

单词 太古



Archaeozoic (geological era before 2500m years ago)


Butterfield and Swire (Hong Kong bank)


Archaean (geological eon before 2500m years ago)

See also:

surname Gu

External sources (not reviewed)

包括在發展中物業內太古匯發 展項目,按原值計入土地使用權及物業、機器及設備項下。
Included in property under
[...] development is Taikoo Hui, which is [...]
accounted for at cost under land use rights and property, plant and equipment.
儘管主要客戶採用機齡較淺及更現代化之飛機,且本期內改裝客機為貨機之業 務機會減少,令平均工程量下降,但其港機工程及廈 太古 飛 機 工程公司運作 之飛機機架維修及改裝工程設施,在本期內仍保持高使用量。
The airframe maintenance and modification facilities operated by both HAECO and TAECO continued to be heavily utilised during the period, although with the younger fleets of more modern aircraft operated by their base customers, and with fewer opportunities during the period to convert passenger aircraft for cargo use, the extent of the average work package has dropped.
他表示,太古城的 密度作為準則,市區約有200公 頃可發展土地可用於為40萬人提供居所,而當局亦 並無迫切需要在眾多持份者反對的情況下發展只能 容納151 600人的新界東北新發展區。
He said that while there were roughly 200 hectares of developable land in the urban area which could house 400 000 people taking the density of Taikoo Shing as a yardstick, there was no imminent need for developing NENT NDAs, which could only accommodate 151 600 people, against the objections from a wide spectrum of stakeholders.
茲提太古股份有限公司、國泰航空有限公司及香港飛機工程有限公司 就Asia Pacific Advisers Limited及香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司代 太古公 司就悉數收購未太古公司或其附屬公司擁有的港機工程股本中的已發 行股份而提出的強制性無條件現金要約發出日期為二零一零年六月七日 的聯合公告,以太古公司 及港機工程就要約共同發出日期為二零一零 年六月二十八日的綜合要約及回應文件(「綜合文件」)。
Reference is made to the joint
[...] announcement made by Swire Pacific Limited, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited and Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited dated 7th June 2010 in respect of the mandatory unconditional cash offer by Asia Pacific Advisers Limited and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited on behalf of Swire Pacific to acquire all of the issued shares in the capital of HAECO not already owned by Swire Pacific or its subsidiaries and the composite offer and response document jointly issued by Swire Pacific and [...]
HAECO in relation to the
Offer dated 28th June 2010 (the “Composite Document”).
港樂的節目種類繁多,除邀得國際及本地知名指揮家及獨奏家演出,也為巿民大眾舉辦不少免費音樂會,如極受歡迎 太古 「 港 樂‧星夜‧交響曲」。
Featuring an enviable roster of
international and local artists, with many concerts presented free, among
[...] them the annual Swire Symphony Under [...]
The Stars.
這篇七年前的文章這樣說 ― 其實確是當時就宣布的英國國民(海外)護
[...] 照計劃所作的評論 ― 我引述如㆘: 太古 旅 運 有限公司執行董事楊孝華先生認為, [...]
This article of seven years ago said — and that was really the comment on the then announced new British BNO
passport scheme — and I quote "The
[...] Managing Director of Swire Travel Limited, [...]
Mr Howard YOUNG, thought that the new nationality
proposals were workable and in line with the Joint Declaration.
例如,在灣仔發 展計劃第二期下,新鴻基中心的供水設計是建基於有 兩個抽水分隔間的抽水閘,輔以直徑 450 毫米的進水
[...] 口管道供應冷卻水;但在中區填海第三期工程方面,太古廣場為例,所設置的是內有四個抽水分隔間的 [...]
抽水閘(處理量為每秒 3 000 公升),輔以直徑 1 200 毫米的管道供應冷卻水。
In Wan Chai, for example, the design is based on a two cell pumping chamber which will supply the Sun Hung Kai Centre with cooling
water through 450dia intake pipelines,
[...] while in CRIII, Pacific Place for example will [...]
be supplied by a four cell pumping
station (which has an operational capacity of 3,000 litres per second) through a 1200dia pipeline.
我曾并继续牵头进 行许多重大的海洋研究项目,其中包括:日本-法国-南太地科委有关北斐济海盆的 构造和热液活动的 STARMER 项目(1987-1991 年);日本-美国有关东太平洋海隆超 快速蔓延的热液强度的 RidgeFlux 项目(1993-1998 年);与海底热液活动有关的深 部生物圈太古宙园项目(2000-2006 年);目前在进行的 TAIGA 项目(2008-2012 年;见 http://www:gbs.eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp~taiga/en /index.html)。
I have led and continue to lead many major seagoing research projects, including the Japan-France-SOPAC STARMER project (1987-1991) on the tectonics and hydrothermal activity in the North Fiji Basin; the Japan-US RidgeFlux project (1993-1998) on hydrothermal intensity on the super-fast-spreading East Pacific Rise; the Archaean Park project (2000-2006) on the deep biosphere related to seafloor hydrothermal activity; and the current TAIGA project (2008-2012; see http://www.gbs.eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~taiga/en/inde x.html).
在当代艺术中,漆艺,作为一门传统的技艺被提出有它令人不安之处—— 太古 老 了 ,似乎首先必须完成对自身的超越,把它从固有的语境中解放出来;然而一旦如此,它又太年轻,带着种种问题所驱使的激动和忧虑,徘徊在价值的取向中。
It seems that you have to first fight lacquering itself, to liberate it from its existing context; then as soon as you succeed, it is too young, full of issue-driven excitements and worries.
太古廣場 為他們今個秋冬的時尚主題「MY STYLE」舉行揭幕時裝表演,而我們Harvey [...]
Last night Pacific Place kicked off their [...]
Autumn Winter campaign ‘My Style’ with a spectacular fashion show which Harvey
Nichols was proud to be a part of it.
以法式玫瑰園為主題,鰂魚太古坊 ag nès b. FLEURISTE早前重新設計,延續agnès [...]
With French rose as its theme, agnès
[...] b. FLEURISTE at Taikoo Place (Quarry Bay, [...]
Hong Kong) has been renovated and reopened
recently. In keeping with the love of floral, the agnès b. florist is set up like a garden in South of France, placing over thirty types of roses (from Kenya, The Netherlands, República del Ecuador and more) together.
新开业的漯太古可口 可乐瓶装厂在本周获得了 “能源和环保设计认证”(LEED) 的白金认证,这是绿色建筑认证中最有份量的认证。
Platinum is the highest level of the United States Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification system.
太古公司董事願就本公告所載資料(有關港機工程的資料除外)的準確 性共同及個別承擔所有責任,並於作出一切合理查詢後確認,就彼等所 [...]
深知,本公告所表達的意見(港機工程所表達的意見除外)乃經審慎周 詳考慮後始行作出,且本公告並無遺漏任何其他事實(有關或港機工程
The directors of Swire Pacific jointly and severally [...]
accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained
in this announcement (other than any information relating to HAECO) and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge, opinions expressed in this announcement (other than those expressed by HAECO) have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts not contained in this announcement the omission of which would make any statements in this announcement (other than those relating to HAECO) misleading.
[...] 贊成與否作出明智決定,而(其中包括)有關決議案將提呈於二零一零年六月二十九日(星期 二)上午十時正假座香港金鐘道88號 太古 廣 場 1座 5 樓 太古 廣 場 會議中心Annapurna會議室舉 行的本公司股東週年大會(「股東週年大會」)處理。
This circular is to provide the shareholders with the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Stock Exchange’’) (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’) and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the
Company to be held at
[...] Annapurna Room, Pacific Place Conference Centre, Level 5, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, [...]
Hong Kong on
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 at 10 : 00 a.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
從2008開始,送禮網為中環,灣仔 太古 與 尖 沙嘴地區商戶與辦公室提供前臺月鮮花擺設,專人每周更換,每次$600起,無需合約,歡迎查詢。
Since 2008, we have been supplying to companies and restaurants in
[...] Central, Wanchai, Taikoo and TST. A monthly [...]
plan for front desk floral decor, changed
weekly, $600 minimum per visit
[...] 大樓設計及建造工程(此乃與另一香港著名建造集團成立合營企業承辦) 太古 集團授予太古廣場 Atrium 酒店項目、位於銅鑼灣軒尼詩道 500 [...]
號之興利中心之 挖掘和側向承托工程及拆建工程之建議重建項目、位於舊山頂道
1 號之嘉諾撒醫 院之擴建項目,以及香港賽馬會授予之沙田馬場二號正面看台至馬伕宿舍主排水 系統重建項目。
In Hong Kong, the Group was awarded several major contracts in the year, including the Design and Construction of Prince of Wales Hospital – Extension Block from the Architectural Services Department (in joint venture with another renowned
construction group in Hong Kong); the
[...] Atrium Hotel at Pacific Place from the Swire Group; ELS (Excavation [...]
and Lateral Support Works)
and Demolition Works, Proposed Redevelopment of Hennessy Centre at 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay; the Extension to Canossa Hospital (Caritas) at No. 1 Old Peak Road; and the Reconstruction of Main Sewers from Grandstand 2 to Mafoo Quarter at Sha Tin Racecourse from the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
[...] 推廣活動的開幕典禮於上星期五在金鐘 太古 廣 場 的GREAT舉行,法國駐港澳總領事馬克福先生為剪綵嘉賓之一, [...]
The opening ceremony of "A taste of France" has been launched
[...] last Friday at Pacific Place Great shop, [...]
located at Admiralty.
時至今日,發展商在新市鎮興建大型私人屋邨只是平常事,但猶記當年,又有幾多人想到會有美孚新邨,甚至 太古 及 黃 埔船塢原址興建私人住宅。
Their contribution is now taken for granted in the shape of the large private estates constructed in the new towns.
組織章程細則的修訂建議將於二零零八年六月二日(星期一)下午二時正假座香港金鐘道 88 號 太古 廣場香港JW萬豪酒店三樓宴會廳舉行的本公司股東週年大會(「股東週年大會」)上提呈予股東,以特別 決議案方式通過。
The proposed amendments to the Articles of Association will be put forward to the Shareholders for approval by way of a special resolution at the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company (the “AGM”) to be held at Ballroom, Level 3, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 2 June 2008 at 2:00 p.m..
太古建議 的構思是令維 多利亞公園可暢通無阻地直達海濱。正如 附件 H 所示太 古方案 中的主幹道隧道建造仍涉及在灣仔沿岸以及在銅鑼 灣避風塘內灣填海。
As can be seen from Annex H, their scheme involves Trunk Road tunnel construction that does require reclamation along the Wan Chai shoreline and in the corners of the CBTS.
2012 年乃「香港中華煤氣有限公司」(下簡稱煤氣公司)從1862年起服務香港百五十週年之代表性年份,我們一方面要繼續為煤氣公司旺角旗艦店後之港島區首間新概念門店(位 太古 城 中 心)重新打造設計一所具歷史意義紀念年份之客戶服務中心及產品銷售店,另一方面也為煤氣公司之零售門巿及客戶服務中心穩固全新品牌形象,以迎接一百五十週年後可持續發展之服務熱點,迎接新時代消費者之巿場發展需求,達至「老牌」「不老套」之目的。
On one hand, we aimed to reform the design for the historic memorable year of the customer centre and showroom for the first new concept shop (located at Citiplaza of Tai Koo Shing, H.K.) after renovation of Towngas Flagship Shop at Mongkok, on the other hand, we also aimed to secure the brand new image for all Towngas Customer Centres and showrooms in Hong Kong, to cater for the sustainable development of customer service points in 150 anniversary afterwards to cope with the market demand from new generation's consumers and so to achieve the new company marketing goal, “The Brand is old but not aging”.
出席是次活動的包括法國駐港總領事馬克福先生、 « Lips
of Luxury »總編輯Anne Camilli,
[...] 法國年輕時裝設計師Cyril Lambert (他是其中一個在JOYCE太古廣場 分店展出的設計師之一)、法國有名香水師Francis [...]
Kurkdian以及JOYCE的總裁Andrew Keith。
The event took place in presence of personalities, such as Mr Marc Fonbaustier, Consul General of France; Anne Camilli, Editorial Director of the book ‘Lips of Luxury’;
Cyril Lambert, one of the French designers
[...] featured in JOYCE Pacific Place, Francis Kurkdjian, [...]
the famous perfumer; and Andrew Keith, JOYCE’s CEO.
Pure LatexBLISS(TM)夥拍梳化倉,於其在上環 太古 和 觀 塘的分店銷售本品牌的床墊、枕頭和薄褥。
The company partnered with Sofamark, one of Hong Kong's leading furniture stores, to introduce its mattress, pillow and topper products in Sofamark showrooms located in Sheung Wan, Taikoo and Kwun Tong.
亞洲當代藝術展將於5月23至26日 太古 廣 場 的5星級JW萬豪酒店隆重舉行,雲集超過70間畫廊參展,屆時酒店的四層客房將佈置成展覽區域,展出及售賣逾2,000份藝術作品,當中的原創及限量作品、雕塑和攝影創作將成為展覽焦點。
Over 70 art gallery exhibitors are expected to fill four full floors of specially curated rooms at the 5-star JW Marriott Hotel in Pacific Place, with over 2,000 works on show and for sale. The focus is on original works, limited editions, sculpture and photography.
所选择的模式将补齐天体物理学界目前掌握 的一系列探索宇宙的工具中的一个缺项 使探索范
[...] 围从近太阳环境延伸到人类生命的最基本元素刚刚 产生的遥远太古时期 虽然世界空间观测站的第 一阶段的观测范围界定在紫外线范围 [...]
但把这一构 想扩大到其他需要空基操作的领域之后 显然可以
成为一种动力 对全世界范围基础空间科学的研究 方式产生重大影响
The model selected will constitute a missing element in the range of tools available at present to the astrophysical community for the
exploration of the universe, extending
[...] from the near solar environment to the far [...]
distant phases of evolution, when the
basic building blocks of human life were being created.
除上文所述的用途以外,我们有意使用 阁下的姓名及联络资料作促销丶研究丶推广及客户关系管理之用途,包括向 阁下发送有关下列各类集团公司的产品和服务资讯:
[...] 酒店推广丶餐厅推广(包括集团公司的新餐厅)丶水疗推广 太古 酒 店 博客和通讯丶活动丶有关我们的服务的调查和问卷丶会员俱乐部或其他奖励计划(包括航空公司飞行里数计划)及与其他品牌的合作(时装/慈善/信用卡)(「促销标的类别」)。
In addition to the purposes set out above, with your consent, we intend to use your name and contact details for our marketing, research, promotional and customer relationship management purposes including sending you information relating to the Group Companies' products and services in the following categories: hotel promotions, restaurant promotions (including
new restaurants of the Group Companies),
[...] spa promotions, Swire hotels blog and [...]
newsletter, events, research and questionnaires
about our services, membership clubs or other reward programmes (including airline mileage programmes) and joint collaboration with different brands (fashion / charity / credit cards) ("Classes of Marketing Subject").
香港管弦樂團每年均透過一百五十多場演出,觸動二十萬樂迷的心靈,包括一連串外展活動如在跑馬地舉辦的全年最大型戶外交響音樂會 太古 「 港 樂.
HKPO annually touches the lives of 200,000 music lovers through more than 150 performances, including a series of
outreach activities including the city’s largest outdoor symphonic concert
[...] in Happy Valley, Swire Symphony under the Stars.
出任現職前,楊偉添太古(中國)有限公司董事及總經理暨駐中國首席代表,負 太古 集 團 在中國內地的業務發展、統籌及協商工作,並協助制定未來的發展方針及投資策略。
Prior to taking up his current position
with Dragonair,
[...] Mr Yeung was Director, General Manager and Chief Representative of John Swire & Sons (China) Limited, overseeing the [...]
group’s development
and investment strategies in Mainland China.
香港,2012年10月26日──位於香 太古 廣 場 的沙夫豪森IWC萬國錶專賣店正式揭幕,品牌好友張智霖、吳鎮宇、王敏德、余文樂、黃偉文及陳奐仁親臨到賀。
Hong Kong, 26 October 2012 – IWC
Schaffhausen officially inaugurated its new
[...] boutique in the Mall at Pacific Place, Hong Kong, [...]
with Friends of the Brand Julian Cheung,
Francis Ng, Michael Wong, Shawn Yue, Wyman Wong, Hanjin Tan and Yumiko Cheng.
綠巖帶太古代變 質火山巖、變質沉積巖和酸性入侵層順序排列的夾層,蘊含大量重要的金礦床。
The Property is located within the Swayze Greenstone Belt of northern Ontario, an intercalated sequence of archean metavolcanics, metasediments and felsic intrusions that host numerous significant gold deposits.




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