


too (much)







Asia Pacificn



External sources (not reviewed)

面临的挑战包括该地区的地理情况 各岛国内部和各国之间会产生高昂的差旅 [...]
Challenges faced include the region’s
geography, entailing high travel costs both within
[...] and between Pacific Island countries, [...]
and the lack of commitment from other
agencies towards education, culture and science priorities.
我们对卫星通讯的前景仍然充满无限信心,随着市场继续发展,我们已为未来的腾飞 [...]
We remain totally committed to the future of satellite
[...] communication in the Asia-Pacific region andas markets [...]
strengthen, we are well prepared for the future.
自然科学方案也区域联合国国家方案进程环境管理专题下的一个积极合 [...]
The natural sciences programme is also an active
partner under the environmental management
[...] theme ofthe Pacificregional UNDAF [...]
process, and is currently engaged in the
development of joint activities with a focus on ecological and earth sciences.
此外,澳大利亚继续提供额外资金,支区域国家普遍加入和 执行《公约》。
In addition, Australia continued to provide enhanced funding to support universalization and
[...] implementation inthe Pacific.
经社会了解小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 一地区拥有世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of
initiatives that were being
[...] undertaken byPacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in theAsia-Pacific region,included [...]
the greatest extent
of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
阿尔及利亚将 欢岛屿论坛派代表参加日内瓦的会议,以与该论坛进行对话。
Algeria would welcome a
[...] representation of the PacificIslands Forum [...]
in Geneva, to be able to engage in dialogue with the Forum.
如果先导供气压则泵可能漏气 或在停转时排出过多的空气。
If pilot
[...] supply pressure is toohigh, thepump [...]
could leak air or exhaust excessive air at stall.
推动所按计划顺利实施 2009 年各项活动的主要因素是:(a) 东道国日 本政府的有力支持,继续提供主要现金捐助、行政和基础设施方面的援助,并为所-日本国际协力厅举办的所有四次东京都市区培训课程提供了奖学金;(b) 其他许多成员国的有力支持:这些成员国于 2009 年所提供的现金和实物捐助在其 2008 年的基础上有所提高;以及(c) 与联合国各机构和国际组织的密切协作,从而 为携手努力、有效满足本区域发展中成员国在能力建设方面的不同需求提供机会。
The key factors that facilitated the smooth
[...] implementation by SIAP ofall planned activities for 2009 were: (a) the strong support of the host Government, Japan, which continued to provide the bulk of cash contributions, administrative and infrastructure support, and fellowships for all four SIAP-Japan International [...]
Agency (JICA) Tokyo Metropolitan Area (TMA)-based training courses; (b) the strong support of many other member States: cash and in kind contributions from those member States increased in 2009 compared with their level in 2008; and (c) close collaboration with United Nations agencies and international organizations, which provided the opportunity to combine efforts and address effectively the diverse capability-building needs of developing member States in the region.
[...] ,我们维持在市场上的领导地位 ,公司继续毫无负债 ,对未来之卫星通讯作出承担 。
Indeed, we have maintained our
market leadership; remain debt-free and are committed to the future of satellite
[...] communication inthe Asia-Pacific region.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展无纸化贸易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 讨论共同关切问题的平台,尤其将重点放在最不发达和内陆国家;促 进农业和林业产品的价值链,包括诸如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机食品认证和动植物卫生检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《协定》;以及在总体上 援助制订适当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and import products; introduce single windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives such as “one village one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, accessionto APTA andoverall assistance in the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
The quantity of solvent applied greatly
influences the strength of the
[...] bond: the useoftoo little solvent leads to a weak bond; if the solvent layeristoo thick, however, [...]
it can take days before
the solvent is diffused out of the bond and local material degradation can occur.
大会第六十五届会议欢 岛屿论坛领导人和秘书长承诺加岛屿论坛成员与联合国之间的高级别对话;邀请秘书长考虑采取措施,促进和扩 大岛屿论坛成员及论坛秘书处的合作与协调;并且请秘书长向大会第六 十七届会议提出关于决议执行情况的报告(第 65/316 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General
[...] Assembly welcomed the commitment by PacificIslands Forum leaders and the Secretary-General to enhanced high-level dialogue between the members of the Pacific Islands Forum and the United Nations; invited the Secretary-General to consider ways to promote and expand cooperation and coordination with Pacific Islands Forum [...]
members and the Forum
secretariat; and requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on the implementation of the resolution to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 65/316).
这些保障措施为是正当的程序保障――这一任务属于其他联合国机 [...]
These safeguards are
[...] considered notso much as due process [...]
safeguards — this task falls to other United Nations bodies —
but as instruments of prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
除在议程项目 3 下审议的共同文件外,经社会还收到贸易和投资委员 会第二届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/6)、亚洲 技术转让中心理事 会第七届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/7)、以及联合国亚洲农业工 程和机械中心理事会第七届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/8)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Trade and
Investment on its second
[...] session (E/ESCAP/68/6), the report of the Governing Council of the Asianand Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology on its seventh session (E/ESCAP/68/7) and the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for [...]
Agricultural Engineering
and Machinery on its seventh session (E/ESCAP/68/8).
士韦伯公司通过数字文 件形式提供技术性说明,这使得我们可以为全波兰的客户提供服务。
Moreover, JP Weber offers the technical feasibility of accounting with digital documents making it possible to provide services for clients all over Poland.
这部分可涉及对缺 陷的容许程度,例如有瑕疵或材料,但这种信息应列入标准的附录或另一咨询 性文本中。
This section may refer to tolerances for defects, such as blemishes or imperfect material, but this information should be contained in an appendix to the standard or in another advisory text.
注意到粮食安全和营养领域没有被直接纳入某个区域技术委员会的范畴,代 表们建议家畜生产和卫生委员会和 植物保护委员会考虑如何使 自己的工作更好地促进这些领域的工作。
Noting that the areas of food security and nutrition are not directly covered by an RTC, delegates suggested that the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and thePacific (APHCA) and the Asia-Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) consider how their work could better contribute to work in these areas.
咨询委员会进一步获悉,中亚经济体特别方案是会和欧洲经委会的合作方案,项目工作组侧重的领域是运输和过境、水和能源 资源、信息和通信技术促进发展、统计、贸易以及性别平等和经济。
The Committee was further informed that the Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia was a collaborative programme of ESCAP and ECE, with project working groups focused on the areas of transport and border crossing; water and energy resources; information and communications technology for development; statistics; trade; and gender and economy.
在同次会议上,苏丹(代表属于 77 国集团成员国的联合国会员国和中国)、 捷克共和国(代表属于欧洲联盟成员国的联合国会员国)、孟加拉国(代表最不发 达国家)、格林纳达(代表属于小岛屿国家联盟成员国的联合国会员国)、汤加(代小岛屿发展中国家)、阿曼(代表属于阿拉伯集团成员国的联合国会员 国)、塞内加尔(代表属于非洲集团成员国的联合国会员国)、加拿大、美利坚合 众国、俄罗斯联邦和澳大利亚等国代表发了言。
Also at the same meeting, statements were made by the representatives of the Sudan (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China), the Czech Republic (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), Bangladesh (on behalf of the Least Developed Countries), Grenada (on behalf of theStates Members of the United Nations that are members of the Alliance of Small Island States), Tonga (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Oman (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Arab Group), Senegal (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the African Group), Canada, the United States of America, the Russian Federation and Australia.
下列政府间组织派代表出席了会议:非洲、加勒比国家集团 、非 洲开发银行、非洲联盟、亚洲开发银行、东南亚国家联盟、加勒比共同体、商品 [...]
共同基金、英联邦秘书处、海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会、全球数码团结基金、伊 比利亚-美洲会议、美洲开发银行、国际发展法组织、伊斯兰开发银行、阿拉伯
国家联盟、欧佩克国际开发基金、经济合作与发展组织和全球抗击艾滋病、结核 病和疟疾基金。
The following intergovernmental organizations were represented: African,
[...] Caribbean and Pacific Group ofStates, [...]
African Development Bank, African Union,
Asian Development Bank, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Caribbean Community, Common Fund for Commodities, Commonwealth Secretariat, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Global Digital Solidarity Fund, Ibero-American Conference, Inter-American Development Bank, International Development Law Organization, Islamic Development Bank, League of Arab States, OPEC Fund for International Development, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
我还期 待着采用 行创新将变成可能;我们很快就能够 取消对附加的I/O卡作为 需要,这对我们未来的 发展奠定了敦实的基础”。
I also look forward to the innovations
[...] that adoptingEthernet will make possible; we will soon be able to remove the need for additional I/O cards as Ethernetgives [...]
us a solid foundation for future developments.
报告覆盖范围包括 、曼 谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 [...]
布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、 爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、广州、杭州、 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰、南京、纽卡斯
尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、 沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
[...] includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, [...]
Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu,
Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
该事务的实际情况制定几乎可以在这些方面,但是,由于分歧组成,在大多数情况下,仅仅在某些句子的变种,还是在实际上有不同的作者,其中发射机;虽然许多这些偏差是由R.约拿和R.圣何塞,谁住contemporaneously,教引,这一事实证明几乎假设有两种不同的Talmudim,一个由约拿和其他由何塞教授,它仍将是显而易见的,从上面提到的声明,即 中存在的一些明确的形式在整个amoraic时期,而且,而且,其最后节录了其他修改之前。
The actual condition of affairs can scarcely be formulated in these terms, however, since the divergencies consist, for the most part, of mere variants in certain sentences, or in the fact that there were different authors and transmitters of them; and although many of these deviations are cited by R. Jonah and R. Jose, who
lived and taught
[...] contemporaneouslyat Tiberias, thisfact scarcely justifies the assumption that there were two different Talmudim, one taught by Jonah and the other by Jose; it will nevertheless be evident, from the statements cited above, thatthe Talmud existed in [...]
some definite form throughout
the amoraic period, and that, furthermore, its final redaction was preceded by other revisions.
在同一次会议上发言的还有,阿根廷(代表 77 国集团和中国)、马绍尔群岛(代
[...] 表小岛屿发展中国家)、尼泊尔(代表最不发达国家)、瑙鲁(代小岛屿发 展中国家)、美利坚合众国、瑞士、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、多民族玻利维亚 [...]
Also at the same meeting, statements were made by the representatives of Argentina (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China), the Marshall Islands (on behalf of the small island developing States), Nepal (on behalf of
the least developed countries), Nauru (on
[...] behalf ofthe Pacific small island [...]
developing States), the United States of America,
Switzerland, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Bolivia (Plurinational State of) and Indonesia (on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
安全理事会今天是在一个历史性时刻的前夕召 开会议,它必将把我们引向一个无可辩驳的现实,即 成立一个得到承认、完全为本组织所接纳的巴勒斯坦 国,从而最终落实大会第 181(II)号决议的所有规定,
[...] 其中特别要求在巴勒斯坦土地上建立两个国家—— 一个是阿拉伯国家,另一个是
The Security Council is meeting on the eve of a historic moment, which must lead us to make an incontrovertible reality of a Palestinian State that is recognized and fully welcomed into the fold of this Organization, thereby finally implementing all the provisions of General Assembly
resolution 181 (II), which calls specifically for the creation of two States in Palestinian land —
[...] one Arab,the other Jewish.
会议 认识地 区成 员国 以及 其 他小 岛屿 国家 所面 [...]
临 的特 殊挑 战和 需 求,特别是面对气候变化影响的高度脆弱性;敦促粮农组织及其他发展伙伴应对此 给予适当考虑并划拨充足资源解决需求问题。
The Conference acknowledged the
specific challenges and needs of member
[...] countriesin thePacific and other small [...]
island nations, particularly with respect
to high vulnerability to climate change impacts, and urged FAO and other development partners to give due consideration and adequate resources to address these needs.
执行局还将审议关于下列国家的 20 份供讨论用的国家方案文件草案:非洲
[...] 津巴布韦;阿拉伯国家地区的摩洛哥、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和也门;亚洲地区的孟加拉国、老挝人民民主共和国、蒙古和菲律宾;东欧和中亚地区的阿 [...]
The Executive Board will also have before it for discussion 20 draft country programme documents for Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Zimbabwe in the Africa region; Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen in the Arab States region; Bangladesh, Lao People’s Democratic
Republic, Mongolia and the Philippines in the
[...] Asia and the Pacificregion; Albania [...]
(draft common country programme document),
Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions; and El Salvador, Englishand Dutch-speaking Caribbean countries, and Honduras in the Latin America and Caribbean region.




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