

单词 太仆寺



Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding

See also:

fall prostrate
fall forward

Buddhist temple
government office (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

最后,她说,摩洛哥对以色列企图使阿克萨 清寺周边地区太化的 做法极为关切。
Finally, she said that her country was extremely concerned by Israeli
[...] efforts to Judaize the area adjacent to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
肇事者和受害者都将歧视的模式融入自我意识,他们或多或少有意识地 将他们自己看作是“主人”或者仆 人 ”
Patterns of discrimination are
internalized by both perpetrators and victims, who more or less consciously envisage
[...] themselves as “masters” or “servants”.
一些元老是互相敵對的,例如是伊藤博文及山縣有朋;即使是元老的追隨者也是互相敵 對,就像是西寺公望及桂太郎。
The genro, like Ito and Yamagata, rivaled each other. Even the followers of genro also rivaled each
[...] other, like Saionji Kinmochi and Katsura Taro.
这种情况仍然反映了一种传统的模式 仆 人 为 主人提供符合其胃口的食 品。
This type of production still reflects the conventional
[...] performance offered by the servant for the appetite [...]
of the master.
与此同时,美帝国主义邀请南朝鲜和日本的高 仆 从 前 往华盛顿举行会谈, 讨论针对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国开展“联合反击”并“紧密合作”。
Timing to coincide with this, they
[...] invited top-class servants of south Korea and [...]
Japan to Washington for a confab to discuss
“a joint counteraction” against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and “close cooperation”.
最近开展的清查和修复工作包括 奥托曼古迹、格鲁吉亚教堂、清寺 和 犹 太 教 堂
Recent inventory and rehabilitation work has included Ottoman monuments,
[...] Gregorian churches, mosques and synagogues.
在我国首都,两个主要的宗 教场所只相隔有几米之隔:一个是清 寺 , 一 个是太教堂
In our capital, two major houses of worship are
[...] separated by a few metres: a mosque and a synagogue.
大会第六十五届会议宣布每年 2 月的第一个星期为所有宗教、信仰与信念之
[...] 本着“对神之爱,对邻居之爱”或“对善之爱,对邻居之爱”,在世界各地的教 堂、清寺、犹太教会 堂、庙宇和其他礼拜场所,根据其本身的宗教传统或信条, [...]
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly proclaimed the first week of February every year the World Interfaith Harmony Week between all religions, faiths and beliefs, and encouraged all States to support, on a voluntary basis, the spread of the message of
interfaith harmony and goodwill in the
[...] world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples [...]
and other places of worship during that
week, based on love of God and love of one’s neighbour or on love of the good and love of one’s neighbour, each according to their own religious traditions or convictions.
[...] 公共机构的管理职位,国家监督、国防、司法权力、国家机密处理、国家检察和 外交交涉,也包括仆有权 在确保公共秩序和安全之时,有权限制人的基本权利 [...]
These positions include, for example, management positions at higher public authorities, state supervision, national defence or judicial powers, processing of state secrets, state prosecution and
diplomatic representation as well as
[...] positions where the public servant has the right to restrict [...]
a person’s fundamental rights
and freedoms upon securing public order and security.
我们是一个包容各种宗教信仰的国家,您能在大街小巷看到天主教和圣公会教堂,印度教、锡克教和佛 寺 庙 ,清 真 寺 以 及 犹 太 教 堂
As a nation, we embrace a rainbow of religious belief and
you’ll find Catholic and Anglican churches, Hindu, Sikh
[...] and Buddhist temples, mosques and synagogues lining [...]
our streets.
耶稣在迦拿治好大臣的儿子(约翰福音4:46-54);在毕士大池边治好瘸人(约翰福音5:1-9);治愈彼得的岳母(马太福音8:14-15;马可福音1:29-31;路加福音4:38-39);洁净麻风病人(马太福音8:2-4;马可福音1:40-45;路加福音5:12-16);治愈百夫长 仆 人 ( 马 太 福 音8:5-13;路加福音7:1-10);治愈又瞎又哑被鬼附身的人(马太福音12:22;路加福音11:14);治好血漏妇女(马太福音9:20-22;马可福音5:25-34;路加福音8:43-48);让睚鲁的女儿复活(马太福音9:18-19,23-26;马可福音5:22-24,35-43;路加福音8:41-42,49-56);让大祭司仆人的耳朵复原(路加福音22:49-51;约翰福音18:10)。
He healed the nobleman's son at Cana (John 4:46-54); He healed the lame man at the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-9); He healed Peter's mother-in-law (Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39); He cleansed a leper (Matthew
8:2-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16); He
[...] healed a centurion's servant (Matthew 8:5-13; [...]
Luke 7:1-10); He healed a blind and mute
demonic (Matthew 12:22; Luke 11:14); He healed the woman with an issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48); He raised Jairus' daughter (Matthew 9:18-19,23-26; Mark 5:22-24,35-43; Luke 8:41-42,49-56); and He restored Malchus' ear (Luke 22:49-51; John 18:10).
它也向仆和 广大公众提供分析结果。
It also supplies both public servants and the general public [...]
with the results of its analyses.
[...] 欧洲东南部文化最多样的城市之列,在那里,东正教教堂和清 寺 、 犹 太 教 会 堂、天主教堂 毗邻而建,相隔仅几十米是很正常的。
In the cities of Bulgaria, such as Sofia and Plovdiv, which are among the most multicultural cities of
South-East Europe, it is natural to see an
[...] Orthodox church, a mosque, a synagogue and [...]
a Catholic church side by side, merely a few dozens of metres apart.
萨马达尔聪明、严肃并且精力充沛,她先采访了做 仆 的 达 斯,并解释了她为什么需要这方面的信息。
Smart, serious and energetic, Ms. Samaddar begins her interview with Ms. Das, a maid, explaining why she is seeking the information.
应当特 别关注移民的悲惨命运,他们像仆 一 样 的工作, 尤其是妇女,还应关注他们由于金融危机而加剧的 弱势地位。
He had addressed the plight of migrant domestic workers, especially women, and the increased vulnerability of migrants in the wake of the financial crisis.
亨利·爱德华·帕特里奇在他1873年的日记中写道:"我们在57或58年埋葬了我们忠实的老‘Mauma’Mollie —
[...] 她几乎照料过家里的所有儿童;是我母亲的朋友和忠 仆 人 ; 在她的小屋里,我们经常吃炒腊肉及灰烤饼等家常饭,我们在这里始终都能得到欢迎和同情,我们就像对第二母亲一样爱她。
Henry Edward Partridge recorded in his diary in 1873: “We buried either in 57 or 58 our faithful old ‘Mauma’ Mollie – her who had nursed nearly all of the
children of the family; been a friend
[...] as well as faithful servant to my Mother; in whose [...]
cabin we had often eaten the homely
meal of fried bacon & ash cake and where we always had welcome and sympathy and whom we loved as a second mother.
他們擔 心 的是清寺 太 接 近 他們的屋苑 ,會帶 來大量人 流 , 並 對 交 通造成 [...]
壓 力 。
Their worry
[...] is that the mosque, being too close to their [...]
estates, will create heavy pedestrian flow and traffic.
[...] 承受力的机构方面,可以发挥重要的作用,它们包括 社区、教会寺院、犹太教会 堂、庙宇、学校、生机 勃勃的自由媒体、人权团体和其他强力组织。
Civil society has an essential role in building the institutions that make a society
resilient at times of crisis including
[...] communities, churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, [...]
schools, a vigorous free media, human
rights groups and other strong organizations.
她已经向妇女委员会第 五十四届会议提交了一份报告,还与消除对妇女歧视 委员会就两机构开展最广泛合作的方式进行了磋商, 参加了与对妇女施暴有关的各种会议、研讨会和磋 商,特别是有关拉丁美洲的杀戮女性现象、对雇佣为仆的移 徙工人的歧视和暴力行为及紧急人道主义 援助时的人权问题。
In addition, she had participated in conferences, colloquiums and consultations on various issues related to violence against women, in particular the phenomenon of femicide in Latin America, discrimination and violence against migrant domestic workers and human rights in humanitarian emergency response.
Thanks to the fierce fight put up by countless trade unions and leaders of workers, we have reached this point today.
只有玛丽和Anastasia能逃脱,一个年轻 仆 人 男 孩叫迪米特里,显示他们在Anastasia的房间里的秘密通道。
Only Marie and Anastasia are able to escape,
[...] thanks to a young servant boy named Dimitri, [...]
who shows them a secret passageway in Anastasia’s room.
[...] -图瓦晚上在两者之间的Thaniyas,然后他会通过泰尼亚这是在更高的麦加地区,每当他来到到麦加朝觐或进入麦加“Umra,他从来没有他的她的骆驼跪了下来,除了附近的清 寺 ( 神 圣的清 寺 ) 门 ,那么他就进入(IT)和黑(石)角,并从那里开始circumambulating天房克尔白​​七次的:在前三加速轮(Ramal),并在过去四年走。
Ibn 'Umar used to spend the night at Dhi-Tuwa in between the two Thaniyas and then he would enter Mecca through the Thaniya which is at the higher region of Mecca, and whenever he came to Mecca for Hajj or 'Umra, he never made
his she camel kneel down except near
[...] the gate of the Masjid (Sacred Mosque) and then he would [...]
enter (it) and go to the Black
(stone) Corner and start from there circumambulating the Ka'ba seven times: hastening in the first three rounds (Ramal) and walking in the last four.
(j) 當地居民,特別是寶寺,對 擬議實施吊車系統的意見,以 及寶寺會否 在吊車系統開始 運作後繼續向公眾 開 放 其設 施,包括天壇大 佛 。
(j) local views on the proposed implementation of the Cable Car System, in particular, Po Lin Monastery, and whether Po Lin Monastery would continue to open its facilities, including the Statue of Buddha to the public upon commencement of the Cable Car System.
政府當局及Skyrail在經濟事務委員會2006年 4 月 24日會議上 向該事務委員會簡介,就昂坪纜車啟用進行的籌備工作,包括票務安 排、定價策略、乘客安全、救援計劃、人 管理策略、吊車系統對其 他公共交通營辦商的影響、就昂坪360的啟用及運作與寶蓮 寺 進 行討 論的結果,以及保障北大嶼山天然環境的環保措施。
The Administration and Skyrail briefed the Panel on Economic Services (ES Panel) at its meeting on 24 April 2006 on the preparatory work for the commencement of the Ngong Ping Skyrail, including the ticketing arrangements, pricing strategy, passenger safety, rescue plan, crowd management strategy, impact of the Cable Car System on other public transport operators, outcome of the discussions with Po Lin Monastery on the commencement and operation of Ngong Ping 360, and environmental measures to safeguard the natural environment of North Lantau.
广泛开展的活动包括:拟定一份详细目录和对莫斯塔尔的 Stari Grad 古镇进行形态分析 (占该国保护工作全部预算开支的六分之一);波斯尼亚--黑塞哥维那国家博物馆的紧急工 程;向波斯尼亚--黑塞哥维那保护文化、历史和自然遗产研究所提供设备;举办了一次研讨 会:首次古迹保存讨论班;和单项修复工作,如重建 Cevan Cehaja 清寺光塔和 Tabacica 清寺,在 Krlijeva Sutjeska 的 Franciscan 寺院建 造博物馆画廊以及修复奥斯曼土耳其浴室。
The wide range of activities initiated included: the preparation of an inventory and morphological analysis of Stari Grad (old town) of Mostar (representing one sixth of the entire budget expended on preservation in the country); emergency works to the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina; provision of equipment to the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina; organization of a seminar, the First School on Conservation of the Monuments; and individual restoration efforts such as the reconstruction of the Cevan Cehaja Mosque Minaret, the Tabacica Mosque, the construction of Museum Gallery in Franciscan Monastery Krlijeva Sutjeska and the restoration of Ottoman Hammam.
在这些项目中,教 科文组织-开发计划署萨迈拉阿斯卡里清 寺 的 复 原作为联合国在该国最著名、最重要的干 预,值得重视,因为 2006 年清寺的毁 坏是导致重大派系冲突的导火索,政府一再将其重 建作为国家和解的有力象征。
One of these projects, the UNESCO-UNDP Rehabilitation of the Al-Askari Shrine in Samara, deserves mention as one of the most visible and important United Nations interventions in the country, as the destruction of the Shrine, in 2006, was the trigger for major sectarian conflict and its reconstruction is touted regularly by the government as a powerful symbol of national reconciliation.
鉴于耶路撒冷对于穆斯林的重要意义以及其在 和平进程中的战略重要性,圣城委员会主席国王穆
[...] 罕默德六世敦促有关各方不要采取任何有可能破坏 阿克萨清寺和耶 路撒冷其他场所的神圣性的行 [...]
动,从而维护该城市作为一个三大天启宗教的和平、 共存和宽容的圣地。
Given the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and its strategic importance in the peace process, King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, had urged the parties involved not to take
any action likely to impair the sanctity of
[...] the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other sites [...]
in Jerusalem, thereby preserving the City
as a place of peace, coexistence and tolerance among the three revealed religions.
然而,最近的一些学者认为,应该把它作为一个通称治疗,,一方面,圣经常常指定下一个真正的先知的“耶和华 仆 人 ” 的通称名,而另一方面,它无处使任何不同的信息,关于作家的冲高Abdias工作。
Some recent scholars, however, think that it should be treated as an appellative, for, on the one hand, Holy Writ often
designates a true prophet under the
[...] appellative name of "the servant of Yahweh", and on [...]
the other, it nowhere gives any distinct
information concerning the writer of the work ascribed to Abdias.
索伦(吉姆Sturgess),一个年轻的谷仓猫头鹰,与他的家人住在Tyto森林:他的的父亲,Noctus(雨果),他的母亲,玛蕊乐(ESSIE戴维斯),他的哥哥,Kludd(瑞安Kwanten),他的年轻姐姐,白玫瑰(阿德里安娜DeFaria)和夫人Plithiver又名夫人P(仪Margolyes)家庭的巢 仆 , 一个好心的盲蛇。
Soren (Jim Sturgess), a young Barn Owl, lives in the Tyto Forest with his family: his father, Noctus (Hugo Weaving); his mother, Marella (Essie Davis); his older brother, Kludd (Ryan Kwanten); his younger sister, Eglantine (Adrienne DeFaria); and Mrs. Plithiver aka Mrs. P (Miriam Margolyes) the family’s nest maid, a kindly blind snake.




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