单词 | 太子港 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 太子港—Port-au-Prince, capital of HaitiSee also:太子n—princen 太子—crown prince
一位妇女抱着她的两个孩子,在海地太子港总医院的营养中心。 unicef.org | A woman holds her two children in the nutrition center of the [...] General Hospital in Port-au-Prince,Haiti. unicef.org |
我们返回太子港后,又访问了 Delmas 33 警署, 我们在那里看到,联合国警察和海地警察一起办公这 [...] 一简单之举促成了辅导、培训和关键技能的转让。 daccess-ods.un.org | On returning to Port-au-Prince,wevisited the [...] Delmas 33 police station, where we saw how the simple act of co-locating [...]United Nations and Haitian police can enable mentoring, training and the transfer of key skills. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,联海稳定团还安排了定期穿梭航班,以方便在圣 多明各和太子港之间的人员流动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, regular shuttle flights were established to facilitate the movement of personnel [...] between Santo Domingo and Port-au-Prince. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然在地震前,由于海地国家警察与联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)密 [...] 切合作,成功逮捕参与绑架儿童的武装分子和帮派头目,被绑架儿童的数量下降 了(2008 年 89 起案件;2009 年 21 起案件),但 2010 年被绑架儿童数目略有增加, 27 名儿童(包括 13 [...] 名女孩)被绑架,包括被武装分子绑架,目的是索要赎金或伤 害,这些主要发生在太子港。daccess-ods.un.org | Although there was a decline in the number of child abductions prior to the earthquake owing to the arrest of armed elements and gang leaders involved in child abduction by the Haitian National Police in close cooperation with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (89 cases in 2008; 21 cases in 2009), the numbers increased slightly in 2010, with 27 [...] children (including 13 girls) abducted for ransom or for assault, including by armed elements, [...] predominantly in Port-au-Prince. daccess-ods.un.org |
在速效项目中,我们要强调智利和厄瓜多尔联合 [...] 工兵队所做的工作,他们改善了太阳城的运河体系, 包括彻底清理了中央运河,并与韩国工兵一道,重新 铺设了环绕太子港的道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among the quick-impact projects, we would like to highlight the work of the joint corps of Chilean and Ecuadoran engineers, who have improved the canal system in Cité Soleil, including the thorough [...] cleaning of the central canal, and repaved the [...] road encirclingPort-au-Prince, togetherwith Korean [...]military engineers. daccess-ods.un.org |
该名官员还否定了关于海地的医疗机构不具备更换申 诉人心脏起搏器电池的条件的说法,指出在申诉人的家乡太子港,获得医疗服务 并不太困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | The officer also dismissed the allegation that the health services in Haiti were not equipped to replace the complainant’s [...] pacemaker batteries, noting that access to medical care was [...] less difficult in Port-au-Prince, thecomplainant’s [...]hometown. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿根廷对海地的承诺还可见于我们积极参加南 美国家同盟的活动,该组织在其许多行动和承诺中, 于 2010 年 2 月决定为该国的重建设立一个基金,并 于 [...] 2010 年 8 月使其在该岛的存在制度化,在太子港开设了一个技术秘书处。 daccess-ods.un.org | Argentina’s commitment to Haiti can also been seen in our active participation in the Union of South American Nations, an organization which, among its many actions and commitments, decided in February 2010 to establish a fund for the reconstruction of the country and in [...] August 2010 institutionalized its presence on the island with the opening of a [...] technical secretariat in Port-au-Prince. daccess-ods.un.org |
圣多明各支助办公室将继续为海地和圣多明各的所有联海稳定团人员提 [...] 供行政和联络支助服务职能,包括人事管理、协助差旅、财务和采购、管理太子 港和圣多明各的培训设施(以期减少培训方面的差旅)、工作人员报到和离职服 [...]务,以及同多米尼加共和国政府和联合国国家工作队联络。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Santo Domingo Support Office will continue to provide administrative and liaison support services functions to all MINUSTAH personnel in Haiti and Santo Domingo, including personnel administration, travel assistance, finance and [...] procurement, the management of [...] training facilities inPort-au-Princeand Santo Domingo [...](with a view to reducing travel for [...]training) and staff check-in/check-out services, as well as liaison with the Government of the Dominican Republic and the United Nations country team. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如几周前海地国内发生动乱时,太子港加纳普维尔特地区的诊所发现其急需新的物资补充。 unicef.org | Several weeks ago, for example, when civil unrest rocked the country, [...] the clinic inPort-au-Prince’s Canape Vert [...]district found itself in desperate need of new supplies. unicef.org |
2011年,“学生饮用奶计划”将在太子港持续推进,不仅为43,000名 儿童提供生活所需的食品,还将鼓励他们上学接受教育。 tetrapak.com | The school milk programme [...] will continue in Port auPrince,not only providing [...]essential food to 43,000 children in 2011, [...]but giving them an incentive to attend school. tetrapak.com |
水资源管理能力建设:2008 年 1 月在太子港的Quisqueya 大学组织了关于水资源 综合管理的巡回培训班,其侧重点是生态水文学。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Capacity-building in water management: An itinerant course on integrated water resource management, with emphasis on ecohydrology, was organized at the University of Quisqueya in Port-au-Prince in January 2008. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据国家执法当局提供的官方数字,17 名男孩和 4 名女孩在 2010 年太子港帮派武装冲突期间被杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to official figures provided by national law [...] enforcement authorities, 17 boys and 4 girls were killed during armed [...] confrontations amongPort-au-Prince gangs in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
上期债务核销额增加的主要原因包括: 有关偿还部队派遣国特遣队所属装备费用的资金没 有用完;由于安全局势不稳,军事行动构想有所改 变,因此军事工程公司参与重建工程的能力有限; 当地供应商无法提供所需货物和物资;在太子港和各地区建立和保持垃圾填埋地所需的当地采购权延 迟获得批准。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increase in the cancellation of priorperiod obligations was attributable mainly to the unutilized funds related to reimbursements to troopcontributing countries for contingent-owned equipment, the change in the military concept of operations, resulting in limited capacity of the military engineering companies to engage in rehabilitation works owing to the volatile security situation, the inability of local vendors to supply the required goods and materials, and the delay in the approval of the local procurement authority for the development and maintenance of sanitary landfill sites in Port-au-Prince and in the regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是我们有史以来首次拥有建筑 标准——确保能源效率;提供卫生设施;审视取代集 中供电和卫生系统的行之有效、成本效益更高的替代 [...] 办法;最大限度地利用再生材料,包括目前在太子港逐个社区用压石机压碎的碎石瓦砾。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is the first time we have ever had a building code — ensuring energy efficiency; providing sanitation; looking at alternatives to centralized electricity and sanitation systems that work and that are more cost-effective; and making maximal use [...] of recycled materials, including the rubble that is now being crushed [...] neighbourhood by neighbourhood in Port-au-Prince. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些系 [...] 统是在开发署支持下建立的,帮助确保在托马斯飓风来袭时,太子港公民保护 部国家应急行动中心和 10 个地方中心及其训练有素的工作人员能够让民众随 [...]时了解新的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | These systems were set up with UNDP support and helped ensure that when hurricane [...] Tomas hit, a national DPC Emergency [...] Operation Centre in Port-au-Prince and10 local centres [...]and their trained staff were able [...]to keep the population informed about emerging risks. daccess-ods.un.org |
设在圣 [...] 多明各的差旅股构成部分将提供与航空旅行相关的服务,而该股设在太子港的前台办公室部分将协助抵达海地的联合国警务人员办理签证申请。 daccess-ods.un.org | The component of the Travel Unit based in Santo Domingo would provide services [...] related to air travel while its front office [...] component inPort-au-Prince would support the [...]visa application process for United [...]Nations police personnel arriving in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
稳定团还对太子港至多米尼加共和国边 界的主要供应道路进行了升级。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mission also upgraded the main [...] supply roadfrom Port-au-Prince totheborder [...]of the Dominican Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,教科文组织太子港办事处招聘了一位 文化问题专家,来加强在这方面的能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It has also been effective in providing platforms for data exchange through building networks with experts and hosting international consortiums. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在与供资者举行的会议上,独立专家有时的印象是,这个问题不 一定被认为是一个优先事项;然而,重建太子港的必要性提供了一个独特的机 会,即显示对残疾人的歧视已成为过去的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | At meetings with donors, the Independent Expert was sometimes left with the impression that this concern was not [...] necessarily considered a priority; yet, the need [...] to rebuild Port-au-Prince presents a unique [...]opportunity to demonstrate that the discrimination [...]suffered by persons with disabilities is a thing of the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
至于海地,办事处为教科文组织太子港办事处提供了援助和协作,筹备于 2004 年起草的《海地临时合作框架》。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As to Haiti, the Office assisted and collaborated with the [...] UNESCO Office in Port-au-Prince,inthe preparation [...]of the Haitian Provisional Cooperation Framework, drafted in 2004. unesdoc.unesco.org |
海地太子港,2012 年3月7日——2010年1月的地震摧毁了太子港居民的家园和基础设施,许多流离失所的人们把家安置在家乐福社区附近一个破旧的私人飞机跑道上,在破旧的飞机和直升机之间支起的帐篷成了他们的栖身之地。 unicef.org | PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, 7March 2012 – After the January 2010 earthquake destroyed homes and infrastructurein Port-au-Prince,a number of displaced [...] families moved [...]to an old private airstrip in the Carrefour neighbourhood, setting up tents between old planes and helicopters. unicef.org |
理事会 2009 年 7 月 23 日第 2009/4 号决议将海地问题特设咨询小组 的任务期限延长至理事会 2010 年 7 月的实质性会议,使得 2010-2011 两 年期拟议方案预算第 9 款(经济和社会事务)下所需资源估计数为 12 200 美 元,供咨询小组 2010 年 4 月到海地出差 1 次,用于支付咨询小组 4 名成员 的旅费、每日生活津贴、终点站费用以及在太子港的会议支助服务费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In connection with Council resolution 2009/4 of 23 July 2009, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti until the substantive session of the Council in July 2010, an estimated amount of $12,200 would be required under section 9 (Economic and social affairs) of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 for a consultation mission to Haiti in April 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于在太子港管理和设立流离失所者营地以及修 复遭地震破坏的基础设施带来的重大挑战,我们敦促会 员国尽最大可能部署更多的工程人员,特别是联海稳定 团还有必要的空间,可以容纳更多的工程设备。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given themajor [...] challenges posed by the management and establishment of displaced person campsinPort-au-Prince,as well [...]as the rehabilitation [...]of infrastructure destroyed by the earthquake, we urge Member States, as far as possible, to deploy further engineers, especially as MINUSTAH possesses the necessary space for the deployment of additional engineering equipment. daccess-ods.un.org |
联海稳定团和联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)互相协 [...] 作,以加强国家警察未成年人保护队、社会事务部和太子港律师协会处理儿童权 利和儿童收养有关问题的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | MINUSTAH and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) collaborated to strengthen the capacity of the Brigade for the Protection of Minors of the [...] national police, the Ministry of Social [...] Affairs and the Port-au-PrinceBar Association on [...]issues related to children’s rights and adoption. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年海地地震后,教科文组织在太子港佩蒂翁维尔高尔夫球场设立多媒体 [...] 移动设备,以满足 50 000 名境内流离失所者的信息流通需要,帮助家庭团聚并 协助受灾人口适应新的生活和社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, UNESCO responded to [...] the communicationneeds of 50,000 internally [...]displaced people by setting up a multimedia [...]mobile unit at the Petionville golf course in Port-au-Prince, in order to help to reunite families and assist affected populations in adapting to a new life and society. daccess-ods.un.org |
又据指出,太子港的志愿人员 支助办公室将对联海稳定团的志愿人员方案进行一般行政管理,并支持海地的联 [...] 合国志愿人员,而圣多明各支助办事处构成部分将与联合国志愿人员方案总部和 联合国开发计划署(开发署)国家办事处协调,为派驻圣多明各的联合国志愿人员 [...]提供征聘和一般行政支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was further indicated that the United Nations Volunteer [...] Support Office in Port-au-Princewould implement the [...]general administration of the United [...]Nations Volunteers programme in MINUSTAH and support the United Nations Volunteers staff in Haiti, while the Santo Domingo Support Office component would coordinate with United Nations Volunteers programme headquarters and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) country offices on recruitment and general administrative support to United Nations Volunteers programme staff based in Santo Domingo. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于联海稳定团的增援活动有所减少,飞机数量和飞行时间减少,因此, 需要更多车辆来运输联海稳定团的工作人员往返于太子港和各地区之间,为满足 这一需求,拟议从供应科调入 9 个司机(1 个本国一般事务员额和 8 个临时本国一 般事务职位)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to accommodate the increase in demand for vehicles to transport MINUSTAH personnel between Port-au-Prince and the regions, which is attributable to the reduction in the number of aircraft and flight hours in line with the partial drawdown of the Mission’s surge capacities, it is proposed that nine Drivers (1 national General Service post and 8 temporary national General Service positions) be redeployed from the Supply Section. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织从文化“医治创伤”的功效出发,在 Zhovie 剧团演出 Franketienne 剧目获 [...] 得成功后,又推出了一系列戏剧演出活动和创作培训班活动,为太子港和Léogâne 的十个难 民营中的孩子们演出和向他们开放。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Building on the healing power of culture and following the initial performance of a piece by Franketienne by the theatre group Zhovie, UNESCO has supported an [...] additional series of theatre performances and creative ateliers [...] for children in six refugee camps in Port-au-Prince and[...]Léogâne. unesdoc.unesco.org |