

单词 太大



Canadian Pacific railway

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 中心的合作,有专家对于这是否不是一 太大 的 负 担表示关注,并对该决定草案提出了修正 案。
With regard to the cooperation with other existing institutes and
centres, a subsequent concern was expressed
[...] whether this was not too much of a burden [...]
and proposed an amendment to the draft decision.
由於無機汞的毒性較為輕微, 所以食物含有無機汞不會引太大關 注
Dietary inorganic mercury is of little toxicological concern.
此外,我們亦有法定持倉的限制,目的是針對如果這些基金在香港買賣,將 不可以對我們的市場構太大沖擊
Moreover, statutory position limit has been
put in place to prevent the Hong Kong
[...] market from suffering too heavy a blow caused [...]
by the transactions of these funds in Hong Kong.
有与会者进一步表示,有关“冲突强度和持续时间”的新内容并 太大意 义 ,因为其已被“性质和程度”这一标准所涵盖。
The view was further expressed that the new reference to the “intensity and duration of the conflict” did not add much as the terms were covered by the criterion of “nature and extent”.
到澳大利亚旅行,如果希望游览 许多个地方,最大的花费就是交通费,原因很简单,这个国 太大 了。
The biggest cost in any trip to Australia if you want to see a lot of the country will be transport, simply because it's such a huge place.
如果您这边传过去的声太大声或太 小 声 ,请调节音量直到达到最佳音量为止。
If you are too loud or too quiet to the person [...]
you are calling, please use the volume adjuster until you achieve the optimum volume level.
与前一份文件相比,环境规划署向本次会议提出的订正项目文 件没有作太大更动 ,仅对通过开发计划署根据制冷剂管理计划执行的最终用户奖励方案 [...]
The revised project document submitted by UNEP to
this meeting has not changed substantially
[...] from the earlier one, except for additional [...]
information on the progress and status
of implementation of the incentive programme for end-users being implemented under the RMP through UNDP.
他的挽救工作构成了神对世界的拯救工作功率决定性或末世论的体现,对进一步的“最后的事”在未来后浓度betokened到 太大 卫 教派,它降低到仅仅是“初步”的角色,那些复发要素的福音,是耶稣的信息特色。
His redeeming work constituted the decisive or eschatological manifestation of the power of God operating for the world's salvation; the later concentration on a further
"last thing" in the future betokened
[...] a relapse into Jewish apocalypticism, which relegated [...]
to a merely "preliminary" role
those elements of the gospel which were distinctive of Jesus' message.
(b) 政府當局解釋,在電子紀錄不 能 經由電子郵遞傳送至 收 訊 者 (接收者
[...] )戶口的 情況下, 倘 若 因來太大,超逾該人的戶 口 的 容量,收 [...]
訊者通常 會 收到 一 個 預警的通知 訊 息,使他知 悉有人正向他傳送電子紀 錄,而他可採取必須的行動接 收該電子紀錄。
in case an electronic record could not be sent via email to the
addressee (recipient)'s account because the size
[...] of the incoming file exceeded the capacity [...]
limit of his account, the addressee
would normally be alerted by a notification message such that he would have knowledge of the electronic record being sent to him and that he might take necessary action to receive the electronic record.
[...] GFI(总固定投资)触底回升,但我们预计在 2010 年底之前不会太大的恢复。
The bottom of the global economic recession is forming and we expect to see the bottom in the global GFI (gross fixed
investment) decline in our fourth fiscal quarter, but we do not expect to see
[...] any significant recovery until late 2010.
由于对有限资源的需太大,该 办公室不能满足维持和平特派团工作人员 在提高对本组织的规则和价值观念的认识、专门针对维持和平特派团工作人员开 展外联活动和制定道德操守教育和培训方面的需要。
Due to the
[...] overwhelming demand on the Office’s limited resources, the Office has been unable [...]
to address the needs of peacekeeping
mission staff in terms of raising awareness of the Organization’s rules and values, conducting outreach and developing ethics education and training specifically related to peacekeeping mission staff.
当达到可接受的水平时,将麦克风增益稍微调低一点以确保设备传输的音量不 太大。
When an acceptable level is reached, lower the microphone gain a bit to secure the unit is
[...] not transmitting too much.
另外,与在一个双年度期间实际可以 筹集到的新的自愿捐款相比,首个补充性追加计划在建议捐助者资助的项目总数方面野太 大了。
Indeed, CAP I proved to be far too ambitious in terms of the overall volume of projects proposed to donors compared to the real potential for the mobilization of new voluntary contributions during a biennium.
每一条生命的丧失都太大的损 失,以色列非法行动 所造成那些死伤者的鲜血也将沾染安全理事会的双 手。
One dead is far too many and the blood [...]
of those who have perished and been injured by that illegal Israeli action will also
be on the hands of the Security Council.
[...] 多有争议的假定的基础上产生的,没 太大 的 具 体意义,但确实可以说,在全球范围内推 [...]
行专利制度对专利权所有者将相当有益,这些专利权所有者主要在发达国家,而这种受益 是建立在受保护技术和产品的使用者的损失之上的,这些使用者主要在发展中国家。
Not too much should be read into the [...]
exact value of these figures, which depend on a number of debateable assumptions, but
it can safely be said that the effect of applying patent rights globally will be to benefit very considerably the holders of patent rights, mainly in developed countries, at the expense of the users of protected technologies and goods in developing countries.
另一方面,有人也表达看法认为,仅仅依靠双边处理 将预太大的妥 协空间,将损害公平性。
On the other, the view was expressed that bilateral treatment
[...] alone would leave too much room for compromise [...]
and would sacrifice equity.
筆者相信特首昨天引用的調查,應該在方法上沒 太大 的 問 題,否則特首也不敢如此鋪張,兼且認為「任何一個可靠的專業調查都可能會得出同樣的結果」,又「歡迎各位可以作出個別的調查」以印證結果。
The author believes that the surveys quoted by the CE yesterday should not have serious deficiencies in terms of methodology, otherwise the CE would not act in such a high-profile way and claim that same results would be derived from any reliable and professional survey, as well as welcoming all parties to conduct surveys to verify the results individually.
[...] E-5: A 分料喷射过度,这是因为与 B 配合时,其混合室容太大。
Alarm Troubleshooting E-5: the A dose overshoots and, when
[...] combined with B, is too large for the mix [...]
chamber capacity.
考虑到发展中国家大多是贫穷人口,且专利保护制度会提高产品价格,有必要特别谨慎地 调查一些人提出的观点,即在发展中国家行使专利权不可能对受专利保护的医药使用太 大的影响。
Given that in developing countries most people are poor and that patent protection can increase prices, it is necessary to examine with particular care the arguments put forward by some that patents in developing countries are not likely significantly to affect access to pharmaceuticals subject to patent protection.
即便从中期来讲,在 不变式假设中,非洲的人口与其他更貌似合理的预测产生的人口之间没 太大差 别 ,但到 2100 年,不变式假设与其他假设之间的差距就很大(见图四)。
Even if, in the medium term, the population of Africa in the no-change scenario were not greatly different from that produced by other, more plausible projection scenarios, by 2100 the difference between the no-change scenario and other scenarios would be large (see figure IV).
C. 黨員對政黨欠缺忠誠 因為不同政黨之間並不存太大的政 見分歧,黨員經常轉換黨籍;只要他們能與地方領 袖保持良好的私人關係,他們便能在政治上繼續具有影響力。
As there was little difference in political principles between one party and the next, party members often changed sides yet remained politically influential, as long as they had good personal ties with local social leaders.
使用影像边缘填充选项时,请小心不要输 太大 的 值,因为它可能会 填满您要保留的影像数据。
When using Image Edge Fill, be careful not
[...] to enter a value too large as it could [...]
fill in image data that you want to keep.
加上台灣的選舉民意調查確實存在不少問題,因此,政府如果要進一步限制選舉民調的發放,阻力應該不 太大。
Together with the fact that problems do exist in the election polls in Taiwan, if the
government wants to introduce further restrictions to the release of election poll,
[...] it should not have too much opposition.
评价指 出在用水安全、基本环境卫生和个人卫生方面有一些改进,但是‘重建胜过原状’ 的努力雄太大,令 人担心新式、精密的设施的维修和可持续性。
While the evaluation noted some improvements in water security, basic sanitation and hygiene, efforts to build back better were overly ambitious, introducing concerns about maintenance and sustainability in new and sophisticated facilities.
雄厚的资金储备和有力的 资本账户监管措施,帮助各国在 2011 年下半年的金融风暴中几乎没有受 太大 冲击 :银行抗住了金融风暴,而资本流入的急剧逆转似乎没 太大 影 响 到经济活 动。
Strong reserve positions and capital account regulatory measures helped countries to come relatively unscathed out of the financial turmoil of
the second half of 2011: banks
[...] survived the storm, while the sharp reversal in capital inflows did not seem to have affected economic activity too much.
具体而言,在对中国出口的集中 度方面,大多数 EAGLEs 经济体和美国以及 G7 相比没太大差异,除了韩国(2009 年对中国的出 口额占 GDP 的 10%)和台湾。
Specifically, as for geographic concentration of exports (to China), it is not significantly different in most EAGLEs countries when compared to the US and G7 group, except for Korea which exported to China as 10% of its GDP in 2009 and Taiwan as well.
以上是几个方法的原理和对比,我并不认为哪个对哪个错,不过我个人比较认可皮肤模式下测试的数值,因为它的实验条件是模仿皮肤蒸发汗水时的状态,美国标准实际上测的是静止状态下的透气,跟实际应用有些差距,至于GORE的测试方法,我善意地认为它是商业的炒做而已,并没 太大 实 际 意义,毕竟干燥剂和26度的测试环境离现实太远。
These are the principles and comparison of several methods, I do not think what value, which is wrong, but I personally recognized skin mode testing because the experimental conditions to mimic skin evaporation of sweat when the state, the U.S. standard is actually measured is the stationary state, breathable, with some gaps in the practical application of test methods of GORE good faith belief that it is the bubbling of the commercial
and not much practical significance, after all, the desiccant and the test environment
[...] of 26 degrees from reality too far.
不过,展望未来,鉴于主要发达国家金融部门持续疲弱和收益率 差太大,主 要发展中国家的货币的升值压力很可能继续,这意味着采取措施来 抵消高资本流入带来的风险可能会变得更加普遍。
In the outlook, though, the upward pressure on the currencies of major developing countries is likely to continue, given persistent financial sector weakness in major developed countries and substantial rate-ofreturn differentials, implying that the measures taken to counteract the risks associated with the high capital inflows may have to become more pervasive.
我要重申,这或许是我对 安理会说的最后的话——虽然也不一定是,就象我在 开头所说的那样——我的基本看法是,目前,原则与
[...] 实践之间、规范与实地现状之间、安理会发言与很多 国家在安理会之外的行为之间的差 太大 了 , 大 得令 人不能接受。
Let me repeat, as this is probably my last word to the Council — although not necessarily, as I said at the beginning — my basic point that the gap between principle and practice, between norms and the reality on the ground, and
between statements in the Council and how many States behave
[...] outside it is simply too wide at present to [...]
be acceptable.
环保企业对机构投资者的吸引力也更大,机构投资者通常不愿 太大 风险 ,因此对在环境问题上负责任的企业感兴趣,因为这些企业的负责态度反 映出长期、稳定的增长潜力。
Greener enterprises will also be more attractive to institutional investors, who generally have a limited tolerance for risk and will therefore be interested in companies whose attitudes to environmental responsibility suggest that they have the potential for stable, long-term growth.




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