP education and training networks in Asia will continue with more focus on context specific and specialized activities and partnership building initiatives.
四个会员国在 2012 年 2 月 28 日信件中,就违反 第 1929(2010)号决议第 9
[...] 段的行为,也即伊朗 2012 年 2 月 3 日宣布使用伊朗“使者号”运载火箭 太空 发射“先驱号”卫星一事提交了报告。
In a letter dated 28 February 2012, four Member States submitted a report regarding a violation of paragraph 9 of resolution 1929
(2010) on the launch of the Navid
[...] satellite into space using Iran’s Safir space launch vehicle [...]
as announced by Iran on 3 February 2012.
最后,我感到高兴的是梁将军指出并表示中方将考虑和研究作为更广泛战略和经济对话一部分的战略安全对话的启动,它涵盖核、导弹防御 太空 和 网 络问题。
Finally, I was pleased that General Liang noted and said that the Chinese side would consider and study the beginning of a Strategic Security Dialogue
– as part of a broader Strategic and Economic Dialogue – that covers nuclear,
[...] missile defense, space, and cyber issues.
[...] 洋科学、预防保健与营养、生态系统与生态学 太空 、 气 候、可持续农业、信息通信技术网络与未来能源方面与CSIRO的国家研究旗舰计划(National [...]
Research Flagships)相一致,反映了澳中两国当前共同面临的各种问题。
These eight projects, in the areas of marine science,
preventative health and nutrition,
[...] ecosystems and ecology, space, climate, sustainable [...]
agriculture, ICT networks and future
energy, align with CSIRO’s National Research Flagships reflecting the similarities in the issues currently facing Australia and China.
格里布尔(不想看到另一个地球男孩失去了他的母亲)在火星的眼睛,他会试图挽救他的妈妈,并给它米洛的母亲,显示了火星人的一件事,他们能找到 太空 头 盔忽略地球妈妈:爱自己的孩子。
Before the eyes of the Martians, Gribble (not wanting to see another Earth boy lose his mother) manages to find the space helmet he’d attempted to save his mom with and gives it to Milo’s mother, showing the Martians the one thing they had overlooked about Earth moms: love for their children.




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