单词 | 太初 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 太初 —the absolute beginningSee also:初 adj—first adj • junior adj 初—basic • (at the) beginning • at first
豈料,該位丈夫卻在內地的法庭申請 處理離婚,而該位太太最初並不知情,當她知道時已要到內地應訊。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, she objected to the Mainland court handling their divorce application because she said it was already being processed by the Hong Kong court. legco.gov.hk |
因為議員不能提出任何開支的動議,我建議財政司考慮成立㆒個對外經援的基 金,設在這 184 總目內,我相信這筆錢不應太少,初 步 構 思大約為 1 億元左右,但這 個似乎與對外緊急援助有些不同,因為那是有㆝災㆟禍發生時才撥出來的,但我的建 議是可以自己有規劃㆞協助其他國家。 legco.gov.hk | Since Members are not in a position to move any motion that will dispose of or charge on any part of the revenue of Hong Kong, I propose that the Financial Secretary considers establishing a fund for providing economic assistance to places outside Hong Kong under Head 184. legco.gov.hk |
在 2011年1月1日,陳太的最初供款 戶口之投資選擇A的單位數目為100,而她希望減少每月基本保單的保費金額至450美元。 aia.com.hk | On February 1, 2010, there are 100 Units of [...] Investment Option A in the Initial Unit Account and [...]she would like to reduce the monthly premium [...]under the Basic Policy to US$450. aia.com.hk |
它由 William F. Rumpke 先生于 1932 年在俄亥 俄州迦太基创立,最初经营 煤炭和垃圾场业 务。 igel.com | Founded by William F. Rumpke Sr. in 1932, the company began [...] as a coal and junkyard business in Carthage, Ohio. igel.com |
以上仅与犹太eschatological意见的初期 交 易帐户,粗略地讲,下至塔木德期间结束。 mb-soft.com | The account above deals [...] only with the early stages of the Jewish eschatological views, [...]roughly speaking, down to the end of the Talmudic period. mb-soft.com |
这次讲习班也是秘书处加强与东南非 共同体工作关系的一次机会,因为东南非共同体被确定为东部和南部非洲区域确 保对非加太农业初级商 品方案活动的自主权的一个协调中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | This workshop was also an opportunity for the secretariat to strengthen its working relationship with COMESA which has been identified as focal point for the Eastern and Southern Africa region to insure ownership of the AAACP programme activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
(欧盟) -非洲、加勒比及太平洋国家集团(非 加太 ) 全非加太农业初级商 品方案的框架内,秘书处收到了粮农组织、商品共同 基金和世界银行对其现场活动提供的投入,在建立和执行东非、南部非洲和加勒 比区域的区域协调中心方面提供了支持,以便确保自主权和可持续性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within the framework of the European [...] Union (EU)–African, [...] Caribbean and Pacific Group of Countries (ACP) All-ACP Agricultural Commodities Programme (AAACP), the secretariat [...]has received [...]inputs from FAO, CFC and the World Bank for its field activities, and has provided support in the establishment and implementation of regional focal points in the regions of East and Southern Africa and the Pacific to insure ownership and sustainability. daccess-ods.un.org |
在欧洲联盟(欧盟) -非洲、加勒比及太平洋国家集团( 非加太) 全非加太农业 初级商 品方案的框架内,为了加强农业价值链利益攸关方的能力,以及在非加太 国家制定和执行可持续的初级商品战略,秘书处与粮农组织、商品共同基金、世 界银行和国贸中心开展了密切的合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of the European Union (EU)–African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) All-ACP Agricultural Commodities Programme (AAACP), the secretariat has collaborated closely with the FAO, CFC, the World Bank and ITC in order to strengthen the capacities of agricultural value chain stakeholders, and to develop and implement sustainable commodity strategies in ACP countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
初時,羅太表示 記不起曾跟莫教授說要“炒”掉葉先 生,不過,她可指出莫教授的部分指控並非屬實。 legco.gov.hk | Initially Mrs Law said she did [...] not remember having told Professor Mok to “fire” Mr Ip although she was able to say that [...]parts of Professor Mok’s allegations were not true. legco.gov.hk |
因 此 , 我 們 初 步 認 為 太 帄 紳 士 不 應 獲 豁 免 出 任 陪 審 員 , 但 應 可 在 特 定 情 況 下 申 請 免 任 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Accordingly, our provisional view is that justices of the peace should not be exempt but should instead be able to apply to be excused from jury service in a particular case. hkreform.gov.hk |
命名之初,因太陽神(Apollo)為希臘奧林柏斯十二主神之一,表示光輝燦爛,在其身上亦找不到黑暗。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Apollo was one of the 12 Olympians, expressing radiance and glory, and there is not a trace of darkness in him. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
新一代CE 2.0对电信级以太网的最初目的 进行了延伸,增添了一些重要特性,包括多类别服务、更灵活的管理,以及更容易与八个标准服务类别实现互连,从而将移动回程的效率提升至新高度,让大量接入提供商能够更容易地加入电信级以太网社区,并让电信级以太网成为一种商业级云服务载体。 businesswirechina.com | Next generation CE 2.0 extends the original [...] purpose of Carrier Ethernet with vital added [...]features, including multiple classes [...]of service, greater manageability and easier interconnect for eight standard service types, enabling new levels of efficiency for mobile backhaul, making it easier for a large number of access providers to join the Carrier Ethernet community and establish Carrier Ethernet as a business class cloud service carrier. businesswirechina.com |
當初我是支持賭波規範化 的,但我可以告訴大家,當初我是太 早 作了一個不夠明智或理據不太足夠的 決定。 legco.gov.hk | Initially, I supported the authorization of football betting, but I can tell Members now that I had made an unwise decision or a decision not supported by sufficient justifications too early. legco.gov.hk |
明年初,太平洋康复医院将成为全球首家eLEGS中心,为夏威夷和太平洋周边地区的脊椎损伤病人提供康复服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | Early next year REHAB will become [...] one of the first eLEGS Centers in the world, offering the program for the rehabilitation [...]of spinal cord injury patients in Hawaii and the Pacific Rim. tipschina.gov.cn |
这包括我们最初与 NASA 携手为太空飞船计划开发的真空技术。 bruker.com | These include the same vacuum technology that we originally developed [...] in partnership with NASA for the space shuttle program. bruker.com |
贸发会议开发了两个信息工具―― InfoShare和 InfoComm, 前者提供整个市 场链条上初级商品价格方面的信息,后者提供国际初级商品市场的分析。31 贸 发会议正与加勒比共同体( 加勒比共同市场) 及主要的区域和国家伙伴合作,借助 欧盟出资的所有非加太国家农业初级 商 品方案,发展一个“区域农业市场信息系 统”,供加勒比区域使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNCTAD has developed two information tools – InfoShare and InfoComm – which provide information on commodity prices throughout the market chain, and analyses on international commodities markets, respectively.31 Through the EU-funded AAACP, UNCTAD is working, together with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and key regional and national partners to develop a “Regional agricultural marketing information system” for the Caribbean region. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,2010 年初粮农组织和太平洋 共同体秘书处合作出版了 “采用基于社区的生态系统方法管理渔业的准则”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, early in 2010 FAO, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, published [...] guidelines for [...]a community-based ecosystem approach to fisheries management. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚太经 社会亚洲及太平洋贸易和投资协定数据库中的数据表明,2012 年初 亚太区域 成员参加了正在实施、已签署或正在谈判的将近 180 项区域 贸易协定。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to The ESCAP Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Agreements Database (APTIAD), ESCAP regional members were party to close to 180 RTAs in force, signed or under negotiation in early 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於這一事實,即啟示理論復活,天使,魔鬼,並彌賽亞來晚了催產素,甚至在 年 初 i n t ertestamental期間 猶 太 教 , 學者們經常追踪這些想法,以拜火教施加影響的猶太人民在巴比倫流亡。 mb-soft.com | Because of the fact that the revelation of the doctrines of resurrection, angels, Satan, and the Messiah comes late [...] in the OT or even in the [...] intertestamental period in early Judaism, scholars have frequently [...]traced these ideas to Zoroastrian [...]influence exerted upon the Jewish people after the Babylonian exile. mb-soft.com |
经过三十多年的梵蒂冈,它最初允许 犹 太 法 典 出现在印刷品,进行反对的破坏活动。 mb-soft.com | After thirty years the Vatican, which had first permitted the Talmud to appear in print, undertook a campaign of destruction against it. mb-soft.com |
此外,本智庫認為法例條文在初期不 宜 太 緊 , 當法例執行若干日子 但違例情況仍然嚴重,反競爭行為仍沒有明顯改善,政府應考慮增加罰則,以收 阻嚇作用。 legco.gov.hk | In further, the government should consider proportional penalty imposed to the violated undertakings if there are no obvious improvements and the anti-competitive behaviors still prevail. legco.gov.hk |
诚然,由于最初太阳 系 互联网驱动的航天器数量不多,有时无需完整的管理模式。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of course, with the initially small population of solar system Internet-enabled [...] spacecraft, a full governance model will not be needed for some time. daccess-ods.un.org |
正是这 些威胁的现实性和紧迫性当初促使太 平 洋 小岛屿发 展中国家成为第 63/281 号决议的提案国,该决议要 求秘书长提交此一报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is the reality and immediacy of [...] these threats that initially motivated the Pacific small island [...]developing States to sponsor [...]resolution 63/281 containing the request for the Secretary-General’s report. daccess-ods.un.org |
Ellen将关注迪斯派奇在这一地区的电子、航天和碳纤维市场不断扩大的业务和影响,并在公司计划20 14 年 初 把 太 阳 能 制造业务转到中国后,扩大在太阳能产业的领先地位。 tipschina.gov.cn | Ellen is focusing on growing Despatch's regional footprint and presence in the electronics, aerospace and carbon fiber markets, along with extending leadership in the solar industry as the company transitions its solar manufacturing to China in early 2014. tipschina.gov.cn |
在本 月 初 與 泛太平 洋穩定 協 議 組織及 香港付貨人 委 員會的會議中,該協議 組織代表表示 [...] 理 解付貨人 關注碼頭處理費 的 透 明 度 , 並 答允盡 快 提 供有關資料 。 legco.gov.hk | At the meeting earlier this month with TSA and HKSC, [...] the representatives of TSA expressed their understanding of the shippers' [...]concern regarding the transparency of THC and undertook to provide the relevant information as early as possible. legco.gov.hk |
根据海地有关部门的初步评估,太子 港 的的所有标志性建筑都被损毁,包括总统府、 正义宫、戴萨林军营、天主教和圣公会大教堂、亚历山大·佩蒂翁高中及其图书馆、圣安妮 教堂、圣约瑟夫教堂、司法部、文化部、Saint-Louis de Gonzague [...] 高中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | According to a preliminary assessment from the Haitian authorities, all of the emblematic buildings in Port-au-Prince have [...] been damaged, including [...]the Presidential Palace, the Palace of Justice, the Dessalines Barracks, the Roman Catholic and Episcopalian Cathedrals, Alexandre Pétion High School and its library, Saint Anne and Saint Joseph churches, the Justice and Culture Ministries and Saint-Louis de Gonzague High School. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,本智庫認為法例條文在初期不 宜 太 緊 , 當 法例執行若干日子但違例情況仍然嚴重,反競爭行為仍沒有明顯改善,政府應考 慮增加罰則,以收阻嚇作用。 legco.gov.hk | If the defendant has overseas business interests, a fine of turnover on their foreign operations should also be included. In addition, our think-tank proposes that legislative provisions should not be too strict in the beginning but in the long run the government should consider increasing penalties as an effective deterrent. legco.gov.hk |